Employee Questionnaire

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Employee Questionnaire Survey Template

Part A (Organizational Culture) Disagree

1 My role and responsibilities are clearly stated during interview

2 There is career growth opprtunities in the organization

3 Organization provides sufficient training and guidance to the employees

4 My manager in willing to share decision-making power with employees

5 I have freedom to make important decision regarding my work

6 My organization values my opinion and feedback

7 There is a good team work & cooperation in my organization

8 Sufficient encouragement is given by manager for team projects

9 The team is reawardded for achivieving goal

10 My manager creates an environment that supports empowerment and risk taking

11 The organization practices ethical and respectful behaviours

12 The employees have sufficient facilities and tools to do the daily task
PART 2 (Employees' Performance) Disagree

13 I learn and try new ideas and creativity to achieve the goal

14 I complete task on time

15 My Company’s customers are satisfied with our products/services.


Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

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