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Student Researchers

G12 STEM-Pythagoras
Grade and Section


Research Adviser
SY 2023-2024


Background of the Study

Water filtering is a method to filter out some chemicals in water. Also,

it’s a method used to filter contaminated water to clean water that possibly

can be drinkable. By using water filtration, it suspends bacteria, viruses, fungi,

algae, and parasites on it (Cristina Tuser, August 24, 2021)

In this study, the researcher will experiment with two variables, the

sand, and the gravel and if the two variables are a good method for filtering

contaminated water. According to the website Vito (2020), sand filtration

removes floating and sinkable particles from the water. Also, because of the

sand the particles in the water will be absorbed or will physically encapsulate.

Sand filter has two sand filter functions, it was named surface filtration and

depth filtration.

Gravel filtration can be an effective filter because it can hold back

precipitates containing impurities in the water. It needed to be filtered sand

size and its hardness is also important to ensure the proper filtering. Filtering

through gravel can also remove bacteria from the water, where it needs to be

angular and have a hardness to hold back some sand-sized particles in the


This research aims, is to study sand and gravel are more effective

when filtering contaminated water and having drinkable water. Also, it aims to

know how the sand and gravel can be considered as environmentally friendly.
Statement of the Problem

Water treatment processes play a crucial role in ensuring

access to clean water, yet the environmental impact of conventional

methods raises concerns. This research aims to assess the potential of

water filtration systems utilizing sand and gravel, specifically "slow

sand filters" or "rapid gravity sand filters," as a sustainable alternative.

Moreover, this sought to answer the following questions:

1. To what extent can the implementation of sand and gravel

filtration systems address environmental concerns associated with

traditional water treatment methods?

2. What factors influence their effectiveness in providing clean


3. How do variations in factors such as particle size, flow rates, and

maintenance practices impact the efficiency and long-term

effectiveness of water filtration systems employing sand and gravel.

What insights can be gained to enhance their operational

performance?This study aims to formulate terrazzo tiles from HDPE

and epoxy resin. Specifically, it aims to answer the following


Objectives of the Study

This research aims, to study what is more effective to use when

filtering contaminated water to clean and drinkable water. Also, it aims to

know how the sand and gravel can be considered as environmentally friendly.

A sand or gravel-based water filtration system’s goals are as follows:

1. Particle Removal: The main objective is to get rid of any sediment,


particles, and pollutants that are in the water.

2. Pathogen Reduction: Sand and gravel filtration can help reduce

some germs,

improving the safety of the water, even though it isn’t as successful

as some other techniques.

3. Enhanced Aesthetics: By removing visible particles, filtration helps

make water

appear clearer and more appealing to the eye.

4. Preventing Clogging: By capturing larger particles before they can

reach the

system, the sand or gravel serves as a filter medium to stop

clogging of downstream pipes and equipment.

5. Improved Water Quality: In general, the filtering process tries to

improve the

water’s quality for several uses, such as drinking, industrial

operations, or agricultural purposes.

6. Cost-Effectiveness: Sand and gravel filtration offers a

straightforward and
effective way to purify water, making it a cost-effective solution in

some situations.

Implementing a sand or gravel water filtration system successfully

depends on understanding and achieving these goals. The general objective

of this experimental study was to determine the physical and mechanical

properties of commercially available terrazzo tiles and the one made from

epoxy resin and HDPE in terms of the parameters:

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This Quantitative-Experimental research aims to experimentally

explore the most effective way of filtering contaminated water. The subject of

the study is to determine which water filtration system is more beneficial to the

environment and what is the most effective use in improving water quality.

Sand and gravel water filtration systems are a cost-effective and sustainable

method of water treatment that can remove contaminants and improve water

quality. Many studies have shown that sand and gravel filters can effectively

capture and remove dissolved solids, suspended solids, and microorganisms

from water. This can help protect water sources, prevent water pollution, and

improve human health. Sand and gravel filtration systems are also known to

be highly efficient at reducing turbidity (cloudiness) and color from water,

improving its aesthetic quality. Additionally, sand and gravel filters can be

easily maintained and can last for many years with proper care and

maintenance, making them an environmentally friendly and cost-effective

choice for water treatment (World Health Organization, 2018).

The experimental study procedures and water absorption testing will be

conducted within the 2nd quarter of the 1st semester, school year 2023-2024,

of Tanza National Trade School (TNTS) at the researchers’ respective homes,

under the supervision of their parents or guardians under careful consent.

