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2ND EDITION N experience STUDENT'S BOOK CONTENTS vi Reading Grammar Vocabulary Starter topic: favourite objects thisfthat)these/those; objects and possessions be: present and past simple; All about me teste matching subject and object pronouns; possessive adjectives; can/can'; imperatives; {question words 1 There’s no place like — tepie:growing up happy articles (p12) around town: places and home ‘some, any, (how) much, buildings (now) many, cl, 0 tee, pase? ‘afew, a lot of (p14) 2 Try something topic: hobbies youcan learn present simple and present collocations: practising and different online ‘continuous (p24) ‘improving ye21 sll: recognising the purpose subject and object questions Page of a message or notice (p26) task: multiple choice - = 4 3 Read all about it topleralay to the rescue past simple and past adjectives, ives, tea sic understanding text continuous (p36) adjective order structure “someone, anyone, CO ceskd pappad tre “nothing, everything, etc. (p38) O 4.Live and leam topic: the School Enterprise the future: plans and ways of learning 8 Challenge intentions (going to, present pase skill answering a question continuous, present simple) about the whole text (p48) the future: predictions ‘task: multiple choice oe U — 5 Get the look! topic: improving your look —_comperatives and describing appearance page S7 il: finding specific superlatives; (not as... as; a information; understanding '00/enough (p60) cS detail mucha lotfa bit + = ‘task: multiple matching ere 140) =o) Te rirnye) topic: back to schoo! | task: matching skill: lstening for specific information | task: multiple choice (pictures) ‘topic: is joining a club good for you? kil: listening for detail; predicting information you are listening for ‘task: notes completion | tople: story slams | sm: etening for spate information and detailed | meaning _ task: multiple choice ‘topic: schools: past, present and future skill understanding general ‘meaning ‘tasks multiple choice ‘tople: shops that offer more ‘than shopping, skilistening for specific information ‘task: sentence completion yttel dire) topie:all about me ‘task: asking and answering ‘questions about personal information tople: hanging out with friends _topie: family time skill planning what to say _ tasle describing a photo topic: games and free time activities skill: discussing options; making suggestions; Home town performance [Hd Work in pars. What kind of activites bring people together in your ‘town/city? BAD workin pairs. watch the ip. Was the ice rink good or abad thing for St Ana's? Why? ED watch again and answer the questions. 1) What city is St Ann's in? 2. What are the advantages of living in St Ann's? 3. What are the disadvantages of living in St Ann's? 4. Why's Nottingham special to Chris and Jayne? 5 What does Nicky-Lee hope the ice rink will do for St Ann's? Project BA Work in groups. You are going to plan an event for your home town] city. Think about these questions. + Whats the event (a performance, a festival, a community event, asports event, et)? + When and where is it? + How will you prepare fort? + What things do you need for It? + How long is Can you think of any famous people from your area that could be involved in or be a part of your event? What could they do? [Gy Present your event to the cas. Remember to include al the Information rom Ex. INDEPENDENT LEARNING Thinking about your learning Hd whieh was your favourite lesson in Unit 12 Which lesson dirt you Ike so much? Why? Compare your answers with the cas choose tree ofthe lessons and think about what you did wellThen compare your Ideas witha partner + Reading * Listening + Grammar + Speaking + Vocabulary + Writing | got most of the answers right in Reading, remembered some of the Grammar from last year. | practised some new words in Vocabulary. “The Listening was hard to understand but I didn’t give up. was more confident at the tend of the Speaking lesson, The exercises in Writing helped me plan my work. ‘Think about the other three lessons: Which part of your learning do you think you need to ‘work on? Why? Compare your ideas in groups. Inthe ... lesson, | didn’t fee! very confident because... I need mare practice with ... because I didn't understand it very well i How can youimprove the way you leare? Think about your answers to Ex 3 and write an example for each lesson. UNIT CHECK Wordlist Adjectives to describe us stop (n) places crossing (n) attractive department store (n) dull pavement (n) happy rubbish bin (n) industrial seat (n) lively skate park (7) ‘modern sports centre (n) quiet swimming pool (n) ed Saying where things are safe Inactty ‘trecitional by the sea/water ‘Around town in an areaja region called apartment block (9) in the caprtal art gallery (9) inthe centre of bike rack (0) inthe north/southfeast/west Vocabulary HIDE) 1.10 Listen to five sentences. When you hear a beep, write the correct word from the Adjectives to describe places section of the wordlist, BRED 11 ster and check your answers. Bi Find the following in the Around town section of the wordlist. 1 an object for transport on two wheels 2. two places where you can walk safely 3 a place where you can see water 4 an object where you can putan empty packet 5 a place where you can see paintings 6 an object where you can sit fora few minutes 7 place where you can choose things to buy & a place where people live Ss near the border with Extra near the capital be the best at something (phy) near the mountains ‘concrete (0) ‘on the coast cycle path (a) ina photo design (n) at the back give up (phe) at the front grow up (phr v) on thelett lorary fn) on the right made of wood (phy) Other meet up (ohry) community (n) park (n) freeze (v) pass the time (ohr) hang out (phr v) shape (n) fen) open (ad) pressure (n) dl choose the correct words to complete the sentences, 11 Artur grew up in Krakow, the border / capital of Pola, 2 My cousins ve in Canada, in an area / coast called The Gatineau Hills 3. We stayed in a small Bulgarian vilage thet was near the region / border with Romania 4 love to live ina big house by the sea / south, ‘5 We had lunch ina restaurant in the coast / centre of Holby, a small town near our hotel [Bi natch 1-6 with A-H to make sentences. You do not need ‘two of the endings. ‘Yu can't see mein the photo because tm at {mm quite good atthe piano but | always feel under Lnyalked to school ater waiting atthe bus There arent many places where I can hang lnvthis photo, Im standing on Stephan lives in pressure just before | take an exer. the left, next to Ben, the back behind the rest of the group. the border into another county. ‘out with my friends after school stop for thirty minutes in the rain. the north of Norway. station isn't very near here. rO™™0N wy oHeene 9 UNIT CHECK Review [Dl choose the correct answers in brackets to complete the ‘no article). sendwich and , ss harrible. (the /’an / 2) 2. Where would you prefer to ive: in. apple for lunch... capital of YUP COUNTY, OF naan CO8St OF area with mountains? (en/ the / the) 3. When | n€0 vnsuan AGVICE, | SK ane Older frfends ore offen AM vran aUlt (-f-an f=) 4 Theyre building new library with area for exhibitions and talks, (2 /~/ an) 5 | couldn’t get on... internet to get... information | needed for project. (-/a/the) Ei complete the article with ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ or no article (+) TechTalk FEED 1.2 Listen to Josh speaking on the phone to his mum. You don’t hear his mum's voce. Read her questions and put them in the order she asks them (1-4). [A Willyou go shopping for me? 2 B Did you remember that grandma is coming? Have you had anything to eat? D Is the weather bad? [Zi complete the sentences with these words/phrases, afew alitie alotor il any how many how much 1 I didn’t want a big party, oF only invited eae friends, 2 3 Town was really busy. There were... ‘the square 4 Why did YOu €8t cn left for me. students are there in your dass? 6 I never Jo t0 the gyM DUE! Get eon every day by walking to schoo) [Bi Biress the biog. For each question, write the correct ‘answer. Write one word for each gap. ime did you spend at the museum? people in the chocolate? There isn’t ‘enerclse Where are you from? Forat.... of people, that's a simple question. They answer with 2 place where they were born or lived as a chit. But for me, things area little ifferent. I'm half Argentinian and half English, and. ‘up in Thailand: t'm now at * international schoo! in Switzerland but my parents are still working in Bangkok. I'nj also an only child, Not having ® brothers or sisters means the people at school are my family. And this can be a problem, too. I's easy to make friends butt can be harder to keep them because kids like