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Managing anxiety during presentation can be achieved through-------------------------

• A. engaging the audience in the presentation

• B. using sophisticated slide transition

• C. sharing your slides with others

• D. engaging in relaxation exercise

The essence of research presentation is to --------------

• A. publish books

• B. be ahead in academia

• C. contribute to knowledge

• D. be in academia

Which of the following presentation requirement must a presenter know in order to prepare
adequately for the presentation?

• A. number of bullet points allowed per slide

• B. presentation duration

• C. trending clothing

• D. relaxation exercise

Before presenting to your audience a good knowledge of ------------------------- is important

• A. the subject material

• B. eye sight

• C. animation

• D. space

What is the name of the grammatical error in the following sentence? These bad roads which link
the various villages or towns to the main city or other places is one of the major reasons.
• A. fragment

• B. subject-verb agreement

• C. dangling modifier

• D. run-on sentence

• E. wrong use of articles

• F. wrong tense

What is the name of the grammatical error in the following sentence? The taxes are too much, we
are crumbling under excessive taxes, excessive cost of living, we don’t have water running
through our taps and it is our fundamental right to demonstrate.

• A. fragment

• B. subject-verb agreement

• C. dangling modifier

• D. run-on sentence

• E. wrong use of articles

• F. wrong tense

Find the wrong word and type its correction in the space provided. Asked whether he, together with
DSP Agbanyo and Hajia Adams wore gloves while holding the bottle which contained the acid, the
witness said he and DSP Agbanyo didn’t wearing anything. Blank 1. Fill in the blank, read surrounding

What is the name of the grammatical error in the following sentence? First, the transportation of
goods and services, by the inhabitants.

• A. fragment

• B. subject-verb agreement

• C. dangling modifier
• D. run-on sentence

• E. wrong use of articles

• F. wrong tense

When you use direct words from the text what do you do?

• A. put the direct words in brackets and write the page number

• B. use asterisks and write down the page number

• C. underline the direct words and write down the page number

• D. use quotation marks and write down the page number

What is note-making?

• A. restating content in your own words from a text

• B. selecting direct words of an author from a text

• C. replacing some of the words in a text to avoid plagiarism

• D. selecting relevant pieces of information from a text

One of the following can help you make good notes.

• A. express your own opinion

• B. rewrite the whole text

• C. use visual techniques

• D. do not retain the original meaning of the text

Why should you always record the source of your notes?

• A. to help you write a reference list

• B. to help you understand the text

• C. to help you retain the original meaning

• D. to tell you what the text is about

Which of the following should we always place in quotation marks in our essays?

• A. A quotation

• B. A citation

• C. A summary

• D. A paraphrase

You acknowledge a source two times, . . ..

• A. as a paraphrase and a summary

• B. as in-text citation and in the list of references

• C. as citation and quotation

• D. as an explanation and illustration

Mentioning sources in the introduction of your work enables you to . . ..

• A. accomplish your objectives as a writer

• B. situate your work within the context or subject area

• C. summarise all issues concerning the subject matter

• D. show your sophistication as a writer

Good note-making enables the writer to avoid plagiarism because it. . ..

• A. records only the information needed

• B. helps to be brief

• C. uses abbreviations and summaries

• D. helps to record the details of the sources

Which one of the following is common to all lists of references?

• A. They are numbered

• B. They are arranged in alphabetical order

• C. They use quotation marks

• D. They have a heading

Which of the skills is crucial to summary writing?

• A. Proper rehearsal

• B. Making connections

• C. Emphasis

• D. Subject-verb agreement

Atsuvi has hundreds of cattle at Oda, many houses in Kumasi, a fleet of cars in Accra and five
(5) yachts at Tema. His companies are spread throughout the Volta Region. Which of the
following best sums up the above text?

• A. Atsuvi is wealthy

• B. Atsuvi has a lot of property in Ghana

• C. Atsuvi is the boss

• D. Atsuvi is big

Mary is famed for giving many people financial help. But her notoriety took over after she beat
up her own husband and got him using crutches. She punched one of her employees in the
mouth. The employee needed a couple of stitches. But when her oldest daughter showed up at
school with a black eye, she was convicted to a two-year jail term. Describe Mary in one

• A. Mary is violent

• B. Mary is a rich woman

• C. Mary hates her family

• D. Mary is strong
Bringing out the exact message of the passage or sentence to be summarized is referred to

• A. Acclamation

• B. Paraphrase

• C. Accuracy

• D. Regulation

After a ……………absence due to ill health, the professor returned to campus.

