An Ethical Comparison - Vitro Fertilization: Rev. Juan R. Vélez

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AN ETHICAL COMPARISON -VITRO uniform regulations for IVF clinics, there is

FERTILIZATION under-reporting of the adverse effects.

NaProTechonology is one ethical alternative to
Rev. Juan R. Vélez, M.D. IVF for female infertility. One study has
ABSTRACT confirmed earlier findings that
NaProTechonology results in a number of live
In vitro fertilization, also called IVF, is a complex births similar to that of assisted reproductive
series of procedures that can lead to a technology, without the danger to women and
pregnancy. It's a treatment for infertility, a newborn infants. Adoption of born children is
condition in which you can't get pregnant after another ethical and praiseworthy alternative to
at least a year of trying for most IVF.
couples. IVF also can be used to prevent passing
on genetic problems to a child. There are many treatments of infertility, ranging
from those that have a minimal impact on the
During in vitro fertilization, mature eggs are natural fertile cycles to those that use hormonal
collected from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in manipulation to enhance fertility to those that
a lab. Then a procedure is done to place one or completely supplant the natural means of
more of the fertilized eggs, called embryos, in a procreation, such as in vitro fertilization. The
uterus, which is where babies develop. One full purpose of this paper is not to review
cycle of IVF takes about 2 to 3 weeks. exhaustively the various methods of treating
Sometimes these steps are split into different infertility and their effectiveness. Rather, the
parts and the process can take longer. purpose is to compare and contrast one
method—NaProTechnology (NPT)—that makes
In vitro fertilization is the most effective type of
use of a woman's natural fertile cycles, and in
fertility treatment that involves the handling of
vitro fertilization (IVF), which is a form of assisted
eggs or embryos and sperm. Together, this
reproductive technology (ART) and which seeks
group of treatments is called assisted
to replace the natural means of procreation.1
reproductive technology.
A medical comparison between IVF and
IVF can be done using a couple's own eggs and
NaProTechnology is imperfect because their
sperm. Or it may involve eggs, sperm or
methods and measurements are different. The
embryos from a known or unknown donor. In
success or efficacy rate in IVF is often measured
some cases, a gestational carrier — someone
per cycle, while in NaProTechnology it is
who has an embryo implanted in the uterus —
measured over one to two years (cohort
might be used.
studies).3 However, a consideration of the acts
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is morally involved and their effects and consequences
objectionable for a number of reasons: the provides some grounds for comparison from an
destruction of human embryos, the danger to ethical point of view. In such a comparison what
women and newborn infants, and the matters most is not the positive results achieved
replacement of the marital act in procreation. (live births) but the actual morality of the actions
Recent studies have shown a significant risk of and the risk at which women and fetuses are
maternal death and morbidity associated with placed.
ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome and
multiple pregnancies after IVF. Due to lack of
The heartbreak of infertility puts couples in a the ovaries to produce multiple
vulnerable situation. Faced with the possibility eggs. This is monitored through
of a life without children, the couple seeking blood tests and ultrasounds.
advice is met with a confusing set of choices.
2. Egg Retrieval (Ovum Pick-Up):
Depending on the situation, the ethical choice is
often not evident. In vitro fertilization is the • Once the eggs are mature, a
most frequent type of assisted reproductive minor surgical procedure is
technology.4 In vitro fertilization produces the performed to retrieve them.
destruction of discarded embryos (equivalent to This is typically done
abortion), and in the case of multiple embryo transvaginally using a thin
transfer is often accompanied by selective needle guided by ultrasound.
reduction (also equivalent to abortion) of
implanted embryos. The principle reason that 3. Fertilization:
this procedure, now widely practiced throughout • The retrieved eggs are
the world, is evil is that it involves the combined with sperm in a
destruction of human embryos. Because of the laboratory dish for fertilization.
minute size of the human embryos discarded or This can be done through
the small dimensions of fetuses aborted in traditional insemination or
multiple pregnancies to reduce the risk of intracytoplasmic sperm
maternal death, these abortions draw less injection (ICSI), where a single
attention.5 Still, the willful destruction of a sperm is directly injected into an
nascent human being as a means or an end in egg.
itself is always gravely wrong. It is an affront to
the Creator and to the dignity of the human 4. Embryo Culture:
being, created in the maternal womb in His • Fertilized eggs (embryos) are
image and likeness, as the fruit of spousal love. cultured for a few days to allow
In the first part of this article we will focus development and assessment of
primarily on two other evils of IVF: the serious their quality.
risk to the lives of women, and the
manufacturing of human babies. 5. Embryo Transfer:

