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BULGARIAN BASIC COURSE Bulgarian-English and English-Bulgarian Vocabulary to Volumes I and II December 1965 DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER INTRODUCTORY REMARKS These Vocabularies contain all words and idiomatic expressions which are used in Volume I (13999 I), and Volume II (13999 II), of the Bulgsrian textbook. The translation of each word is of course limited only to that meaning or meanings which have been used so far in the lessons. The idiomatic expressions are quoted at full length and translated. In the Bulgarian-Bnglish Vocabulary the figures following the translation of a word or a phrase indicate the lesson in which that particular meaning of the word or of the idiom is used for the first time. These quotations will enable the student to refer to the context in order to better understand the usage and the mean- ing of the single word or idiomatic phrase. comp. conj. demontr. adverb article civilian comparative conjunction demonstrative direct familiar feminine {diomatic usage impersonal form interjection masculine military neuter ABBREVIATIONS neg. obj. PeBeBe Pete part. perf. asp. p. inder. t. nogetive object person past active participle past tense particle perfective aspect pest indefinite tens sentence translated Adjectives Figure Tddomatic phrases Founs Yerba SIGHS & SYMBOLS or accent mark; if @ word can be stressed on two different syllables, both accents are given. separates different meanings which a word may have in Moglish or in Bulgarian. separates synonimic meanings. the ending for masculine, feminine, neuter and plural are given, If the adjective's stem changes in fem, neut. and pl. the new stem is given with its last three letters im feminine only. Example: g00%p,n06pd, 6, # a figure in the Bulgarian-inglish vocabulary after a word or phrase shows the lesson in which it is used for the first time, are translated at full length. their gender is given always, Their plural 1s given only when the stem changes in plural. 1. The group for each verb is determined by the ending for 3rd person sing. Exemple: vetd, 6 follows the imperfectiv: perf. asp. momfrax 3. The past tense is given in 1st person sing. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ss Introductory Renarks Abbreviations 2 Signs and Symbols 3 Bulgarian-English Vocabulary 5 Baglish-Bulgarian Vocabulary 20 BULGARIAN - ENGLISH VOCABULARY BRITAPO - ARDIMAGH PESHHK a conj. and. % but aruema, a, 0, #, of lamb; aruemko newex roost lamb 4 ampéc m. address 19 aa pers. promd 1; We hort form of the dir. obj. prom ‘wyeame au ue? do you hear me? 10; wen(e) long form of the direct object pronoun used also ofter prepositions me: 2a wei Lopsualtre aipueto mite 12; wete ue double form of the direct object pronoun me: uéve ue pasiixa xpi cca they wounded me at the bridge 13; ua: ‘1, to me short form—ind.obj-prom: KBG& um he said to me 11; 2. my cu Mw my son 8; a ves{ e) long form: fo me: ua vex aalte emia Capa give ¢ beer to me; xa ueH(e) ux double for of the indirect object pronoun 10 m™ a Med He Mi Ce ADE GACyE i 1 don’t feel like eating beans 12 ano hellol 10 awepmdsenm., pl. avepuxaaim an Ameri- can (he) 18 awepumdinca f. an American (she) 16 anapraued? m. apartment 19 aprusepas f. artillery 14 B 62i6a f, grandmother 20 whieh Gamma f, bank 8 Cong m., with ort. Candze fath mpa Sang uy she lives at his father's home 2 6e3 prep. without 5; 8 Ocew wcé Sea mBai- cet iatzy/ra at 20 minutes to eight 5 Cesnoxod ce, -u ce to worry 23 Gun, , 5, 4 pass participie of xu been 14, see cau Garde m. ticket 5 Gino m, ph, Cana ridge of mountains 22 Gipa f. beer 12 Gaarozapd te thank; Grarozapal thank youl 4 Cotes, Goma, 0, u sick 10; o1 xaxzo’e Coes? what Is ailing him? 70% @ Go aes ot utenptiz he has pleurisy.. 20 Coad, 4 to ache, to hurt 10; ripto a Gomi she hax a sore throat 10 Boa'za, Boyona, a village near Sofia 2 pat m., pl. Opéra, with art. Cparara bother 20 SparoBsda m. cousin (he), Sparonvenel cousial 19 Gparossdma f. cousin (she) 22 Gyzenepa m. boulevard 20 Gua, © perf. aspect of the ausiliary ‘verb ctu to be 23, Gharapan m.; pl. Cutraps a Bulgarien (he) 16 otarepwa f. a Bulgarian (she) 18 Buardgua f. Bulgaria 18 Gfarapeea; a, 0, # Bulgarian ; Gkarapexu (eax) Bulgarian (laaguage) 16, wollte you Ha Cetrapoxu? who teaches you Bulgarian? 17 Gipso adv. fast 22 dcex wace at eight o'clock § apd, d, x, (perf. aspect cBapd, Hux) to boil, to cook © 23 Bac, Bac see Bue ado, tight awoy, immediately 11 petwk, &, 0, H great 20 Bemukaen m. Easter 20 BccTHMK m, pl. BECTHRI newspaper 2 eve adv. 1, already: pascipam au seve Guarapexa? do you understand Bul garian already? 16 2. anymore 70 ne ay séve he does not smoke onymore 20 sévep f, evening; Bévep in the event wwenings 17; a50sp Beep! good ever ig! 4 sexépa supper: a3 dua rdomm xa nevepa Thave quests for supper 4 neadpau, # to have supper 4 nodie see soxiua pasem, 8 (perf. asp. Baeia, © pest tense B96) fo take; Boeudrel take! at ‘BH see ale . a im, w perf a. pb Bux to see Bue, polite form Bie you; 1. Ba short form used as direct obj. you: He Bi sqjzeu wxdro mmépe | don’t hear you very well 10. 2. su short form used os ind. object to you, you: Kaiteo’ Bx nasa Tol? what did he tell you? 11. 3. ax used as possessive your: seid Bu patotene au? did your wife work? 8; Kom Bt yaizer? who is your teacher? 16, 4 Bac, Bac long form used os direct obj. and also after prepositions you : 38 Bac for you; na Bac to you. wiuzau, a perf. pts BAIRX aigara adv. alwoys 21 sizes, srizea, 0, a (of) wil nex Kean wine kebab 21 alo’ a, wine 4 Bip m., with art, saps, pl. mipoe pool 22 ‘Bisous f.Vitosha, mountains near So omsaw ka Bona to go to Vitosha Mountains 22 peyces, akycua, a, 4 tasty 6 Brazait Vladaya o village in Lulin Moun- taine near Sofia Baax m, pl. atakose train, c oi atax? by which train? 18; asmysau c sxaK Uiravel by train 22 Basa see BINGEM BINSAM, & perf. asp. BISA or BAASA, BN@9E pt BIEGOX or BEASOX 8 to enter: ‘te eausar 8 pecTopaitta they enter the restaurant 21 soiteuk m., pl. sodeig soldier 13 Boma f, water 23 socuex, pocma, a, x military 3 solicka’ f. armed forces 14 imo apeie ...? how B ToBa Bpewe at that time 17 2 naspelie on time 23; 2 weather 23 Spimeu ce, ace perf. eep. Bujuia ce, “SCa, p.& BEpHAX Ce to retum, to come back 13, 17 acéka, Bostka, scaiva, soda all 4 aqdpa, a, a, second 9 syepa yesterday 11 08 prep. see 3 (uscd in the written long~ age before words beginning with a Bor ¢) pragyned, “ma, 0, x oir; esoayitia B07 caw airforce 14 wanpdc m. question 16 soped, H p.t BopBAxX to go 5 avpua ce te retum, to come back 13, see ‘pia ce every, each 19 r TH see Te rain f. high schoal, gymnasium 8 radges, raamia, a, whungry 12 rien, 8 to look af; to see; fo try Taga 2a ce Bipaen wa apave see that yor, come back in time; me raefiea 28 Ce BSpHA Hex 1010 Bie zac I'll try to be here in half on hour 23 70 see TOM, 70 roadpa, H p.t roadpux to talk: ropopaxte ‘mt xa roctomét Wipes? did you talk to Mr. Mirev? 