me travel 30 much, You start hanging * with a great | group and then they have to change schools because of their parents’ work. Of course, I'm lucky to see'dlfferent places, but its hard to call anywhere home, TE vou have a new English-speaking pen friend. Write a message to him/her about your family and where you live, 2 Try something different READING Power up ‘Which of these things do you think you can learn online? Put them in order (1=the easiest to learn online, 8= the most difficult. cooking dancing drawing languages making films playing the gultar singing sports skils Read on Read the exam tip and complete the task. exam tip: multiple choice Read the notice or message carefully to understand the details. Sometimes youalso need to think about why the person wrote it. Read the notice and text message in Ex3. Which one is making a request? ilread the notice and text message again. For each question, choose the correct answer, ‘A There is only one prize. B Films can be four minutes or less. All flms must be on a particular subject. wo «CO nooo Detats << Messages Tabi is writing because A she wants Elie to send her some information about a website B she wants Elle to teach her some dance moves. she wants to practise dancing with Elie, 22 Look at the photos in the article. What hobbies do you think the article will talk about? Read it quickly and check your ideas. skill tip When you match ideas with the text, don't look for the same words as in the question, Look for the same ideas, but using different words. Read the skil tip. Then read the article again. ‘Match each sentence (1-6) with a hobby: ‘write ’C' (card tricks), ‘A’ (animation) or ‘H’ (hip-hop dancing). 1 It canhelpyou torelax._. Your friends will enjoy watching, You need to buy something for your computer. an 4 It's fun doing it with a friend... 5 Its not good for people who want to do. ‘things quickly... 6 You can learn some things quite ely... [Match the words in bold in the article wth thelr meanings (1-6). 4 something you put onto your cmputer 0 Gan do a particular task 2 aviedste: 3 senda welnite addres to sorigont so that they canis the website 4 ook or something online: a. § touch a small picture ona sceetiwhen you want something t start. 6 website names or addresses youtuch {on your screen to goto that website Sum up Workin pals and discuss the questions. 41 Which sil inthe article do yoink the most ict? Wry? 2. Which person do you admire thd host? wy 3 Which hobby would you tke to eat wy? Speak up [think of three other ways of learning @ new skill and the advantages of these ways. Share ‘your Ideas with the class. \k it’s difficult to start a new hobby? = You don’t need to find a teacher tr gotoa clase You can earn excting new tiie vitout teaving your bedroom. Here are three dees or tun hobbies You can atart leaning at home, and at home! ome young people who love them. . What? Card tricks How? Go online and search for ‘learn card tricks’. There are some ‘really good websites that show you how to do easy tricks. For ‘example, you can learn to show people one card and then it suddenly changes into another. Some tricks are simple to learn, but others take time. You can also follow links to other websites that sell special trick cards. Why? tts great for parties and everyone thinks card tricks are amazing! Who? Henry Richardson does some amazing tricks and he hardly ever makes mistakes. He's probably learning some new ones right ‘now! He's famous after being on the TV show ‘America’s Got Talent’. Watch the video of the show online! ‘Animation You don't need famous actors to make a good fm. Animation {s tho skill of making films on a computer, without real people. The computor program that you need isn't free, but it isn't too ‘oxponsive and there's lots of information online to help you get started. It's @ great hobby if you have lots of ideas and enjoy stories, but Nat for people who Want results immodiatoly. George Summers loves making films. He uses small toys as the characters in his fms, and he's starting to develop his career ‘aS a young film-maker. His fms include the prize-winning ‘Just Sore Momning Tea’. Watch it online to get some ideas. Hip-hop dancing Allyou need is some music and some good dance shoes. Go to 1 video site online and search for ‘hip-hop dance lessone’. Find ‘one you like and just press ‘Play’. I's great to share videos with your friends too, and learn dances together. Dancing is great fun and it's a good way to get rid of stress, Kyndall Harris is stil very young, but she's already becoming famous. She is occasionally on stage with well-known singers liko Janet Jackson. She's enjoying life and wants to show other twenagers that i's possible to follow your dream. 2 Try something different GRAMMAR {El Read the grammar box. Complete the explanations with these ‘words and phrases. after before dort usually use isalways true ishappening now will happen xplore grammar present simple and present continuous [A present simple ‘a habit/routine or something that sno Henry Richardson does some amazing ticks something that at a particular time inthe future ‘The library opens at rine o'clock tomorrow. Your classes start tonight! present continuous something that » ora temporary situation He's starting to develop his career as a young film-maker. adverbs of frequency ‘Adverbs of frequency come 4, the verb be, He hardly ever makes mistakes. She is occasionally on stage with well-known singers. _.the main verb, but verbs we don’t use in continuous forms There are some common verbs that we * in continuous forms: agree, believe, hate, hear, know, like, lave, need, see, think, understand, want. These verbs are called stative verbs. George Summers loves making films | BADIED 2: watch ortisten to people talking about what they do in their Free tie. Complete the table with the activities they mention, sports | *.. horse-riding, 2, ‘gymnastics, trampoli ‘music| dancing and? sulle, *,. ‘computers | recording videos, pi ‘ther | working ina care home, watching TV series and - shopping EX DIED 22 complete the sentences with the present simple or present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Watch or listen again and check your answers. 1 Inmyfreetime | _ (play) hockey as I'm in the school team, 21 (train) two times a week fr my Footbal cub, 31 (ance) every day. 4 Atthe weekend |... emmmm (ike) to Watch television series and films. 51. (ear) to play the ukulele and |. (teach) myself by watching YouTube videos. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences 1 | go hardly ever / hardly ever go swimming. 2. Forme, exercises never / never fun 3 | see rarely / rarely see my friends at the weekend 4 pay occasionally J occasionally play computer games 5 think watching sport on TVs sometimes / sometimes is bong Bi Tick the sentences in Ex 4 that are true for you. Then work in pairs, Can you guess which sentences are true for your partner? [complete the article withthe present simple or present continuous form ofthe verbs In brackets Mit Tay ‘Most people in Brazil love watching football 1 the national sport and its popular ‘with all ages. But in most schools, gis 1 (not play) football, Many people * (think) its sport for ‘boys, not for girs. But now, in one school, (change). The girs in this . (want) to play football and tight now they ® 1do) ‘everything they can to make this happen, Every time the boys (pkey) football, the gts. (run) ‘onto the pitch and stare playing wit tem, Now the BOYS anne (HATE AO accept that football is a game for girs too, and they] vn (agree) with the \ girs that everyone should have the right tof Play. A teacher"... (helpjthe girs start thelr own team. Their training i Mens (TAFE) NRE Weel! Speak up Bd discuss the questions. 41 What sports do you do or watch? How often? 2. What new things are you learning at the moment? 3 Do boys and gil do the same sports at school in your country? What aiferences are there? “VOCABULARY ' practising and improving [Hl bo the quiz. Add up your score and turn to page 154 to read the results, Then work in pairs and talk about the results: do you agree with them? Do you have what it takes to get to the top? |1don't give up if don't get good results quickly. {never waste time on my phone or chatting online. ‘things don't go well at first, | try hance, ''m aways happy when I'm making progress and getting better at something. Hove taking part in ‘competitions and winning. | accept that something might Y2tst4 not work the first ime andl | keep going until gett right. | tocomplete their meanings. | 1 ifyouwastetime, A you doit inthe cocrect way. | B itis not successful. | | you get better at something 2. If something goes wel, 3 Ifyou make progress, 4 | you take part in D you spend itn a way that is something, Not useful 5 ifsomething doesn’t itis successful work, F you doit with other people. 