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a complex assisted • One or more healthy embryos

reproductive technology (ART) used to help are selected and transferred
individuals and couples with fertility issues into the woman's uterus. This is
conceive a child. It involves the fertilization of an usually a relatively simple and
egg with sperm outside the body, and the painless procedure.
resulting embryo is then implanted in the
6. Luteal Phase Support:
woman's uterus.
• Hormonal medications, such as
Here are the key steps involved in the IVF
progesterone, are often given to
support the uterine lining and
1. Ovulation Induction: increase the chances of
successful implantation.
• The woman undergoes
hormonal therapy to stimulate 7. Pregnancy Test:
• 1A blood test is performed material donation; the practice of surrogacy;
approximately two weeks after cryopreservation of pre-embryos; genetic
the embryo transfer to manipulation; experiments on pre-embryos, etc.
determine if the woman is Induced abortion raises ethical issues related to
pregnant. the rights of the woman versus the rights of the
fetus. For those who consider life to begin at
Factors Influencing IVF Success:
conception abortion always equals murder and
• Age of the woman (success rates decline is therefore forbidden. Those who believe in the
with age) absolute autonomy of the woman over her body
take the other extreme approach. The discussion
• Cause of infertility surrounding abortion usually centers on whether
• Quality of eggs and sperm it should be legal or illegal. Access to safe
abortion is critical to the health of women and to
• Overall health of both partners their autonomy. The development of new
effective contraceptive methods has a profound
impact on women's lives. By the use of
Risks and Considerations: contraception it is possible to lessen maternal,
infant and child mortality and to reduce the
• Multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets)
prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases.
• Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome Research and development of new effective
(OHSS) reversible contraceptives for women and men is
needed. Dissemination of information about the
• Ectopic pregnancy
safety and effectiveness of contraceptive
• Emotional and financial considerations methods is of great importance. Female genital
mutilation is still practiced worldwide due to
IVF has helped many individuals and couples customs and tradition among various ethnic
achieve pregnancy, but it's essential to groups. The procedure is considered to be
understand that success rates can vary. It's medically detrimental to the physical and mental
crucial to consult with a reproductive specialist health of women and girls, and is considered by
to discuss individual circumstances, potential many as oppression of women. The practice has
risks, and success rates based on specific factors. to be stopped. Recognition of the fetus as a
The morality of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has ‘patient’ has a potential effect on women's right
been a subject of debate and discussion, often for autonomy; they have no legal obligation to
centered around various ethical, religious, and undergo invasive procedures and to risk their
cultural perspectives. Here are some key points health for the sake of their fetuses. The woman
on both sides of the IVF morality debate: carries ethical obligations toward her fetus. This
obligation should not be enforced by the law. At
main issues that raise ethical dilemmas present women bear most of the burden of
following the development of assisted reproductive health. All of them have a right of
reproduction techniques are: the right to access to fertility regulation. Governments and
procreate or reproduce; the process of in vitro society must ensure the women's equal rights to
fertilization itself — is it morally acceptable to health care just as men have in the regulation of
interfere in the reproduction process?; the moral their fertility.
status of the embryo; the involvement of a third
party in the reproductive process by genetic
ARGUMENTS IN FAVOR OF IVF: leading to ethical questions
about the sanctity of human life.
1. Childlessness and the Desire for
Parenthood: 2. Natural Order and Religious Beliefs:

• Supporters argue that IVF • Many religious perspectives

provides hope for individuals question IVF on the grounds that
and couples facing infertility, it disrupts the natural order of
offering them the opportunity conception and may involve the
to experience parenthood. destruction of embryos, which is
considered morally
2. Reproductive Autonomy: objectionable.
• Advocates emphasize the 3. Commercialization of Reproduction:
importance of reproductive
autonomy, asserting that • Critics argue that the
individuals have the right to commercial aspects of fertility
make choices about their treatments can lead to ethical
reproductive health. issues, such as the
commodification of eggs, sperm,
3. Advancements in Medical Technology: and surrogacy services.
• IVF is seen as a product of 4. Risk of Multiple Pregnancies:
medical progress, and
proponents argue that • Some express concerns about
technological advancements in the higher likelihood of multiple
reproductive medicine should pregnancies with IVF, which can
be embraced to address fertility pose health risks to both the
challenges. mother and the babies.