• A. month’s

• B. months’

• C. month

Medical services such as organ transplant……………… the lives of people in modern society.

• A. saves

• B. save

• C. has saved

• D. is saving

There are two types of ……………. : viral and bacterial.

• A. pneumonia

• B. neumonia

• C. pnumonia

………… full of drama.

• A. Life

• B. Live

• C. Life’s
• D. Lives

Unfortunately, I can only take three students to the concert.

• A. correctly placed modifier

• B. misplaced modifier

In selecting presentation technology, it is important to select technologies that-----------

• A. are commonly used by all

• B. are freely available to down load and use

• C. represent the state of the art in presentation technologies

• D. are available and can be used at the presentation location

The outline of the presentation is -----------------------

• A. list of requirement and purpose of the presentation

• B. list of major topics or headings to be covered in the presentation.

• C. list of technology that will be used

• D. list of external sources used in the presentation

The outline of the presentation is -----------------------

• A. list of requirement and purpose of the presentation

• B. list of major topics or headings to be covered in the presentation.

• C. list of technology that will be used

• D. list of external sources used in the presentation

When rehearsing to present it is helpful to recognize and prevent -----

• A. fillers such as ummmm, errrhhh, and ahhh.

• B. possible questions from the audience

• C. possible gestures

• D. criticisms from friends

What is the name of the grammatical error in the following sentence? One cannot fathom why
the state cannot procure laptops from known brands such as HP, Lenovo, Dell, Toshiba,
Samsung, Sony, Acer that are generally of good quality and their parts can easily be replaced
when they fail or they can be sold off when they become outmoded because of the reputation of
the manufacturers, which is quite high.

• A. fragment

• B. subject-verb agreement

• C. dangling modifier

• D. run-on sentence

• E. wrong use of articles

• F. wrong tense

Find the wrong word and type its correction in the space provided The dog raised it’s tail the
moment it saw us walking toward the gate. Blank 1. Fill in the blank, read surrounding text.

What is the name of the grammatical error in the following sentence? Real time validation of
customer information before a transaction is carried out which is difficult and looks impossible
because transaction time is limited and may lead to failure or time-out frequently, therefore,
customers could not even carry out their transactions at all.

• A. fragment

• B. subject-verb agreement

• C. dangling modifier

• D. run-on sentence

• E. wrong use of articles

• F. wrong tense
How do you write down key issues in a text?

• A. paraphrasing and editing

• B. paraphrasing and proofreading

• C. summarising and paraphrasing

• D. summarising and editing

Choose the correct steps to follow when making notes from a text

• A. 1. Read and mark important points 2. Preview 3. Write down the key items

• B. 1. Write down the key items 2. Read and mark important points 3. Preview

• C. 1. Preview 2. Read and mark important points 3. Write down the key terms

• D. 1. Preview 2. Write down key terms 3. Read and mark important points

Caleb does not abbreviate too much when making-notes. What is his reason?

• A. to avoid plagiarism

• B. to be able to use an author’s direct words

• C. to be able to understand his notes in the future

• D. to be able to write a reference list

If you want to remember information from a text what do you do?

• A. proofread the whole text

• B. edit the whole text

• C. copy the whole text

• D. write down the important details

Which of the following is the most appropriately punctuated?

• A. Smith asserted that “Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) are bad for road safety” (2009,
• B. Smith asserted that, “Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) are bad for road safety, (2009, p.

• C. Smith asserted that, “Sports Utility Vehicles (SUV’s) are bad for road safety.” (2009)

• D. Smith asserted that: “Sports Utility Vehicles (SUV) are bad for road safety” (2009).

How should you treat a writer’s name in acknowledging it in your essay?

• A. Write the surname (last name) followed by the initials

• B. Write the first name followed by the last name

• C. Write the surname (last name) only

• D. Write the first name only

Hippopotamuses kill more humans than lions and hyenas combined. Snakes kill thousands.
Spiders and scorpions manage some hundreds each year but the mosquito slays millions.
Summarized as……….

