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Alternative Solutions

Recommendation Rational Pros and Cons

Call in the funders Given that Assif and Sons Pros

(International Development wants to complete the project 1. This alternative will

Bank and the Pakistani on their own without give GCITEC an

Government) involving Guangxi opportunity to present

Corporation for International some of its own

Techno-Economic solutions, which are

Cooperation (GCITEC) as likely to be adopted by

initially stipulated in the the financiers.

partnership, the best approach 2. Involving the financers

to resolve the stalemate is to will help uncover the

involve the project financers underlying problems

for help since the conflict is since both parties

beyond the capability of would be interested in

GCITEC to solve. thoroughly

understanding the

issues affecting project

Surname 2

3. It will provide an

opportunity to reassess

the conflict from a

different perspective


1. GCITEC could fall out

of favor with the

Pakistani government,

a situation that is likely

to exacerbate the

treatment accorded to

Chinese workers and

engineers in Pakistan.

Compromising: GCITEC Given that both Guangxi Pros

could compromise by listening Corporation for International 1. Compromise will

to complaints by Assif & Sons Techno-Economic ensure that every side

to deciding on the most Cooperation (GCITEC) and win. Without

expedient solution that would Assif & Sons have hit a compromising, both

appeace the company. deadlock, the best solution sides will lose.

would be for the two sides to 2. Apart from solving the

resolve the conflict between present short-term

them through compromise, conflict, the solution

since without compromising, will lay the necessary

Surname 3

both the two parties will lose. foundation to resolve

future long-term


3. Compromising would

help to provide a quick

solution to the conflict


1. Given that

compromises are short-

term, there is high

probability that other

conflicts could occur

before the completion

of the Khus project.

2. May fail to work is

both GCITEC and

Assif & Sons have too

high initial demands

3. In the long run, this

solution will not help

to build trust between

the two warring sides.

Collaborating. This solution The conflict between GCITEC Pros

Surname 4

would require GCITEC to and Assif & Sons is a 1. Collaborating will

work with Assif & Sons to significant one because apart result in a win-win

find a win-win solution to the from affecting the relationship situation for all the

conflict between them. between the two companies, it sides.

could negatively impact the 2. It will install mutual

future relationship between trust and respect since

China and Pakistan. The the two parties

failure of the project could involved in the conflict

also deteriorate the will feel valued.

relationship between the two 3. This approach of

nations. resolving the conflict

will provide each side,

and especially Assif &

Sons with an

opportunity to listen to

each other. Giving the

two sides and

opportunity to express

their concerns fully

would help to build

understanding, respect,

and empathy.

Surname 5

1. Solving the present

crisis through

collaborating may be

draining in terms of

time, money, energy,

and effort. Since the

project is already

lagging behind

schedule, this solution

may not be the best.

2. This solution requires

both parties to make a

commitment, a

requirement that may

be difficult to fulfill in

the present situation.

3. Either party may take

advantage of trust and

openness of the other


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