11 romiza f year, a xcaxo rom © 107 how oldis it? 70 e 8a ae rami it is 2yeors old 18 ross, a, 0, roueua big, great, large, heavy 13 ropa f. forest 13 rocnomi Mr. 1; pl.rocnoaa Gentlemen 2 rocaoas Mrs. 2, wife rer m guest 4; ciw Ha cocmi to be pad me with art. rpanst, visiting with rpaga city, town 20 rpawarmxa f. grommar 16 rpaaniver, wa, 2, # grammatical, ‘grammar, ‘rpawaniwo yupaxmesne grammar excercise 16 rpdane =. grapes 6 rywa f. eraser 18 Epic x. throat 10 roped a. jetable and meat stew baked in the oven 12 a wa 1. adv. yes 2: fe mimere au nucud? ‘ma, ave cifeue do you write letters? yes, we do; 2 to 9: donate am aa COmiizex Ha tito? do you want fo go fo the movies? 3. let 12: 28 Bieceu! let's enter mabeM, & perf. asp. 12M, JANE p.t IBID, rise 1. to give: nélre a xiemiara cx xdpral give me your identity card 8; 2. fo present, to show: emin gam 1a zésat? do they show a single movie? is there asingle movie? 5; command form: zat! zSkrel give! sine see mhoax ziuor, mae, migome see sdoau aire see risa zanéa(e) adv. far, far away ABA mase., 220 fem. and neuter 1W0; a fia two films; Be wury'ma two minutes 5 msdaecert, 4, 0, 2 twentieth 20 mpéua two 19; mpdua is used only for male human beings; with at > Arauane asdiicen twenty 5 asehadicer twelve 5 ape see Ba néser nine 5 aesetsdaeceT™, a, 0, 1 nineteenth 19 aékcrsysam, a, a, a active 17 ze dey 1: a5¢sp aes! good afternoon! good doy p! mnt, aewa; ua aex a day aécer ten 5 meré a., pl. news child 8 aeniucts0 x. childhood: nosudsau ro ot Zemiicts0 | have known him since childhood 2 we ace rete ec adv. today 15 a prep. 1. next to 2: Te ca xa udcata 20 ‘mucudta they are on the table next to the letters. 2. till, until 4: une ne croidve ap noxyucm we'll stay till mid: night, 3 10, up to, toward 708 pepe ap moma "Tloceza" he walks to ‘Po- eda’ square 20 m6pd ode, well 4; m6pél O.K.! good! 19 shy, mops, Ops, mdpd good 1: ‘EE ZeHl!” good aftemcon! good day! Sp6pe ¥2p0! good morning! msetepa tonight 4 sonizzane! good-by! see you! so long! 4 goa see proxy goxyueat m document 10 oueinex, noudaua, a, x domestic, home ‘woudmia pacora homework 18 morsel, “A perf. asp. BoHECA, -e p-t MoHECOX to bring 10 monect see mada mctérsuo adv. enough 23 ower, 8 pe pt, mir to ead! exate! come! apécen, mpeGua, apécua, -a small 3 lmpesa f, garment; pi. apem clothes 3 TEYT, & 0, other 7; scd'as0 zpyTO eo Oman everything else but yellow cheese 23 mpyrap m. friend, comrade 13; apyrafpol ‘comrade! Form of address used in the communist countries equal to Mr. 18 wyadna f. dozen 23 ‘fas pl. only, people, men: ue ce Byp- mame ¢ ABsAce? AvaH we come ba with20 men 13 mpuadeu, sua, 0, & state, state owned, ‘government owned 23 mecas’ {. board; sepna mcxa’ black beard 18 muepa f. daughter & a0 m., pl. axo0BuR grandfather 20 el is 1 see cus; 2 adv, welll et 11 Espona f. Europe 18 corux, a, 0, 5; 10-eaTHH cheaper 9 emi, emid, emid one 5; emi’... s+. Ipy?a some....others 17 emmalicet eleven 5 emp em, 0, « 6 big, large eowk pl. eau language; Bodixo ‘yruauye ca eatin Amy Language Scwol 18 Aint). 1. look! hl 21; 2. just ei cera just now 23 excxypoun f trip 22 konpa very good, very fine,extra good 21 exe! familiar command form come! see ohm endre! command form for 2nd also polite command come! aim epres m. bachelor 13 ertx m. flat, story, floor 19 670 demonatr. part. here, there 6: é0 Bu auicra oa actual! here youhave the menu! 21 eapditzop m. Pfe 15 wenaa, @ perf. asp. Dowenas to wish, to desire, 16 wont: “sae xeaete 2B cen- ene? where do you want to sit down? 21 saad f, 1. woman 2 wife 5 xésew, a, 0, 4 married 16 ampéa, -e to live; xtpéa xa yauua ‘Bégsmrton | live on Washington St, 16 aaitume n. dwelling, home,house 2 whan, witra, a, x yellow 6 sa 1. for: 38 oro’ e mrcudt0? for whom ia the letter? 2 about: ro- Bj 4H Ha Toctowmé Mipes 3a wigaza? did you talk to Mr. Mirev about the house? 11 sadéea f, party 22 sadpapm, & perf. asp. sa0pans, uw pet sadpdsax to forget 10, 23 sasda m. plant 19 sarpamx see sarpawiay sarpéigzau, & perf. asp. Sarpana, # pe sarpamux to surround 12 sdryéa f, loss 13 38 2a conj, in order to 21; (oa 2a introduces 4 subordinate clause Always write a coma in front of it.) séemo adv. together & saxavdaxa f. clothes rack 18 senécer, samacta, a, # reserve 17 sanondgafite! (can not be translated into English . It ie a polite exres- sion which you use while offering your service.) 8 ; literally: ‘at your orders gaT0Bd ade. therefore, that’s why 20 séxap f, with art. caxapta sugar 23 sézapen, sdxapa, 0, & (of) suger 19 samo? adv. why? 19 sapase ». health ua oxpase! to your health! 21 sapaseil plural & polite jorm axpasefize! hello! hil 19 sapécmu! hello! hi! 19 senen, sexelia, 0, # green 5 suai, sudex, aude p.t. cHaax to know 19 Spat, spaita, opana, spena ripe 3 ltand 2; also 2; too 11 Lhsee 12 seit von 10 Wsaxos (Mr.) Ivanov 1; ipaudsa (: Misa) \vonoy 2 urpda, ¢ to play; arpa ua xepra to play cords 7 vay, 8, 0, 1 coming, next 19 warpes m. rise: Horpes cIBine sun- 22 usKeW ce see UskauBaM ce askaupau Ce, perf. asp. usKAYa ce, ~H Ce, “axe to climb 22 daaet m. trip 23 asoctasm, & perf.asp. ROOCTABS, 1 p-& wsoctasnx to abandon 13 ignut m, examination 22 wad conj. or 9 tt see Te via see mun wueu to have 3: Ag wcsy pockHa yEu- gopua | have a military uniform; ua (impers., does not change in num-, P there is, there ore: 3 xi- novo dua eBramm Caters the ch tickets ot the movie theater 5 rue n., pl. muexdé nome 17 dcxau, a to wont 9 wormcru, a, 0, 4 real 2 xdaa see KésBaM Kasapua f. barracks 15 ~ xaopam perf. asp. K&B, & Pets to tell, to say: xéopau uy | toll him, xdapau a, | tell her, xaosau wa: | tell them; xeseau ce my nome is 15; cryzdsaute ce KésBaT weypodcra the students are called course participants 17 kan? how? 4 ewes? kakea? KakeO? Kak? what? 1: axe @ 10n8? what is this? what kind of: xaxed naina udcue? what kind of hat do you wear (are you wearing)? 3; xexg0T0 rel: what 23 xanuTaH m. captain 8 épra f, 1. card: afaa xara identity card 8; 2 map 18 apréwiuua f. machi apnina f, picture 18 xéq0 1. conj,, a8, while: wane page ‘exte xa70 windnen? where did you work os a civilian? 8 2 ody as, like © nagede’ nq pl. Kapeneta coffee shop, 21 xagaa, a, 0, % brown 3 cafe xamkans1 m, yellow cheese 23 neselt m. kebob (a meal prepared with cubes at and spi 1, boiled or broiled) 21 Receive n., pl. KeCaitvers hamburger 23 xeinep m. waiter 21 xefie a, pl. xésera cop 3 gun 13 10 uid a., pl. Kune kilogram (2.204 pounds) waizo a. pl. Kune movie theater; movies omdpau Ha Keizo to go to the movies 3 wilcer, xicema, 0, A sour 6; Kvicero uasko yogurt 21 waacen, exdcua, a, u (of) class 18 wauelt m, customer 21 kara book 2 xora? when?; oxora? how long 7: goxora arpaire? how long did you play? 4 orkora e Comex or mies— pir? how long has he had pleurisy? 