4. Selective Embryo Screening: 5. Eugenics Concerns:

• Some see the ability to screen • The ability to screen embryos for
embryos for genetic disorders as certain genetic traits raises
a positive aspect, allowing concerns about the potential for
parents to avoid passing on eugenic practices, where certain
certain genetic conditions to traits are selected or avoided
their children. based on societal preferences.

ARGUMENTS AGAINST IVF: other reasons why IVF is wrong: BABIES ARE
• Critics often raise concerns MANY DIFFERENT WORKERS AND QUALITY
about the creation of multiple CONTROL.20 The children born through IVF may
embryos during the IVF process, have a greater incidence of complications at
some of which may not be birth, and an increase in birth defects.21 These
implanted or may be discarded, defects may be associated with the ovarian
stimulation protocols or embryo culture
environment.22 At present there is incomplete United States compared 485 adults between the
data on this, in part due to insufficient registries. ages of eighteen and forty-five years old who
Large-scale systematic studies are needed to said their mother used a sperm donor to
clarify the link between genomic imprinting and conceive. They were interviewed with a group of
defects in assisted reproductive technology. The 562 young adults who were adopted as infants
risk for newborn babies is associated with the and 563 young adults who were raised by their
increased incidence of twin and multiple biological parents.26 Forty-five percent of those
pregnancies due to multiple embryo transfer in conceived through donor gametes agreed with
IVF. Some authors have found that an increase in the statement “The circumstances of my
the practice of single embryo transfer in Belgium conception bother me.” Almost half reported
resulted in a decrease in twin and multiple that they think about donor conception at least
pregnancies.23 a few times a week or more often. Forty-five
percent were bothered that money was
There is a growing trend to choose babies
exchanged for them to be conceived.
according to specifications such as sex24 or
maternal IQ. This contrasts with procreation in In vitro fertilization is wrong for another
which a baby is conceived as the mutual gift of important reason directly related to the
husband and wife to each other. The child treatment of a child as a thing; that is, IVF
conceived is the fruit of their love; it is a new substitutes for the marital act, the unique loving
person that reflects the love of its parents, not act of spouses in which God grants a soul to a
an object. Even more, the child is God's gift to the new human being. Without intending to do away
spouses. If the child has an illness it is still with the marital act, spouses or persons who
accepted with love as a precious gift rather than undergo IVF are saying something quite drastic
discarded as a defective object. with their actions: the sexual and procreative act
of self-giving of the spouses is no longer
Another reason why IVF is wrong is that, when
necessary. Fatherhood and motherhood, as in
there is gamete donation and parents do not
the case of ovum donation or surrogate
have access to the history of the donor, the
motherhood, can be replaced by technology and
parents raising the child and the child himself
sometimes completely excluded even after the
may be deprived of information on his family
birth of a child. Thus the parents are
background. Those who trace back their
unintentionally redefining the proper
ancestors for a number of generations have a
expressions of human sexuality and spousal love.
rewarding sense of their heritage and belonging
As a result of assisted reproductive technology
to a family. But every person, even without
more single women, older couples, and
studying his family tree, likes to know the origin
homosexual couples seek to be parents, and
of his immediate family. People like to know
often the best interests of children and society
about places and activities that have ties to their
are overlooked.27
family. Not everyone is affected by the absence
of this information, but people can benefit from In Donum vitae (Instruction on Respect for
the knowledge of diseases which they are at a Human Life at its Origins), the Congregation for
greater risk of suffering or transmitting. Some the Doctrine of the Faith addressed the
countries, such as Britain, Sweden, Norway, the legitimate desire of couples to have children:
Netherlands, and Switzerland have banned “The desire for a child—or at the very least an
anonymity in sperm and egg donation, but this is openness to the transmission of life—is a
not the case in the United States.25 A study in the necessary prerequisite from the moral point of
view for responsible human procreation. But this psychological trauma, a possible exploitation of
good intention is not sufficient for making a women, the use of children as mere market and
positive moral evaluation of in vitro fertilization commercial products in the case of commercial
between spouses. The process of IVF and ET surrogacy, a forced emotional detachment of
must be judged in itself and cannot borrow its mother and child after birth and a noticeable
definitive moral quality from the totality of challenge to the structure of traditional nuclear
conjugal life of which it becomes part nor from family. Children born out of surrogacy could also
the conjugal acts which may precede or follow face an identity crisis. In this paper, we want to
it.” explore mainly these moral and ethical issues
that are associated with IVF and surrogacy.
Even in cases when destruction of embryos is put
These moral and ethical issues are particularly
aside and IVF is homologous, that is, completed
important because it is about human‟s life and
with gametes from both spouses, IVF is still
the very core meaning of human existence.
wrong because of what it does to the marital act
Through an analytical method of enquiry, we
