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System Strength and Weak Grids:

Fundamentals, Challenges, and Mitigation Strategies

Mehdi Ghazavi Dozein, Student Member, IEEE Tapan Kumar Saha, Senior Member, IEEE
Pierluigi Mancarella, Senior Member, IEEE Ruifeng Yan, Member, IEEE
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
The University of Melbourne The University of Queensland
Melbourne, Australia Brisbane, Australia , ,

Abstract — Converter-based renewable energy sources (RES) and Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) power grid, the
battery energy storage (BES) devices that are asynchronously asynchronous generations must be able to collaborate into the
connected to the system are becoming more and more widespread. system stability services to compensate the lack of
A number of relevant stability issues, usually in areas with little synchronous ones [3].
synchronous generation, are being experienced, particularly in
terms of voltage stability. In this context, the scope of this work is Firstly, frequency control ancillary services (FCAS) have
to review the key aspects of the so-called “system strength” that is generally been provided by conventional power plants, which
associated with “weak grids” where such instabilities arise, its primarily feature synchronous generators. The synchronous
definitions, assessment metrics, and adverse operational impacts machine is blessed with a rotational mass and directly
that may emerge. The paper is then discussing two main mitigation connected to the system. If a contingency causes the frequency
strategies to improve short-term voltage stability in weak power to deviate from nominal, synchronous generators provide
systems. The first is to provide voltage stability services by various frequency support services, such as inertial response
converter-based technologies to support the system voltage in weak or primary frequency response, for the system to avoid
areas. The second proposition is to employ FACTS devices to frequency instability and angle instability issues [2], [4]. This
increase system strength. Finally, limitations and challenges work will not focus on these aspects of system instabilities in
regarding the operation of converter-based technologies and converter penetrated power systems.
FACTS devices in weak grids are presented and followed by key
recommendations. Secondly, synchronous generators (SG) play an important
role to support the system voltage stability by contribution to
Index Terms- System strength, Weak-grid area, Non- the short-circuit level. When a fault happens, synchronous
synchronous technologies (NST), FACTS devices, Voltage machines are able to maintain their terminal voltage by control
stability services of excitation current. Also, SG are connected to the system
directly and in parallel, and their internal reactance affects the
I. INTRODUTION equivalent impedance from the terminal to the point of the
Renewable energy sources (RES) and battery energy fault on a network. While the number of SG decreases, the
storage (BES) systems1, hereafter indicated as non- equivalent impedance that can be seen from the fault location
synchronous technologies (NST) are becoming more increases, thus reducing the short-circuit level. According to
widespread in the system. It is generally accepted that going the short-circuit characteristic of SG, the terminal voltage of
towards a low carbon energy system raises a number of issues SG is proportional to the short-circuit current [5].
and concerns threatening grid security. Although the advent of Consequently, reduction of short-circuit level increases the
new technologies, which mainly contain power electronic risk of voltage instability and voltage collapse in the system
converters, could bring numerous advantages for the system, [6]. Unfortunately, most NST are connected to the system
there are also several issues associated with system strength, through an electronically-coupled interface, thereby providing
weak-grid areas and low-inertia conditions [1], [2]. Holding no substantial contribution to the short-circuit current. In fact,
73 percent renewable energy target in South Australia by 2020 the contribution of convert-based technologies into the short-
up as a quintessential renewable energy penetration in a future circuit current is restricted by technical limitations of
converters, such as the potential breakdown of the switches or
switch overheating which might happen following a fault
1 BES are associated here to RES within the general category of over-current [7]. Therefore, the low short-circuit current is a
NST as they are also able to inject active power in the system and serious consequence of NST penetration into power systems.
therefore can be assimilated to generating technologies. In other words, with NST prevailing in the system, there may
be more and more weak-grid areas with higher risk of voltage • General technical challenges and the corresponding
instability [8]. It is worth saying that a system with sparse recommendations to improve system strength and deal
extra high voltage transmission backbone or with a high with voltage instability in weak areas.
electrical distance from SG is also prone to voltage instability
[8]. Because these features increase the total system In the rest of the paper, Section 2 provides a discussion
impedance, then enhance the equivalent impedance value from into system strength assessment and how to mitigate adverse
the point of fault, thus reducing the short-circuit level. impacts in the weak grid area. The non-synchronous dynamic
response requirements for different conditions are described in
Motivated by the ongoing discussions about various types Section 3, including voltage control response, voltage-reactive
of instability associated with large-scale penetration of NST, power droop characteristic, high-voltage ride-through (HVRT)
the aim of this paper is to discuss the fundamentals and capability, and low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability.
technical challenges regarding the lack of sufficient system Finally, technical challenges for integration of converter-based
strength and regarding system operation in weak areas of the technologies and FACTS devices into weak grids are
grid in a low-carbon power system context. From the presented in Section 4 and suitable recommendations are
Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)’s perspective, made.
system strength is defined as a “measure of the power system
stability under all reasonably possible operating conditions” II. SYSTEM STRENGTH FUNDAMENTALS
[9]. Power systems can thus be categorised into two groups: 1) Previous studies mostly defined system strength as the