20 KoraTo relatwhen 23 xord whom 2, see KoA KOH? Koa? Koe? Kou? 1, who?: Koi e Toi? who is he? Kos e rasa roctoxd? who is this lady? 2 which?: xov xpym ca n0-apemu? which pears are riper? 3; 8 kof o7zeh cu? in which department are you? 17; 3, objective form Koro? whom?: 3a kore’ e Mucuc20? for whom is the letter? 2 xoltko? 1. how much 5; 2 how many? Kobo m. familiar form of the name Huxcia Nikolas koomepalma f. ‘coop’, any kind of cooperative, in this case @ coopera tive supplying housing in a large apartment house. [ts individual ‘apartments are either rented or owned by the inkabisante 19 Koa? see KOR? ‘pyna f. pear 8 wynyBam, & perf. asp. KYDa, # p-t Kyaux to buy 9, 23 Kya see KynyBax kype m., pl. wypoose course 17 kypcuct m. student, course participant 17 wene? ade. where? 1 wicuo adv. late 7 rina /. house xx at home 4 wimg ace waka ropre’s., pl. xogreta hamburger 12 1 eB m., 16808€, after numerals 1683 lev, Bulgarian currency anit worth around 15 censa; 7pH 1€Ba three leva 11 selrensit m. AM interrogative particle used to form the interrogative form of the verb: mma aa nucMo? do | write a letter? 2 ina fruler; line 18 aact m., pl. acm and mcr sheet; Veaf; ‘ict oa dona menu 2 ame’ pi. IBUB face; person 17 soeiyo ance'military person, sox ama’ militory personnel anisen, au’twa, 0, 4 personal, autua xapra identity card 8 aykaina f. dry salami 23 anita f- spoon 21 arax CH, ~8 CH perf. asp. aerua cu, acrue ca p.t, aéruax ca to go to bed 7 u Maragme m store, shop, 23 uéiiea f, mother ‘ta suse apa udina wy ‘she lives at his mothers house; 7a ¢ pa waiea uy she is at his mother's 20 uatop m. major 13 uaxzp ve conj. although 22 usin adv. @ little, some; afew 18 wai, wainca, a, # little, small 18; watKo ade. alittle, some 18 wanépea f. canteen 23 wsca f, table 1 Ww udead a., pl. uncas’ butter 23 ve see 23 weGean 11 Wen see as ecap m., with art, wecapat butcher 23 weceym., pl. veceum month: zyK cau On 5a uéceua |'ve been hare for two months 18; o7 ustuamus vécent since the lost month 19 meat 23 ye uoT0 ata a somaBan umndipan,~a perf. asp. uiza, -e p-t wiitax to pass; wmdsax apes to pass through 22 saétat,"a, 0, x past; lost o7 satia- maa uecey since last month 19 wamouet m. mortar 14 saumyra f. minute § Mapes (Mr.) Mireff; kiapess Mireffs 11 ulona, “u p.t. wicKEx, perf. aspect Towsicns to think; to intend 14 waz, 4, 0, young; junior 17 agama cepxait m. corporal 17 waako a., pl. uxena’ milk 12 uacro very 6; many 18} much, a lot wra, vozen, ucze p.t. vox con, may 15; uora 4m 28 qoAza 0pH 1e6 8 cxCota? may | come see you on Saturday? 19 vols =. pencil 1 wota! please! 8 woct m., pl. wocroze bridge 13 Wy see tok, 1 It wacro pl. ects place; seat ia o thee ter, 9 5 ‘HB prep. 1. of showing possession YOI- east na cepauairra Crofos e Gxarapu the teacher of sergeant Stoykoff is a Bulgarion 16; xdpra ka Buarapua a mop of Bulgaria 18; 2 on showing time: TOA He padoTa Ha Tose Aex he does not work on that day 20; 3 on, on the surface of (showing place} 18, ‘Tem crend mixna sepa moka i Klp- 17a | eee a blackboard and a map on this wall 18; 4 to (inwodacing, indirect object gfter verbs like TBB2M, Sapam, galosiazau): 70M 1OKAsa AH ua zeae cu? did he show it to his wife? 11; Sof ua teou uewa at this price 11; 6. for: mem room xa sexepa | have guests for supper 4; 7, idiom.: 3a wed un ce ane’ dacya feel like eating beans 12 zammc m. sign 18 Hall o particle used to form the super lative degree of comparison: most, west, Te ca néii-seycuure u Halt- unre they are the tastiest ond the juiciest 6 mampésex seo npdan napiuan ce,-a ce perf, asp. HApeKs ce, sapend co, pet HApEKOT ce to be called 17 eprom abbr.: Bapdnes xoonepamubes uaractia People’s Cooperative Store 23 napcen,-mie, a, # people's, national; Rapémta Gaimea National Bonk & maya, & pate HX perf. aspe of of ya to learn 23, uac eee me navinan m., pl. xaseimuun 1, com monder, chief (mil. or civ. -seperiors 2 commandant (of « military school) 17 uaa, ae, a 1 our 18; 2 ours ne 1. no 2: Bae serere au He, ue dereve secramia. Do you read novels? No, we read newspapers. 2 not 2: aa xe mya | do not sake Hero see TOH, TO 12 seféa, a0,” his 19 12 negeta f, Sunday 22; 8 aegeis on Sunday nea let 5: ueéka 2a pspau! let’s gol Henpadren m., with art, HenpHsTenaT enemy 13 Hea see 1a HH se ale we 1; Eu short form for both direct ‘nd indirect object US, 10 us: TOH Re a sig he will wait for us, me EH gaze céuo spaitcet maam he will give only 20000 tous 11; Hac long form us; Hac HH douse form us: Hac HH sarpami Heapudtess? the ‘enemy surrounded us Hikolt, iikoa, €, # no one, nobody 14 wip nothing; anything toa ue mie Hiiyp he doesn’t drink anything 2 BO but 17 ‘HOB, &, 0, H new 18 ax m., pl. udaoBe knife 21: Hox 3a eco’ meat knife 24 HOuep m., pl. Houepd number 16 udca, H p.& HOCUX to wear 3; to camry 21 adkoR, usikox, axKoe, uskou somebody ; while in neg, or interrogative senten- ees anybody 14; some, any 17 naKoaKo some, afew 21 ‘asa impersonal form 1. there is not, there are not. aava xmira Ha uscara there is not @ book on the table, ava au éormm Ganern?, aren't there cheap tickets? 5; 2 gaia za won't 10 ‘aia aa ra sadpaee | won't forget them saw not to have: uate an n0~xy6a50 rpoane? don’t you have better gropes? 6 ° odate ade, however 22 oGuxuopexo adv. usually 2 oGuvan te like 23 ognexto’ n. clothes 15 Senex, o6emia, 0, 4 noon 15 Gag noon 8: ciex o6aZ aftemoon; after lunch 7; 10 068% at noon osazzau, & p.t o¢siaax to have lunch : ena aa oGazawe ademio! come let's have lunch together! 19 ormenaio »., pl. orzegaza mirror 21 oneaio x. ph ozeata blanket 23 ‘okoao adv. approximately, about prep. around opsane n weapon 13 ocsel except for 13, but 23 Ocean eight 5 ocemaficer eighteen 11 ocammanecemt, 8 0, # eighteenth 12 Cam, a 0, a eighth 8 ot prep. I. from 2. of on xaxno’e Coie? what is she sick of? 10; 2 for rye cuw or zaaueceua | have been here for two months 18; 4 since: ‘Tye cau OT Buepa | have been here since yesterday 18; 5, than, of ( with comporetive or superlative) Hmuave Xi n0=xyCaso rpoaze or 7084? don't you have any better grapes than that? Srronop m. answer 16 omer m. department; Sxirapciu ont Bulgarien Department 17 omisay, 8 perf. asp. OTH aa, © pee oTumx |. ta go fo onisa na sino cere | am go now; 2 idior go visiting D omza see onisau omoré? since when? omord cre TyK? how long have you been here? 16 oménoro thon 6: cerd ca nd-epruna, ‘omKcaKoT0 nd-paHo now they are cheaper thon beto: onme? ale from where? 