and the way it treats a new human being. Donum
have discovered that IVF and surrogate
vitae continues: “Homologous IVF and ET is
motherhood are very sensitive and fundamental
brought about outside the bodies of the couple
issues that need proper rigorous regulations to
through actions of third parties whose
remain useful to society, failure to which they
competence and technical activity determine the
could become a source of abuse and
success of the procedure. Such fertilization
compromise what society has dearly fought for:
entrusts the life and identity of the embryo into
freedom and right to life.
the power of doctors and biologists and
establishes the domination of technology over Surrogacy and the risk of the rich exploiting the
the origin and destiny of the human person. Such poor Though surrogacy is often perceived as a
a relationship of domination is in itself contrary fair deal between rich couples who want children
to the dignity and equality that must be common and poor women who are in need of financial
to parents and children.” Physicians should assistance, such relationship could also lead to a
respect the marital bond between spouses, the form of exploitation of the poor; and exploitation
dignity of the marital act, and the dignity of each is ethically wrong. For Suzan Merkens, the
human embryo by treating infertility rather than relationship between rich people looking for
by “making babies.” potential surrogate and the potential surrogate
is an exploitative one between
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and surrogate
„employeremployee‟(Merkens, 2007).
motherhood have been crucial steps in making
infertile couples experience the joy of An industrialization of women With an increasing
parenthood. It is also the case for same sex demand of children born out of surrogacy,
couples and couples who, for some medical another danger is that it assists to form what can
reasons were unable to conceive children of be called industrialization of women‟s womb,
their own naturally. But IVF and surrogate with surrogacy becoming „a gender-specific
motherhood come with a cost; that of medical, form of industrial labor‟ (Twine, 2012)
physical and mental difficulties that potential
IVF and surrogacy have also allowed women to
candidates face in the process. More
conceive even when they are in menopause
importantly, IVF and surrogacy are associated
(Parks, 1996). A recent case was that of Eramati
with fundamental moral and ethical issues such
Mangaayma, an Indian woman who, at the age
as human embryo manipulation, physical and
of 73, gave birth, by Caesarian Section, to twins
through IVF (, 2019). She has while others may oppose it
been married for 57 years and could not bear a based on beliefs about the
child because of infertility. Of course, her sanctity of life and natural
husband and herself were happy, and their conception.
doctor termed the event as “a medical miracle –
3. Social and Cultural Factors:
an accomplishment of modern medicine” but
reproductive physician Georg Demen of the • Access and Affordability: IVF
NiederrheinKinderwunschzentrum brought in an can be expensive, and access to
important ethical issues concerning it; that of treatment may be limited by
“the mother's short life expectancy with all the financial considerations. This
consequences for the child and also the risks raises questions about equity
associated to old age pregnancy. H and the ability of all individuals
or couples to access
the debate surrounding in vitro fertilization
reproductive technologies.
(IVF) is complex and involves ethical, religious,
social, and scientific considerations. Here are • Changing Family Structures: IVF
some key points from various perspectives: has contributed to changes in
traditional family structures,
1. Ethical Considerations:
including the ability for same-
• Embryo Status: One major sex couples and single
ethical concern is the status of individuals to have biological
the embryo. Some argue that children. This has led to
life begins at conception, and discussions about the evolving
thus the creation and potential nature of family.
destruction of embryos during
4. Medical and Scientific Considerations:
the IVF process raise ethical
questions. • Health Risks: IVF procedures
carry certain health risks for
• Selective Reduction: In cases of
both the mother and the child,
multiple pregnancies resulting
including the potential for
from IVF, selective reduction
multiple pregnancies, preterm
(reducing the number of fetuses
birth, and low birth weight.
to increase the chances of a
healthy pregnancy) is a • Advancements in Reproductive
contentious issue, as it involves Medicine: Some argue that IVF
deciding which embryos to keep represents a significant
and which to eliminate. advancement in reproductive
medicine, offering hope to
2. Religious Perspectives:
couples struggling with
• Different religious traditions infertility. It has led to the birth
have varying views on assisted of many healthy children who
reproductive technologies. might not have been conceived
Some religious groups are otherwise.
supportive of IVF, seeing it as a
5. Legal and Regulatory Frameworks:
means to help couples conceive,
• Regulation of Reproductive 2. The wife must contribute the egg and
Technologies: The legal the husband must contribute the
frameworks surrounding IVF sperm. No other person must be
vary widely across countries. involved, as this constitutes
Some have strict regulations, “technological adultery.” “Recourse to
while others have more the gametes of a third person, in order
permissive approaches. The lack to have sperm or ovum available,
of consistent global standards constitutes a violation of the reciprocal
raises concerns about the commitment of the spouses and a grave
ethical and responsible use of lack in regard to the essential property
reproductive technologies. of marriage which is its unity” (II, A, 2).

