EC - B1P - Vocabulary Check 6A

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Vocabulary Check A Sickness and health

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

1 Choose the correct answers.

Anna: Hi, Sarah, what’s wrong?

Sarah: I think I’m 0 coming / taking down with the 1 headache / flu.

Anna: Let’s take your 2 infection / temperature and see. Oh, it’s rather high. I think you need to see a
doctor. She can listen to your 3 voice / chest and decide what you’ve got.

Doctor: Good morning, Sarah, what seems to be the matter?

Sarah: Good morning, Dr Crisp. I’m feeling 4 ill / sickness.

Doctor: Have you lost your 5 allergy / appetite?

Sarah: Yes, I don’t want to eat anything and I can’t sleep. I seem to have 6 insomnia / poisoning.

Doctor: Anything else? What’s that 7 virus / injury on your arm?

Sarah: I cut my arm in the garden yesterday.

Doctor: Ah, I think that’s the problem. The cut is 8 infected / dizzy. You need take some 9 tablets / bugs for
that. Then I think you’ll feel better. And 10 stay / go in bed for a few days.

______ / 10

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.

0 I think you’re allergic (allergy) to cats.

1 You seem to have ________________ (depress). Are you worried about something?

2 He’s ________________ (asthma), so he keeps his medicine with him all the time.

3 My leg is very ________________ (pain) since the accident.

4 The doctor says I need an ________________ (operate) on my arm.

5 Did the doctor give you a ________________ (prescribe) for the tablets?

6 You’ve got an ________________ (infect) in that cut. You need some medicine.

7 John is very ________________ (stress). He’s got too much work.

8 Gemma is ________________ (dyslexia) so she needs help with reading.

9 My ________________ (deaf) was caused when I hit my head.

10 He can’t use his ________________ (injure) arm.

______ / 10

Total: ______ / 20

English Class B1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

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