29 13 opted adv. from there 22 cqauep m. officer (in the armed forces only) 17 cae ody, 1. still 17; 2 else, more 8 Ryet finnes. sent) 18 4-also B 1 market 23 again 8 coat 21 rrousers 3 nasap me am ede. adand n. rawzande m. trap pl. only money 10 net five 5 net, 4,0, a fifth 9 Herds (Mr) Petkoff 10 Terpse (ur.) Pett 2 nema f infantry 14 nevexo n. roast 4 nétxa f, heater, stove 18 nan adv. on foot 22 nes, née p.. oax to sing 4 aualio piono: cmipa Ha nualio V ply the piono 4 auize », pl. auteta chicken 12 cunepKa f. green pepper 21 nsineun munefica stuffed peppers 21 qucdama f. pen 18 tacso’ a. letter 2 sactoaet m. pistol 14 ada, e p.e max to drink 4 mina, ep. mucax to write 2 ‘TgaHuHa f, mountains 23 aaata’ see myaqeu anegex, a perf aap. aatd, ¥ pet Bandx to pay: Tok me HH naam he will pay us 11 Wiewd see miendsan unensibeu, @ perf. asp. meas, & pee miem{s to copture, to take a pri- ‘soner, Tax ru nxem{za they coptured then 13 naespdz m, pleurisy 20 MACHAA m. square (in a city) 19 0 @ prep. J. about, at: Uo odaz, at ‘noon 7; 2 on, clong: 0 yauuaTa on, along the street; 3. each sometines not tranal) Te pacoTAT TO OCeM TECA Bce~ vat zen they work 8 hrs every doy 17; gail To eMHO mmesue causosal give teach o small bottle of plum brandy! 21; b. (particle for formation of comp. de~ (gree) more, XOH EDVEM ca 10~376aBH? which pears are more beautiful? xomko ‘orpysat do-espaze? how much are the bigger ones 6 noseaa f. victory 19 nd-eermt see Govan OMOMKOBTHK m, pl. IO JUOAKO BEIGE lieutenant colonel 17 noempentsau, a perf. cap. nOSmpad, p.& MOSmpAnMx to greet 10 nogudsam perf. asp. noaués, @ nosHex to recognize, to know; a3 ro noua sa of AeTiscrs0 I've known him since childhood 2 noksazat, a perf. esp. NOKeED, ©, pt Toxegax to show; Tol dokaaa 1 a Ha xewd ca? did he show it to his wife? 11 oxpéA prep. olong 22 noKjma jf. purchase 23 nomdame m., pl. nomc'amuu colonel 17 nonosft, a, 0, a half; ryK ctu OF HOXO- saft vac | have been here for half on hour 16; caex doxosi vac in half on our 23 notomia (9) half 5; rol omBe ua ysHt~ Inge 8 Cefeu H TonOma he goes to ‘school at 7:30 (hrs.) 16 noaynci, midnight; x0 coryzon till midnight 7 1h toaaia f. meadow 22 rrovchyrm’ m., pl. ToMomeuum assistont 17 noneke because 11 nonskora adv. sometimes 19 Tong's (Mr.) Popoff; Dono’sa (Mrs) Po poff; Tongan Popotfs 10 nopsapey, a perf. exp, OpYyau, a fo order 21; kateo manopsuau 30 Bac? what shall | order for you? 12 nocesekie a. visit nocemeime ape Bo~ pa a visit with Boris mocae adv. afterwards, thereafter 22 TocTasm to put 23 moa m. march; waa Ha NODA to go ona march 14 nOwBaM, & perf. aep. LOMB, € pet mdwiax to stort 5 now adv, almost 17 apaba, d pot Upaeax perf. osp.: Ranpaps, H p.t.: Bampasdx to do 2 apeioa m. translation 16 pen in front of 9 pest prep. before (time); tpiroTaete paiuiptne ca mpem Beweps prepare your packs before supper 23 mpemoaarar, a; perf. aep.: 1pemioxo~ ‘Ha, H, p.t UpemonCuay to suppose 22 Upemorcxa see apemonaray pes prep. through 22 apexappam, a; perf. asp. Upexapau, @ to spend the time, to pass the time 7 npewita see spenuaiau Opemasbau, 8; perf. asp. Tpeuiis, € pt Gpewinax to cross 22 Tp prep. 1. of-npa warpes orsiue at sunrise 2; 2 to: udraau 2a aoliza pa 7e6 roresa? may | come to you then? 19 Uperoteut see aparotea apurdram, 4; pert. cap. nparoses, # pt UPRIOTHH, p.a.p. UDATOTELE, a, 0, 1 fo prepare, 23; Mpurdteny ce to get ready 15 mparorosieame s. preparation 23 poms: see nposisaw npoadsal, 8; perf. asp. apoza, npogate’ pt Mpomaaox, apomane to sell: me uy x mpogat I'll sell it tohim 11 Spampyadibam, 8; perf. asp. UpHADyad, a, wx to accompany 22 apasren m. friend 19 Tpomaxa’ see cpomsixase npomsiaabau, 8 perf. esp. Up metaa, p-t Upogeiadx to continue 22 mpoadper m.;pl. mposopim window 18 nya, 4; pe OyMEx to smoke 2 yma f. rifle 14 BK conj. ond 21; but; on the other hand atiuer, minesa, 0, a stuffed, filled 21 pst, a 0, a first 9 mapuew fried 12 ropania cup, meat used for frying; cemitcxa mspaza pork chop 23 mat a with art: OveaT, Ost pls ae ‘raya road; usr, pl. oxta time: toa ase this time 22; Ba Sta two times, twice uvryfau, 9 to travel: o3rysau c anax eT rawel by train 22 mdme see Tea P padormueckn, a, 0, x worker's, loborer’s 19 padota, u p.t: padotux to work 8 pasti(pa ce of course 14 passi’pad, a perf. asp.: passeps, & p.t paadpax to understond 18 pderonop m. conversation; dialogue 16 paxua f, whisky 4 15 pésama f. field pack 15; knapsack 23 pao adv. early; xo~paso before;earier 5 pax’ panasam paudpem, a perf. asp. Dans, H Pb: pawHx to wound 13 pea m., pl. pesose’ row: Ha mSpEH pei in the first row 9 pe m., pl. pemmuim private 15 peso ad regularly 18 pewa’f river 22 pectopaiir m. restaurant 12 petamx m., pi. pe‘mum vocabulary 16; dictionary 18 poua m. novel 2 © prep with 13; cbc in front of words beginning with c, 3, 1, 0. ca see cw cals, caqa; cawo, cau clone 19 callo adv. only 9 cEapaBaM, & perf. asp. CBADR, p-t: cBagaz to boil, to cook 23 caer, caetta, 0, a bright, light 18 cpezaoanar, 8, 0, a light yellow 18 OBAPR, H p.k CBUBHX, perf. aap: 42- CBupR, a pit: “Ax 1, tp whistle 2 to play: casipa ua maago | play the piano 4 cundoged, -ms, 0, « free, off 3 gatora cau caosofzen | am off on Saturday 19 CBOA, CBO, cEOe, CEO my own; your ‘own; his own 19: het own; our own; your own; their own (this Pe weed only a4 a direct or indirect object with or without pre~ itions, and shows that the object yascased by the subject) rapau, 0 per, sap: CBSEEA, H pit: onion Sathish 's ce reflexive pron for all persons cera adu now 2 cefer seven 5 cea, 8 0, X seventh 9 cenamiazecers, 8, 0, X seventeenth 17 cefmua f, week 2 ceeia see tam cemi, # + Comix to sit 9 cto’ m., pl. cams village; wa ceto in the country; ag chu OT cello Arosa Tam from the village of Yagoda 2 cepusitt m. sergeant 13 cepidoat, cepuciata, 0, a serious D ceompa f sister 22 ca possessive referring to the my, your, his, her, our, your, own ft cam m., pl canone’ son 8 cai, ciua, cfaso, cim blue 19 cipere n, cheese coun, criaa, 0, 2 expensive 6 cadrau, 8 perf. esp.: 1Om, H pit: cada to put 23 caaime, caeima, 0, u sweet 6 ctea prep. after;in; cies 068 after lunch, in the aftemoon § O1€Z KATO conj. caeaséen m. cftemoon; a net vacs| after 23 ‘caexodes at five o'clock in the after- noon 25; cremiGex In the after: noon 16 coisa f. plum 21 . cmisos, & 0, 2 of plum; cxiposa (part) “whiskey 21 emfzomaua (plum) whiskey 21 caysa, onfaux p.a.p. cHYait, 8,0, fp serve (inthe med forces) 14 cayasa f. service; com aa cryasa to serve 14 casaue n. sun 22 cuecena rmmaaaa coed high school 3 caomu adv. last night 7 cues, cota, 0, x juicy 6 camcsime s., pl. caucdima mogazine 17 cupapesnas, 8, 0, # just 17 CHA, W p.