6 Ifyou get something right, explore vocabulary ‘We use some very common verbs lke do, get, go and make in alot of informal phrases. Try to learn common phrases like the ones on this page: do well. get good results, go wel, ‘make progress. ‘You can do wel in this competition It takes time to get good results [Bread the vocabulary box. Then read the article, For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 Agve B spend € put —D get 2 2A get Bbw — C make _D win 2 Age Bdo find —_D make a 4 Ago Bye C tun gain = 5 A lose B drop C waste D miss @ Aget Bdo make =D win ¢ Speak up Do you agree that anyone can become very good at afiy skill? Why/Why not? What other things are necessary for people tobe successful? U game on ‘Work in pais. Take it in turns to say the second half of o ‘of the phrases in bold in the quiz. Your partner makes a ( sentence with the phrase that Is true for you. ‘You want to make progress with your gaming skills 2 Try something different LISTENING Power up Il Workin pairs. what do you tink are the advantages of johing a cub? FIED 2.2 usten to part of a news report about clubs. Does it mention any of your ideas from Ex 1? Which facts do you find surprising? Listen up [read the exam tip and complete the task, exam tip: sentence completion Read the sentences before you listen and try to guess what kind of information is missing. For example, ist a date, time, a place or an activity? Try to guess what the missing words might be. You will hear a man called Adam Chambers telling a group of students about a youth lub in their area, Read the sentences in Ex4 and think about what kind of information is missing from each gap. [E1EM 2+ tisten to the tate and compete the sentences, Write one or two words ora number ora date ora time. The club is quite new, but already has’ na Members, The club meets every? The club often invites quests to come and talk about different ‘At the mament, some members are making their own Everyone really enjoys the®. every month, ‘Adam wants to organise more * in the future. Complete the grammar box with these questions from the talk. Which {questions in the grammar box ask about the subject of the verb? ‘A Who comes to our club? B What do we do? explore grammar subject and object questions Notice the cifference between these question and answers A. vn 1 Whe do we invite? B: Young people cometo our B: We Invite speakers » FEE Laos ‘A: What happens oncea month? ge weds eatatles, Aue happens, Read the answers and complete the questions. Then work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about you, DAWN cen maths? BB: Mr Edwards teaches me maths. DAE WN sane FOC breakfast? B: | eat cereal and bread for breakfast 3A: Who. secenninn RECO in Clas8? B: | sit next to Sara, 4A: Who ew the mest TV in your house? B: My dad watches the most TV. ‘Complete the questions in the blog. Use ‘who! or ‘what’ and the words in brackets. a {you / want) to do today?” That's my, parents’ favourite question. i's always the same. fm just relaxing in my room, when 4 mmo (happen)? My mum comes in and starts suggesting ‘better’ things | could do. "You ‘could go for a walk. Or we could go to the cinema, = {you / think) might like to come with Us? She just doesn't understand that doing nothing is ine! I mean, *., _. (want) tobe busy all the time? | don't want to spend my life hurrying from one activity tothe Next 9 nsnnn(€N}09) tving lke that? Maybe some people, butnot:me! evnuuall Reed) to do to make thet understand that free time is ME time? Speak up Work in pairs. Think of an idea for an after-school club that people in your class would live. Share your ideas with the class. Vote for your favourite club, 2° Eee ee | SPEAKING | Power up | Bll peod about four different kinds of game players and discuss the ‘questions below. . _ @ the gioater: too happy when they win ~no fun foranyone else! | © the rule follower: gets the rule book out every five minutes — ‘so boring! © the cheat:will do anything to win, even ifit's against the rules the sore loser: gets angry and throws things around if they don't win 1. What kinds of games do you play with your family? 2. Doany members of your family match the kinds of game players above? Read the speaking task below. Are these sentences true (T) of false (F)? 1 You should talk on your own about the activities, 2 You should try to talk about all the activities, 3. You should give your own opinion and ask for your partner's opinion. 4 You and your partner should decide together which activity would be ‘the most fun, ‘You are planning a barbecue with your family and some friends. Here are some activities you could do after the meal. Talk together about the different activities and say which would be the most fun. Activities after the meal FEIE2:s usten to two students talking about the activities in Ex 2. Do they talk about all the activities? Which do they think would be the most fun? HEI 2 Workin pairs, Read the task in x2 again, Think of one advantage iitione dascorkage of esciractrty ston agin rel compat you ideas withthe speakers: useful language: making giving your suggestions —_ opinion What about...? think. \What do you thine inmy opinion, about ..? Would...beagood asking for ‘idea? someone's responding to i 0 you agree? suggestions. What do you think? That's agreat idea. Yes, good idea Yes, lagree Von not sure (EVED 27 Read the useful ianguage. Complete ‘the extracts from the conversation with these words. Listen and check your answers. about agree great idea sure would 1 A:So, shall we start with the computer ‘game? What do you think about thar 2 football be a good idéa? Grvelieybai? ‘A: Yes, think that’s a led 3A: What... a film? Maybe that ‘would’be a better choice, BEY C5 | meneanthiat would bea good choice, FEIED2.8 read the exam tip and complete ‘the task. exam tip: collaborative task. Jn this task, you need to have a conversatiof with your partner. I's important to listen to your partner and respond to what they say. ‘When you give your own opinion, ask your partner for thei opinion, What questions do the students use to asi for the other's opinion? Listen and check your answers TAG workin pairs. bo the task in Ex 2. Ylithe floss what you decide and wy [Ek Work spars. Tur to page 154 and bo the task. a 2 Try something different WRITING Power up Read the information and match the descriptions (1-4) with the activities in the photos (A-D).. What does your hobby say about you? You're» sertous pecion ince You ery winning! 4. You're elover and you learn quickiy: and you're happy to spend time at ing with other You're friendly and confident, and prefer being wit Fe eg alone, Youtite being active oui and you peor don't like losing, f work slowly because you 3. You're quiet and eareful. You work slowly io doing things well. You enjoy using your hands to make thing fre ‘and friendly, and you're always polite to | 0 ee wee ind you've good at thinking of people. You love reading ar interesting ideas. FA choose the correct adec the sentences ss to complete 1 Sam isa very careful / quiet person. He doesn’t say very much. 2 ima polite / friendly person, so | love being with other people, 3 My brother is very honest / clever. He always does well in exams. 4 Imasserious / confident person, | don't ‘often make jokes or behave in a silly way. 5 My sister always does things too quickly, ‘She isn’t very quiet / careful. 6 Tessas a very honest / serious person, She would never tell a lie! 7. 1 know that fm quite good at sport. I'm very confident / quiet. 8 Tom would never shout at anyone, He's always clever / polite to everyone, El Workin pars Read te sil tip below and er>erar (EVE) 2:12 Listen and check your answers. ‘Write one word for each gap. Hd Your new friend wants to know what you do in your free time, Write an ‘email about what you usually doin the evenings and at the weekend, and talk about something new you are learning at the moment. IT 100. Clay. elm (e) | - ae eT Read all about it READING VOCABULARY Sed uN Oetker ec schon te coca neh cel Se en rd ss Ce ie GRAMMAR Elo SWITCH ON Pee oee fered ca ats amma na ee ay mea) Cre ea ec Peo areed 3 Read all about it READING Power up [})) Read the news headlines and answer the questions. 