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Peruvian Scientific Production Affected by

Predatory Journals

Carlos Sotomayor-Beltran & Guillermo W. Zarate Segura

To cite this article: Carlos Sotomayor-Beltran & Guillermo W. Zarate Segura (2021): Peruvian
Scientific Production Affected by Predatory Journals, International Information & Library Review,
DOI: 10.1080/10572317.2020.1869902

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Peruvian Scientific Production Affected by Predatory Journals

Carlos Sotomayor-Beltran and Guillermo W. Zarate Segura
Facultad de Ciencias e Ingenierıa, Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, Lima, Peru

The following study presents the output of predatory publications in the Peruvian universities Questionable; publications;
that were included in the SCImago Institutions Rankings of 2020 during the period 2015–2019. researchers; Peru; predatory
The universities considered in this work are ones of the most established and prominent in this journals; Scopus
Latin American nation. Due to a relatively new University Law, enacted in 2014, and a National
Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation, a research culture is starting to
build-up in this country, which is reflected in its growing scientific production. However in this
study, by using data from the Beall’s list, Stop Predatory Journals list and the citation database
Scopus, we have observed that predatory publications are infiltrating the Peruvian scientific
production. Our analysis reveals that the growth of questionable publications is exponential.
Financial incentives and also promotion and tenure are quite possibly the key factors as to why
the rise of predatory publications is occurring in Peru. On the other hand, we indicate that the
growth of predatory publications can bring about the emergence of rogue researchers and
also in the long run the damage of universities’ reputations. This is the first study to present an
output of questionable publications in Peru and it is expected that serves the competent
authorities for research as well as inexperienced and young researchers to avoid further the
spread of this bad publication practices.

Introduction their papers in their journals, which are also

Research is nowadays an essential activity at known as predatory (Beall, 2012, 2015, 2016). A
Peruvian universities thanks to the University major trait of predatory journals (also regarded
as fraudulent, fake and questionable) is that the
Law 30220 enacted in 2014 (MINEDU, 2014).
peer-review process is minimal or in some cases
Since then, a gradual build-up of the number of
non-existent; hence, articles published in such
papers per year at these higher education institu-
journals are considered as pseudo-science. Other
tions has been observed. A quick check at the
up-to-date features that define predatory journals
SCImago Journal & Country Rank (https://www.
are for example deceitful editorial practices and can attest to this aggressive solicitation (Grudniewicz et al., 2019).
progressive increment. Even though this growing In Iran, a work by Erfanmanesh and Pourhossein
scientific production in the past years can be (2017) has indicated that in the year 2014, 1,449
considered as a laudable achievement for this out of 21,897 articles appeared in predatory jour-
Latin American nation, a heads-up regarding this nals. A relevant finding of this investigation was
continuing trend is needed. that most of the contribution to this predatory
Several studies have indicated that developing publications was from the top 10 Iranian univer-
countries are the ones where predatory publish- sities. A study (Mounton & Valentine, 2017) on
ing occurs the most (e.g., Balehegn, 2017; Demir, the number of papers published in predatory
2018; Frandsen, 2017; Kurt, 2018, Matumba journals in South Africa during the 10-year
et al., 2019; Rich, 2016; Xia et al., 2015). To put period of 2005–2014 has revealed that out of
it simply, predatory publishers are those who 116,373 papers investigated, 4,246 were published
charge fees to authors in exchange for publishing in questionable journals. The database used for