6. Evolving Technologies: 3. Masturbation must not be required.

“Masturbation, through which the
• As technology advances, new
sperm is normally obtained, is another
methods and techniques in
sign of this dissociation: Even when it is
assisted reproductive
done for the purpose of procreation, the
technologies may emerge,
act remains deprived of its unitive
prompting ongoing ethical
meaning” (II, B, 6. See also
debates about the implications
the Catechism of the Catholic
of these innovations on human
Church 2352). Note that sperm
collection can licitly be accomplished
Cons of IVF: through “home collection,” which
consists of the use of a perforated
Once again, Donum Vitae comes to the rescue. condom during natural intercourse.
The document provides us five specific and
unambiguous guidelines designed to safeguard 4. Fertilization must take place inside the
against abuses in the field of ART that woman’s body. “The origin of the
commodify and dispose of children and abuse human being thus follows from a
the marriage bond: procreation that is ‘linked to the union,
not only biological but also spiritual, of
1. All assisted reproductive procedures the parents, made one by the bond of
should be performed upon married marriage.’ Fertilization achieved outside
couples only. “Respect for the unity of the bodies of the couple remains by this
marriage and for conjugal fidelity very fact deprived of the meanings and
demands that the child be conceived in the values which are expressed in the
marriage; the bond existing between language of the body and in the union of
husband and wife accords the spouses, human persons” (II, B, 4, c).
in an objective and inalienable manner,
the exclusive right to become father and 5. “Spare” embryos must not be
mother solely through each other” (II, A, discarded, frozen, or experimented
2). Since the Catholic Church does not upon, and procedures such as “selective
recognize homosexual marriage, it abortion” (pregnancy reduction) must
teaches that ARTs performed on not be used. “Those embryos which are
homosexuals, either “married” or single, not transferred into the body of the
are illicit. mother and are called ‘spare’ are
exposed to an absurd fate, with no portion of the fallopian tube so that
possibility of their being offered safe fertilization occurs naturally
means of survival which can be licitly • Fallopian tube sperm perfusion (FSP)
pursued” (I, 5). • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
• Pronuclear stage tubal transfer (PROST)
In summary, there are three general moral • Sub-zonal insemination (SUZI)
principles that should be applied to each type of • Tubo-ovarian transplantation (TOT)
ART or other procedure to assist pregnancy in • Vaginal intratubal insemination (VITI)
order to determine whether or not it is licit; • Zona pellucida drilling and cutting.