&: CBX, perf. asp. sacia’ to sleep 7 cpema f, meeting; date 19 coc, a perf. aap: cpeiaa, © ‘Pe& CpemHax to meet 9 epee see cpemay cpeqy’ prep. opposite, against 18 crepe perf. asp. cra, @ p.nscrsiax 1. to get up 22; 2 tohoppen 13 crdp, a 0, # old; senior 17 crept ce,-e ce p.& orapax ce to en. deavor, to do one’s best 18 crapmia.m. 1, master sergeant; 2. first sergeant 18 crapm cepuat m. Sfe 17 crak { room 2 creas f. wall 18 cmiray, @ per. asp.: crirHa, € Pek Bx to arrive omirua see criray st m., pl. crotobe chair 18 cromdima f. stotinka, the emallest Bulga ‘len monetary enitw 1 hundredth of the ev 8 to get somewhere 22 ctoRx to stand18; to stay 4 crpénax erp, 2 10 fire, to shoot 14 Pap. CTpSR, 8, 0, erpor, 8, 0, m strict 17 crpybmt, @ to cost 5 cryzex, a, 0, % cold 23 cryzeur m. student 1 16 cyaa f. ‘soup 4 7 CYTPHH f with ort. cyrpauTAa moming 25; cyrpaaza during the moming 25; cyt- PRE onsina a YULIMRS he goes to school In the moming 18; 2 cyrpmura till the moring 4 cséora {, Saturday: 3 cxora on Satur dey 19 Pe Thave been 14; p.o.p. Cat, a 0, 2 cuaeine s, doubt; Gea cumeine cndoubted! ly 14 the form cic is seed beginning with cy 2, 0, B- cigo taxa adv, also, 100, likewise 16 edna, 8 perf. asp.: coma, € , pe: cemmax to sit down 21; cemete testa! please sit downl vist see TOS rar ods. there 10 rue, 8, 0, & dancing, of dance 22 remysex, a to dance 4 Lime they 1; ra short form used os abject wishout prep. them: mika Ja ra aadpaaa | won't forget them 10; ‘tax long form used also with prep. them; 1 short form seed aa indi- rect object to them: aaa Za wx Zane xesemze we won't give the fumiture to them 10; mu poss. their 23 2. re you/fam. form objective case from 2, see T™) 17 ‘rearsp =, pl teatpH theater ua rea~ Top fo the theater 9 17 16 or re6e you, objective case of TH, used as direct object or with prepost- ae: ced with you 22; npa ted to you 19, sce ™ resemip =. chalk 18 ‘reasx, tesa, 0, a heovy team see Tom relexe, 8, 0, « calf's; tetexxo eco veal 23 ‘rexegomipau,~an, a, to telephone serefomipaxze sm aa Ik‘pesn? did you telephone Mirevs? 11 \ rerpaima f. copy-book, note-book 18 ‘remufvecen yultaye technical school 8 tu 1. you 18; 2 your (this posseseive ie used always after the noun to which ttrefera) D 168k see 10m roraba ade then 3 wan, taza, ropa pl. réan this 12; na dau era ot that price 11 rol he 10; form To, BETO him 12; ‘indir. obfect uy, Rexy to Him 11; uy pes, his 16 TWO adv exactly 19 rpeicropes, -paa, 0, a (af) tractor 19 rpea, @ p.e tpanx to last 17 them, a 0, a third 9 mpd three 5 ‘Tpificer thirty 6 ‘TPSPBAM, A perf. asp. THETHA, @ /to start 23 P.b TparHAr fo leave, to depart 15 Tpa6sa must 15 does not change in number Tye or nyka adw here 18 Ta she 3; objective form 2, sex her; dative form 2, ua nea to her Tax cee te (1) 13 ‘and person ¥ prep. at 7 7 yoipans, 8 perf. asp.: yaa, @ pee yOax to kill 13 ymua f street 16 yeugopua f£ uniform 3 yupasuéaue s., pl. yapamnetmas exercise 16 ype m., pl. ypdim lesson 16 yousisau, a perf. exp. yGiet, €@ pet youd to succeed 13 Yape ads tomorrow 8 fro = moming 2 Y98, M perf. asp, TOTS, Pe. noywx to stuey 16;, 2. ta teach: Kom ve yum Ha Cuarap- cau? who teaches you Bulgarian? 17 yrééamx m., pl. yuemuum textbook 18 yrenix m., pl. ysenium pupil, student 16 ywirme school 8 yotrer teacher 1 ¢ dedpma f. factory 19 Gacyam, bens 12 7 gam movie; picture; film; zapar 17628 qu they show 0 good picture 6 wine! come cal letl 12 mpeceal, & perf. asp.: rapecaa, 8 folike’ 21 via f, but, lodge 22 musiza f, pl. maam thousand 11 x46 m, bread 23 WM, a pt: DMI tego 8 Ypicros (Mr) Hristof 11 w 37683, & 0, 2 nies 3; pretty; good 0 Tues (Mr) Tsoneff; [aires Tdnem Tsoneffs 11 tant m, with art. uperst, pl. uBetoBe’ color 3 nema’ f. price 11 mmautes, ~ana, 0, « civilian 3; immer o civilion 8 mapa f cigorette 2 (irs.) Tsoneff; q Wot m. tea 23 Wkas, a to wait for; To me aH waka he will wait for us 10 ac m., pl. sacone’ J hour ry caw (on apa aca | have been here for two hours 2. o'clock: ryx caw or apa waca’ | have been hare sinca two o'clock 18; xoaKo e yacst? what is the time? wach e cefiew it’s seven o'clock; 98 unc’ ot 8 o'clock act f, pl. wom port unit 16 wems f gloss 21 Ne conj. that: Kasam, vege 4 Kyi he told me thot he'll buy it) 11 vecieme’ s., pl. vexuersera drawer 18 sepadz, 8, 0, u red 4 ‘wen, sepa, 0, a black 18 sécrea, seoma, 0, a honest 2 xéer0 ads. often 18 ere, ¢ pet: 860%, perf. eap.s DPO- vera to read 2 uérpopt f. quarter 9 verstpm, a 0, # fourth 9 nemad a. ph: semund reader 16 sémp four 5 vemupitcer forty 6 yemmpanaicet fourteen 5 cam mpl: anoBe ronk = 17 wonla f. plate, dish 21 uct, 8, 0, 8 dean, neat 21 weds m., pl: edu 1. mon (the male human being) D; 2 mon (the humen being in general) wpe, & perf. osp.: WR, @ pees WX to hear 1 I nama f. hat 3 adicém, a, 0, a sixtieth 16 wect six 5 nécmd, 8 0, « sixth 9 mecradicena, 8, 0, « sixteenth 16 mmeé ., pl: muméra bottle 21 b dosa m., pl: tram comer 23 D Dpyxon (Mn) Yurukoff 4 asco apple 6 strawberry 20 aGamKe fe toa f. ane mm snese m, 1. food, ord. prepared ; ‘xs tive aa aueue? what is there fo ect? 21 sind a, pl: ius egg 23 su, 235 pan: imox to mot 4 da Bac ate am Ba ce? do you feel like eoting? 12 dome a, dish, meal 21 mméiue n., pl: mmméiua small bottle 21 we @ particle used for ation | the future tense, ei " 4 19 ENGLISH - BULGARIAN VOCABULARY ‘ABTUO - BRAPAPOM PEEK A abandon, to usocrdsm, % perf. asp. acoctdaa, H p.&: WoocTABax about 1. 3a: did you talk to Mr. Mirey bout the house? rosdpaxre mH Ha rp. Mapes ga ximara? 2. Gxox0 accompany, to mpanpyadsex, a perf. ep: npaapyad, & pas mpaapyahe ache, to Com, a p.4-Coadx active adicreysam, 8, 0, H address ampéc m. after prep. clea conj. Cen KATO afternoon crensGen; at five o'clock in the afternoon auer vaca ctemiden; in the afternoon crenscex; good ‘attemoon! 50sp aett! afterwards adv. nbcte again adv. aK agoinst prep. cpeay air manjned, B»anjuHa, 0, 4; cir force spangmm solic all schact almost ody. oun 20 done cat, cand, 5, along prep. 1. 