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Chemistry internship


This report aims to describe and evaluate a one-week practical training course in nuclear chemistry that
my employer required, as well as

assess its usefulness and share my experience.


The internship has approached nuclear chemistry in ways I found quite innovative and thoroughly
engaging. As a group, we kept the research topics evenly split; therefore, each of us worked a bit on each
issue, thus gaining insight into its medical applications, radioactivity prevention and energy generation.
This enabled us to see the practicality of what we were researching. In addition, the employer was
always supportive and responded to all of our questions clearly. His explanations made even the most
intricate topics very accessible.


The laboratories were surprisingly well-equipped. The things we had to encounter during the program
were stated systematically, channelling our attention to detail. Due to this, we could find a solution to
improving an X-ray machine. Our employer was also very firm in steering us along the way -- while
encouraging plenty of discussion, he also ensured we had a strong sense of teamwork. Clearly, the
employer is a very experienced and passionate scientist.


The internship was conducted in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. There was an incentive from our
employer, as well as an excellent rapport between the laboratory staff. The hard-working nature of this
program made everyone work towards their goals, promoting collaboration among the participants
while ensuring they could work in a welcoming atmosphere.


In conclusion, I believe anyone attending this practicum would find it stimulating. It is particularly useful
to young people interested in chemistry but equally of value to anyone interested in working a hands-on
job in a laboratory. In light of this, I would suggest the course last a little longer in order to cover any
remaining subjects.

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