strong grid and 2) weak or non-stiff grid [10]. Voltages in a “available fault current at a specific location of the power
strong grid maintain fairly constant under operating system”; consequently, higher fault currents also correspond
conditions, which means that as power flows change slightly, to higher system strength [11]. In “classical” power systems,
voltage variations corresponding to the active or reactive in most cases it was not essential to explicitly consider system
power variation are small (i.e. dV/dP and dV/dQ are strength to guarantee power system security since there were
negligible). Conversely, a weak grid is characterised by many SG connected to the grid which would contribute to
noticeable dV/dP and dV/dQ sensitivity [8]. As previously system strength inherently. The current trend towards RES
stated, a low short-circuit current increases the voltage and NST and thereby loss of sufficient SG reduces the short-
sensitivity following a fault, therefore it can be said that a part circuit level contribution of generating units, thus driving the
of the system with less short-circuit level can be considered as system into the weak-grid area.
a weak area.
Usually, qualitative definitions of system strength have
In weak-grid areas, it is mandatory to mitigate the adverse been discussed by previous literature; however, it is
impacts of low system strength on the voltage stability as well imperative to determine how far a network is from weak area
as on the operation of existing conventional units and NST conditions in a quantitative way, especially in converter-based
adopting different available solutions. There may be several power systems [8]. Traditionally, the short circuit ratio (SCR)
solutions to reduce the adverse impacts of low system metric has been deployed to describe the grid strength or
strength, such as transmission reinforcement, synchronous stiffness, as it is directly related to the available short circuit
condensers, reactive power and voltage support delivered by current.
NST, and utilisation of flexible AC transmission systems
(FACTS) devices, especially static VAR compensator (SVC) When it comes to assess system strength in an area where
and static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) [8]. NST are connected, the SCR-based method calculates the
system strength in a twofold process: the initial stage is to
This paper discusses potential specification of responses perform a classical three-phase short-circuit fault analysis at
which must be delivered to the system by converter-based the specific bus under study; then, the SCR metric is
technologies to improve system strength. In addition, the computed as follows [8]:
required dynamic response of FACTS devices to system
contingencies is described considering the weak grid 𝑆𝐶𝑅𝑃𝑂𝐼 = (1)
operation. Given the great interest on weak areas in Australia,
there are substantial works being carried out by AEMO to where 𝑆𝐶𝑀𝑉𝐴𝑃𝑂𝐼 is the Short-Circuit MVA-level at the point
which we make reference in this paper. Furthermore, some of interface (POI) without the current contribution of the NST,
technical recommendations by AEMO for NST and FACTS and 𝑀𝑊𝑁𝑆𝑇 is the output power of the NST [4]. It can be
devices to support system stability are presented. concluded that a low SCR value shows less amount of short-
The main contributions of the paper can be expressed as circuit current in a system. Therefore, a low SCR value
follows: indicates a high sensitivity of voltage magnitude to active and
• Review of system strength fundamentals; reactive power change at the POI. The relation (1) does not
• Discussions of Australian grid-code requirements for account for other converter-based technologies in the
the operation of converter-based technologies; neighboring areas. However, converter-coupled units are
• Specification of dynamic responses to be provided by electrically close to the POI in weak areas which host several
NTS; NST. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation
• Specification of dynamic responses to be provided by (NERC) has recently introduced a new index to achieve a
FACTS; more accurate system strength assessment approach for weak
grid conditions. The Weighted Short Circuit Ratio (WSCR),
which can explicitly consider also nearby converter-based characteristics, active power dependent reactive power
technologies, is expressed by (2) [10]: characteristics, and PQ capability diagrams [18]. These
𝑖 schemes are based on the reactive power support of the system
𝑊𝑆𝐶𝑅𝑃𝑂𝐼 = 𝑖 (2) through power factor control of NST, while voltage is among
𝑖=1 𝑀𝑊𝑁𝑆𝑇 0.9 per unit and 1.1 per unit. The prevalent method to describe
where 𝑆𝐶𝑀𝑉𝐴𝑖 is the Short-Circuit MVA at bus-i without a device’s reactive power capability characteristics in normal
consideration of NST-i, while 𝑀𝑊𝑁𝑆𝑇 𝑖
is the real output power operating conditions is the PQ capability diagram. The PQ
of NST-i; N is the number of converter-based technologies capability diagrams currently available are generally classified
nearby the specific bus under study [10]. In this context, into four types: 1) Triangular PQ capability diagram, 2)
nearby units can be identified by line characteristic impedance Rectangular PQ capability diagram, 3) Semi-circular PQ
(i.e. surge impedance) and setting requirement of protection capability diagram, and 4) Circular PQ capability diagram.
systems for generating units in under-study areas [12]. BES systems are the only converter-based technologies that
can feature a circular PQ capability diagram, because these
Insufficient system strength could have several adverse units can also absorb/inject active power in addition to
impacts on the performance of other existing components and reactive power. The PQ capability diagrams are shown in Fig.
it might cause inability for other system components and 1 for all types of converter-based technologies [18].
devices to operate according to standards [13]. For example,
voltage step changes higher than expected could be observed
following the switching of a shunt device such as capacitor
banks. As another instance, the risk of generation voltage
instability increases in a weak area. Last but not least, the
sensitivity of power system protection may be reduced
because of fault current reduction in weak grid conditions
In light of the above, next we will discuss the impact of
low system strength on converter-based technologies and how
to mitigate the adverse impacts of weak grid condition by
means of NST and FACTS devices. More specifically, we will
analyse what kind of dynamic responses should be delivered
to the system by NST and FACTS devices in a weak-grid area.