1. What do the stories have in common? They are all about: A an accident. B ajourney. © arescue 2. Which story would you most like to read? Why? Read on Bi You are going to read a news story about the rescue ofa family Look at photos A-C and guess what happened [Bt Read the news story quickly and check your ideas. [Ej Read the exam tip and complete the task. exam tip: gapped text Look carefully at the words before and after each gap. Remember not to choose an answer just because you see the same words in the sentence as in the main text. Read the first paragraph of the news story. Think about the ‘missing information and choose the correct sentence (A-H) from Ex5. (6) ikead the news story again. Five sentences have been removed from the text. For each question, choose the correct answer. There are three extra sentences which You do not need to use. A Inthe end, Jon ang the police fr helo. B Although the accommodation wes basic they were warm and they had food. They got back safely to their car and went home. The children couldnt believe their eyes E The chikren were tired, so they stayed on the boat F Luckily forthe Cluets, there was a allay ne just nea the house G There was no road access, so they parked their car a few kilometres away. H twas small and cold, so they wanted to leave. Find words/phrases in the news story that have these meanings. 1 far from other people (para i) t 2. held something in place with rope or string (para i): water moving (para li): tunable to escape (para) collect them (para iv): things or possessions (para v) 34 ‘On a recent trip, the Cluett family had quite an adventure when they were staying in Scotland. The remote holiday cottage Jon ‘and Helen Clustt had booked was on the edge of lake and dificult to got to. cnonaTh@ only way to reach the house was on foot or across the water. Fortunately, the family had their canoe and so they paddled across the lake, Ten minutes later, they wore inside the cottage. *.., Jon tied their canoe Up safely in a litte stream behind the house and they all ‘thought everything was fine. Until the next morning, ‘The family woke up and found the whole area was under water. The stream was flowing very fast and the ties around their boat were broken. The canoe had gone. Jon and Helen didn't want to be stuck there. They knew they had to get back to their car. But how? It was too difficult for the younger children to walk on wet ground. 3 The officers were helpful but they gave the faiily more than adViG®*. er wsnennse THE Police arranged for a train to make an extra: stop and pick them up. And it wasn’t Just any train. The next service that was passing was a wonderful steam train called The Jacobite. It runs tourist (rips through beautiful countryside and on Its route it crosses the Glenfinnan Viaduct. ‘As s00n as they knew about the pian, the farily threw thelr stuf into bags and boxes. While they. ‘were running up to the railway line, the train, appeared on the tracks. ®. the train stopped right next to smiling with excitement, Do you know way? It wasn’t just because they were safe. The kids recognised the train from a story they knew. Do you recognise it tao? | ; Sum up [il imagine you are one of these people in the story. Work in Pairs and retell the story to your partner, an he/she guess Speak up A] Discuss the questions, 4 Whatito you thnkabout the place he tomy choses Vac parson yout wi y * the parents: + the police officers 2 Have you ever been stuck in a remote place? What happened? «the chen » thetran sta 3. Why do you think rescue stories are often in the news? SC © 3 Read all about it GRAMMAR [Hl read the grammar box. Complete the cxplanations with these words. Irregular past continuous (x3) past shmpie (x2) elroy past simple and past continuous A We use the’. for one completed past action after another. Some verbs are? ‘and don't add -ed. The family woke up and found the area was under water. _-for actions in The stream was flowing very fast We use the* __for an action progress, we use the The Cluett family had an adventure when they were staying in Scotland, We can use while instead of when before the*, While they were running up to the railway line, the train appeared on the tracks. ED)3. usten toa gr teting a story. What is She talking about? A aninterestng news sory she read B apace she enjoyed visting atime something went wrong ona trip FEDED 2.2 choose the correct verb forms to complete the gir!’ story. Listen again and ‘check your answers. [Di Read the exam tip and complete ‘the task, exam tip: open cloze Write only one word in each gap. Look at ‘the words around each gap to help you decide what type of word you need. Look at the story in Ex5.Which tenses are ‘needed in gaps 1,2 and 3? How do you know? [EkReas the story. For each question, A team of firefighters were surprised when they found a teenage air stuck in adrain. Ella Birchenough * x talking to someone on her smartphone in. thesstreet. after her cal, She tried to putit in her pocket but missed and ft vn. down the drain. Then Ella silly decision. She tokof the eral cover and jmped to the hl ot phon back. The only problem was..she couldn't get OUt 2081 enna 8 WAS stg in the hole, more and more people turned up. Some of them even ie photos when they were forthe firefighters to arrive. lihen Ella's mum arrived, they both laughed about the situation. Eventually, the firefighters came. Ella said, ‘When they’... saame out Tran straight home and jumped in the bath!" Speak up [Gl wnat were you doing at these times? Write four true and two fale sentences. + fist thing this morning + an hour ago + yesterday morning + yesterday evening + last Saturday afternoon + on your last birthday [workin pairs. Askand answer questions about your sentence in Ex 6 Can your partner guess the false Information? VOCABULARY adjectives Ul] Put these adjectives in the correct place inthe table. ancient dark dull ordinary scary exciting gold huge light modem special tiny useful valuable wooden ste | rice | colour [age | matertal opinion B Work in pairs. How fast can you match nine of the adjectives in Ex 1 with thelr meanings? 1 boring: 6 veryoids,. 2 verysmal 7 made of wood: 3 very big a nt 4 expensive;important to 8 made of ayelow metal: you ae 9 different or better than usual 5 not unusual ED 2 You wit hear a talk about an activity called Geocaching. Complete the first part with adjectives from Ex 1. Listen and check your answers. ‘Today is all about an * activity called ‘geocaching. It's ike a ‘treasure hunt for the ‘twenty-first contury, but you don’t need a map and you don't often find. w..Roman coins! You hide a cache ~ a sinall box or container of objects — in a remote place. Then you post information about where the box is conline. Other geocachers look for the box using a GPS ‘gadget or app. What makes the activity 4. al the adventure of finding the box, not its contents. ED) >.+ Listen to the next part ofthe talk. Which two adectves docs the speaker use to describe each ofthese things? Van = watch 2a GPS gadget 3a spider 4a box explore vocabulary order of adjectives ‘We usually put an opinion adjective before a fact adjective opinion + fact + noun @ beautiful gold watch [B] Read the vocabulary box below. Put the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the sentences. inmy last geocache, | found: 1 att... (oi /anclent/ interesting) 2 some. ... (special / stamps / foreign). 3 a(n), (photo / old J dull). 4 ato), .» Wapanese | comic / exciting), 5 aln).. (notebook / little / ordinary). Speak up 1E) Answer the questions. Then work in groups and choose ‘the best objects and place to hide the cache, By acs geocache challenge 1 What would you hide? Think of something: + valuable. i * cheap. + useful, + tiny. + scary. special. Where would you hide the cache? 3 Read all about it Ll STE NI NG ‘Hi Read the grammar box and complete the table. lore grammar Power up Es (Di) What's your favourite way to experience a story? someone, anyone, nothing, everything, etc. Put the ideas in order (1 = most favourite, 6=least ‘We use someone/anyone and something/anything in the same favourite). Share your answers with the class. way as some and any, — eine beck 4 Do you know anyone who ives stares? + afm + apersonreadingtoyou You dont win anything wa took over te one was interest Everything went well Listen up Someone told a ghost story I wrote about something that really happened Everyone inthe shop was laughing There's nothing better ‘Bi Read the exam tip and complete the task. exam tip: multiple choice The order of the questions in the tasks the same as in the recording, Listen forthe information you need to answer each one in tur, people | someone [everyone |? T° ‘things |* anything Read questions 1-6 in Ex 3, Before you listen, think about the information you need for each answer. El choose the correct words to complete the tips. aac focahsoenoncmsctmccs THE PERFECT PRESENTATION ee Presenting in front of an audience is one of the hardest things 1. Astory slamis an event for people who like 10 do, Here ace some tips to help you ‘A. choosing fiction for a book club, SPEAKING B listening to writers read their story ‘Ask ‘someone / something to watch you practise and © competing to win money for stores start vith everything / something funry or surprising 2 Eddie frst heard about story slams from. LISTENING A his group of fiends @ Say ’something / nothing until the speaker fs'shes B atrio to the United States, ‘and don't do tanything / anyone distracting € ablogger in another country COMPARING IDEAS 3 What was Eddie's frst story slam ke? Leave *no one / nothing in the group out and don't AA Sore ofthe stories weren't interesting, irks *enure 74 Soe teal aly B People read stories of different types. © He was too nervous to read his story. 