Stastics and Probability Activities

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Suppose the test scores of a population of students follow a normal distribution with
mean 80 and standard deviation of 10. Find the probability that a randomly selected
student has score between 65 and 75?

2. Suppose the test scores of a population of students follow a normal distribution with
mean 75 and standard deviation of 10. If the sample size in a study is 25, find the
probability that a random sample has mean score of greater than 78?


1. Let X = test score of a randomly selected student.

The problem is asking for P ( 65< X < 75 ) .
Since X is normally distributed with mean 80 and standard deviation of 10, X can be
standardized to calculate the probability

Step 1. Convert X to Z-score.

For X = 65:
Z= =¿ -1.5
For X = 75:
Z= =¿ -0.5

Hence, P(65 < X < 75) is equal to P(-1.5 < Z < -0.5).

Step 2. Use the table of Standard Normal Distribution.

P(-1.5 < Z < -0.5) = P(Z < -0.5) – P(Z < -1.5)
= 0.3085 – 0.0668
= .2417

Therefore, there is 24.17% probability that a randomly selected student has a test score
between 65 and 75.
2. By CLT, X follows approximately normal distribution, with mean E( X ) = μ=75 , and
σ 10
standard deviation of = =2
√ n √25

Step 1. To find P( X >78 ¿ , standardized X .

X−μ 78−75
Z= = =1.5
σ 10
√n √ 25

Hence, P(X > 78) is equal to P(Z> 1.5) .

Step 2. Use the table of Standard Normal Distribution

P(Z> 1.5) = 1 - P(Z< 1.5)
= 1 – 0.9332
= 0.0668

Therefore, there is 6.68% probability that a random sample has mean score of greater
than 78.

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