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Faculty of Navigation Sciences and Space Technology (NSST)



Question Bank to Chapter (4)
Section (A) - Question 1-36 MCQ.
1. According to Kepler's first law, each planet moves in an elliptical orbit with the sun
a) at the geometrical center. b) at one focus. c) at both foci. d) on the opposite side.
2. The rate of change of the velocity of a body is called the ------------- body's.
a) momentum. b) applied force. c) mass. d) acceleration.
3. Best orbit to communication satellite is:
a) Geostationary b) Sun-synchronous c) low earth orbit d) Retrograde
4. Best orbit to remote sensing satellite is:
a) Geostationary b) Sun-synchronous c) low earth orbit d) Retrograde
5. Inclination angle varies from …
a) Zero to 180o b) 180o to -180o c) Zero to 90o d) 90o to 180o
6. Argument of Perigee varies from …
a) Zero to 180o b) 180o to -180o c) Zero to 360o d) 90o to 180o
7. Longitude of Ascending node varies from …
a) Zero to 180o b) 180o to -180o c) Zero to 360o d) 90o to 180o
8. True Anomaly angle varies from …
a) Zero to 180o b) 180o to -180o c) Zero to 360o d) 90o to 180o
9. When Inclination Equal Zero, the kind of orbit is….
a) Prograde b) Direct equatorial c) Polar d) Retrograde
10. When Inclination Equal 90o, the kind of orbit is….
a) Prograde b) Direct equatorial c) Polar d) Retrograde
11. When Inclination Equal 180 o, the kind of orbit is….
a) Prograde b) Indirect equatorial c) Polar d) Retrograde
12. When Eccentricity Equal Zero, the Orbit is….
a) Elliptical orbit b) Polar c) Circular orbit d) Retrograde

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13. When Eccentricity = 1, the Orbit is….
a) Elliptical orbit b) Polar c) Parabolic orbit d) Retrograde
14. When (e > 1), the Orbit is….
a) Hyperbolic orbit b) Polar c) Parabolic orbit d) Retrograde
15. When Inclination (90o < i < 180o), the Orbit is….
a) Hyperbolic orbit b) Polar c) Parabolic orbit d) Retrograde
16. In Geocentric - Equatorial Coordinate System, the (X-axis) points to:
a) North pole direction b) Vernal equinox c) Zenith direction d) East direction
 - Satellite eccentricity = 0.2, Perigee Altitude = 400 Km, and Earth radius 6378 Km, please
answer the following question (17-18-19-20).
17. Semi-major axis distance equal:
a) 872.5 Km b) 8472.5 Km c) 8477.5 Km d) 84782.5 Km
18. Semi-latus rectum distance equal:
a) 8112.6 Km b) 8133.6 Km c) 8433.5 Km d) 84782.5 Km
19. Altitude of Apogee equal:
a) 3779 Km b) 3780 Km c) 3789 Km d) 84782.5 Km
20. Ratio between perigee and apogee distance equal:
a) 66.5 b) 0.557 c) 0.66 d) 7.667
 - The equation of Satellite orbit around the earth measured in terms of the earth radius R E
𝑥2 𝑦2
unit is given by: + = 1, answer the following question (21-22-23-24-25-26-27).
25 16
21. Semi-major axis distance equal:
a) 5 RE b) 4 RE c) 25 RE d) 16 RE
22. Semi-minor axis distance equal:
a) 5 RE b) 4 RE c) 25 RE d) 16 RE
23. Earth’s distance from the center equal:
a) 5 RE b) 4 RE c) 3 RE d) 9 RE
24. The Eccentricity equal:
a) 0.5 b) 0.6 c) 0.3 d) 9 RE
25. Semi-latus rectum distance equal:
a) 5.2 RE b) 3.8 RE c) 3.2 RE d) 2.5 RE

