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Prsnawan Hrcx Counr, Pesxawln

Dated Peshawar the o3'd lulv' 2023

no,&(k -l In partial modification of this Court's notification No'261-J dated

to amend the Roster for summer
24.0i.2l23,Hon'ble Senior Puisne Judge has been pleased
vacations-2023, as below :


0'1.01.2021 AT PRINCIP AL SEA'I',

03.07.2023 (Mondav)
l" SB Mr. Justice Mohammad lbrahim Khan
2"d SB Mr. Justice Abdul Shakoor
3'd SB Mr. Justice SYed Arshad Ali
40 SB Mr. Justice Muhammad Naeem Anwar
5'r' SB Mr. Justice Shahid Khan

DB Mr. Justice S.M Attique Shah

Mr. Justice Wiqar Ahmad

04.07.2021 and 05.07.2023 fl'ucsdav and Wcdnesdav)

2nd SB Mr. Justice Muhammad Naeem Anwar

3'd SB Mr. Justice Shahid Khan

t" DB Mr. Justice Abdul Shakoor

Mr. Justice Syed Arshad Ali

2Nd DB Mr. Justice S.M Attiquc Shah

Mr. Justice Wiqar Ahmad

06.07. 2023 fihu dav)

I'r SB Justicc Ms. Musarrat IIilali, CJ
2nd SB Mr. Justice Mohammad Ibrahim Khan

1,. DB Mr. Justice Abdul Shakoor

Mr. Justice Syed Arshad Ali

z"d DB Mr. Justice S.M Anique Shah

Mr. Justice Wiqar Ahmad

DB Mr. Justice Muhammad Naeem Anwar

Mr. Justice Shahid Khan

o$ irqr) NcA\OikrNotrno'ic'Mdcn^ E &dRorsrdS tros1rr11de

07.07,2023 (FridaY)
f sa Justicc Ms' Musarrat llilali, CJ
Z"d SB Mr. Justice Mohammad Ibrahim Khan

3'd SB Mr. Justice Abdul Shakoor

4'h SB Mr. Justicc S.M Afiique Shah
5'r' SB Mr. Justice SYcd Arshad Ali
6'n SB Mr. Justice Shahid Khan

DB Mr. Justice Muhammad Nacem Anwar

Mr. Justice Wiqar Ahmad


Endst: no*6-B-LE-1-3-llearo",
Coov forwarded to: -
oated Pesh the -6--l- t-c-gY'o's

l. the Advocate Ceneral, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar'

All the Principal Olticers in Peshawar High Court' Peshawar'
3. it" eaai,iorul Registrar (Judl.), Peshawar High Court' Peshawar'
4. elt rhe additional'itegistmrs of Peshawar High Court Benches
5. The Deputy Attomey beneral for Pakistan at Peshawar'
6 aiiri. 'pr"'tio"",t "f uigh court Bar Associations in the Khybcr Pakhtunkhwa'
7. itre SCS to Uon'Ute the-Chicf Justicc, Peshawar High Court' Peshawar' Judges for
8, aii fr" c"rtlptir"te Secretaries oithis Court, for p'lacing the same before the Hon'ble
thek kind information.
9. The Deputy Registrar (Judl,), Pcshawar High Court, Peshawar'
l0 fhe esiistant nlegistrar (Judl.), Peshawar High Court, Peshawar'
The Assistant Relisrar (Management), Peshawar High Court'
t2 The Director (lT), Peshawar tligh Coun, Peshawar'
publication in thc
t3 il; M"""g;t, nri-ntin! eress, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa' Peshawar' for
Government Cazette, next issued,
14 Thc Protocol Oflccr, Pesharvar I'ligh Court, Peshawar'
l5 The I;ixation, Institution & Cause List Branches'



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