As previously explained, in a weak-grid area with low Figure 1. The PQ capability of non-synchronous generators for normal
short-circuit current, the voltage might change drastically operating conditions
following disturbances. Generally, one way to support the bus While a variety of terminologies for the reactive power
voltage is to manage the amount of reactive power exchange capability in normal operating conditions have been
of the given bus [6]. Although differences of opinion still suggested, AEMO uses the “voltage control capability” term
exist, there appears to be some agreement that converter-based when referring to the reactive power support of a generating
technologies could support the system voltage by unit to control voltage during normal operations. It is worth
manipulating its reactive power exchange with the system saying the national electricity rules (NER) generally place an
[15], [16]. In this paper, the term “reactive power capability” emphasis on the voltage control capability of converter-based
will be used in its broadest meaning to refer to dynamic technologies which are going to be connected to the voltage
reactive power adjustment by a converter-based technology level of more than 100 kV [19]. Also, in the NEM power
during normal operating conditions or subsequent to system, the required range of reactive power
contingency events and system disturbances. The converter- absorption/injection (i.e. ±𝑄𝑚𝑎𝑥 as shown in Fig. 1) for the
based technologies must be equipped with control strategies to voltage control capability is a negotiated standard between the
deliver their reactive power capabilities to the system in order generating unit owner and the system operator.
to alleviate the adverse impacts of low system strength.
Basically, most NTS (RES and BES) are composed of a set of B. Reactive power capabilities under fault conditions
back-to-back converters. They could manage the amount of
Given a fault condition, the reactive power capabilities can
reactive power injection/absorption to/from the system by
best be categorized according to their: 1) reactive power-
control of grid-side converter switching strategy [17].
voltage droop characteristic, 2) low-voltage ride-through
A. Reactive power capability in normal operating conditions capability, and 3) high-voltage ride-through capability.
(PQ Capability) 1) Voltage-reactive power droop characteristic
In normal operating conditions, various approaches have With the development of control theory and its
been suggested to deliver reactive power to the system by applications, the effectiveness of droops in power electronic
converters. Reactive power could be extracted from the converters has been long demonstrated [20]. In terms of
converter-coupled unit through dynamic power factor control system requirement in weak grids, NST must be able to handle
their terminal voltage through reactive power management NST in SA, while it must stay connected less than 1 second in
following an abnormal voltage situation. The amount of the same situation in the previous system requirement.
reactive current that must be injected/absorbed by an inverter-
connected technology corresponding to a certain voltage
change should be identified by the grid-code requirement. For
example, AEMO has recently recommended technical
standards for the reactive power-voltage droop response which
must be provided by non-synchronous generators in South
Australia, as shown in Fig. 2 [21]. As it is shown, the normal
operating condition for NST is defined between ±10 %
deviation from the nominal voltage value, however this dead-
band equals to ±15 % for SG. It can be concluded that
AEMO recommends NST to participate into the voltage-
reactive power droop response prior to SG response [21].
Figure 3. The HVRT requirement for non-synchronous generators in current
and future SA electricity network [21]