10: along the street 0 Yamuara; 2. soxpét already ad aéve:_ do you understand Bulgarien already? paadipan am séve harapacu? also adv. cio raxd; H ; we write letters olso 4 mue mimes ucwa~se midmex neue chao vad although conj. wakap ve always adv. siward ‘American (an) avepaxdieum., avepmdn- ka fi; American; adj. avepmedncxu,-a, -0, “8 ond conj. 1. a he and she are there coh a 7a ca tad 2. a he writes, ond she reads roi mine, a ta werd ‘anybody (m somebody) saKoll, nixoa, e, # onymore adn Bdue ; he does not smoke anymore Toi ue mmm séve anything nemo ; in negative sent: MmmO answer drrosop m. oportment atapravénr m. apple iGuaxa f approximately ada dxaad armed forces soltcxd f, ‘around prep. dxosd arrive, to critrau, @ perf. asp.: CTHTEA, pet oniraax as conj. Kat artillery aprutepus f. ask, to wita, & perf. asp.: dominay; ask 0 question sazdoeu suapdoferf. axp.: sanéu, samine pt: satdmrx) assistont noMGmmK m. ot 1. ao: gt noon 10 06a; 2. y: 1 was at Tsoneff's ax y Mdcemt; i “apa: at sunrise Opa darpes crgaue; 4 ga:ot thot price aa rdau uexd bachelor epréa m. bank cdma barracks xasépua f. be, to ctu perf. asp. CbAa; p.t Gaz; to be off caoéézeu com because conj. samdz0, nondve been cut, 4 6, % beer apa f before prep. cpemm:prepare your knopsacks before supper apurovsére péruimre cH mpemt nevdpa 2 adv. O-pAHO big rom, a, 0, ronda block sépex, yépxa, 0, blanket ozedt0 »., pi. oneand blue cux, cia, citbo, cin board gscxd f.; black board wépHa mcxd boil, to sapd, a, sapdx perf. eep.: CBBPH,U, cpapix; imperf. form deriving from the perfective with iterative meaning: CEB~ papaw, & book mantra f, at boulevard dyzesdpa m. big dep, apa, 0, bread x196 m. , RIAGET, HIAC2, pls ai mtesoze bridge wéor m., pl, udcndse bright cara, cadtaa, 0, a bring, to aondcay, 4; perf. asp.: mone- cd, é, ox brother Gpat m., pl. Cpdea with art: Opéra brown xagap, a, 0, & Bulgoria Buardpas f Bulgarian, (a) Séarapun m.; Siarap- Ka f; edj.: Charaparn, a, 0, 2; Pulgarion (language) Gharapoxs but comp 1. a; 2. a0; 2 me 4 oceat butcher wecdp m., with art, uecdpar butter usdord n., pi. uscrd buy, to KynyBem, 2 perf. asp. Kina, # poke Kym ¢ cafe KageHe n. pp KapexeTa call, to unpivau; to be colled sapé- mw ce cm drs, udue, p.t: voxde canteen vanépca /. cop Kéiea,, pi. xétera captain xazurae m, capture, to axendaau, 8 perf. sap.: read, u p.t: naemtx identity card aifwa cary, to adca, a p.t.: dcx chalk recemip m. choir croan., pi. ordadse cheap damum, 3, 6, 1 cheese clpese n.; yellow cheese Remmasén chicken mite s., pl. mixers child gerén.; children seus childhood zenixczs0 a; | have known him since childhood tosussax ro or enizcr2o chop mspudza /.; pork chop caxincxa spade digorette utrépa { city Tpaa me, PpAIET, Tata, ele TPAROBE civilion wandten, misdana, 0, edvilion wasises, cemdtuo sane elas aac m; adj: climb, to maxsivsau ce,-a 08, perf. aap: Mateus ce, Ace pt: Hanasdx ce dothes odsenad ».; mpémt dothes rack saxavéma /. coat néard » coed cuéced, a 0, H coffee nate’ a. coffee shoo xapene =. colonel nomKdaHiN m. cold cryseH, & 0, # color UBRT m., with art: uneréT; pi. uperoRe ‘come, to to come back spémax ce, ~a ce, perf. asp. BbGHA Ce, ~e Ce, p.t: Biba ce; comel anal etatel; excl. come onl xifize! commondent wavéania m. commonder 1. radix m. (in general sense) 2. wowanglp m. (speaking of the commander of a particular military unit) coming uni, % 0, % ceapd; imper. cap, deriving from cBB>¢: fsam, a, has iterative meaning, coop(erative) noomepdims f. wndces, xxdcua, 0, 4 22 copy - book serpéata /. comer érum m., pl. tran corporal = utd cepadur m.; cost, to crpyBad, & country crpand f; in the country za oto course xypo mx course oarticinant aypoiict m.; of course pasteipa ce cousin cpanoaséz m; sparosueinca /.; cousin! Sparosyezel cross, to spewamepay, a, perf. osp.: npentza, e, p..:1paninax customer xandat m. D dance, to ranuypax dencing séaups, 3, 0, dete cpéna f. doughter zmend / day eH m., ph OH; devart, to rpirssk, @ perf. aap: Ha, @ pt: 7 department onda m. desire, to xetda, @ perf. sap.: noxenda,e debe Hl dictionary . péuame =, do, to apd, a put, mpala, perf, asp. ‘nanpdan; to do one's best crapha ce, ~e ce, crap&x ce perf. asp.: 10~ apical document aokyudi? m. domestic soudmes, mia, 0, 4 door apard /. doubt cumiéme ». a doy a ger tebe dozen . ayaine f. drink, to nas, @ p.t: ax; perfosp. 2- ni drawer seemed n. dwelling adimme ». each Boal, Bcdika, BCHKO early adw past; earlier 0-paHo Eoster Benikzen =. eat, to si, a6 pk: Am0x egg aud = al el tight doa eighth dam, a, 0, # eighteen ocamuéitcer eighteenth ocemuauecem, 8, 0, H else 1. yr, a, 0, 4; everything else but cheese. ScdsKo apyro ocBé cupene; 2. adv. oe eleven emudiicer endeavor, to cTapda ce. 8 oe bat ce; perf. asp. goctapax ce enemy empHdTet m. enough adv. aperdrsaHO enter, to amfoau, a perf. aep. B1e58, ¢ pol atagox B...; let's go in! xefe 22 aadoad! eraser cya f. | evening Bévep fi; in the evening sévep; good evening! adésp névep! every 0d, Bosna, BeaiKo Europe Espa f. exactly dv, TOO examinotion donut a. 23 except for ocad exercise yopauidiue n. expensive orig, 3, 0, extra éeerpa F face auué a, pl sand factory d6paKa f. far, for away ade, xaréye fast Gipeo adv. father Cand m; she lives at his fother's home 1a saaée apm dana uy few udmxo; afew sxoaKo field pack pémuua f. fifth ném, 8, 0, a filled misnex, a, 0, # fine xjéas, 3, 0, 4; tim, 8, 0, fimish, to cabpasau, 8 perf. cap.: CEP ma, 4, pet: CBSPELE fire, to crpdimu, # perf. asp.: uscrpé- aa first wipe, 8, 0, & first sergeant crapmiza m. five oer flat eraix m. floor 1. nda 2. eraix m. foot xpax m., ph xpaké; on foot nex for 1. 9a: for whom is the letter? sa ord e mucud0? 2. on: | have been here for two months TyK cu of ana véceua; 2 8: | have quests for supper inva roma ua Beep force cita f; airforce ssazymm Bon cca pl. only forest ropa f. forget, to aa6pdBm, a, perf. asp.: 38- Opdan, H, p-&: cadreaax fork miniua f. forty semupiices four étupa fourteen verupuudicet free ceoGdnes, - m2, 0, 4 fried Spent, oe friend npadver m.; apyrép m from prep. OT front gpont; in front of pea, fumiture uéGemm pl. only 6 garment apéxa f. gentieman roctomin; gentlemen roc Oza get, to nonysdaen; to get somewhere SF to get up cTEBaM, 4 perf. asp.: CTa- HB, @ poke OT give, to géeau, 8 perf. aap.: ABM, ZALE, pe: BDZ gloss wma f. , go, to 1. omisam, @ perf. axp.; OTHIB, @ ted OBMIDA: 10 go YO, OPMBEK Has fo visiting omisax a rdcru; 2. to go to bed advan cu, “8 cH; perf. asp.: Herma GH, ~e Ca, pt ATURE CH 2 wim, 2, mz: he goes to school every day TOR Om na youiume Boeke ea; 4 BSpBd, H p.e: Beppéx: he long the street 10% BépEH 10 ‘yanUaTa good 1. flan, a 0, m; 2. mer, Do Ge, d, Hk: good aftemoon! aSésp aes! good moming! ao6ps y7po |; good by! cédroul mpméxaate! government mpasiirenctso 3.5 g-owned AbpMAbed, “SHB, 0, 4 grammer rpaudmaKa f grammeticel rpacanives, ~aia, 0, 4: gram mer exercise rpaMariHo yupaametne grandfather a9 ., pl. aa0Im grondmother Sida sropes rpoaze » great seni, a, 0, a green seneH, a, 0, # greet, to uosapanineu, @ perf oxp.: noampaad, % p.t: NOgmpapux quest roct m., pf roctH gymnesium rummdaax f. aw helf sonomin, a, 0, 2. | have been here for half on hour zyx ctu o7 noxosiE vac; ahalf f, nosomma hamburger 1. xedénve n., pl. xeGanve~ ta; 2. ogre a. pl. xogreta hand paka f.; on the other hand mu, or pyre crpaad happen, to ctaBax, a, pe Ba, @, p.t: ordaax hot adma f. have, to ‘ta; rot to have aiduay; to have supper seve; Gap.: CTa~ he. toi; him ro. xéro, éro ro; to him uy, 2a aéro, wa adro uy health azpise nto your health! 