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Matric Number : 2023165207

Faculty / Group : AP2263A


Speech Title : Athletes should expand their career to other teams

Organizational Pattern: Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

Visual Aid : Canva

General Purpose : The general purpose is to advocate for athletes' freedom to expand

their careers to other teams for personal growth, competitiveness, and the development of

their respective sports.

Specific Purpose : The specific purpose is to persuade the audience that athletes from

the Malaysian football league should be allowed to explore new teams for personal and

professional growth, elevating Malaysian football.



"Imagine the Malaysian football league's rising stars challenging themselves on global

stages, showcasing their talent and inspiring aspiring footballers. Allowing career

expansion provides exposure, elevates the sport, and fosters personal and national

growth. Let's support their dreams and embrace new horizons for Malaysian football."

The topic of the writing is "Advocating for the freedom of Malaysian footballers to

expand their careers by moving to other teams for personal growth, competitiveness,

and the development of Malaysian football."


I. Establishes credibility by expressing a firm belief in the topic and addressing

its relevance to the talented athletes from the Malaysian football league.

II. The importance of change and adaptation in a rapidly evolving sporting

landscape, indicating an understanding of the dynamics of the industry.

III. Furthermore, the writer supports their arguments with logical reasoning and

presents various benefits of career expansion, showcasing a well-rounded


IV. The mention of personal growth, exposure to different playing styles, and

contribution to the development of Malaysian football demonstrates a

knowledgeable and informed viewpoint.


I. They can further develop their talents in ways:

• Expanding their careers to other teams provides Malaysian footballers

with invaluable exposure to different playing styles, coaching

methodologies, and levels of competition.

• By venturing into international leagues or even regional teams, they can

challenge themselves against top-tier players and gain valuable

experience that can elevate their skills to new heights.

• This exposure not only benefits the individual athlete but also

strengthens the overall competitiveness and quality of Malaysian

football, ultimately raising the standard of play within the country.

II. Malaysian footballers gain career expansion opportunities to contribute to sport growth

and development.

• Career expansion provides Malaysian footballers with a unique

opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of the sport

within their own country.

• When they return from playing in other leagues, they bring back a

wealth of experience, knowledge, and skills that can be shared with

their teammates, coaches, and young players.

• This transfer of expertise helps to cultivate a stronger football culture

and infrastructure in Malaysia, enabling the country to produce more

talented athletes and further elevate the level of football within the


III. Malaysian footballers' career expansion offers financial stability and security.

• Although the Malaysian football league has improved significantly in

terms of player pay and investment, chances in overseas leagues can

provide greater financial benefits and access to lucrative sponsorship


• Athletes may negotiate higher contracts, ensure their financial future,

and support themselves and their families by looking into various clubs

and markets.

I. Solution: Athletes can further develop their talents in ways such as:

• Exposure to different playing styles: Moving to other teams exposes

athletes to different coaching methodologies, strategies, and playing

styles. This exposure challenges them to adapt and develop new skills,

enhancing their overall capabilities as athletes.

• Competition against top-tier players: Joining teams in more competitive

leagues or regions provides athletes with the opportunity to face off

against some of the best players in the world. This level of competition

pushes athletes to elevate their game and reach new heights in their


II. Solution: Malaysian footballers can gain career expansion opportunities to contribute

to the growth and development of the sport in the following ways:

• Sharing international experience and knowledge: Malaysian footballers

transfer international experience and knowledge to other teams,

fostering a stronger football culture and infrastructure within the country.

This exchange of expertise benefits teammates, coaches, and young


• Raising the standard of play: Malaysian footballers improve their skills

and knowledge by challenging top-tier players and competing in

international leagues. They can apply this knowledge to improve

Malaysian football's overall performance.

III. Solution: Malaysian footballers' career expansion offers financial stability and security

in the following ways:

• Higher financial rewards: Malaysian footballers can increase earning

potential and financial stability by exploring international leagues and

negotiating better contracts, resulting in higher salaries and financial


• Long-term financial planning: Malaysian footballers can secure their

financial future by expanding careers to other teams, maximizing

salaries and endorsements, planning retirement, and providing long-

term financial stability.


The Malaysian football league's athletes should have the freedom to expand their careers to

other teams, offering benefits such as exposure to different styles, competition levels, and

financial stability. Loyalty should extend beyond clubs and include the sport, national team,

and fans. By embracing career expansion, talented athletes can reach their full potential and

contribute to the advancement of football in Malaysia. Supporting their personal and

professional growth is crucial, promoting the development and excellence of Malaysian


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