Fifty Key Jewish Thinkers 52

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standard-bearers no longer exist as a political his life and thought are thus authentically
unit-then this religion has passed a great trial Jewish. Given such a conception of Jesus,
on the way to demonstrating its reliability and Geiger concludes:
its truth'. (Geiger, 1911, 25)
In Geiger's view, the development of We cannot deny him a deep introspective
Jewish history is divided into four stages. nature, but there is no trace of a decisive
First, in the age of revelation, the concept of stand that promised lasting results ... there
Judaism was perceived as essentially moral was no great work of reform nor any new
and spiritual, capable of continual thoughts that left the usual paths. He did
development. In the second stage-the age of oppose abuses, perhaps occasionally more
tradition-the Bible was continually forcefully than the Pharisees, yet on the
reshaped and reinterpreted so that the idea of whole it was done in their manner. (Geiger,
Judaism would continually be relevant. 1875, vol. II, 113)
During the third period, the age of legalism,
the Babylonian Talmud served as the fulcrum In Geiger's view, Jesus believed that a new
of Jewish existence. The fourth period-the world of history had been initiated in his
era of critical study-marks a significant lifetime, and his followers awaited this new age.
break from the past: during this epoch the Concerning Paul, Geiger argues that he was
constraints of the legalistic heritage have profoundly influenced by Hellenistic Judaism
been overcome through critical reflection and and Philo' s conception of the logos', in his
historical research. Yet, though halakhah teaching Paul transformed the original messianic
(Jewish law) has not been considered as sect in which Jesus was understood as the
binding in this fourth stage, this does not intermediary between God and humanity. Jesus,
imply that Judaism is cut off from its roots. as well as early Christianity, he continues, was
On the contrary, historical studies can also influenced by the Sadducees. 'The High
revitalize the traditon. Those aspects of the Priesthood of Jesus', Geiger writes, 'his death as
Jewish past which are to be discarded should a sacrifice, the participation in the eucharist with
be viewed as medieval abnormalities his blood and body became a new priesthood
resulting fron1 various restraints: they are not endowed with the sacredness and holiness of the
inextricably connected to the core of the old' (Geiger, 1874, 715). In Geiger's estimation,
faith. the Judaeo-Christian sect eventually began to
In propounding this interpretation of Jewish spread its message to gentiles. The first stage of
history, Geiger was concerned to understand the this development was essentially Jewish-this
Jewish background of Christianity and thereby period is marked by the original version of the
combat the anti-Jewish features of eighteenth- Gospel of Mark. A later stage contained the
century New Testament scholarship. In Geiger's expression 'Son of God' which was
view, Jesus 'was a Jew, a Pharisee Jew with subsequently used by other Gospel writers. For
some Galilean colorations; he was an individual Geiger, Christianity's final break with its Jewish
who shared the hopes of his time and believed past was initiated by Paul, who had been
that this hope had been fulfilled in him. He influenced by Hellenistic Jewish thought with its
uttered no new thoughts nor did he break emphasis on the Messiah and the logos. This
through the boundaries of nationalism' (Geiger, initiative gained impetus with the destruction of
1910, 118). According to Geiger, Jesus fitted the Jerusalem Temple and the defeat of bar
into the religious context of first-century Kokhba.
Palestine. Even though he viewed himself as the In his Introduction to Jewish Theology,
Messiah, such a claim was in no sense heretical· Geiger explores the impact of Christianity on


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