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What is is gmr:

>>>Giant magnetoresistance is a quantum mechanical magnetoresistance effect observed in

multilayers composed of alternating ferromagnetic and non-magnetic conductive layers.

Multilayer Structures: GMR typically occurs in thin-film structures composed of alternating

ferromagnetic and non-magnetic layers. When the magnetic moments of adjacent layers are
parallel, electrical resistance is low, and when they are antiparallel, resistance is high.

Spin-Dependent Transport: GMR is based on the principle that the electrical resistance of a material
depends on the relative alignment of the spins of electrons, specifically in a multilayer structure.

History of gmr:

William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) first discovered ordinary magnetoresistance in 1856. He

experimented with pieces of iron and discovered that the resistance increases when the current is in
the same direction as the magnetic force and decreases when the current is at 90° to the magnetic

Applicance of gmr.

The main application of GMR is in magnetic field sensors, which are used to read data in hard disk
drives, biosensors, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and other devices. GMR multilayer
structures are also used in magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM) as cells that store one
bit of informatio

Varies forms of gmr

>>>there are four types of multicomponent or multilayer systems , giant magnetoresistance (GMR),
tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR), colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), and extraordinary
magnetoresistance (EMR) can be observed.

The noble prize in physics 2007:

>>>GMR was discovered in 1988 independently by the groups of Albert Fert of the University of
Paris-Sud, France, and Peter Grünberg of Germany . The practical significance of this experimental
discovery of giant magneto resistance was recognized by the Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Fert
and Grünberg in 2007.

Principle of gmr:

The fundament al principle of the GMR effect is based on electron spins. In a magnetoresistor,
electron scattering rates increase or decrease as a function of the interaction of the spin state of the
electrons and the magnetic orientation of the medium in which the electrons are traveling.

Application of gmr

>>>The main application of GMR is in magnetic field sensors, which are used to read data in hard
disk drives, biosensors, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and other device
Two Main Types : There are two main types of GMR: Current-in-Plane (CIP) and Current-
Perpendicular-to-Plane (CPP). CIP-GMR is used in hard drive read heads, while CPP-GMR is used in
magnetic tunnel junctions.

Applications: GMR has revolutionized the field of data storage. It is a critical component in modern
hard disk drives, allowing for higher data storage densities and increased data read accuracy.

Spintronics: GMR is a foundational element of spintronics (spin transport electronics), which seeks to
utilize the spin of electrons in addition to their charge for novel electronic devices and technologies.

Resistance Change Magnitude: The resistance change in GMR can be substantial, sometimes
reaching several hundred percent, making it an ideal candidate for sensitive sensors and memory

Nanotechnology: GMR has paved the way for the development of nanoscale electronic and magnetic
devices, as it operates at the nanoscale level due to the thin film structures involved.

Spintronics and beyond

spintronics is also known as spin Flextronics is the study of the intrinsic spin of the electrons and its
associated magnetic moment, in addition to fundamental electronic charge in solid-state devices.


>>>Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) magnetic switches have been widely investigated due to their
attractive advantages such as good stability, small size, large saturation field, and high integration.

Ongoing Research: Research in GMR and related spintronic effects continues to advance. Scientists
are exploring new materials and structures to further enhance the performance and broaden the
range of applications.

Challenges: Despite its widespread use, GMR faces challenges, including issues related to power
consumption, scalability, and further miniaturization in electronic devices.

Future Potential: GMR and spintronics have the potential to influence various fields, including
computing, sensors, and energy-efficient electronics, as researchers work toward more efficient and
versatile spintronic devices.

These points provide an overview of GMR, its significance, and its impact on various technological

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