CONTACT Carlos Sotomayor-Beltran Facultad de Ciencias e Ingenierıa, Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades,
Lima, Peru
ß 2021 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

this South African study was the one that con- In the light of the above, the current work
sisted of publications that have been submitted reports our analysis about predatory publications
for funding to the Department of Higher during the 2015–2019 period at Peruvian univer-
Education and Training, which has raised con- sities that were included in the SCImago
cerns because, evidently, part of the allocated Institutions Rankings (SIR) of 2020. These higher
funds have served to subsidized fraudulent publi- education institutions are well established and
cations. In this regards, Resnik (2019) has indi- ones of the most prominent in the country. The
cated the diverse type of resources (e.g., money repercussions these deceptive publishing practices
and time) that are involved in the production of can have based on our results are also discussed.
questionable publications. A broader research by To the best of our knowledge this is the first
Demir (2018) has shown that in 2017, India, study that presents output of predatory publica-
Nigeria and Turkey among 146 countries had the tions in the scientific production of Peru.
highest number of articles published in question-
able journals. The aforementioned work consid- Methodology
ered 832 journals from the Beall’s list (a known
For our study we have considered those articles
blacklist of questionable journals) and detected a
published at the Peruvian universities that were
total of 24,840 papers published in these ones.
included in the SIR (
Peru, a developing economy (United Nations,
of 2020. The SIR is an international ranking
2020), besides having its University Law 30220
where academic and research institutions are
has also the National Council of Science,
classified according to their research perform-
Technology and Technological Innovation
ance. The SIR utilizes data exclusively from
(CONCYTEC), which strives to promote the
Scopus to elaborate its rankings; hence, titles only
growth of research in the country. Among its from this database were used for this work.
many policies to foster research, a classification Scopus is an abstract and citation database with
system for Peruvian researchers has been recently titles that have been rigorously selected and eval-
put forward (CONCYTEC, 2019). One of the uated to ensure their quality (Baas et al., 2020).
mandatory requirements to be a registered To have a reliable source of predatory journals’
researcher in Peru is to keep a permanent scien- names, we have used the Beall’s and the Stop
tific production in well-known curated citation Predatory Journals lists ( and
databases such as Scopus and Web of Science, respectively), as
(WoS). As most of the research occurring in suggested by Sotomayor-Beltran (2020). Both
Peru is at its universities, the population of certi- webpages are based on the original list, created
fied researchers is made up mainly of academic by the American librarian Jeffrey Beall, which
personnel. Being a faculty member and a certified was taken down in 2017 (Silver, 2017). One of
researcher has several benefits, for instance, the main reasons for closing down his blog,
access to funding, promotion, tenure and finan- where his list was published, was due to the legal
cial incentives. Not properly overseeing those threats posed by some publishers which were
benefits can be counterproductive because they starting to be seen by many academics and
can steer academics to engage in questionable research institutions worldwide as predatory. The
practices. Cobey et al. (2019) and Ferris and Beall’s and the Stop Predatory Journals lists are
Winker (2017) have reported, for example, that meticulously maintained by independent scholars,
one of the main drives among researchers for who are inspired by Beall in denouncing the sus-
publishing in predatory journals is to be consid- picious practices of this type of publishers. By
ered for promotion and/or tenure. Regarding choosing these two lists, we have strived to make
financial incentives, Hedding (2019) and Muller more robust our study and not to be biased by
(2017) have warned against rewards per paper one of them.
published in South Africa, where cash over qual- In the SIR of 2020 there are a total of 9 Peruvian
ity is a priority among some researchers. universities considered: The Universidad Peruana

Table 1. Number and percentage of predatory publications over the period 2015–2019 of the Peruvian universities included in
the SCImago Institutions Rankings of 2020.
Total predatory % of predatory Total predatory % of predatory
Total publications publicactions publications (Stop publications (Stop
University publications (Beall’s list) (Beall’s list) Predatory Journals) Predatory Journals)
UPCH 2115 5 0.2 4 0.2
UNMSM 1903 12 0.6 8 0.4
UPC 1061 4 0.4 4 0.4
USMP 527 2 0.4 – –
PUCP 2078 11 0.5 11 0.5
UNI 488 9 1.8 7 1.7
UNSA 524 4 0.8 2 0.4

