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School Address: Jaffa St.

▪ Jerusalem, Israel ▪ 058 322 2976 ▪ 732 523 0182

Mailing Address: Mishkelov 11 apt 5 ▪ Jerusalem Israel 95402 ▪ 02 654 1268

Web Development Syllabus

Course instructor: Channah Nissim

Course Overview:
In the Web Development course, students are prepared for one of the most popular careers in today’s
job market. Students will begin from the basics of developing a web site and study HTML5 and CSS to
create compelling and responsive websites for the desktop, tablet, and mobile. At the end of this course,
students will have a complete site on the web for a client, as well as a personal portfolio website.


What this course covers:

1. Introduction to Web Development and Course Overview
 Current Trends in Web Design

 Folder/file structure
 W3C
 Webpage building blocks
 Web principles and design
 Html tables
 HTML Forms
 HTML audio and video

3. Graphics
 Web graphics
 Image creation tools
 Optimizing Graphics
 Exporting for Web
 File types for graphics

4. Web tools
 Buttons, menu and navigation bars
 Rollovers and Nav Bars
 Interactive PDFs
 Mockups
School Address: Jaffa St. ▪ Jerusalem, Israel ▪ 058 322 2976 ▪ 732 523 0182
Mailing Address: Mishkelov 11 apt 5 ▪ Jerusalem Israel 95402 ▪ 02 654 1268

 Working with widgets and extensions

 Adding Sliders and Lightboxes to your pages
 More ways to work with Forms and PHP forms
 Linking Pages with PHP

5. CSS
 CSS and color
 External style sheets
 Formatting and layout with CSS
 Advanced features of CSS
 CSS Selectors

6. Child and Descendant Selectors

7. Multimedia – Audio, Video, Flash

8. Hosting
 Freelancing and doing business

Final Project:
Full website development with CSS layout

Certificate from the Ministry of Labor and Compuskills.

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