3) Low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability

Previous studies mostly defined LVRT capability as the
ability of generating units to remain connected to the system
during low voltage situations [22]. The LVRT capability
provision by NST is a significant factor to avoid simultaneous
tripping of generating units that could end up with frequency
instability issues. An example of typical LVRT capability
requirement is illustrated in Fig. 4, indicating that a unit must
remain connected to the system if the point of common
coupling (PCC) voltage is above the selected LVRT standard
curve [22]. The curve should be adjusted based on the system
grid-code requirement. It means that the grid operator, often
using historical data, could decide on the values of
Figure 2. AEMO’s recommendation for the voltage-reactive power droop
response provided by non-synchronous generators in SA [21] 𝑉𝑟 , 𝑉𝑖𝑛𝑡 , 𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑛 , 𝑇1 , 𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑡 , and 𝑇2 . However, widespread use of
converter-based technologies and subsequent weak grid area
Furthermore, the rise time of the NST response must be issues are leading to the introduction of new dynamic criteria
greater than 1 millisecond and no greater than 30 for the LVRT capability requirement of NST. For instance, in
milliseconds. Also, the response must be settled in a period [14] AEMO introduces two new criteria, “accumulated
no greater than 60 milliseconds (i.e. a settling time should be disturbance duration” and the “sum of ∆𝑉 × ∆𝑡”, as the most
no greater than 60 ms) [21]. restrictive requirements for low SCR systems, whereby even
shallow but long duration voltage disturbances could have a
2) High-voltage ride-through (HVRT) capability serious impact on the PCC voltage. For example, historical
The term HVRT capability refers to the ability of a unit to data in SA and Queensland show multiple voltage dips
stay connected and consume reactive power during a drastic happened in a short duration following a contingency and
high voltage situation, thus resisting the voltage rise. followed by generating unit trips. Thereby, AEMO has
However, some grid-codes usually limit the HVRT proposed that converter-based technologies should support
requirement of inverter-connected technologies for a specific the system voltage by being able to withstand a sufficient
time interval to avoid damaging of power electronic switches. number of voltage disturbances without disconnection and
An example of HVRT requirement for non-synchronous inject reactive power, based on the new assessment criteria.
generators is carried out by AEMO for the SA power grid, In other words, it would be better to use a multiple-fault-ride-
illustrated in Fig. 3 [21], showing the difference between through access standard for converter-based technologies
requirements in the future renewable-penetrated SA system operating in weak grid conditions. As stated in [14], the time
and the current grid regarding the HVRT requirement for integral of the voltage difference between 90% of the normal
NST. It can be seen how converter-connected technologies PCC voltage and the PCC voltage during the contingency,
must stay connected during over-voltage situations, give the when it is lower than 90%, is measured as a criterion for the
full capacity to reactive power exchange, and absorb reactive multiple LVRT capability requirement. If the (∆𝑉 × ∆𝑡)
power, hereby delivering more HVRT response to the system criterion is less than 1 [p.u], NST must stay connected and
in comparison to the current system requirement. For inject reactive in full capacity, otherwise NST are allowed to
instance, NST must stay connected for 2 seconds while the get disconnected.
temporary overvoltage is 120-125 percent of the nominal
voltage in terms of proposed AEMO recommendations for
NST can be delivered to the system. Also, some technical
challenges regarding the operation of FACTS devices in low
system strength situations will be presented.

