MV Dynamic Var Comp - V5

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Power Quality - Medium Voltage

MV dynamic power factor correction

With “AccuSine PFV+” and “VarSet”

Application Notice: PQ-16-001

Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Contents

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Legal Information ....................................................................................................................................... 3

Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Document Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Supporting Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 5
Terms and Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 6
1 MV power factor correction................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 “Conventional” MV power factor correction .................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Fixed power factor correction .................................................................................................. 7
1.1.2 Automatic power factor correction ........................................................................................... 8
2 Dynamic MV power factor correction ................................................................................................ 9
2.1 “AccuSine PFV+” ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.2 “VarSet” capacitor bank .................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Operation principle ........................................................................................................................ 10
3 Solution architectures ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Architecture 1 – (Lagging PF correction only) .............................................................................. 11
3.2 Architecture 2 – (Lagging or leading correction) ........................................................................... 13
3.3 Architecture 3 – (Integrated capacitors) ........................................................................................ 15
4 Performance comparison .................................................................................................................. 17
4.1 Case 1 – With a 1200kvar fixed capacitor bank ........................................................................... 18
4.2 Case 2 - Automatic 3x400kvar capacitor bank ............................................................................. 19
4.3 Case 3: Dynamic solution 1200kvar ............................................................................................. 20
4.4 Case 4: Dynamic solution 900kvar ............................................................................................... 21
5 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Appendices ................................................................................................................................................ 23
Appendix 1 – AccuSine PFV+ range ....................................................................................................... 24
Appendix 2 – VarSet 400V – 50Hz range ................................................................................................ 25
Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Introduction

Our “medium voltage dynamic power correction solution” is made of our
AccuSine PFV+ dynamic var compensation equipment, VarSet low
voltage capacitor banks, MV/LV transformers and LV switchboards.

Our purpose is to provide a “standard product” based solution for

applications requiring a high performance system for power factor
correction at medium voltage level, up to 36kV.

Document Scope
This guide is intended for Application Engineers, third-party integrators,
and other qualified personnel who are responsible for power quality
solutions design.

Supporting Documentation
Reference documents:

AccuSine PCS+ / PFV+ brochure VarSet catalogue

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Terms and Definitions

Terms and Definitions

Terms used in document

Term Description

PFC Power Factor Correction

MV Medium Voltage

LV Low Voltage

CB Circuit Breaker

PQ Power Quality

PM Power Meter

PME Power Monitoring Expert

DR Detuning reactor

PF Power Factor

DPF Displacement Power Factor (= cosine phi)

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction MV power factor correction

1 MV power factor correction

Heavy industries, like steel factory, cement plant, automotive plants… are
very large electrical energy consumers. To be able to receive such
amounts, they have to connect to the utility grid at the medium or high
voltage level.

These companies have to implement solutions to ensure an optimized

usage of electrical energy.

One of them is “medium voltage power factor correction”.

1.1 “Conventional” MV power factor correction

The “conventional” solution for medium voltage power factor correction is
the use medium voltage capacitor banks.

These capacitor banks are of two main types:

• The “Fixed” capacitor banks,

• The “Automatic” capacitor banks,

1.1.1 Fixed power factor correction

The “Fixed” capacitor bank is made of capacitor units permanently
connected to the system as one sole system.

It can only be fully “On” or “Off” with no other possible adjustment of the
correction done.

Example of single line diagram for a fixed capacitor bank:

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction MV power factor correction

1.1.2 Automatic power factor correction

The “Automatic” capacitor bank is made of capacitor units organized in
“Steps”. The steps are controlled by a power factor controller and
operated by switching devices (contactor / circuit-breaker,…).

This allows adjustment, step by step, of the power factor correction done
to the system.

Example of single line diagram for an automatic capacitor bank:

Examples of MV capacitor banks:

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Dynamic MV power factor correction

2 Dynamic MV power factor correction

Our “dynamic” solution for medium voltage power factor correction
solution is using Schneider Electric “standard” equipment:

• AccuSine PFV+ electronic var compensator,

• VarSet low voltage capacitor banks,
• MV/LV Transformers (TRIHAL, …)
• LV Switchboard (Blokset, Okken, Prisma, …)

2.1 “AccuSine PFV+”

AccuSine PFV+ is part Schneider Electric range of active filters.

