Canine Abdomen Dissection22

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Canine Abdomen Dissection

Learning objectives

• Define the abdominal cavity and its boundaries.

• Describe the layers of the abdominal wall, including the muscles and their fibre
orientation and function and inguinal canal.
• Describe the innervation and blood supply of the abdominal wall.
• Describe the form of the canine digestive tract and the arrangement of its omenta and
• Describe the topography of the canine abdomen including the position of liver,
pancreas and spleen.
• Describe the blood supply and innervation of abdominal viscera.

As you proceed through this dissection you should not only consider the anatomy of the abdomen
but its relationship to other structures that you will study in later modules.

The Body Wall


 Remove the skin. Do this by making a ventral midline incision beginning at the xiphoid
process and ending at the pubic symphysis as shown in the diagram below. Be careful not to
cut too deep-try to cut through the skin only at this point.
 Make incisions laterally from the midline incision and reflect the skin flaps dorsally. The
dotted lines in figure 1 below show where the incision should be made.
 If your dog is male you will need to go around the penis on either side and reflect the penis
caudally. To do so you will also have to cut through the prepucial muscles and the extensive
vascular network to the prepuce.
 If your dog has a lot of subcutaneous fat you may need to clean this before you can proceed.
You may notice some muscle fibres within the fat running craniocaudally-these are fibres of
the cutaneous trunci muscle. You can remove these along with the fat

Costal Figure 1


 Linea alba

Clinical note: The linea alba is a fibrous band that runs down the ventral midline formed by the
joining of the aponeuroses of the abdominal musculature. The linea alba is the site chosen for
surgical entry into the abdomen because it is relatively avascular.

NOTE: An aponeurosis is a flat sheet of tendon. The collagen fibres of an aponeurosis pass in the
same direction that strain is encountered to increase its strength. It differs from a fascia in that the
collagen fibres of a fascia pass in random directions.


 Blood vessels that supply the ventral body wall. These are the superficial cranial epigastric
arteries and the superficial caudal epigastric arteries that run either side of the linea alba,
see the figure 2 below.
 External abdominal oblique. Note that the fibres run in a caudoventral direction. The
muscles originate from the lower ribs and insert on the linea alba via its aponeurosis, see
figures 3 and 4.
 External inguinal ring at the caudal end of the external abdominal oblique muscle.

Figure 2 Figure 3
epigastric External
arteries abdominal
epigastric External Aponeurosis
arteries inguinal

Figure 4


Clinical note:
The external inguinal ring marks the external opening of the inguinal canal which permits the
spermatic cord in the male. In the female the inguinal canal permits the round ligament that passes
to labia. This region is important clinically as it is where the testes descend in the immature male and
is thus important in castration and investigation into retained testes or cryptorchidism- where one or
both testes may fail to descend. The inguinal canal is in direct communication with the peritoneal
cavity and provides a route for infection of the peritoneal cavity following castration. It is also a sight
of inguinal hernia.


 Cut through the aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique in a craniocaudal direction at the
point where the muscle finishes and the aponeurosis begins. From this incision make lateral
incisions and reflect the muscle flaps dorsally as you did the skin flaps. This will reveal the
internal abdominal oblique, figures 5 and 6.
 Cut through the aponeurosis of internal abdominal oblique in a craniocaudal direction at the
point where the muscles finishes and the aponeurosis begins. From this incison make lateral
incisions and reflect the muscle flaps dorsally as you did the skin flaps. This will expose the
transversus abdominis muscle, Figure 7.

Figure 5 Figure 6
oblique Internal

Figure 7 Figure 8
abdominis Internal
oblique abdominal
inguinal Internal
ring inguinal

 Deep cranial and caudal epigastric arteries.
 Ventral branches of segmental nerves and blood vessels
 Rectus sheath covering rectus abdominis muscle, figure 9
Figure 10 abdominis
Figure 9
Internal abdominal
External abdominal
sheath Rectus


Linea alba
NOTE: The rectus sheath is made up of the aponeuroses of the other three abdominal muscles that
have just been reflected. These aponeuroses pass either dorsally or ventrally to the rectus
abdominis muscle, sandwiching it between them. The rectus abdominis originates at the xiphoid
process and inserts on the pubic symphysis getting narrower along its course. The fibres run in a
craniocaudal direction. The muscle is divided into sections by tendinous insertions that run laterally
throughout the muscle at regular intervals. Figure 10 shows the arrangement of the aponeuroses
that make up the rectus sheath, the upper image represents the region closest to the thorax, the
middle image represents midway and the lower image represents the arrangement near tot eh

REVISE: The origins, insertions and fibre direction of the other three abdominal muscles we have just


 Make an incision in the aponeurosis of tranversus abdominis where it meets the muscle.
From this incision make two lateral incisions and reflect transversus abdominis dorsally as
you have the previous two muscle layers.
 Cut through the rectus sheath to see the rectus abdominis muscle.

