1898 1940

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 The United States formally acquired the Philippines by signing the Treaty of Paris on December
10, 1898.
 Independence of the Philippines was proclaimed on June 12, 1898.


 Emilio Aguinaldo and others established a government in Malolos on January 23, 1899.
 U.S. government troops and Filipinos clashed in Manila on February 4, 1899.
 U.S. government troops took control of Jolo on the island of Sulu on May 18, 1899.
 Emilio Aguinaldo led the rebellion against U.S. beginning on November 1, 1899.
 Started a bloody conflict from November 1, 1899 to April 13, 1902.


 Emilio Aguinaldo was captured by Filipino troops loyal to the U.S. government on March 23,
1901, and he was replaced by General Miguel Malvar as rebel leader. Emilio Aguinaldo took an
oath of allegiance to the U.S. government on April 19, 1901.


 The U.S. military established and maintained concentration camps (reconcentrados) with some
298,000 Filipinos in the province of Batangas from January to April 1902, resulting in the deaths
of some 8,350 Filipinos. The U.S. Congress approved the Philippines Act on July 1, 1902, which
provided the Philippines with limited self-government. The U.S. government replaced the
military government in the Philippines with a civilian government headed by William Howard
Taft on July 4, 1902. U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt proclaimed a general amnesty for Filipino
rebels on July 4, 1902.


 General Luke Wright was sworn in as U.S. governor of the Philippines on February 1, 1904.


 The Nationalist Party (Partido Nacionalista – PN) was established on March 12, 1907. Legislative
elections were held on July 30, 1907, and the PN won 59 out of 80 seats in the Philippines
Assembly. The Progressive Party (Partido Progresista – PP) won 16 seats in the Philippines
Assembly. The Philippines Assembly convened in Manila on October 16, 1907. Legislative
elections were held on November 2, 1909, and the PN won 62 out of 81 seats in the Philippines
Assembly. The PP won 17 seats in the Philippines Assembly.


 The U.S. Congress approved the Jones Act on August 29, 1916, which provided for a bicameral
Philippines legislature including a House of Representatives and Senate.


 The Philippines Assembly approved a resolution on November 19, 1924, which demanded “full
and complete independence” from the U.S. Legislative elections were held on June 2, 1925, and
the PN won 64 out of 92 seats in the House of Representatives. The Philippines Assembly
presented a petition demanding independence to the U.S. Congress on December 7, 1925. The
Philippines Assembly approved a resolution calling for a plebiscite on independence on July 26,
1926, but the resolution was vetoed by Governor Wood. Governor Wood died on August 7,
1927, and Henry Stimson was sworn in as U.S. governor of the Philippines on December 13,


 The U.S. Congress approved the Tydings-McDuffie Act on March 24, 1934, which promised
independence to the Philippines in 12 years.
 Legislative elections were held on June 5, 1934, and the pro-independence faction of the PN
won 70 out of 92 seats in the House of Representatives. The anti-independence faction of the
PN won 19 seats in the House of Representatives. As called for in the Tydings-McDuffie Act of
1934, elections for delegates to the Constitutional Convention were held on July 10, 1934.
Benigno Ramos led a right-wing uprising against the government in Bulacan and Laguna
provinces on May 1-2, 1935, resulting in the deaths of some 100 individuals. Benigno Ramos
fled to Japan.


 Manuel Luis Quezón of the PN was elected president of the Commonwealth on September 15,
1935. The Commonwealth of the Philippines was formally established on November 15, 1935.
 Several constitutional amendments, including the establishment of a bicameral Congress of the
Philippines, were approved in a constitutional plebiscite held on June 18, 1940. Legislative
elections were held on November 2, 1941, and the PN won 95 out of 98 seats in the House of
Representatives. President Manuel Luis Quezón was re-elected with 82 percent of the vote on
November 11, 1941.


 Japanese military aircraft attacked the U.S. government’s Clark airfield in the Philippines on
December 8, 1941, resulting in the deaths of 80 U.S. military personnel. This happened hours
after Pearl Harbor bombing of the Japanese. And they started invading the entire Philippines this
same year.


 Manuel Acuña Roxas of the liberal wing of the Nationalist Party (Partido Nacionalista,- PN) was
elected president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines with 55 percent of the vote on April
23, 1946, and was inaugurated as president on April 28, 1946. Legislative elections were held on
April 23, 1946, and the liberal wing of the PN won 49 out of 98 seats in the House of
Representatives. The Republic of the Philippines formally achieved its independence from the
U.S. on July 4, 1946.

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