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Assosa university collage of health science department of

Pharmacy Pathology I mid exam for 3rd year(R) students, July

Name ------------------------------------------------- ID No---------------------


 Time allowed: 1:30 hrs

 All 60 questions are MCQs
 Any cheating will disqualify your result
 Do not turn page until you are told to do so.

Good luck!

1) Cells shed from, or scraped or brushed of ,an epithelial surface which one of the
following pathologic diagnostic techniques?

A. Fluid cytology B. Biopsies C. Exfoliative cytology D. Fine –needle aspiration cytology

2) The application of pathology to legal purpose for investigation of death in suspicious


A. Toxicology B. Forensic pathology C. Chemical pathology D. Histopathology

3) One of the following is not adaptive responses of cells

A. Dysplasia B. Metaplasia C. Hyperplasia D. Atrophy

4) A programmed cell death is

A. Necrosis B. Infarction C. Phagocytosis D. Apoptosis

5) Shrinkage in the size of the cell by the loss of cell substance is known as

A. Atrophy B. Hypertrophy C. Cachexia D. A and C

6) Metaplasia is irreversible change in which one adult cell type is replaced by another adult
cell type.

A. True B. False

7) One is not cause of atrophy

A. A decreased workload B. Inadequate nutrition C. Aging D. An increased blood supply

8) A sequence of morphologic changes that follow cell death in living tissue

A. Infarction B. Necrosis C. Dysplasia D. Metaplasia

9) One of the following is not involved in coagulative necrosis

A. Lung B. Kidney C. Brain D. Heart

10) Distinctive form of coagulative necrosis encountered most often in foci of tuberculous

A. Caseous necrosis B. Gangrenous necrosis C. Fat necrosis D. Liquefactive Necrosis

11) A 19 years old female patient from Assosa University came at surgical OPD with the
complain of left breast swelling of two weeks duration after she sustained trauma to the
site of the same duration. On P/E there is 2X3 cm mass over the UQLB. Which of the
following is the correct diagnosis?

A. Fibrinoid necrosis B. Fat necrosis C. Liquefactive Necrosis D. Coagulative necrosis

12) Which one of the following is Complications of wound healing ?

A.Excessive scar formation B. Excessive contraction C. Infection D. Deficient scar formation

E. All

13) One of the following is not correctly mach

A. Redness- Dolor B. Heat- Calor C. Swelling- Tumor D. Pain- Rubor E. A &D

14 One is an inflammatory extravascular fluid with high protein concentration, cellular

debris with high specific gravity.

A. Edema B. Transudate C. Exudation D. Vasodilation

15) The earliest manifestation in acute inflammation is

A. Increased vascular permeability B. Inflammatory cell migration

C. Vasoconstriction D. Vasodilation

16) The cardinal sign of inflammation called rubor is mainly the result of
A. Decreased interstitial hydrostatic pressure
B. Decreased vascular permeability of capillaries

C. Increased vascular permeability of venules
D. Vasoconstriction of muscular arteries
E. Vasodilation of arterioles

17. Which one of the listed statements best describes the process called chemotaxis?
A. Abnormal fusion of phagosomes to primary lysosomes
B. Attachment of chemicals to extracellular material to increase phagocytosis
C. Dilation of blood vessels by chemotherapeutic drugs
D. leukocyte migration in tissue towards the site of injury along a chemical gradient.
E. Transmigration of cells from blood vessels into tissue

18. What type of leukocyte actively participates in acute inflammatory

A. Neutrophils B. Eosinophils C. Monocytes D. Lymphocytes E. Plasma cells
19) Hypoxic death of cells within the central nervous system often evokes

A. Coagulative necrosis B. Liquefactive necrosis C. Enzymatic fat necrosis

D. Gangrenous necrosis E. None of the above

20) sequence of events in the journey of leukocyte from the vessel to interstitial tissue is

A. extravasation B. Margination C. Rolling D. Diapedesis

21) leukocyte migration in tissue towards the site of injury along a chemical gradient

A. Transmigration B. Chemotaxis C. Extravasation D. Margination

22) Which complement system is act as opsonin?

A. C4a B. C3a C. C5a D).C3b

23) A complement system activates arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism and act as Powerful
chemotactic agent for neutrophils, basophil, monocytes, eosinophils.

A. C5a B. C3b C. C3a D. C4a

24) Which enzyme is inhibited by steroids in the inflammatory process?

A. COX-1 B. COX-2 C. Phospholipases D. 5-Lipoxygenase

25) Which one of the following arachidonic acid metabolites is important in the
pathogenesis of bronchial asthma?