 The falciform ligament by running your fingers deep to the rectus abdominis muscle and feel
that cranially in the midline there is a structure that runs from the ventral body wall to the
ventral surface of the liver-this is the falciform ligament.
 The median umbilical ligament-by running your fingers deep to rectus abdominis and
caudally in the midline-there is a structure running from the ventral body wall to the
bladder- this is the median umbilical ligament, it is considerably smaller than the falciform

The Falciform ligament helps to secure the liver in place and in the foetus it carries the
umbilical vein from the umbilicus to the liver. The medial umbilical ligaments used to carry
the umbilical arteries from the caudal aorta to the umbilicus in the foetus. Although these
two structures are described as ligaments they are much weaker than any ligaments that
you will have encountered that stabilise joints. There are in fact folds of peritoneum and
offer little strength to support the abdominal viscera. You will encounter the term ligament
being used to describe folds of peritoneum elsewhere in the abdomen.

Clinical note:
The falciform ligament may be seen as a shadow on radiographs in some animals. Have a
look at some radiographs of the abdomen in todays practical.

 Cut through rectus abdominis at its cranial and caudal extremities, as shown in figure 11.
Transect the falciform ligament and the median umbilical ligament close the ventral
abdominal wall to allow you to reflect and remove rectus abdominis. You now have open
access to the abdominal cavity.

Figure 11

Clinical note:

Consider the best approach to surgical entry to the abdomen in light of what you have just learnt!
Entry is usually made caudal to the umbilicus to avoid the fat filled falciform ligament. This means
that a lot of exploration of the abdomen is done blindly by feel or by moving the abdominal organs
around so that they may be viewed through the incision. For this reason it is important to get an idea
of what these organs feel as well as look like. The layers of the abdominal walls must be sutured
separately. The peritoneum is no longer sutured together as a separate layer following abdominal

The Abdominal Cavity

Identify, (with the help of figure 12):

 Greater omentum- this will cover the abdominal contents- you may need to move it aside to
continue but be careful not to displace any other of the abdominal viscera.
 Stomach
 Descending duodenum
 Descending colon
 Parietal and visceral peritoneum
 The apex of the urinary bladder
 Spleen- the spleen may be grossly enlarged if the animal has been euthanased using
barbiturates. Compare spleens of animals euthanased using barbiturates to those
euthanased by other methods.
 Liver- would it be possible to palpate the liver in the living dog? Note its relation to the ribs
and costal arch.
Figure 12

duodenum Stomach



Clinical note:
Liver biopsy may be performed just caudal to the xiphoid process in the dog where the liver
projects caudally beyond the costal arch. The advantage of performing biopsy at this site is
that the diaphragm and pleural cavity are not compromised as they would be if the biopsy
was taken through an intercostal space.

 Intestinal mass- mainly jejunum - you may need to move this aside to continue- this is
suspended by the mesentery.
 Ascending and descending duodenum
 Mesoduodenum
 Cranial duodenal flexure- by following the duodenum cranially from the pylorus of the
stomach to the point where it turns to run caudally adjacent to the caudate lobe of the
 Pancreas- note that the pancreas is divided into two lobes which lie at right angles to
one another- the right and left lobes of the pancreas. The dog has two pancreatic ducts
that both empty into the descending duodenum.
 Caecum
 Colon
 Mesocolon
 Right kidney- embedded in perirenal fat on the dorsal body wall- you may need to move
the descending duodenum and pancreas out of the way to do this. Note that the
cranial pole of the right kidney is tucked into the renal fossa on the caudate lobe of the
 Caudal vena cava- lying medial to the right kidney
 Renal artery and vein
 Adrenal gland
 Ureter
 Right ovary and uterine horn if you are dissecting a female
 Left kidney- you will need to move the intestinal mass, stomach and spleen to do this
 Epiploic foramen- this is bounded by the hepatic portal vein ventrally and the caudal
vena cava dorsally- it is a small opening that links the omental bursa, (figure 13) to the
remainder of the peritoneal cavity. Put your finger through the hole and see where it
Figure 13 .
Stomach Transverse colon

ometum Omental
Liver Greater

Identify: peritoneum
 Hepatic portal vein - near to the cranial duodenal flexure, figure 15
 Coeliac artery
 Coeliac ganglion- about an inch cranial to the cranial mesenteric ganglion
 Cranial mesenteric artery- you will find this at the route of the mesentery, about 2-3cm
caudal to the coeliac artery- you may be required to remove fat to do this.
 Mesenteric lymph nodes- these drain lymph from the jejunum, ileum and pancreas into the
cisterna chyli- you are unlikely to be able to find the cisterna chyli in your fixed specimen as
it is a very delicate structure that is usually destroyed in the process- it appears to the naked
eye to look like a very thin walled vein.
 Cranial mesenteric ganglion, figure 16- appears as a white swelling amidst a plexus of nerve
fibres surrounding the artery
 Caudal mesenteric artery
 Caudal mesenteric ganglion, figure 16