4 Inhis fist story Eadie wrote about a time he felt Speak up A embarrassed. Bin work in groups. Prepare some tips for planning pain, an event using words from the grammar box. © ana Use Ex5 to help you, Share your Ideas || 94) | 5 What's Eddie's favourite thing about story slams? sh tie eee ‘i A getting the vote for the best story B having the opportunity to be creative € sharing stories with a group of people 6 What does Eddie say about his future? A He won't give up writing. B_Hewants to write full-time. © He wants to leave schoo! soon. SPEAKING BB etree Power up useful language: telling stories [ren a you as laugh outloud? What made you laugh? introduction Including the listener Thisis a story a Whi ink | [Bl] Read the advert: Are people going to read the stories listen Retainer pe ECCS IETS [to them or both? fm going to tell you about something funny that... Canyou imagine what | dd ater that? 1 a This is a true story that - TeenMachine Make us taugh! {6 Mesehoneieie Scere: We want your funny stories. Record what actions Sapretied e | happened to you on your phone. sabes what | remember Send your story to the website to When I thineback towhat ‘win tickets to a comedy festival. Ree! MP! happened, |. | Inthe end. ‘After what happened, | IED El2.c Look at the pictures and complete the sentences oi ‘vies lard Lichan and chack yabr aneveers: [Blimagine you are the boy from Ex 4. Retell your story. Use these ideas and phrases from the useful language. ntinow twas wearing few-+lended pulled + was moving + plane-mum took were was chatting + wereall enjoying bey helefelotes ‘+ mum-sleep: me-video rewas my rend beh rel ye were at pizza ph frets birthday party and we wereat apizza place, | MUMTSKED: Me 1 em CT scene + other mum sat down - proud 2 thetablecoth wasstuckon thebelt _* MUM —Feturnedlady- mistake embarassed ; tele ium proud ; ovtabl get FEIED 3.2 Listen to three students telingtheirstories. ean ‘Which student do you think fa good storyteller? Why? 4 Suddenly, a pizza iS . ne _upand eon yen face 5 Then a boy at the next tabi aphot, SPeak up See all over social Plan a story about something funny that happened tolyou. medic. Use these tips to help you SHINE! [work in groups. Take tums to tell your stories. Which Stofy would win the competition in Ex 2? Which of the places in the photos (A-F) would be ‘a good location for a short story? Why? Read the tips. Do you know any stories that follow ‘this advice? Agood story: R 17 alan ou went oop reading isons follow, with lear action, STORIES Be es teresting end descriptive lnguece has. good ending Read the writing task befow and choose the correct ‘words to complete the sentences. To get a good mark the story: 1 hasto / doesn't have to be true 2 needs / doesn't need a title 3 needs to be entertaining / educational 4 needs to Use mainly present / past tenses. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story, ‘Your story must begin with this sentence: "I pushed open the door and walked in.’ Write your story in about 100 words, Read a student's story. Complete the plan below with Information from the story. I pushed open the door and walked in. It was the day of my musie exam at school. Everything wos quiet: The room seemed big and I felt small. The teacher looked at me but didn't say anything. While I was walking fo the piane, 1 was nervous. sat down and started to play but something strange happened. There wasn't any sound! The teacher looked angry and shouted, ‘What are you Waiting for?” “Then I tried again but the same thing happened. I was playing but couldn't hear anything. Suddenly, I woke up and I realised it was just a dream, who? what? when? where? ending? 40 exam tip: story To make your story interesting, ou ean: + talk about people feelings. use short sentences with an exclamation mark () say what people said or thought. start your sentences indifferent ways-not always with ‘ind examples of this type of language in the story in Ex. 4. language strong adjectives ‘A trong adjective includes the meaning very. fantastic every good) terrible (= very bad) Don't use very with strong adjectives - it's already in the meaning. ‘The story was very impossible to understand nd gave me ‘Your English teacher has asked you to rite a story. Your story must begin with this sentence: "walked into the room and started to smile.” Write your story in about 100 words, SWITCH ON (® Teen Press {Work in pars. Would you lik tobe a journalist? Why/Why not? BAD wteh the cp. Do you think Teen Pressisa good ides? Why/Why not? Eb Diwoten again and answer the questions. 1 Why did Ella sgn upto be part of Teen Press? 2. Why do the students need to make lots of phone cals? 3. What type of people are the team interviewing this semester? 44 What is Ella taking away from her experience with Teen Press? 5. Whats Jayden taking amy from his experience with Teen Press? i Project im "| Bi Work as a class. You are going to interview a member of your family, Think of general interview questions you can ask them. 4 Think about these things. + workjeducation + hobbies/interests : + achievements + future plans a [Bi choose the person you wilinterview. Prepare alist of questions to ask them, a Interview the person. You can do this face to face oronline. = Record the interview as video or audio. Present your interview 4 INDEPENDENT LEARNING My four skills progress [Hi Put the tour sis in order fo learning English (1 = favourite). Is your order the same for ther school subjects? Why?/Why not? Compare your ideas with the class. Reading — Speoking ® Disteningg) Owriting / [i tiow easy are the four sills for you in English? Putan x foreach kilt show your opinion. Reading [El Workin pais and compare your answers in Ex2. White asentence of advice forthe still your partner finds most dificult. Read the text quickly for the generahjdea, Try to make your writing interesting( for the reader Ask the other person to repeat if don't understand. Think about what words you migft you listen iear before [Ey Thine about the two sls youn most ditfcut Copy and complete the dagram with advice to help you improve each sh cn [Ei Wort in groups and compare yo alagrams Do you want te make any changed your eevee! UNIT CHECK Wordlist Adjectives to describe Strong adjectives objects britiant ancient delicious a delighted ‘al exhausted Sets fantasti qd freezing furious modern huge ordinary incre a starving ea terrible strange tiny useful other valuable accident (n) wooden audio book (n) Vocabulary [ENED 3.9 Listen to six sentences. When you hear a beep, write the correct word from the Adjectives to describe objects section of the wordlist, REM) 3.10 Listen and check your answers. Ei) Replace the words in bold in the sentences with strong adjectives from the wordlist. 1 mreally hungry! When will dinner be ready’... No, we dd tke the hotel at alt was really bad! oe I thinkits very strange that he didnt get hurtin the accident. ‘ ‘Wow! Your swimming pool is really big! Its really cold outside so you'l need a jacket. twas a really hard match, so the team was very tired at the 09d... You've eaten nearly all the pizzal There's only a very small piece left for me, My sister was really happy with her present. We chose the right thing for her _ Soomro comic (n) book () embarrassed (ad) canoe (n) flow () cottage (n) Journey (9) countryside (r) pick up (phr v) cross (v), proud (od) get back (ohrv) remote (aq) have an adventure (phr) rescue (n) make someone laugh (phy) silent (ad) railway (7) stuck (od) recent (ad) stuf 0) recognise (¥) tie up (phrv) route (7) Extra stream (o) adventure (n) take off (phr v) appear (\) turn round hry) beworth alot of money (ahey tum (ohrv) wake up (ahr v) ‘Complete the sentences with words from the Other section of the wordlist. 1 felt really, when my phone started ringing in the middle af the play 2 After ten-hour.. _ we finaly arived in London, tired and hungry. 