Lesson Plan

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Subject: Earth Science

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: explain how different factors affect the climate of an area

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Analyzing climate data and creating graphs to visualize the

relationship between different factors and climate patterns.

2) Social Studies - Investigating how climate affects the development of civilizations

and the geographical distribution of resources.

3) Language Arts - Writing persuasive essays on the importance of addressing

climate change and its impact on the environment.


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Instructional Materials: Chart paper, markers

Anecdote 1: Share a personal experience of how climate affected a recent event or

activity, such as a typhoon or a family vacation.

Anecdote 2: Share a traditional Filipino saying or proverb related to weather or

climate, such as "Kapag mabait ang panahon, masagana ang ani."


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Costumes, props

1) Idea: Divide the class into groups and assign each group a different climate zone.
Have them create a skit or role-play that showcases the characteristics and factors
that affect their assigned climate.

2) Idea: Organize a debate where students take on the role of different stakeholders
(e.g., farmers, government officials, scientists) and discuss how climate factors
impact their lives and decision-making.


Activity 1: Climate Factors Collage

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Magazines, scissors, glue, poster board

Significance: Students will identify and collect images representing different climate
factors and create a collage to visually represent how these factors interact and
affect the climate of an area.


1) In groups, students will search for images in magazines that represent different
climate factors (e.g., temperature, precipitation, wind patterns).

2) They will cut out the images and arrange them on a poster board to create a

3) Students will present their collages to the class, explaining the significance of
each climate factor and how they influence the climate of an area.


- Creativity and organization: 10 pts

- Accurate representation of climate factors: 10 pts

- Clear and concise presentation: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does temperature affect the climate of an area?

2) What role does precipitation play in determining the climate of a region?

3) How do wind patterns influence the climate of coastal areas?

Activity 2: Climate Simulation

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Materials: Thermometers, water spray bottles, fans

Significance: Students will simulate different climate conditions and observe how
variations in factors such as temperature and humidity affect their immediate


1) Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different climate
condition (e.g., tropical, desert, temperate).

2) Provide the necessary materials for each group to create their assigned climate
condition (e.g., spraying water for humidity, adjusting temperature with

3) Students will observe and document the changes in their immediate environment
under different climate conditions.


- Accurate representation of assigned climate condition: 10 pts

- Detailed observations and documentation: 10 pts

- Reflection on the impact of climate factors: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does humidity affect the perception of temperature?

2) What are the characteristics of a desert climate?

3) How do variations in temperature affect plant growth?

Activity 3: Climate Data Analysis

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Climate data sets, laptops or computers

Significance: Students will analyze real climate data and identify patterns and
relationships between different factors and climate outcomes.


1) Provide students with climate data sets from different regions.

2) Students will analyze the and identify patterns and relationships between factors
such as temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns.

3) They will create graphs and visual representations to illustrate their findings and
present their analysis to the class.


- Accurate analysis and interpretation of climate data: 10 pts

- Clear and visually appealing presentation of findings: 10 pts

- Effective communication of patterns and relationships: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does the average temperature of an area change over time?

2) What is the relationship between precipitation and vegetation growth?

3) How do ocean currents influence the climate of coastal regions?


Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion

Explain the concept of climate and the various factors that affect it, such as latitude,
altitude, proximity to bodies of water, and prevailing wind patterns. Engage students
in a discussion by asking questions and encouraging them to share their insights and


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Design a Climate Change Awareness Campaign

Students will work in groups to create a climate change awareness campaign that
educates and motivates people to take action. They will utilize different media forms
such as posters, videos, and social media posts to convey their message effectively.

Task 2: Climate Impact Investigation

Students will choose a specific area or region and investigate how climate factors
have influenced its development and the lives of its inhabitants. They will create a
report or presentation highlighting the connections between climate and various
aspects, such as agriculture, economy, and culture.


Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Assessment Questions:

1) Explain the relationship between altitude and temperature.

2) How do different climate factors contribute to the occurrence of extreme weather


3) Analyze the impact of climate change on a specific ecosystem and propose

measures to mitigate its effects.

Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Provide students with case studies of real-world examples where different factors
have influenced the climate of an area. Students will analyze these case studies and
identify the specific factors at play, as well as the resulting climate outcomes. They
will then propose strategies to address or adapt to the identified climate challenges.


1) Write a persuasive essay advocating for sustainable practices that can help
mitigate the impact of climate change on a local or global scale. (Overview for the
teacher: Students will research and present evidence to support their arguments,
discussing the importance of individual and collective actions.)

2) Conduct a field observation and record the different climate factors present in your
local area. Create a report or presentation that highlights the relationship between
these factors and the overall climate conditions. (Overview for the teacher: Students
will apply their knowledge in a real-life context, demonstrating their understanding of
how climate factors affect their immediate environment.)

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