• Evil may never be committed in order to

achieve a good end. One compelling argument for the pros
• A method of assisted reproduction is
of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is its role
acceptable only if it serves as a means
to facilitate or help the act of in addressing and overcoming
intercourse in attaining fertilization. It is infertility, offering hope and the
not acceptable if it substitutes for the opportunity for individuals or couples
sexual act itself. IVF and other such to experience the joys of parenthood.
ARTs are disqualified under this criteria.
Here are key points supporting this
• The Church teaches
that homologous procedures may be
but heterologous procedures, which 1. Addressing Infertility:
involve the third-party donation of • IVF is a valuable medical
either sperm or ovum, are never intervention that provides a
morally permitted. solution for couples facing
infertility issues. It allows
ETHICAL ALTERNATIVES TO IVF individuals with reproductive
But there is certainly hope for infertile couples. challenges, such as blocked
Under the above parameters, we are happy to fallopian tubes, low sperm
note that there are a growing number of count, or unexplained
procedures that can be used licitly to help infertility, to have a chance at
married couples overcome difficulties with their conceiving.
fertility. Even better news is that these 2. Expanding Family Options:
procedures often have a higher success rate • For couples struggling with
than IVF and its variants.
fertility, IVF broadens their
options for family building. It
These methods include: serves as a pathway for
individuals or couples to have
biological children, even
• Charting cycles with natural family
planning to avoid surgery altogether when natural conception is
• Micro-surgery, which has an amazing not possible.
success rate of 70% – 80% 3. Genetic Screening and Healthier
• Low tube ovum transfer (LTOT), which Offspring:
relocates an egg past the damaged
• Preimplantation genetic Ongoing research enhances
testing during IVF enables the the effectiveness and safety of
screening of embryos for IVF procedures, benefiting
genetic disorders. This not individuals seeking fertility
only reduces the likelihood of treatments.
passing on hereditary 8. Positive Impact on Mental Health:
diseases but also contributes • Successfully undergoing IVF
to the birth of healthier and achieving pregnancy can
offspring. have a positive impact on the
4. Empowering Same-Sex Couples mental health and well-being
and Single Individuals: of individuals or couples who
• IVF plays a crucial role in have experienced the
empowering same-sex emotional strain of infertility.
couples and single individuals It provides a pathway to
to become parents. Through fulfilling their desire for
the use of donor sperm, eggs, parenthood.
or surrogacy, it enables a
diverse range of family Argument: Fate of Surplus Embryos and
structures. Personhood:
5. Preserving Fertility for Future
Parenthood: One of the significant ethical concerns with
• IVF allows individuals to IVF is the creation of multiple embryos, often
preserve their fertility by more than can be implanted during a single
freezing eggs or sperm for cycle. As a result, surplus embryos may be
future use. This is particularly frozen for future use, donated to other
important for those who wish couples, used for research purposes, or
to delay parenthood due to discarded. This raises questions about the
personal or career reasons. moral status and personhood of these
6. Overcoming Biological Barriers: embryos.
• IVF breaks down biological
barriers to parenthood, Points Supporting the Argument:
offering a solution to
individuals or couples who 1. Personhood Debate:
may face challenges due to • The ethical dilemma lies in
age, health conditions, or determining when
other factors. personhood begins. Some
7. Advancements in Reproductive argue that embryos have
Medicine: moral significance and should
• The continuous development be considered persons with
and improvement of IVF inherent rights, including the
techniques contribute to right to life. This viewpoint is
advancements in often rooted in religious or
reproductive medicine. philosophical beliefs.
2. Potential for Discarding Embryos:
• The creation of surplus
embryos raises concerns
about their fate, particularly
when not all embryos are
implanted. Critics argue that
discarding these embryos
could be seen as ethically
equivalent to ending
potential lives.

3. Commercialization of Embryos:
• The commercial aspects of
fertility treatments, including
the potential sale or donation
of embryos, can raise ethical
questions. Critics argue that
treating embryos as
commodities may undermine
their inherent moral value.
4. Impact on Parental Decision-
• The process of deciding the
fate of surplus embryos can
be emotionally challenging
for parents. Some may feel
pressured to make decisions
about the fate of their
embryos without fully
considering the ethical
5. Risk of Misuse:
• There is a concern that surplus
embryos could be misused,
either in the context of
research practices that some
find objectionable or in
scenarios where embryos are
used without full informed

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