2a sapézel hear, to wpa, a perf csp.: Wa, e Deke heater néaa f. heavy téxax, réaxa, 0, 0 hallo! , t anpaeét! sapasétzel ampécra! 2. deol (in a telepnone conversation) here ads. 1 r¥k(a); 2. dro! ext. hore you have the menu! é10 Bu aiicre sa dc~ mazal hil axpaséal szpaséize! aapacral school rinaidaus his iéros, a, 0, hisown cBdi, 9, e, # home L mu 2. mudues, aaa, 0, homework soudma pééora; 2 at home 3 xia honest aécrew, sécraa, 0, & hour wac m, with art: sacbT, pl.: aconé; | have been here for two hours 1yx cua o7 aga vice house witmme 2; wma f. how? xax?; how long? xdaxo speue? mw word? however oGéve hungry radgex, radma, 0, 4 hut mika f. 1 00; me ue, uése, uéwe ue; to me um, wéne, wee at identity cord ada xdpre f. immediately adv. seméra in prep. 1.8 or BBB: in the room B erdata; 2. crea: in the afteroon cxdasces; in two hours cies 488 suica infentry aexiza f. Ivon Hed juicy cOvex, cowa, 0, # junior student wax yuemic m, ivst 1. onpaaennia, a, 0, a; 2. ade. 2: just now at cerd kebab Kesar m. Kill, to yOapew, a; perf. asp.: yous, e, pee yOux kilogram xuad n., pl. kaad knife sox m., pl. udxdee; meat knife Hox 3 uecd know, to 1. nau, aude p.: stadx (to have knowledge of); 2. toanabau, a perf, aep.: DOsHaR, © p.e: coaHdx to know (to be acquainted with): I've known him since childhood a3 70 Nogtabeu or Jendicr=0 laborer pasa m. RUTECKH, a, 0, lamb arse s.; of lamb sruemat, a, 0, 1; roast lamb arzemxo meéyeno language eaaie m., pl. exist Anny Language School Eoeimo yaitume 2a exit large éasp, éxpa, 0, lost, to spe, ©, pans pan late, «ices, wicea, 0, u; late ad. wicxo loborer’s pacss- leaf uct learn, to Hay¥a, , UX perfeas p perfe as p of ya leave, to TPEPBAM, 8, perf. asp. tphrma, e, p.b: TpErHAX lesson ypoK m. let, to ocTépau, 4, perf. asp.! oord- Ba, W, pes octdenr; Let's gol eka sspexi! letter micas a. lev zea m, pl. 1€208¢, ofter nu- ‘nerale ésa: three leva pa zea lieutenont aeirendat m. lieutenant colonel mc monKo EH m. light csezmuma f.; odj, cBérst, cBér- 48, 0, light-yellow cptt0-art, a, 0, @ 1. like ade, cxito rake . like, to mapecsau, a, perf. aep.: mapecau, a} OOMSEM likewise ade. oxo axed line aioma f. little waitsx,-ma,o,a; 0 little wamo live, to smséa,e, pt suBix lodge xtxa 178, 0, 3, how long? tong ay xa % 9? Took! at! loss adryca f lunch oda m.; after lunch crea, ‘o6da; 10 have lunch ocdzpau, & mochine gun xapréamus / magazine ctucdéine ». mojor usitop m. mon wad m., pl. sOBeim (the human being); men (persons) AVI used 26 with numerala: ten men écer afm many undo map xepra f. march 3x04 m. market asap me married xé&tex, a, 0, # master sergeant or nm "Leen ang yee Sour wore an 2a adliza tpa Tes B cota? meadow aoadua f. meal dome n. meat ueod n., pl. uecd meet, to cpémaa, & perf. asp. BB, @, pubs. Of meeting cpéma f. menu auct oe midnight nosyacn { soays6n milk wasKo 2, ny ple cpeu- fs tll midnight 20 wend military soéaes, soéma, 0, 4; military (person) sodiio zune minute wamyra f. mirror oraegaio m, pl. ornezame Mister roctomi m Mistress rocaoxs f. money sap (always in plural) month uéceu m., pl. uecemm; I've ibeen here for two months Tx cau ot mga uéceua; since the last month or wniuamus weve, moming 1, ympos. 2 cyrpmx /. during the moming cy7panta in the moming cyTpa= mortar uaHouet m. most Hait- (part. weed to form the superlative degree) mother udixa; she lives at his mother’s house ta sunée upa udaxa uy; she is athis mother’s 1a ¢ apm udika uy mountains i123 f. movie Gum m. movie theater Kimo »., pl. Kind to go fo the movies OTHBAM HA KHHO much ede. widro; how much? Kolxo? must pica my own cool, cada, @, 4 N name wie n, pl. mcend; my nome is ag ce napa notional Hapdges, HapOmRa, 0, # new HOB, & 0, H newspaper BécrHuK m., pl. BECTHHUR next way, a 0, H next to 2 nice xa, a, 0, # night wom f.; lest night cada nine adser nineteenth zeserudzeceTa, 8, 0, H no He no one mikoa, mikom, €, & nobody wisoll, akon, @, noon odaim.; at noon 10 06a; adj, Scenes, Semis 0, R not He notebook rerpaima f. nothing ino novel pouskt =. now adv. cera number adwep m., pl. woweps 27 Q o'clock vac m., with art, YacsT, pl. Ya- cond; | have been here since two o'clock rx cay of apa vaca; It’s se- ven o'dock act? ¢ céaew of prep. 1. ua: the teacher of sergeant ‘Stoykeff is a Bulgorin yutvesar na cepedar Créfxos e Osarapun; 2. or: what is she sick of? or xakeo e Gonna? off caoddzea, ceoddmma, 0, #; to be off cxodSzen cu officer ofmép m. (in the amed farces only!) often ade, ec70 O.K.I welll 206pel old crdp, a 0, a; how old is he? ua dio romfaa e TOA? on prep. Ha: he does not work on that doy Tok ne pace wa tau 2e8 one emit, end, end ‘only adv. cavo opposite ade. cpeny’ or ant order sioner fix, In order to a8 za order, to nopsuBay, 8,, perf. sap. 1O- eum, a, p.k: TOpbaaT other apyr, 8, 0, # our mai, 8, 0, a; ourown cadi, cada, cx0e, caon ours “nail, a, 0, Pp part vact f, pl. wom party sadasa /. foam pes poy, to nndmau, a perf. csp. axard, & pe mramix pear xpyma f pen macdaca f. pencil wdmus people 1. xipa; 2. aya (when used with numerale) we came bgck with, 2) people stpHame ce ¢ mpalicet 2yEH lo. Spa 2 afte (when used Peeth aamerele) wo come back with 2D people mipname ce © aBiicet ym A uapoa; people's aapdzes, Hapoma, 0, & person amuén., pl. ARUB personoi ives, aime, 0, & personnel epconds; military personnel ‘poeta auyd, s0éiex MepoomeA pian maéao; | play the plane capa ma masho picture 1. xapriuaf, 2 dumm. they ore showing @ good picture aézat x/Ces dum pistol mctosér m. place wicto s., pl. weors plont sasdg m. ploy, to 1, urpea, e p.t arpa; 0 ploy cords arpéa za xapme CMP, Ho p.t, CHKEX fo ploy the piano capt ua mudeo pleasel wota! pleurisy axespit = 28 plum casa f.; of plum omizop, a0, pool sup mwith art, supir prepere, to spurc'eam, §, per erp. 3pm- Pore, a pees Mpardtat Preparation mparotostedue a. pretty xfGap, a, 0, price yews f. private pémmm m. pupil yuenm m, purchase noxyma f. put, to cafrau, 8 perf os. cidza, x cadamz ; nocrass, perf as: al ty perfe as Pe quarter setsupr f question sBIp0G; st ask a question ca ‘ise sapde R rank HH m., pl. WHROBe read, to vera, @ p.: YEIOX, perf. aap. apoverd reader yeruad ». reol doTHHCKE, a, 0, 1 recognize, to doaiapam, 3, perf. asp.: nosuda, ©, pet 00 red vepsel, 8, 0, H regularly pemiao reserve sazécen, saecas, 0, restouront pectopaat m retum, to Spimax ce, “8 Ce, perf. asp. BépHa ce, ~€ Ce, pb: BbPHAX CE ridge Gio a, pl. Card right awoy Bemara rifle nymKa f. ripe apt, a, 0, spent rise darpes m. sunrise darpes cra- ue river pend f rood mp m., with ore iter, naa, pl. Osram roast ndgeH0 » room ctda f: tow pen m., pl pemoee; in the first row te WSpBH Pex ruler auimaa f. s solani cata. m.; dry solomi xyxainca f. Soturday cé¢ore f.; on Saturday 8 cs~ ora, say, to wa@Bau, a, perf. oxp.: dea, @ pees wdoax sect usder0 =, pl. wecta’ second stipu, 8, 0, # see, to 1. Blass, 2, ref gn oe a ” ale Sadao 5h Re oem rt ee come back in time raeaal 2a ce expen naspével VIL fry to be here in half an hour te raenad 2a ce spa ced 10K01 29 sell, to apoasibau, 8, perf. asp. Tpoasix, tpogané p.n: mpoadmox, aposdse senior student crdp yuenme m. sergeant cepxdit m., master sergeant, first sergeont crapmiia m., sergeant first dass crdpma cepuaitt a. Serious CepHoseH, sia, 0, a serve, to 1. cmyaa, a p.t: cxyzax, 2 caw sa cxyace service cayasa f seven cenen seventeenth ceneniszecem, a, 0, 1 seventh cémat, a, 0, 1 she 1a; her a, néa, aéxa; toher nel, n@t hi; sheet iss ple HOTS shoot, to crpéisu, & perf. aap.: actpelau auc show, to JOKSSBaM, a perf. cap.: TOKAKA,e p-t MoKaaax; do they show a single mo- vie? emi gum au zasar? sick Cénen. Cémia, 0, 1 what is ailing him? o7 waxed e Cinen? sign nemuc =. sing, to 06%,e, p.