Cayetano Heredia (UPCH), the Universidad the SIR of 2020, during the 2015–2019 period.
Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), the Two of them, the UNALM and the UCSUR, are
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), not shown in Table 1 and will be not further
the Universidad San Martin de Porres (USMP), the analyzed because they do not present any preda-
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP), tory publication during the period under study.
the Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina Overall, the percentages of articles in the fraudu-
(UNALM), the Universidad Cientifica del Sur lent journals in both lists for the 7 universities
(UCSUR), the Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria are quite small, being the UNI the institution
(UNI), and the Universidad Nacional de San with the highest percentages (1.8% and 1.7% of
Agustin de Arequipa (UNSA). Data of the number predatory publications in the Beall’s and Stop
of publications of each selected university between Predatory Journals lists, respectively) and the
2015 and 2019 was downloaded from the Scopus UPCH the institution with the lowest ones (0.2%
website as .csv files. The names of the predatory of predatory publications in both Beall’s and Stop
journals were retrieved from the Beall’s and the Predatory Journals lists). At first glance, these
Stop Predatory Journals lists websites by using the results can be quite reassuring; however, when
Beautiful Soup library from the programming lan- looking at the time-wise distribution of predatory
guage Python. This computational tool allows easily publications in these higher education institu-
to extract and to handle data from webpages tions, the outlook is one of concern.
(Mitchell, 2018). Once both lists (the Beall’s and the Figure 1 presents the yearly distribution
Stop Predatory Journals lists with 1,478 and 1,317 (2015–2019) of the number of papers published
titles, respectively) were accordingly structured, the in predatory journals listed in the Beall’s list for
names in the predatory lists were matched against the 7 universities considered in Table 1. In 2015
the names of the journals in the Scopus .csv files. there were no questionable articles published in
By employing the described computational method, any institution. In 2016 and 2017 the number of
we have spared hours or days that would have predatory publications in the Scopus scientific
taken us to manually carry out the comparison production for both years was of 5 (0.4% and
between the lists looking for potential matches. 0.3%, respectively). Starting in 2018 there was an
Finally, once predatory journals were identified, we increment with respect to the past year, a total of
proceeded to search for them in the Directory of 8 (0.4%) publications, and this amount just
Open Access Journals (DOAJ; became higher by 2019, a total of 29 (1.2%) ques-
The DOAJ is basically a list of peer-reviewed open tionable publications. Over the 2015–2019 period,
access journals that meet the highest standards of a total of 47 (0.5%) papers were identified in 18
quality. None of the identified predatory journals predatory journals.
were in the DOAJ. On the other hand, in Figure 2 we can see the
time-wise distribution of predatory publications
based on the Stop Predatory Journals list. In this
case, it can be noticed that only 6 institutions
Table 1 shows the number of papers published in have papers in questionable journals during the
7 Peruvian universities, which were included in 2015–2019 period. This is because for the USMP,

Figure 1. Number of predatory publications, based in the Figure 2. Number of predatory publications, based in the Stop
Beall’s list, of the Peruvian universities included in the Predatory Journals list, of the Peruvian universities included in
SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) of 2020. the SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) of 2020.