A. LTD4 B. LTC4 C. LTE4 D. All

26) The predominant cells during chronic inflammation

A. Neutrophiles B. Macrophages C. Basophiles D. None

27) Select the wrong one

A. Lung – alveolar macrophages B. Spleen & LN – sinus histiocytes

C. Liver – kuppfer cells D. None

28) One is a granulomatous inflammation except

A. Tuberculosis B. Leprosy C. Syphilis D. Sarcoidosis E. None

29) which one is correct in the healing process

A) Tissue damageà inflammation àremoval of dead tissue and injurious agent àreplacement
by: fibrous tissue (scaring) or specialized tissue (regeneration)èè healing

B) Removal of dead tissue and injurious agent à inflammation à tissue damage àreplacement
by: fibrous tissue (scaring) or specialized tissue (regeneration)èè healing

C) Inflammation à tissue damage àremoval of dead tissue and injurious agent àreplacement
by: fibrous tissue (scaring) or specialized tissue (regeneration)èè healing

D) Replacement by: fibrous tissue (scaring) or specialized tissue (regeneration à inflammation

àremoval of dead tissue and injurious agent à tissue damage èè healing

30) Which cell type is permanent?

A. neuron cells B. cells of lens C. striated muscle cells D. All

31) Regeneration is process in which lost tissue is replaced by scar (fibrosis).

A. False B. True

32) Macrophages, in particular, are important cellular constituents of granulation tissue.

A. True B. False

33) One is not in the phases of granulation tissue formation.

A. Granulation- tissue ingrowth B. Phase of inflammation-exudation

C. Phase of demolition-digesting or removing necrotic tissue D. None

34) The major collagen type in the formation of mature scar tissue is

A. Collagen type 1 B. Collagen type 2 C. Collagen type 3 D. Collagen type 4

35) In the patterns of wound healing wound edges are approximated by surgical sutures
and healing occurs with minimal tissue loss.

A. Healing by second intention(20 union) B. Healing by first intention(10 union)

C. healing by 3rd intention(30 union)) D. None

36) In the process of wound healing granulation tissue formation occurs

A. With in 24hours B. 2nd week C. Day 3 D. 1st month

37) In the process of wound healing which cells comes with in 24hrs

A. Neutrophils B. Macrophages C. Fibroblast D. Granulation tissue

38) Wound contraction is a mechanical reduction in the size of the defect.

A. True B. False

39) Fibrous growths that extend beyond the original area of injury to involve the adjacent
normal skin is

A. Hypertrophic scar B. Keloids C. Excessive contraction D. None

40) In which stages of fracture healing is callus formed?

A. Stage 5 B. Stage 4 C. Stage 2 D. Stage 7

41) All are complications of fracture healing except

A. Non healing B. Delayed healing C. Pseudoarthrosis D. Involucrum formation E. None

42) All of the following are causes of edema except

A. Increased hydrostatic pressure B. Reduced plasma protein C. Increased vascular


D. Sodium and water retention E. None

43) Anasarca is severe and generalized edema with widespread subcutaneous tissue

A. True B. False

44) One is an active process in which arteriolar dilation leads to increased blood flow.

A. Edema B. Hyperemia C. Congestion D. None

45) One is localized hemorrhage occurs within a tissue or organ usually having mass effect
due to clotting

A. Ecchymosis B. Purpura C. Petechiae D. Hematoma

46) Select the correct answer.

A) Hemoperitonium _ Blood in pleural cavity B) Hemoarthrosis _ Blood in joint spaces

C) Hemopericardium _ Blood in peritoneal cavity D) Hemothorax _blood in pericardial cavity

47) Hemostasis is maintain blood in a fluid state in normal vessels & permit the rapid
formation of hemostatic clot at the site of vascular injury.

A. False B. True

48 ) A blood that has clotted in the heart or a blood vessel is

A. Vegetations B. Embolism C. Thrombosis D. Hypercoagulable blood

49) All are conditions predispose to thrombus formation (Virchow's triad) except

A. Stasis or turbulence of blood flow B. Endothelium injury C. Hypercoagulable blood D.


50) Alterations in normal blood flow is

A. Thrombosis B. Stasis C. Turbulence of blood flow D. B & C

51) Which one of the following is a risk for hypercoagulable state?

A. Smoking B. Cancer C. Surgery D. Immobilization E. All are correct

52) All are fates of thrombosis except

A. Organization B. Embolization C. Propagation D. Recanalization E. None

53) Embolus is any solid, liquid, or gaseous thing that travels along the bloodstream

A). True B. False

54) Ischemic necrosis due to arterial occlusion or venous drainage is

A. Infarction B. Apoptosis C. Aging D. All

55) A 26 years old male patient presented at EOPD with sudden onset of tachypnea,
dyspnea, and tachycardia after he develop left femoral bone fracture of 10 hours duration.
Which one of the following is the most likely cause for this complain?

A. Air embolism B. Fat embolism C. Amniotic fluid embolism D. All are correct

56) From above question (Q 55) which one of the following is the most likely diagnosis of
the patient?

A. Pulmonary embolism B. Systemic embolism C. paradoxical embolism D. None

57) Commonest cause of distributive shock

A. Septic shock B. Anaphylactic shock C. Neurogenic shock D. None

58) The most common shock in clinical medicine & it is due to reduced blood volume is

A. Cardiogenic shock B. Distributive shock C. Hypovolumic shock D. Endocrine shock

59) DIC is an acute or chronic thrombohemorrhagic disorder occuring as a result of

progressive activation of coagulation pathway beyond physiologic set point.

A. True B. False

60) Which organ is associated with white infarction?

A. Heart B. Spleen C. Kidney D. All

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