& TAX; perf. osp.r anda sister cectpa f sit to came a pet cemay, to sit down cag, 8, perf. xp. COmHa, © p.t: cemax six mect sixteenth nectudicemm, a, 0, & sixth méor, 8 0, sixtieth netodmi, 8, 0, 4 sleep, fo cas, H, pit clax, perf. cap: ‘aca small, ware, udana, 0, a; mpésex, IpeCAB, 0, 8; smoke, to Uyma, H, p.&: SVE; perf. np. soldier sofuie m., pl. so long! 2omeixaane! some 1, sikoaxo; 2. uddaxo: | under. sid some Bulgarian paocioax wdnep charac 3 om vo Others... Qi... APPT somebody afxol, nsitor, @, sometimes to#dxora, 2omnin son CHE m., pl. camond soup CyB f. sour Kicen, 8, 0, spend, to (for tne only) mpexapaau, a, perf. asp. npersipau, a; how did you spend your time? Kak Upexapaxre? spoon muaciua / aquore (in a city) mi0mex m. stend, to crog, &, ,p.t: c10%z, arf, asp. 10% stort, to aSepex, a, perf. aap. no%aa peu tGmax; 2purSau perf. asp. TPATHA state owned zopmcbed, 288, 0, stew (consisting of vegetables ond mest) TDBET still ody ae story eres a. stotinka (- I hundredth of the lev) ctO~ ma 30 stove méwa, f. stoma f. street jam f. strict crpdr, a, 0, © student 1; cryazeat =m ( ino school higher than the high school or ina course not connected with o regal or school schedule ) ye m (in a primary or high school ) study, to faa, & opt Yous; perf. asp. nayue ( to leam ) stuffed mituem, a, 0, © succeed, to ycudnay, 8 perf. ap. yor, e@ pe youds ‘suger eat ith saxaprd aa) y odzapee, 0, a sn orfaye Sunday neadta f., on Sunday 9 wencia super seve : 1 have quests for supper ia Téomm aa Bevepa to have supper sewépax suppose, fo —apemioxsrau, & perf. asp. Upemoucea, @ p.t; Mpemoncrny surround,,to sarpakmu, & perf. aap. sarpem, a pt serpents 7 sweet cadmn, cuaia, 0, T table uica f. Yoke, to noiiamd, 8 perf; aap. ; Basia, Pk Beex ; teke poewére ; | take © prigonge naesaBau, 5 uae pe asends Oe talk, to wits roaopar: Bid you ie e Me lirev? ros pax- te m4 Ha rociopin Wipes? testy atfces, mYCHB, 0, @ town rpa m.,7pameT, rpama, Pl» TpAnoBe tea wih om. teach, to ua, wo op.ts YUE perf. csp: Hafua, a: who teaches you Bulgarien? Koa te yur aa Guarapexn teacher yufvex = technical texniecsH, 4, 0, & telephone, to texejoudpa, a tell, to xanax, & perf. ape wim, pots Ki ten acer textbook — yvenuk om. than 1, or don't you hove ony better, grapes than those? ssuare aa ad-xy6a0 rp6ege oT Ona? 2 © 190 thonk, to Gnaronaps, thank you | Gaarogapd (Bx)! L that, L dua, one, onond, onéae D'réat : at that price Ha Téa ues 2 that con: ve ; he told me thet he would buy If To ua Kéga, ve ae Kjux theater teamap m., pl TestrH I'm going to the thecter onipan na Tearsp thelr own then ade. there 1. raw; from there orrait chil, a, @, orate 2 there is, there ore ia, there is not, there ore not wie 2) therel “ ér0 1 thereafter adv. therefore saroak they te; them TH, THX; Wi, Ha 3a, Ha TAX a think, to wdeag, opt, uaicanx perf. asp. DOMICAa noce to them third tpém, 8, 0, & thirty rpiflcer thls rea, réan, rsa, teat thousand munaaa f three spit throat rspto f. through prep. pee ticket Ganér m till prep. m0 time 1, apae at that time 8 rosé apele ; on a apeue | 2 aac m. : what is the time? xoino e wecie? 2 morm., pl. mri this time 10m cbt; three times TpH OTH to aiprep: 1. ao: he walks to ‘Pobada’ square To zopat sp txomn “locém". 2, apt: moy | come to you then? cra au aa 26828 apt Te6 yorésa? 3 ua: did he show it fo his wife? of noxdaa au a aa send ax? bj conj. fa; do you wont fo fo the movies? xcxare an za o7é— aeve Ha Kuo? todey adv. mec together adv. demo tomorrow ade. ¥tpe tonight ade. mosevepa foo conj. 4, Como Take tractor tpéirop m. ; adj. "paierOpet, ‘TpaRTOpHA, O, H froin stax m., pl. aidkope | travel by froin mayne c araK translation mpéedz ma. travel, to obryBau, a; mssyea ¢ stat tip doner m., exceypaux f. 1 travel by train trousers maxTardu =. try, to omérnaw, a; rad, a: I'll try ro ‘be back in half on hour me rxe- maw Ja ce mipra cxex noxomiH Tac twelve apaxétloer twentieth asdnecemt, a 0, # twenty aaéicer ond neuter); ABB (mosc.), IBC a beinge) two asdia (only for male uU understond, to acdipm, 8 perf. csp. 2 pt paodpax undoubtedly ade. Ges chméme uniform ymnciSpaea f- unit vact f, ph Wom umally ade, o¢uxeoBéa0 v veal rénemKo veo = seacir0 very adv. victory aoddza f. village my pl cask Im from te villoge of Yagode ag chu oT eto droga waiter KelNep = wait for, to vekeM, & nowme, & wall orend f. wont, fo Hom, 8 water BORE fe we mie; us perf. esp. HH, Hac, HAC HE; fo us Hi, 38 Hac, ma waC mR weapon opiane a. wear,to uéca, Rp. mOcEX perf. asp. aamocax( to wear out ) weather speie = week cépauun /. well 1, ede. m6pé 2 exch el whet ? , nacta?, Kaxas?, xaxzs?, Kexmd? what kind of? xucba, 9,0, when? 1. interr.: wora?; since when? ommora? 2. relats.: KOPaTO where? nas? which 2 xolt?, mod?, while comj. Kaa whiskey ia f. ‘whl dkeylmeda fr plums) cmitona pamig, cnfsomaua f. Koe?, Kou? to clips, w peas cepa espe: HOCRpR, xoh?, wod?, Kod?, Kou? who ? whom ? x0rd?, ¥od?, Kod?, Kou? whom see who why? 3anb? ‘that’s why wife window sarons ene f. mpozdpen a. Bio m., pl mua ‘ities, & 0, wine wine adj. wish, | to Pate with c; with weagi, © perf. asp.: Toxenah,€ oxen: in front of words beginning 8, B, i Cie 6ea without prep. woman xen /. work, to patota, # p.t: pacStnx worker pacomnn m.; worker's pacoTHMYeCKH, @ 0, H worry, to GeaoKod ce, “4 ce wound, to panisau, © perf. asp.: pana pet pan write, to mma, @ p.u: mcax perf. asp. samicax Y year roma f. it is two years old 70 @ Ha ape romiin yellow aa, & 0, a yes yesterday adv. suépa 33 yet adv. yogurt xilcero uaiKo n, cue you 1 sing ma; i ese, e6e Te; ‘indir. 0b wa 1é6(e), xa 7é6(e) ™; 2 pur. me; dir. obj: aa(Ba), Bac (Bac), pac mi, Bac Bi; indir. 08; ma(Bt)/ wa aac, a Bac, Ha sac me, xa Bac Ba young Mad, a 0, # your 1. sing: tm; Teoh, TEda, TRSe, reo 2 plur.: ga(Bi), Bam( Bem), a 0, your own cBoH, #, @,

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