there was not a predatory publication identified SIR of 2020, have articles published in fraudulent
in the Stop Predatory Journals list during this journals over the 2015–2019 period. Even though
time. Similarly to the Beall’s list case (Figure 1), the observed percentages of predatory publica-
there was not a detection of predatory publica- tions are quite small, the growth of the number
tions in 2015 using the Stop Predatory Journals of questionable publications that is occurring in a
list. In addition, the number of questionable pub- yearly basis is potentially exponential (Figure 3).
lications of the UPC and the PUCP identified in This result goes in agreement with a large-scale
the Stop Predatory Journals list over the five-year study by Perlin et al. (2018), where also an expo-
period is equal to the ones identified in the nential increase of predatory publications was
Beall’s list (Figure 1). Using the Stop Predatory seen in another Latin American nation, Brazil,
Journals list, a total of 36 (0.4%) articles were during the 2000–2015 period. Despite it is to
identified in 13 predatory journals. These 36 soon to assert that the trend for the Peruvian
articles are included within the 47 questionable case is actually exponential, and very likely a fol-
articles identified using the Beall’s list. low-up study is needed in three or four years
It is relevant to point out that in Figures 1 and time to confirm this, we do observe that the sub-
2, for the year 2019 nearly all the Peruvian stantial increase of questionable publications is
universities considered in this study, with the occurring at a much faster pace during the
exception of the UPC for both cases and the 2015–2019 period than the overall Peruvian
USMP for the case of the Stop Predatory Journals scholarly publishing rate according to Scopus
list, have at least an article published in a ques- over this same period.
tionable journal. Regarding the areas of science One of the crucial factors to which the
where most predatory publications appear in our growing trend of questionable publications in
study, we have observed that Medicine and Peru can be attributed to is the bonuses that the
Engineering stand out. In Figure 3, we present a faculty members can earn by showing a regular
temporal analysis of the observed growth of the scientific production on a yearly basis, as it is
number of papers in predatory journals identified blatantly the case in South Africa (Hedding,
in both lists. The potential growing trend in both 2019). Moreover, article 86 of the University Law
cases is clearly exponential. 30220 states that professors and lecturers, at uni-
versities with considerable research duties, can
receive a special compensation of 50% on top of
Discussion and conclusion
their salary (MINEDU, 2014). These financial
This research is the first study to show the output incentives intend to foster research and are
of predatory journals in Peruvian universities. It indeed very appealing; however, it should be
has been shown that nearly all of the higher edu- scrutinized first in which type of journals
cation institutions, which were included in the researchers are publishing their articles before

Figure 3. Exponential growing trend (black-dashed line) of the number of predatory publications in the Peruvian universities
included in the SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) of 2020.

giving such a reward. For instance, bonuses could Scopus were identified in the Beall’s and Stop
be awarded based on the quartile of journal, if Predatory Journals lists. The ramifications of the
this happens to be indexed either in Scopus or inclusion of some fraudulent journals in this
WoS. Researchers publishing in Q4 journals database are many. For instance, inexperienced
could receive a minimal financial incentive or and young researchers who come across preda-
none, whereas those who publish in Q1 journals tory publications indexed in Scopus could mis-
could be awarded sizeable bonuses. This is espe- takenly believe that the standards these papers
cially important in developing economies like present are the norm, when this is not the case.
Peru, where salaries among the main part of the Another appalling consequence is that some uni-
academic personnel are low and hence they are versities, especially in developing countries, who
on the lookout for opportunities to increase attempt to enter international rankings, such as
these. Furthermore, this situation is exacerbated the SIR, may ask their faculty members for faster
considering that research and development are publications routes and in doing so they may
not still ones of the highest priorities of the unwittingly fall prey of fraudulent journals, which
Peruvian government (Ciocca & Delgado, 2017). in the long run if not properly regulated could
The output of predatory publications presented destroy the scientific reputation of some of these
in this work was made possible using the Beall’s higher education institutions and also comprom-
and Stop Predatory Journals lists, and also data ise the scientific production of the country.
from Scopus. Even though Baas et al. (2019) have Shehata and Elgllab (2018) have shown that a
argued for this database to be a whitelist for group of Arab scholars have published in preda-
research policies evaluations, bibliometric studies tory journals without being aware that they were
and university rankings, Cortegiani et al. (2020) actually predatory. One more repercussion has
and Severin and Low (2019) have expressed with been indicated by Eriksson and Helgesson (2017),
great concern that predatory journals have who have informed about the rise of rogue schol-
already infiltrated this and other well-known ars who constantly publish in predatory journals.
databases (e.g., PubMed). The penetration of In a developing country like Peru where a
these questionable journals has been further con- research culture is beginning to establish, inex-
firmed by the results presented in our study, perienced and young researchers could wrongly
where articles published in journals indexed in believe that these rogue scholars, who publish in

predatory journals indexed in well-know citation ORCID

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