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“Imagination is the beginning of creation.

You imagine what you desire; you will what

you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.” – George Bernard Shaw
Good morning! Respected principal sir for the teachers and all my dear friends today I
____________ is here to conduct today`s morning assembly
So let’s start with the Pledge
A pledge is a way to show your love and respect for our nation. So, I request
____________to come forward and lead us with the pledge.
A new day starts with a new belief, strength, and endless possibilities. So to inspire us
and illuminate our morning assembly, I invite__________ __for thought for the day.
Updating ourselves with the current happening is a good habit. It broadens our
perspective & knowledge. For news, I would like to call_____________________and
____________________ please, come forward and enlighten us with current
New words
The world is full of words, To improve our vocabulary, I would like to invite
______________ and ________________to present todays new words.
Special item
An Assembly without something special is always incomplete...So to make it special I
would like to call upon ________________ and____________________
Everybody has a special day in their life. Yes, it’s their Birthday. Today some of
our friends are celebrating their birth day. Let’s wish them.
(I would like to call________________ to bless them)

Today we are concluding our assembly with the famous quote of Anatole France
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan,
but also believe”
This is the end of today's program; I hope you all have enjoyed this mesmerizing
program on behalf of satluj house. Thank you, may you all have a beautiful day ahead.
Good morning to one and all present over here today I _________________ and my friend
________ is here to speak on the topic Martyrs' Day or Shaheed Diwas and History
behind the 7 Martyrs' Days celebrated in India.
Martyrs' Day or Shaheed Diwas is celebrated in India to remember freedom fighters who
laid down their lives to help make India independent. While the death anniversary of
Mahatma Gandhi on January 30 is the most prominent Martyrs' Day, there are six others
as well
Martyrs’ Day or Shaheed Diwas or Sarvodaya Day is celebrated in India several times a
year. The most important Martyrs’ Day is celebrated on January 30, the death anniversary
of Mahatma Gandhi. The second most popular Martyrs’ Day is on March 23, the day when
Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were hanged in 1931.
Martyrs’ Day is observed on January 30 to commemorate the death of Mahatma Gandhi,
who was assassinated on the same day in 1948. he was killed by the bullets of violent
extremists. Indians commemorate the day by remembering his ultimate sacrifice to the
nation and preaching his values of non-violence, unity, and morality.
23rd of March is also declared as the martyrs day in India to remember the sacrifice and
pay homage to the Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar. Bhagat Singh
together with his companions fought for the assassination of Lala Lajpat Rai. They strongly
believed that only active struggle and ways of extremism and not passive struggle
sermonized by Mahatma Gandhi and his disciples could lead India to independence.
Martyr’s Day on 23rd June: This date marks the death of Dr. Syama Prasad Mukherjee in
Kashmir in 1953.Also observed as “National Integration Day”, he opposed the Indian
National Congress’s decision to grant Kashmir a special status with its own flag and Prime
Martyr’s Day on 13th July is celebrated as the martyr’s day in India in memory of the
death of 22 people in the Jammu and Kashmir. They were killed by the royal soldiers while
demonstrating adjacent to the Maharaja Hari Singh of the Kashmir in the year 1931.
Martyr’s Day on 17th November: celebrated as the martyr’s day in the Odisha to observe
the death anniversary of the Lala Lajpat Rai or the “Lion of Punjab”. He was a leader and
freedom fighter during the independence of India from the British Raj.
Martyr’s Day on 19th November: marks the birthday of Rani Lakshmi Bai. It is also
celebrated as the martyr’s day and honours those who gave their lives in the rebellion of
1857, of which she was a leading figure.
Now based on the information we provided we would like to ask few questions on it
My first question is : when is the second martyrs day celebrated which pay homage to
bhagat Singh, shivam raj guru and Sukhdev Thapar.
Yes/No, it is on 23rd of march
my second question is: 23rd June which remarks the death of syama prasad Mukherjee in
Kashmir is also known as which day?
yes/no, it is known as national integration day
my next question is : which state on 17 th November celebrate the death anniversary of Lala
Lajpat rai?
Yes/no: the state is Odisha
That’s all for today. thankyou and have nice day

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