3 Wespent the morning 0” 8 san beach in the north of the island, We were the only ones there 4 | passed all my exams, My mum says she’s really... of me 5 | ked the story 19 th senna But the pictures weren’t very goed 6 | cant put all my... ii this bag, I's too small 7 The kitten was inatree and couldn't get down. 8 | always put my phone on, _.When tim in the library. El complete the sentences with word from the wordt. The frst eter ofeach word glen, 1 | was stuck at school because of bed weather, so my dad hiad to Paw .Meup. 2 My grandmother dave me this watch, It isn't... but | wearit every day. 3 Itwas areallyd,.. can Movie. fell asleep before the end, A My sister kes 4... colours. All her clothes are black! 5 | didn’t like the house because it was old. | want to vein a nnn HOUSE, 6 Howdid the a, happen? Did anyone get hurt? 7 When my brother saw | was wearing his T-shirt, he V2S F..csnmmnnanl He never lets me wear hs clathes. The cake was 4 thad three pieces! UNIT CHECK Review [DW choose the correct words to complete the news stories. Here’s a selection of the strangest stories we've found this week. ‘A hungry bird "was coming out / came out bright orange after it fell / was falling into some curry outside a food factory. It *was / were trying to get a piece of chicken when it ‘landed / was landing right in the sauce, After a shower at a local animal hospital, the bird was safe but stil a bit smelly! ‘When teenager Nathaniel Bolwell was feeling hungry, he ‘was deciding / decided to order a pizza. He ate his meal and ‘wasn’t thinking / didn’t think any ‘more about it - until he checked his bank account. Instead of £17.99, the pizza cost £179,982.32 Imagine thet! While a litle gi in Texas "talked / was talking to her parents’ smart speaker, she was asking / asked for a.dol’s house to play with. The speaker added the ‘oy to the family’s shopping list and two days later, it *was arriving / arrived in the post! That's one way ‘to get what you want... [Di complete the conversations with these words. ‘anything everyene nothing someone A: Did you hear the news about the afterschool club? = said its closing, B: No, I didn’t know?, they keepitt open ‘A: Me too. There's}. really need that club. B: You're right... one day a week. . about that, But | hope todo round here so we suif my class goes there at least anyone everything noone something tell You, But it's a secret. else knows B: | promise | wort tell? Ican keep a secret, AA: Were going to liven Germany for a year. B: You can't do that! You're my best friend! AA: | know but it’s because of my mum’s work and Is already organised, We can stil be friends. Seo [El complete the article with words beginning wth ‘some, ny, every” oF LOST AND FOUND Haveyou ever lost 20Fcourse~ 2 thas. It happens every day. But now a study has investigated what people lose and vw uch ‘teosts, The study shows that one in five people loses 2 ‘important every week. As you might expect, this includes phones, watches, keys, shoes and .ai‘ets. But now there's help. Dr Michael Solomon isa ‘fiuouiogist’~ ; who gives advice on how to find sings Hebelieves that is ever really lor*_ i's just inthe wrong place. Sof you put sheteit should be, you can‘tlose it. OF course,” is that ‘organised = things disappear in my house all thet’ Sowihat should we do? Dr Solomon says be like «dlc sctives thinkabout when you lasthad the object and wisie you have been since. Go back over yout route and you should find what's missing. Ifnot, ask, “Has* seen my . 2" That usvally works for me because my s..:ris always borrowing my stuff [i wnite short biog post about one of these topics + aninteresting news story you read a heard + something you lot or found Live and learn CTT} GRAMMAR LISTENING WRITING. VOCABULARY eat 4 Live and learn READING Power up [il which of these subjects do you study at school? What ther things would you ike to study or lear about? Why? ‘art business studies computerstudies dance drama geography history maths media studies music PE science Read on [Di Read the title of the article. What do you think the School Enterprise Challenge is? Read the first paragraph and check your ideas. ‘A. a business that sells things to schools B a new kind of school where students learn about business € a competition for schools to start businesses [Ef Look at the photos in the article. Read the rest of the article. Which businesses does it mention? a Gi read the articte again. For each question, choose the correct answer. 4 Alison liked the idea ofthe School Enterprise Challenge because A she knew that most schools need more money. B she thought students needed to do more than ‘racitional subjects © she wanted to help students to become rch D she was already running her own business 2 What does Alison say about the project in Colombia? A It stopped local businesses from cutting down trees. People used less paper as. result ofthe project. € Some people still don't agree that recycting is important D The students spent the money they made on helping the environment, 3 Alison says that students who take part in the competition A always make a lot of money. B already know how to run a business, can decide how to use the money they make. D can workindividually or as a team. 4 How does Alison feel about the Idea of working for the ‘School Enterprise Challenge? A. She is excited about seeing lots of different businesses. B She thinks she wouldnt enjoy all the traveling © She is worried it would be very difficult to choose ‘the winners D She thinks there won't be time to visit many schools. i Read the exam tip and complete the task. exam tip: multiple choice Some questions ask about the general meaning of the whole text. To answer these questions read the text again and think about the general idea, Read the article again. What would be a good introduction ‘tothe article? ‘A Teacher Alison Blackmoor talks about wy her job is important and how the School Enterprise Challenge can help her in her school. B For Alison Blackmoor, students can learn a lot from the School Enterprise Challenge. She discusses the advantages of taking part. © Alison lackmoor explains what she learned from working forthe School Enterprise Challenge. D In this article Alison Blackmoor tells us how she became a teacher and why she started teeching her students how to:run their own business. El complete the definitions withthe verb in bold inthe ate Put the verbs in the correct form 11 When you ‘a new business, it begins to work. 2. When you ofhoney, you get it by selling things. BEY OU veneered business, You are the boss and help itto work wel 4 Ifyou smn Café oF shop, you startitso that ‘people can come into it for the first time, 5 Ifyou, suse @ Dusiness plan, you make it by thinking Carefly above 6 When you... 1 team of people, fou tel them what to do. Sum up Bd Work in pairs. Take turns to explain what the Schoo! Enterprise Challenge is and what its advantages are. Use ‘these words and the verbs from Ex 6. competition business life skills. money community ‘t's. competition for schools to... comps Speak up El work in groups. Think about a business you could start at ‘your school and discuss the questions. Present you ‘tothe class, Then vote for the best idea. 1. What kind of business is it? 2. What is your business pian? 3. How much money do you think you could make? ‘4 What would you spend the money on? : ET ’ | | @ a, Alison Blackmoor talks about the 100 Enterprise Challenge when | was, working as a teacher. Igo! bored with teaching the same old subj ‘ond fl that students needed to learn life skils as well asthe iradtional ‘maths and history. The School Enterprise Challenge helps students start ond run their own business, ond the best businesses win pz Students al over the world toke part. The ai isn for students lo make lots of money for themselves, but fo learn about business and help thelr ‘school or local cornmunily (im always amazed atthe clover Kdeas students have, like opening a schoo! cofé or repairing furniture for other schools. There was cn amazing projec in Colombia, South “America one year. The students could see thatthe natural forest in ther area was getting smaller as were cuting down too many trees. To help people to recycle paper the students bull recycling boxes ond put them in local schools, colleges ond businesses. ‘They sold the waste paper fr recycling, then used the money fo plant more trees. abriliont idea, which helped the environment and really taught everyone how important recycling is. “tt was a brilliant idea, which helped the environment and really taught everyone how important recycling is.’ ‘As wall as leoring how fo rn a business, the students also learn more general skiks such as how fo plan ahead and manage a team of people. The organisation that runs the School Enterprise Challenge supports schools with information packs and ideas about how fo develop their business plan. And there are los of diferent vrays students can 1082 10 spend the money they make. Some use it 10 buy sports equipment for their 101, Others might use ifo help poorer students fo buy b 90 uniforms. | stopped teaching and got a job in business o few years ag tm going to apply to work for the Schoo! Enterprise Challenge as a competition judge. tm sending my application in next week, so wash me luck! Judges tray aunty fo vist schools thal ore faking part io see thelr bu sounds ornazing! Then i Winners. Next year's competition opens in March, soil you'e reading this, why not think about having ‘@.g0 and starting your own schoo business? 4 Live and learn GRAMMAR [Hl Fees the grammor box and complete the examples with ‘the correct form of the verbs in brackets. grammar the future: plans and intentions {A going to for intentions or things we are planing to do 1 _.(@ppiy) to work forthe School Enterprise chailenge present continuous for future events that we have biready planned, arranged and agreed 1 aan (8200) MY application in next Week present simple for something that will happen ata particular time in the future because itis part ofa timetable or schedule Next year's competition >. sn (Op@N) in March, Note: We don't usally use gong to + go. Instead, we use the present continuous Heegeing-to-ge I'm going to the cinema tonight. BADIGD 4: watch ortisten to people talking about thei plans and intentions. Which of the activities (A-H) do they mention? 1A watching TV B singing € going tothe cinema D going shopping EA DED 4.2 watch or listen again and complete the sentence: E reading a comic F revising for exams swimming H playing basketball 1 This evening Ina show, 2 TOOGEE | ennmnnn MY Brothers because my mum isout. 3. At the weekend |, shopping with my friends and fami acon fess for my grandma's anniversary. 4 _my coursework, which needs to be done cr 5 Tonight | 61 er. my best friend's party, wen MY FrIENAS AND WE san mate sie sentences about your plans and intentions for these times Use ‘going to and the present continuous, (Wort n pars and hare your sentences with yur parte. + next month + in the summer holidays + my next birthday * this evening + tomorrow at schoo! + next weekend 48 football, [Ei Read Jacob’s email about his plans for starting at a new school. What is different about this school? [i To: Som [] From: dacob Hisam, Hove Austral! t's so warm and sunny, an the pope are realy fend." (Qo) to my new school forthe fet ime nex onday. ts an amazing school called Templestowe College. ‘The students here decide what they want t learn, Thea eet my teacher on Moncey and we? b (talk) about what | want todo. Lie ww. (Study) science subjects in my first term. (not spend) much time on subjects Gegraphy and Piston. | wrote my oun tn (0 at 10°30 on Monday, and my lessons” trish) atspmit, "enioy citing up abi iatert ‘You can learn how to look after animais at this schoo! ~ they've lots of animals here. My friend Ollie and " _u. (help) look after the snakes. Ihave to go now. Ollie ®...... (come round) to ‘my house in half an hour. ‘Write soon, Jacob Inte, timetable last night. My first class ¢ Ei complete Jacob’s email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use ‘going to, the present continuous or the present simple. Speak up I imagine you can choose what to study at your school. Write your timetable for next week. TB wit questions bout a partners timetable. Use going to, the present continuous or the present simple What time do your lessons start? Wat subjects are you going to study? What ae you doing on Tuesday afternoon? El Work in pairs. Ask and answer your questions from Ex 8 Tell the class about your partner's plans. game on Workin pairs. Think about an activity youre going to do and thre things you need frit Tell your partner lithe Ue ‘things are. Can he/she guess what you're going to do? ree You'e going to do your English homework! VOCABULARY ways of learning Bl Wien of these things do you find easy to learn? Which do you find difficult? English vocabulary facts maths names and dates. new software sports words in songs PA ED 2.2 Listen to four students talking about how they learn best, Match the speakers (1-4) with the sentences (A-D), ‘A |learn best when I'm working in a group, B I cant learn by listening. I need to use my hands and do things mysett € | think you can only learn if you work hard think you learn by trying things and getting them wrong, | ED 44 complete the sentences with the correct form of Shetevesen seen spsinand check your arewers get give have make(x2) take (2) 1 | need to watch someone do something and then nti BGO MYSEH, 2. Im good at listening to other people and. advice from them. 3 Ifindit dificult to... something ifm working alone 4 IF m pot sure about how to do something, Im happy to smminininanalt @thY and See what happens. 5 Im not scared of, a chanceand tay a mistake because that's how youlearn 6 need to work hard if want to do well and. good grades in tests up my mind about Workin pairs. Which sentences n Ex are tre for yout Tel your patie: Ei choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Then work in pairs. Can you guess which sentences are true for your partner? 11 hate just listening and noting up J down what someone 8 (nd it lificult to settle off / down in ciass and st stl | prefer to get up and move around / out 4 IFsomething isn't correct; 'm happy to cross it up / out and start again 5 (usually hand my work off /in on time 6 hate ifm late with a piece of work and the teacher tellsme off / out vocabulary phrasal verbs Sometimes phrasal verbs with similar meanings use the same particle stand up, getup, jump u your feet) move so that you are on [Read the vocabulary box. Make groups of phrasal verbs ‘with these words and the words in bold. ie run sit take throw walk 1 sete down... down, 2. move around, 3 cross out. [UG resathe article. roreach question, write the correct ant Write one word foreach gop. rele hela AAU toe CON LCL S Do you hat it when things go wrong? Many people are scared of... mistakes, bu in fact our mistakes can 2 tat school and in life. For example, if you don't? ___wellinan exam, you lear about al the things {you dont know, so you can improve next time. Fear of geting ‘things wrong often prevents people from trying new things. Butin actif yout... somethinga try, you can learn alot from the experience, even if you fal You just need to make. up your’, that you will look atthe experience in a positive way and be clear you're going to do better next time: So don'tbe scared t0¢,....a chance and try something: new — just he ready to learn from tifit daesn't go as {you planned! Speak up Do you agree that you can learn from making mistakes? Tell the class about a time this happened toyou. 4 live and learn LISTENING Power up Bll workin pars How do you think schools were different in the past? How are schools pea Listen up AED +s read the exam tip and complete the task. exam tip: multiple choice Read the questions and all the options before you listen, Sometimes words and ideas from all the options are mentioned in the recording. Listen Ctefully to see which option matches perfectly ‘You will hear five conversations about schools. Read question 1 and the options in Ex 3. Listen to the first conversation. Which ideas do the speakers mention? Which answer is correct? FEVERED «.« Read questions and options 2-5. Listen ‘and for each question, choose the correct answer. 1. You willhear two friends talking about a history lesson. What did they both enjoy? A watching a film B doing a quiz © discussing the topic 2 You will hear two friends talking about homework, The gil thinks that homework ‘A. was easier in the past B wasn't as interesting in the past. took more time in the past, 3 You will hear a boy telling his friend about a school trip to a sports event. How did he feel about it? ‘A happy about the experience B disappointed at the result © angry at the behaviour of others 4 You will hear two friends talking about studying ‘music at school, The boy advises the gir to ‘A. change the instrument she plays. B join the school band © practise more, 5. You will hear two friends talking about education in the future. What do they agree will be different in twenty years? A. Students will learn different subjects B Schools will be bigger. € Students wil learn from home. ll osc the grammar box and conplet the examples with these vers. ‘may not allow might be willleam won't change explc TCTs the future: predictions ‘A We use will to make a prediction about the future. The negative form is won't. I think people the same subjects. The subjects? much. B We use may or might for predictions, when we think something is possible but we are not sure Schools. bigger. ‘The teachers * _. them to go on the next trip. xl complete te comments with the correct form ofthe verbs in trackets, Use wl wont when the writers sure, Use may] might’ or ‘may/might not’ when the writer is not sure. What will schools be like in the i'm sure teachers in the Future lon (not be) real people. They 8c nnnnu 8) robots! We know that in the future, robots SamG *, wunuu (00) 2 lot more of our jobs for Us, 0 why not teaching? We definitely 4 _ [not have) big-classes like now. Al students ® _(stud)).on their oun, on tablets, ond computer progrsins msnsnne (COCK) their work. This already happens at the Altschoo! in the United States! BDS7 Well, we can't be certain, but | think that yee. 9 nsnnnon (a8) computer chips inside-our heads, to make us smarter. So, you never know ~ someone like me ® . (not get) such bbad exam results in the futurel Eliot Speak up i Work in pairs. Which ideas from the comments in Ex 5 do you agree with? Think of three more predictions about what schools will or mayfmight be like in twenty years. Hil How often do you see ‘school friends outside school? Where do younect What do you do topether? [Bi read the exam tip and complete the task exam tip: long turn ‘When you talk about a photo, you can describe what you see and you can also make ‘guesses about what is happening (eg. where ‘the people are or how they are feeling). Look at the photo in Ex 1.Where are the people? What things do you know for sure about the photo? What things can you guess? EVEN + usten toa student talking about the Dota, Compara wi she aye with Your Wes from Ex2. TIED 2 complete the sentences about the Photo with these words. Listen again and check your answers. ook maybe might probably right there are F cnnnive people inthe photo 2 Thin they nn be schoo frends because they have some boots with them, 3 They're wearing warm clothes, so It's inter, ATHY very relaxed and happy, 5 The Boy OM the a. nnmnel6 Showing the ‘two girs his tablet 6 think... mmm he's showing them some photos or a video, AG Work in pairs. Turn to page 155. Take turns, (talk about the photo. Say what you can see and make guesses. Ty to tak for one minute. TFIID +2 Listen to two conversations. When and where do the friends agree to meet? Complete the table. day and time Josh and Tim Laura and Rosie suggesting an agreeing an arrangement arrangement ‘That sounds good. Do you fancy going/meeting up. Good idea. What about going/meeting...? Cool! Wee could go/meet . See you there. ‘explaining a problem Sao on ataay). | can't... because (| need to) (DED) 4.10 Read the language box. Then complete the extracts from the Conversations in Ex 6 with one word in each gap. Listen again and check your answers. rN Meeting up on Saturday morning? ‘on Saturday morning because I've got my guitar nnn MEF YOUF LOSSON? NE 4 rem MERE at my house and have some lunch. good at the cinema at 6.30. j= with my mumof ‘You are going to make an arrangement with a friend for this weekefd. Complete the calendar with three plans you already have. morning, afternoon evening ay ie [il Work to pstrs. 100% at jour notes from Ex 8’and plan'a conversstion-en ‘make an arrangement, Practise your conversation. Then swap roles ‘Student A: Suggest an arrangement. ‘Student B: Explain a problem if necessary. ‘Student A: Suggest another arrangement. ‘Student B: Accept the suggestion and agree the arrangement. 81 4 Live and learn WRITING Power up Bi iscuss the questions 41 What do you thinkyou can lean from a school exchange? 2. What problems might there be? )4.11 usten to two students talking about their experiences of a school exchange. Do they mention any of your ideas from Ex 1? What other ideas do they mention? Plan on i ead the wrting task, Who are you wrlting to? How many \rords should you willow rag kdeas should you elude? Read this email from your English-speaking exchange ‘student and the notes you have made. White your email to ‘Sam, using all the notes. \Wrte your answer in about 100 words. [15] From: Sam Hoe you? i very ota boas arty tn or Inyust io yur coun My hc booked and yong Cosel) ogy so eyo toner ‘What's the weather ike in your country at the moment? Oy wever/coand woth, ison Vetta a pres or ae, tank ta or borates taniy Doyounave any Goriremvoe 2) too big because it has to go inmy bag. <— Are you going to come on the exchange visit to England? [7 'hope you are, What's the date fr that? ‘yes — give ‘See you soon, Beside Sam ead the exam tp and complete the task. exam fip: email itis important to read the task very carefully so that you Understand exactly what you have to write Look atthe notes (1-4) inthe writing task in Ex 4. For which note should you: A make a suggestion? show how you feel about B ive some facts about something? your country? D include @ number? Read part of a student's reply to Sam. Which note from the writing task in Ex 3:does it answer? My mum and dad love chocolates, so you could bring them some chocolates from your country. They would love that! [Write a reply to one of the other notes in the writing task in Ex 3. Work in pairs and read your reply to your partner. Can he/she guess which note it answers? We use informal phrases at the beginning and end of informal emails. Notice that we use a comma after the phrase Hi Bye for now, Hithere, Write soon, Hido, ‘See you soon, Dear Jo, Hello, Read the language box. What beginning and ending does Sam use in his email? [Read the writing task in Ex 3 again and plan your answer. Make notes in the table. | Write your email. Use your notes from Ex 8. Write about 100 words. ‘Check your email. 1. Did you use an informal phrase 3s a beginning and ering? Hasit got a comma after it? 2 Did you answer all four notes? if not, can you add any replies that are missing? 3 Check your spelling. You can use the email in €x 3 to check the spolling of words that are int (eg, weather, exchange). 53. SWITCH ON (& School swap Hl Work in pars. Describe your schoo! in 30 words. Think about ‘these things. + numberof students + sports + decpline + how long you spend at school FAD watch the cp. 1s Warminster a private schoo! ora state schoo? IsBemrosea private schoal or a state school? EDD watch again and answer the questions. 1 |s Brett a good student at Bemrose? 2 Howis discipline stricter at Warminster? 3. Which school has bigger class sizes? 4. What times do classes finish at Bemrose and Warminster? 5 What does it mean fa student is a boarder? EU what was the purpose ofthe schoo swap? Would youlike to do 2 school swap? Why/Why not? Project Bi Work in pairs. Think about the things you like most and least about your school. [Gl Youare going to have a class debate. One group will agree with this statement and the other group will disagree. Read the statement ‘and plan your arguments. ‘School would be better with a longer school day and no homework’. Hold the debate. 64. INDEPENDENT LEARNING Reading skills 00k atthe reading texts n Units 1-4 Which did you enjoy reading? Why? Which did you find difficult? Think about the different reading sls you have used in Units 1-4. Give yourself a score from 1-5 for each skill (5 = the best). lean 1. match paragraph headings ‘to paragraphs. 2 read atext carefully to find specific information, 3. read notices and messages carefully to understand the meaning, 4 complete a text with missing sentences. 5 answer multiple about a text 6 answer muitiple choice questichs about the meaning of thewholetéxt. ice questions Work in falk about the reading texts and skills that you found difficult. What made ‘them difficult for you? ll Work in pairs. What texts could you read in English to improve your reading? How could you work on the skills that you find difficult? Texts to read How te improve the skills] find difficult UNIT CHECK Wordlist School subjects have ago (phr) art (n) make a mistake (phy) business studies (n) ‘make up your mind (ofr) computer studies () ‘take a chance (pho) dance (n) take advice (ohr), drama) Phrasal verbs geography (n) ross (something) out history (0) getup maths (7) hand (something) In media studies as music (n) fe donin PE) ‘move around science (n) note (something) down ‘Ways of learning run around get good grades (phi) settle down give something a try (oh) sit down Vocabulary HVE) 4.12 tisten to six conversations and answer the questions. In your answers, use words/phrases from the Ways of learning and Phrasal verbs sections of the wordlist. 41 Whiyis the git nat happy? 2 Why is the boy pleased? 3 Whats the girl doing with her homework? 4 Whats the boy finding it cifficul to do? 5. What do the students do before the lesson starts? 6 What should the students do with the information about the trip? [i complete advert with words from the Business coffocations section of the wordlist 8. stand up Ican't because... (phy) take (something) out I need to check with... (phi) tell (someone) off ‘See you on (Saturday) (ph) throw (

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