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26. Perigee distance equal:
a) 2.3 RE b) 2 RE c) 8 RE d) 2.5 RE
27. Apogee distance equal:
a) 2 RE b) 8.3 RE c) 8 RE d) 2.8 RE
28. In “Equatorial Orbit” the angles ……. are undefined.
a) (Ω, 𝜐) b) (Ω, 𝛼) c) (Ω, 𝜔) d) (Ω, 𝑒)
29. In “Circular Orbit” the angles ……. are undefined.
a) (Ω, 𝜐) b) (Ω, 𝜋) c) (Ω, 𝜔) d) (ω, 𝜋)
30. In Perifocal Coordinate System, the fundamental plane is
a) Equator b) Satellite Orbit c) Horizon d) Celestial sphere
31. Apogee distance of satellite defined by
a) 𝑟𝑎 = 𝑎(1 + 𝑒) b) 𝑟𝑎 = 𝑎(1 − 𝑒) c) 𝑟𝑎 = 𝑎(1 + 𝑒 2 ) d) 𝑟𝑎 = 𝑐/𝑎
32. Perigee distance of satellite defined by
a) 𝑟𝑝 = 𝑎(1 + 𝑒) b) 𝑟𝑝 = 𝑎(1 − 𝑒) c) 𝑟𝑝 = 𝑎(1 + 𝑒 2) d) 𝑟𝑝 = 𝑐/𝑎
33. Semi-major axis determined the ---------- of orbit
a) Shape b) Size c) Orientation d) direction
34. Eccentricity determined the ---------- of orbit
a) Shape b) Size c) Orientation d) direction
35. Argument of latitude angle (𝒰𝑜 ) equal
a) (Ω + 𝜐) b) (Ω + 𝜋) c) (Ω + 𝜔) d) (ω + 𝜐)
36. (𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝒰𝑜 ) equal
𝑛. 𝑟 𝑛. 𝑒 𝑒. 𝑟 𝑛𝑥
a) ( ) b) ( ) c) ( ) d) ( )
𝑛𝑟 𝑛𝑒 𝑒𝑟 𝑛

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Section (B) - Question 1-12 True or False.
1. Space mission include Space flight – Ground Station – control System.
a) True Statement b) False Statement
2. Ground Station contain observation, control, and receiving data.
a) True Statement b) False Statement
3. The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the net force impressed upon the
body, inversely proportional to the mass of the body, and in the same direction as the net
a) True Statement b) False Statement
4. If a force F, works on a body of mass m, then the acceleration, 𝑎, is given by 𝑭 =

a) True b) False
5. All planets orbit around the sun in an ellipse, with the sun located at one of two foci.
a) True Statement b) False Statement
6. The radius vector from sun to the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals.
a) True Statement b) False Statement
7. The square orbital period of planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axes of
its orbit.
a) True Statement b) False Statement
8. In “Equatorial Orbit” the periapsis point not found.
a) True Statement b) False Statement
9. The bodies are spherically symmetric (their masses are concentrated at center).
a) True Statement b) False Statement
10. In “Circular Orbit” the line of node not found.
a) True Statement b) False Statement
11. In classical mechanics, the two-body problem is to determine the motion of two point
particles that interact only with each other.
a) True Statement b) False Statement
12. Various missions require different orbits, as described by their orbital elements.
a) True Statement b) False Statement

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Section (C) - Question 1-5 Matching.
This figure explains Orbital elements, please answer the following questions (1-2-3-4-5).

Part 1 Part 2
1 a) Inclination. 1 a) 𝝊.
b) longitude of ascending node. b) 𝝎
c) Argument of Perigee. c) 𝛀
d) Equatorial plane. d) 𝜾
e) True Anomaly. e) Eq.
2 a) Inclination. 2 a) 𝝊.
b) longitude of ascending node. b) 𝝎
c) Argument of Perigee. c) 𝛀
d) Equatorial plane. d) 𝜾
e) True Anomaly. e) Eq.
3 a) Inclination. 3 a) 𝝊.
b) longitude of ascending node. b) 𝝎
c) Argument of Perigee. c) 𝛀
d) Equatorial plane. d) 𝜾
e) True Anomaly. e) Eq.
4 a) Inclination. 4 a) 𝝊.
b) longitude of ascending node. b) 𝝎
c) Argument of Perigee. c) 𝛀
d) Equatorial plane. d) 𝜾
e) True Anomaly. e) Eq.
5 a) Inclination. 5 a) 𝝊.
b) longitude of ascending node. b) 𝝎
c) Argument of Perigee. c) 𝛀
d) Equatorial plane. d) 𝜾
e) True Anomaly. e) Eq. Best Wishes

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