AccuSine PFV+ is a very simple and effective means to eliminate leading

or lagging power factor, reduce voltage fluctuations, enhance equipment
operating life, and improve system power capacity.

AccuSine PFV+ offers many features in one package that others require
multiple models to accomplish. Power Factor correction with Accusine
PFV+ is worry-free and without the risk of resonance.

2.2 “VarSet” capacitor bank

VarSet is Schneider Electric range of low voltage capacitor banks.

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Dynamic MV power factor correction

2.3 Operation principle


A) The capacitor bank injects permanently a fixed amount of reactive power (capacitive).

B) The dynamic var compensation equipment makes real time adjustment injecting capacitive or
inductive reactive power.

C) The result is a real time compensation


- In red: “kvar” permanently injected by the fixed (*) VarSet capacitor bank,

- In green: leading or lagging “kvar” generated by the AccuSine equipment.

- In blue: “kvar” injected by the dynamic solution. This line is the sum of the 2 previous lines. It is the
result of the permanent injection of the capacitor bank + the real time +/- kvar adjustment (capacitive
or inductive) by the dynamic var compensation equipment.

(*) The capacitor bank has to be “fixed”. This means if we use the capacitor banks from the VarSet
“Automatic” range we will set the controller to keep each step permanently “on”.

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Solution architectures

3 Solution architectures
Typical “dynamic” solutions architectures are shown in below diagrams.

3.1 Architecture 1 – (Lagging PF correction only)

This architecture includes:

- 1 MV/LV Transformer. Secondary voltage will preferably be 440V or 480V to get the most from our
AccuSine+ units or 400V to get access to the standard range of VarSet capacitor banks.

- 1 LV switchboard with one incoming Circuit Breaker and necessary outgoing CB feeders for the
AccuSine+ and VarSet units.

- 1 Set of AccuSine PFV+ units as per the required amount of dynamic kvar control.
At 440 or 480V 50Hz, one 300A AccuSine PFV+ unit is a +/- 250kvar dynamic reactive power source,
At 400V 50Hz, one 300A AccuSine PFV+ unit is a +/- 210kvar dynamic reactive power source

- 1 Set of VarSet capacitor banks with detuning reactors to supply the fixed portion of reactive power.

- PME architecture (PME software + relevant Power Meters) for the permanent PQ monitoring.

Example of architecture scope:

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Solution architectures

For one 1000kvar / 10kV – 50Hz dynamic solution we would typically use:

- One 1250kVA 10kV/440V – Dry type transformer, coupling Dyn11 (Any coupling is fine, just
select the most standard available option), impedance as low as 5% if possible,

- One 440V – 50Hz switchboard, with one 2000A incoming circuit breaker and one CB feeder
for each dynamic var compensation equipment and each capacitor bank.

- Dynamic var compensation system sized to inject 500kvar – 50Hz of leading or lagging
reactive power,

- A 500kvar / 440V – 50Hz capacitor bank with detuning reactors (typically 7% reactors)

Typical operating results:


- In red: “kvar” required by the loads,

- In blue: “kvar” injected by the dynamic solution. This line is the result of the permanent injection of
500kvar by the capacitor bank + the real time adjustment in the range +/- 500kvar by the dynamic var
compensation equipment.

- In green: “kvar” consumed from the network.

Example of scope of content for this architecture according to required power output if we choose a 440V
secondary (50Hz application).

Required PFC Transformer AccuSine PFV+ VarSet LV Switchboard

(kvar) (kVA) (Units and A) (kvar) incoming (A)
0 to +300kvar 500 1 PFV+ 200A 150kvar DR7% 630
0 to +500kvar 800 1 PFV+ 300A 250kvar DR7% 1000
0 to +1000kvar 1250 2 PFV+ 300A 500kvar DR7% 2000
0 to +1500kvar 2000 3 PFV+ 300A 750kvar DR7% 2500
0 to +2000kvar 2500 4 PFV+ 300A 1000kvar DR7% 3150
0 to +2500kvar 3000 5 PFV+ 300A 1250kvar DR7% 4000

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Solution architectures

3.2 Architecture 2 – (Lagging or leading correction)

This architecture when we need to correct leading situation (capacitive loads) or also when we want to
avoid to use capacitor units.