Hepatic portal
Transverse colon Figure 15
Figure 14

Cranial Spleen
Ascending colon
colon Pancreas


Images taken from Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy, Dyce, Sack and Wensing, 4th Edition, Pages 135-6

Figure 16 Aorta Coeliac trunk Cranial

Sympathetic artery
trunk mesenteric
Dorsal ganglion





These two ganglia are often merged to form the coeliacomesenteric ganglion. They are bilateral.
They are formed by fibres of the parasympathetic and fibres and ganglia of the sympathetic nerves
from the vagus and splanchnic nerves respectively. They contain both efferent and afferent fibres.
There are several other plexuses present in the abdomen. The schematic diagram below shows the
abdominal ganglia and there innervations.

Clinical note:

The branches of the cranial mesenteric artery, figure 14, run along the mesenteric border supplying
blood to the intestines. This is generally true apart from at the ileum which receives a dual blood
supply- it has vessels running on both its mesenteric and antimesenteric border. This is important
when considering surgical approach to the intestines.


 Apply two ligatures around the ileum and two around the duodeno-jejunal junction.
 Cut the intestines transversely between both sets of ligatures.
 Cut the root of the mesentery- leaving a stump attached for reference.
 Remove the intestines and spread them out on the table.
 Open the intestines by making an incision along the antimesenteric border.
 Wash the internal surface of the intestines in some water and observe the internal structure.


 Identify the greater and lesser curvature of the stomach

 Identify the regions of the stomach including the cardia, fundus, body and pylorus
 Identify the coeliac artery, figure 17. Trace its braches as far as you can to see what it
Figure 17 supplies. Revise the full extent of the branches of the coeliac artery.

Right gastric
artery Left gastric

Coeliac trunk

Cranial pancreatic
artery Splenic artery

Images taken from Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy, Dyce, Sack and Wensing, 4th Edition, Page 128

 Place two ligatures around the descending colon and cut the colon between these- removing
it from the abdomen.
 Open the colon along its antimesenteric border and compare its mucosa to that of the small
 Cut the bile duct about 1-2cm from the liver
 Trim the greater omentum away from the greater curvature of the stomach
 Use blunt dissection to remove the greater omentum from its attachments to the dorsal
body wall.
 Separate the spleen from its peritoneal attachments and its blood supply as you do so.
 Pull the stomach caudally to reveal the oesophageal hiatus in the diaphragm.
 Dissect away the crus of the diaphragm to identify the dorsal and ventral branches of the
vagus nerve.
 Place two ligatures around the oesophagus and section the oesophagus between these.
 Remove the stomach along with the duodenum and pancreas
 Incise the stomach along a line between the cardia and the pylorus, mid-way between the
lesser and greater curvature.
 Wash away any ingesta and compare the different regions of the stomach internally

Clinical note:

The layers of the stomach wall must be sutured separately following surgery, it is therefore important
that you can identify them.

Question: What would be the best site to gain surgical entry into the stomach- consider its blood


 Open the duodenum along the antimesenteric border

 Wash away the ingesta
 Identify the opening of the pancreatic duct, in common with the bile duct, at the major
pancreatic papilla

Clinical note:

The position of the pancreatic duct(s) and the bile duct vary between species. It is important to know
the position of them in relation to the duodenum as they must not be occluded or removed during


 The lesser omentum where it is attached to the liver

 The falciform ligament
 The gastric impression on the liver
 The duodenal impression on the liver
 The renal impression on the liver
 The caudal vena cava
 The gall bladder
 The hepatic porta- where the bile duct, nerves and blood vessels enter and leave the liver
 The coronary ligament- that suspends the liver from the diaphragm- you may need to do this
by feel- run your fingers over the ventral surface of the liver in a cranial direction so that the
diaphragm and the liver sandwich your fingers. Your fingers should come to a blind end
where they can go no further- this is because they are against the coronary ligament. It is
good to practice doing these things by feel!


 Use blunt dissection to free the liver from its attachments to the diaphragm and ventral
body wall.


 The lobes of the liver, figure 18

 The course that the vena cava takes through the liver
 The course that the vena cava takes through the diaphragm, figure 19
 The course that the aorta takes through the diaphragm, figure 19
 The oesophageal hiatus in the diaphragm, figure 19
 The crura of the diaphragm, figure 19- these are the thick muscular pillars
Crus of that attach the
Figure 18 diaphragm to the dorsal bodylobe
wall Figure 19 diaphragm


Left lateral lateral
lobe lobe

Gall bladder vena cava
Quadrate middle
Left middle
lobe lobe
Muscular part Central tendon
of diaphragm of diaphragm

Clinical note:

Rupture of the diaphragm is common in dogs and cats involved in road traffic accidents. Which part
of the diaphragm is most likely to rupture? Which abdominal contents are most likely to herniate
into the thorax following rupture of the diaphragm? What is the most likely symptom you would see
in such a patient?

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