The collection, and preparation, of the water filtration system, will be

performed using sand, gravel, pipes, (may kadugtong pa)

Significance of the Study

The study will be conducted, to experiment with sand and gravel, and

which has a more effective way when filtering contaminated water. Sand or

Gravel is most commonly used when sustaining treatment in the water and to

improve water quality.

The result of this study benefits the following:

The Environment. The result of the study is to have more benefits to

the environment when it comes to filtering water. It can improve the water

quality in rural places or low-resource areas. Sand or Gravel can be

commonly used as a treatment for environmental water, especially if the water

is fully contaminated by viruses and bacteria.

The Future Researchers. The conclusions and ideas of the study

can serve as a guide for future academics conducting their filtering methods in

contaminated water. The results of this study may also serve as a resource

for future researchers to learn more about the context of the conducted study

and apply theories to their research study.

Definition of Terms

Contaminated Water. A water that contaminated by viruses, fungi,

algae, and parasites, it also known as a dirty water.

Contaminated Water. A subtances that pollute water and make the

water not consumable. It can not be use for cooking, drinking and for other

uses. Contaminated water will occur because of agricultural doings, industrial

chemicals, and overflowing sewers (Amy Keller, RN,)

Depth Filtration. It was concluded in Sand Filter functions.

Depth Filtration. It was a kind of filtration that retain a larger volume

and it was commonly used for a fluid that has a high load particles (Membrane

vs. Depth Filtration: The Experiences Explained, 9th December 2021)

Gravel. Use for system filtration to make the sand more durable when

filtering. It can also hold back sand size particles in the water.

Gravel. It's a rounded stones that often mixed with the sands, it's also

use to covers driveway(Cambridge Dictionary)

Gravel Filtration. A filtration that can hold back larger perticipates

and can be more effective when it have sand filtration.

Gravel Filtration. It is a filtration that used for recirculating which is it

can accept more larger anounts of wastewater (Texas A&M AgriLife


Sand. It is used to filter contaminated water with the gravel

Sand. A granular size subtances that typically found in a dessert

island, and some beaches. It has a yellowish brown color and cause of

erosion (Oxford Language).

Sand Filtration. Removes particles in the contaminated water, it

commonly removes sinkable and floating particles. It also more effective if it's

combined with gravel.

Sand Filtration. It is mainly used to removed and dissolved irons and

big particles from a contaminated water (PB Your Filter Factory).

Surface Filtration. It was concluded in Sand Filter functions.

Surface Filtration. It is commonly used to removed particles from the

surface, it's also retained in a layer, and typically used for biological treatmen

(Commercial Filtration Supply).

Chapter 3


This section of the research paper discusses the research methods that

will be used to answer the specific research question. This chapter explains

the research design, location, materials and method, gathering data

collection, analysis, and interpretation procedures.

3.1 Research design

This research study employs experimental research design in investigating

the effectiveness of water filtration systems using sand and gravel. The

researcher will manipulate the filter bed depth, flow rate, and other

parameters to examine their impact on the filtration process and evaluate the

optimal conditions for effective water filtration.

3.2 Research setting

The investigations into water filtration using sand and gravel will be

conducted at the researchers' homes under parental or guardian supervision

and explicit consent.


•sand •gravel
•activated carbon •PVC pipe

•container •filter cloth

3.3 General Procedure

3.3.1 Collection of Materials

The success of the water filtration project relies significantly on the careful

selection and acquisition of materials. In this section, researchers outline the

systematic approach to collecting the essential components for constructing

the sand and gravel filtration system. Begin by procuring coarse sand,

ensuring its granular consistency for effective particle trapping. Acquire

suitable gravel for providing structural support and facilitating water flow. Seek

high-quality activated carbon to enhance filtration capabilities, and obtain PVC

pipes of appropriate length and diameter. Additionally, secure a sturdy

container with a well-fitted lid, keeping in mind the volume of water to be

filtered. Filter cloth, vital for preventing fine particles from entering the purified

water, should be selected based on its permeability and durability.

Researchers ensure the availability of hoses for inlet and outlet connections.

3.3.2 How to test the Product

In the course of this investigation, the researchers will test out using three

different types of liquids to evaluate the effectiveness of the improved water

filtration system. Firstly, they filtered tap water to check if any charcoal
particles had passed through. Secondly, they filtered water from an old pond

that was color green and contained algae, to see if the filtered water would

become colorless and free from particles. Lastly, they filtered a mixture of

water and vinegar to determine if the system could remove odor and adjust

the pH level. The researchers conducted 30 minutes in each test, and the

results showed that the alternative water filtration system was successful. To

further ensure the safety of the filtered water, the researchers also boiled it to

make it suitable for drinking.

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