It includes:

- 1 MV/LV Transformer. Secondary voltage will preferably be 440V or 480V to get the most from our
AccuSine+ units.

- 1 LV switchboard with one incoming Circuit Breaker and necessary outgoing CB feeders for the

- 1 Set of AccuSine PFV+ units as per the required amount of dynamic kvar control.
At 440 or 480V 50Hz, one 300A AccuSine PFV+ unit is a +/- 250kvar dynamic reactive power source,
At 400V 50Hz, one 300A AccuSine PFV+ unit is a +/- 210kvar dynamic reactive power source

PME architecture (PME software + relevant Power Meters) for the permanent PQ monitoring.

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Solution architectures

Examples of scope of content for this architecture according to required power output if we choose a 440V
secondary (50Hz application)

Required PFC Transformer AccuSine PFV+ VarSet LV Switchboard

(kvar) (kVA) (Units and A) (kvar) incoming (A)
-150 to +150kvar 250 1 PFV+ 200A N/A 400
-250 to +250kvar 400 1 PFV+ 300A N/A 630
-500 to +500kvar 630 2 PFV+ 300A N/A 1000
-750 to +750kvar 1000 3 PFV+ 300A N/A 1600
-1000 to +1000kvar 1250 4 PFV+ 300A N/A 2000
-1250 to +1250kvar 1500 5 PFV+ 300A N/A 2500

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Solution architectures

3.3 Architecture 3 – (Integrated capacitors)

Compare to Architecture 1 the only difference is that the capacitor units can be integrated in the LV

This architecture includes:

- 1 MV/LV Transformer. Secondary voltage will preferably be 440V or 480V to get the most from our
AccuSine+ units or 400V to get access to the standard range of VarSet capacitor banks.

- 1 LV switchboard with one incoming Circuit Breaker, necessary outgoing CB feeders for the
AccuSine+ and compartments with VarPlus capacitor units with 7% detuning reactors.

- 1 Set of AccuSine PFV+ units as per the required amount of dynamic kvar control.
At 440 or 480V 50Hz, one 300A AccuSine PFV+ unit is a +/- 250kvar dynamic reactive power source,
At 400V 50Hz, one 300A AccuSine PFV+ unit is a +/- 210kvar dynamic reactive power source

- PME architecture (PME software + relevant Power Meters) for the permanent PQ monitoring.

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Solution architectures

Example of scope of content for this architecture according to required power output if we choose a 440V
secondary (50Hz application).

Required PFC Transformer AccuSine PFV+ VarPlus in LV Board LV Switchboard

(kvar) (kVA) (Units and A) (kvar) incoming (A)
0 to +300kvar 500 1 PFV+ 200A 150kvar DR7% 630
0 to +500kvar 800 1 PFV+ 300A 250kvar DR7% 1000
0 to +1000kvar 1250 2 PFV+ 300A 500kvar DR7% 2000
0 to +1500kvar 2000 3 PFV+ 300A 750kvar DR7% 2500
0 to +2000kvar 2500 4 PFV+ 300A 1000kvar DR7% 3150
0 to +2500kvar 3000 5 PFV+ 300A 1250kvar DR7% 4000

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Performance comparison

4 Performance comparison
Let’s review the operation performance of the “dynamic” solution for medium voltage power factor
correction solution and compare it to the other “conventional” solutions.

We have done simulations with below example of kW/kvar consumption profile and the related DPF.

Based on the same above data, we have made the calculation and checked the performance for 3
different cases:

Case 1: with a fixed capacitor bank of 1200kvar

Case 2: with an automatic capacitor bank of 3 x 400kvar

Case 3: with a dynamic PFC solution of 1200kvar

Case 4: with a dynamic PFC solution of 900kvar

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Performance comparison

4.1 Case 1 – With a 1200kvar fixed capacitor bank

Below are the graphs showing:

- Top graph: the kvar required by the loads (in red), the kvar injected by the 1200kvar capacitor bank (in
blue) and the kvar consumption from the network (in green).