• A. Size does not matter

• B. Big animals can be dangerous too

• C. Mosquitoes are deadly

• D. Snakes must be avoided

Brevity must NOT be achieved at the expense of…….

• A. Triviality

• B. Originality

• C. Paraphrase

• D. Accuracy

Which of the following is a type of summary?

• A. Distributive

• B. Evaluative
• C. Summative

• D. Educative

Every postgraduate student must present a ………………………… work at the end of the period
of study.

• A. seminar

• B. seminal

• C. semenar

The young men were reprimanded strongly by the judge for making a ………… joke about the
beautiful policewoman.

• A. cost

• B. coarse

• C. cause

• D. course

The relay team had an early lead, but then lagged behind.

• A. Parallel

• B. Non-parallel

The customer service representative gave his ……………… that the refund would be made
within two weeks.

• A. assuranse

• B. asurance

• C. assurance.

It is generally not a good practice to deliver a presentation by ----------------

• A. mentioning the highlights of what is on the slide

• B. elaborating each bullet point on the presentation material

• C. reading the entire presentation line by line

• D. paraphrasing what is on the presentation slides

Extra data of the presentation should be ------------------

• A. given as answers during question time

• B. delivered as keynote address

• C. put in the handout notes

• D. put on the slides

The introduction of the presentation contains all excerpt---------------------

• A. brief background

• B. fully read text

• C. topic and aim

• D. an outline

Is the following sentence grammatically correct or wrong? We must ensure that the increased
cases are not a matter of false positive results which by and large could be a system failure.

• A. correct

• B. wrong

How can the chapter or article title help you make notes?

• A. tells what the text is about

• B. tells how to read the text

• C. tells the date the text was written

• D. tells who wrote the text

What is the result of poor note-making?

• A. can lead to unintentional plagiarism

• B. can make you retain the original meaning of the text

• C. can make you lose your friends

• D. can make your lecturers misunderstand your notes

Why should you use your own words when making notes?

• A. to avoid retaining the original meaning

• B. to show that you are a word millionaire

• C. to avoid plagiarism

• D. to avoid confusion

Which of the following illustrates a secondary quotation?

• A. According to Som (2015) cited in Adam (2018, p. 9) “bees do dance.”

• B. According to Som (2015) “bees do dance.”

• C. Som discovered that bees do dance.

• D. Som’s investigations revealed that bees do dance (2015).

Which of the following must you include when writing your entry of an internet source?

• A. The place of publication

• B. The organisation that published the article

• C. The webpage address

• D. The date of publication

The prisoners passed us with hanging heads, drooping shoulders and their feet shuffled.

• A. Parallel

• B. Non-parallel

I watched the mechanic fix the bus with intrigue.

• A. correctly placed modifier

• B. misplaced modifier

In summary writing, one’s knowledge of ……… so very important.

• A. Animals as pets

• B. Management

• C. Semantics

• D. Synonyms

Drinking hot chocolate for breakfast appeals to me more than coffee.

• A. Parallel

• B. Non-parallel

My brother just listens to one radio station.

• A. correctly placed modifier

• B. misplaced modifier

Why should you make notes?

• A. to state numerical data and statistics

• B. to prepare for essay writing

• C. to write topic sentences

• D. to express your opinion

Proper eye contact with the audience when delivering a presentation involves-----------------

• A. making a sweeping glance at the audience from the left to the right and front to the
back of the room

• B. pacing and staring at each member of the audience

• C. making a sweeping glance of the audience from the left to the right in the front row
• D. looking above the audience

Which of the following is NOT a relevant question when tackling a summary text?

• A. What is the text about?

• B. What does the text say about the person, object or thing?

• C. Why is the text so long?

• D. Who is the text about?

For better readability, it is preferable that bullet points are --------------------

• A. complete paragraphs.

• B. phrases or partial sentences

• C. full text

• D. complex sentences

ind the wrong word and type its correction in the space provided. It will be a demonstration similar
to the “Kumi Preko” which was championed by the President, who’s party was then in

For revision purposes only!

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