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GEE 22 – Living in the IT Era

Instructions: Please read and understand both the questions and your answers properly. Write your
answers on a piece of paper. Submission of activity sheet will on the schedule of our face to face class.
Please answer your activity sheet independently and avoid copy/paste.

A. Operating System Basics

1. Define what an operating system is in your own words.
2. List three common operating systems used on personal computers.
3. Describe the role of the kernel in an operating system.

B. Types of Operating Systems

1. Name and briefly explain the differences between three different types of operating
systems (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux).
C. Operating System Evolution
1. Research and list the names of five different versions of the Windows operating system,
along with their release years.
2. Name a historical operating system that predates modern graphical user interfaces
(GUIs). Explain its basic functions.
D. Operating System Functions
1. Explain the purpose of file management in an operating system.
2. Describe the role of a device driver in the context of an operating system.
E. Operating System Interface
1. List and briefly describe the components of a typical graphical user interface (GUI) in an
operating system.
F. Operating System Security
1. Explain the importance of user accounts and permissions in an operating system.
2. Name and describe two common security features found in modern operating systems.
G. Operating System Troubleshooting
1. Research and list three common issues that users might encounter with their operating
systems. Provide potential solutions for each issue.
H. Fun Fact
1. Share a fun fact or interesting tidbit about operating systems that you've discovered
during your research.
I. Operating System Comparison
1. Create a table comparing the three operating systems you listed in Activity 2. Include
factors such as cost, hardware compatibility, and notable features.

Prepared by:

CCS Faculty

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