- Bottom graph: The resulting DPF, with area in red indicating it is “leading” (Capacitive situation)

So, for this type of fluctuating loads, the fixed capacitor bank is not the suitable solution.

We see the DPF is around 1 when the power demand is high but when the loads go down it creates very
capacitive situations (Leading DPF, going down to very low values). This may generate significant over-
voltage problems.

Utilities also frequently do not allow their customers to generate reactive power back to their distribution

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Performance comparison

4.2 Case 2 - Automatic 3x400kvar capacitor bank

Below are the graphs showing:

- Top graph: the kvar required by the loads (in red), the kvar injected by the automatic 3 x 400kvar
capacitor bank (in blue) and the kvar consumption from the network (in green).

- Bottom graph: The resulting DPF, with area in red indicating it is “leading” (Capacitive situation)

For this type of fluctuating loads, the automatic capacitor bank is a more suitable solution.

We see the DPF is quite good during long periods.

When the power demand goes down it still creates “leading” situations but not as bad as in case of fixed
bank. (DPF remains > 0,6). It still can generate some over-voltage problems.

The lower than expected DPF periods and the leading situations are due to the slow response time of the
MV capacitor banks. (Several minutes)

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Performance comparison

4.3 Case 3: Dynamic solution 1200kvar

Below are the graphs showing:

- Top graph: the kvar required by the loads (in red), the kvar injected by the 1200kvar dynamic solution
(in blue) and the kvar consumption from the network (in green).

- Bottom graph: The resulting DPF. Here we do not see any red area which would indicate “leading”
(Capacitive) situation.

For this type of fluctuating loads, the dymanic compensation solution is a perfect solution.

We see the DPF is always almost perfect: between 0,98 to 1. (Note: Level of result depends on sizing of
the solution)

Because of its very short response time (real time < 20ms), when the power demand goes down it does
create any “leading” situations. When the power demand goes up it instantaneously provides the required
amount of kvar, up to its maximum capacity.

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Performance comparison

4.4 Case 4: Dynamic solution 900kvar

Below are the graphs showing:

- Top graph: the kvar required by the loads (in red), the kvar injected by the 900kvar dynamic solution
(in blue) and the kvar consumption from the network (in green).

- Bottom graph: The resulting DPF. Here we do not see any red area which would indicate “leading”
(Capacitive) situation.

Same as for Case 3, for this type of fluctuating loads, this dymanic compensation solution is also a perfect

We see the DPF is always almost perfect: between 0,94 to 1.

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Conclusion

5 Conclusion
Medium Voltage Dynamic Power Factor Correction systems are the fruit
of Schneider Electric long practice and experience in Power Quality.

This solution is based on a smart combination of master pieces of

Schneider Electric electrical distribution equipment and products offers.

It is basically made of:

One MV/LV transformer,

One LV smart panel, for the protection, control and monitoring
One set of low voltage capacitor banks, for the basic reactive power
One set of “AccuSine PFV+”, for the dynamic reactive power

On top of this Schneider Electric Power Monitoring Experts system will

ensure the relevant and permanent power quality survey.

The result is an automatic medium voltage power factor correction which

provides the following main advantages compare to conventional MV
capacitor banks:

Fast • Dynamic correction: Response time: < 20ms

(5 to 10 minutes for MV cap banks),

Clean •
Transient free correction: smooth var adjustments,
Usage can be extended to Harmonics mitigation (Consult us),

Accurate •

Smooth, permanent, and “step-less” correction,
No voltage rise at no-load, no risk of over-compensation nor

Flexible •
Can also compensate for leading situations (Capacitive systems)
Flexible for extensions and easy implementation,

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Appendices


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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Appendices

Appendix 1 – AccuSine PFV+ range

Extract from AccuSine+ brochure (Ref: AMTED109015EN)

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Medium voltage dynamic power factor correction Appendices

Appendix 2 – VarSet 400V – 50Hz range

Extract from VarSet catalogue (Ref: PFCED310004EN)

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Schneider Electric
35 rue Joseph Monier
92500 Rueil Malmaison – France

As standards, specifications, and designs change from time to time, please

ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication.

Copyright 2016 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

Application Notice PQ-16-001


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