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Devin Osman

Springer & Lloyd


30 November 2023

Discussion and Analysis

This was our rocket during pre-launch. Its forces were normal because when the earth was

pushing on our rocket, and our rocket was pushing on the ground. This was keeping it in place

and not moving. Causing inertia, (Newton’s first law) and gaining pressure. Before finally

releasing the pressure and launching the rocket. Note that our rocket currently weighs 99.47kg

because it has ⅓ of water within its mass.

(Fn = normal force)

Next in the launch or takeoff of our rocket, it’s launched into the air, the force of thrust growing

stronger as acceleration increases with velocity. The force of thrust overpowered gravity, causing

them to be unequal and breaking the original inertia. Which is why acceleration continues to

increase because of the power of pressure that “boosted” the force.

When our rocket’s forces began to cancel eachother out, we saw Newton’s third law. The equal

and opposite reaction being our forces fighting each other . Eventually causing them to be equal

before a controlled descent. This causes a short period of inertia however it quickly shifts to a

dominant force taking over. Gravity.

Now as we begin controlled descent, due to the parachute causing a limited amount of freefall

due to the parachute, there is a bit of drag now. However gravity is still pulling at the same rate

of 9.81 m/s. . Within the transition from rising flight to controlled descent the weight and mass
changed within the rocket, all the water within the rocket has now been depleted. Causing the

weight to shift from its original weight of 99.47kg to 14.91kg.

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