A. Voltage instability following the frequency support of

weak systems by NST
Several investigations have shown that converter-based
technologies could release a burst of active power into the
system as fast frequency response (FFR) to an active power
mismatch contingency [27]. However, in the presence of low
SCR the PCC voltage might become unstable and might
prevent the NST to meet its capability in frequency support.
Therefore, the frequency support might end up with voltage
Figure 4. Typical LVRT capability requirement [22] instability at the point of connection [8]. Fig. 5 shows the
variation of SCR value and the PCC voltage while NST
C. Reactive power capability of Type III Wind Generators deliver active power support in a weak area.
Unlike PV, Type IV wind and BES generators, Type III
wind machines – Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG)
are connected to the grid with both stators and grid-side
converters (GSC). In practice, the GSC has to be reserved for
real power transfer, therefore, reactive power is delivered
through the stators via rotor-side converter (RSC) control. As
a result, reactive power limits of DFIG are determined by the
following factors [23], [24]:
(1) Capacitive reactive power generation is generally limited
by the rotor current;
(2) Inductive reactive power is restricted by the stator
current; Figure 5. Schematic examples of SCR and voltage variations following FFR
(3) In addition, rotor voltage, slip and P/Q priority modes provision by NST in a weak area [8]
can also limit DFIG reactive power capability. B. Frequency support limitation for converter-based
technologies in low system strength conditions
D. Reactive power capability of SVC and STATCOM As previously stated, the frequency support by converter-
Static VAR Compensator (SVC) is based on thyristor based technology in a weak grid area might face terminal
valve technology with shunt connected impedances (e.g. voltage oscillations. To overcome this problem, it is
inductance and capacitance) – Thyristor Controlled Reactor recommended in [18], [22] that convert-based technologies
(TCR) and Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC). Therefore, it should give the priority to reactive power injection while the
should be treated as a constant impedance component during voltage is beyond the normal operating band. The control
fault. Consequently, its reactive current contribution is very strategy, shown in Fig. 6, indicates how a converter-based
limited. technology should respond to a contingency in a weak
Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is based network. However, this strategy will inevitably limit the
on voltage source converter (VSC) technology. Similar to PV NST’s capability to provide frequency support due to inverter
and Type IV wind generators, STATCOM fault current maximum current constraint.
contribution is limited by its transistor current rating and
control, therefore, it is normally regarded as a constant
current device under the fault condition. As a result, its
reactive current is almost fixed during fault [25], [26].


Few technical challenges related to low system strength
have been highlighted in research thus far. What is still
lacking is the scientific foundation for the modelling and
control of the dynamic behaviour of converter-based
technologies and FACTS devices in a weak-grid area. The
aim of this part is to investigate the weak grid issues for the Figure 6. Active and reactive power reference construction for responsive
operation of converter-based technologies and FACTS converter-based technologies in a weak grid area
devices and to clarify how the voltage stability services by
As shown in Fig. 6, while a power imbalance ∆𝑃 happens and line X/R ratio. For example, low system strength (low
in a weak network, the system frequency might deviate SCR) may require a fast PLL and a prolonged Q support
remarkably. The less the system inertia, the more the (deep P curtailment) for a stable voltage recovery after fault
frequency variation would be. Further, because of low system [25], [26].
strength, the voltage variation following the power imbalance V. CONCLUSION
might be considerable, going beyond the voltage normal
operating band. In order to stay connected to the grid, the In this paper, the fundamentals and technical issues
converter-based technology should give priority to the expected for the operation of converter-based technologies
and FACTS devices in weak power grids, regarded as
reactive power exchange with the system. Therefore, being
equivalent to insufficient short-circuit level, are given. System
part of the converter MVA capacity allocated to reactive
requirements and recommendations to cope with adverse
power, the active power capability of the NST to provide impacts of low “system strength” have then been discussed.
frequency support might be restricted due to maximum This paper has shown how the system requirements for NST
apparent power transfer constraint by converter (i.e. 𝑆𝑚𝑎𝑥 ). change while the system becomes weaker. It is discussed that
This limitation depends on the size of contingency as well as in weak grid area the voltage support by NST needs to be
how much weak the system is. noticed. NST could be able to deliver different types of
C. Converter-level control issues reactive power capabilities to the system, such as voltage
control response, voltage-reactive power droop characteristic,
In the control architecture of converter-based
low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability, and high-voltage
technologies, various control loops work together to generate
ride-through capability (HVRT) through which NST support
the desired modulation signal for the switching process in the system voltage by reactive power management and
∗ ∗
order to track the reference signals (e.g. 𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡 , 𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡 in Fig. 6). mitigate adverse impacts of weak areas. To avoid voltage
Recent studies [25], [26] provide evidence that NST are instability during provision of frequency support, it is
connected to the system by DC/AC converter which purely explained how priority should be given to reactive power
works on the nature of control mechanism which uses the exchange. However, this might prevent the technology to
measurement of 3-phase voltages and currents of the output provide its active power response. The grid-following
terminal. In a strong gird, converters compensate the lack of converter-based technologies are also prone to lose their
“inherent synchronism” by deployment of a “synchronisation synchronism becuase of considerable voltage fluctuation in
unit”, referred to as Phase-Lock Loop (PLL). Indeed, the PLL weak-grid areas. Therefore, it might cause some changes on
takes the voltage measurement as an input and calculates the the control architecture of NST. Finally, it has been discussed
frequency and voltage angle which are required for the that the SVC and STATCOM installation is another way to
performance of control loops. Such converters are so-called improve the system strength as it increases the value of WSCR
“grid-following”. Now, the issue is that the PLL-based metric.
techniques might be inadequate to track the voltage angle and
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