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let's talk about manias let's start with Beatlemania hysterical teenagers crying screaming

pandemonium Sports mania deafening crowds all for one idea get the ball in the net okay
religious mania there's rapture there's weeping there's visions manias can be good manias can
be alarming or manias can be deadly the A mania for learning English world has a new mania a
mania for learning English listen as Chinese students practice their English by screaming it I
don't want to let my parents down I don't ever want to make my country guy mouthing
constantly I don't want to let myself down how many people are trying to learn English
worldwide two billion of them in China Latin America in India in Southeast Asia and most of all
in China if you're a Chinese student you start learning English in the third grade by law that's
why this year China will become the world's largest english-speaking country why English in a
single word opportunity Why English opportunity for a better life a job to be able to pay for
school or put better food on the table imagine a student taking a giant test for three full days
her score on this one test literally determines her future she studies hours a day for three years
to prepare 25% of her grade is based on English it's called the GAO cow an 80 million high
school Chinese students have already taken this grueling test the intensity to learn English is
almost unimaginable unless you witness it English I want to change my life so is English mania
good or bad is Conclusion English a tsunami washing away other languages not likely English is
the world's second language your native language is your life but with English you can become
part of a wider conversation a global conversation about global problems like climate change or
poverty or hunger or disease the world has other Universal languages mathematics is the
language of science music is the language of emotions and now English is becoming the
language of problem solving not because America is pushing it but because the world is pulling
it so English mania is a turning point like the harnessing of electricity in our cities or the fall of
the Berlin Wall English represents hope for a better future a future where the world has a
common language to solve its common problems thank you very much

The speaker explains why two billion people around the world are trying to learn English. He
shares photos and spine-tingling audio of Chinese students rehearsing English -- "the world's
second language" -- by the thousands.

El orador comienza hablando sobre distintas manías, como la Beatlemanía, manías deportivas,
religiosas y la nueva manía que tiene el mundo: aprender inglés. El explica por qué dos mil
millones de personas en todo el mundo intentan aprender este idioma. Expone a través de
fotografías y audios como miles de estudiantes chinos estudian inglés, "el segundo idioma del
mundo". Según el orador existe una ley en China que obliga a aprender ingles en tercer grado,
además nos cuenta que deben hacer un agotador examen que dura tres días para el cual se
preparan estudiando muchísimas horas al día durante tres años. Los chinos consideran de gran
importancia aprender Ingles, están convencidos que esto les permitirá tener mejores
oportunidades laborales y un mejor estilo de vida. El orador dice a modo de conclusión que el
ingles arrasa a otros idiomas, El mundo esta haciendo del ingles un idioma común que nos
permite resolver problemas comunes
In the speaker's introduction, he discusses various manias, such as Beatlemania, sports manias,
religious manias, and the new mania in the world today: learning English. In his speech, he
details the reasons why two billion people try to learn this language around the world.
According to the speaker, the Chinese government requires third grade students to learn
English, "the second language of the world." Through photos and audio, this documentary
shows how thousands of students study English. Furthermore, he mentions that they must
study long hours a day for three years before taking a grueling three-day exam, that means that
it’s exhausting. Having a good understanding of English is extremely important to the Chinese;
they believe this will allow them to have better job opportunities and a better lifestyle. As the
speaker concludes, English is destroying other languages, the world is using English as a
common language that allows us to solve common issues.

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