Tales of Nhloso A Ndebele Princess Season Two - 083907

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I hear a gun shot and people start

running away, I look back and I realize
it’s Jerry shooting at the ground.
“this is a funeral not a battle field!” Jerry
shouts and I look next to him and I see
Nhloso being taken out of the grave. I
was busy fighting that fool and I
completely forgot about my reason for

“Kayise baby” she is unconscious.

“Everyone go back to your seats, Nonto

leave this place I don’t even know what
you are doing here leave” Jerry shouts.

“you are choosing them over me Jerry?”

Nonto asks
“Nontokozo don’t embarrass yourself
more than you have already done let’s
go” her brother takes her away.

“Nhloso baby baby wake up what have

you done slima! (fool)” I shout at Nonto.
She turns back and asks the question
that she already knows the answer to.

“Thabani do you really love her?” I

ignore her and I carry Kayise to the car.

“She will be fine don’t worry she just

fainted let’s go to her brother” Noma
I am so embarrassed to even look at her.
I failed to protect her daughter they
even pushed her to a grave in front of
me. Damn you Nonto!

Noma might as well convince her to

never come back to me I am a fool I
couldn’t protect her from Nonto.

“your wife is Evil Dlamini you should stay

away from her” Noma says. I already
know that . I just place my baby in the
car seat and I strap her in. Noma holds
her head and rests it on her shoulders.
I close the back seat door and I get a
punch on my face.

“That is for sleeping with my wife”

Melusi says and punches me again.

“Stop Melusi Stop! “ Mduduzi

reprimands him.

“why are you sleeping with my wife are

you not a Pastor? Don’t you know what
Adultery is?” Melusi asks and I laugh out
“she is mine now, you might as well
borrow each other pens so that you can
sign the divorce papers” I say and he
tries to punch me again I hold his hand
and I twist his arm.

“you will regret this wena bhantinti you

will go back to jail” I say and l let go of
his hand.

“I don’t care about jail. I want my wife

back” he shouts.

“over my dead body you will have to kill

me first” I say
“Thabani would you really die for her”
Nonto asks.

“mfethu thatha izinja zakho (take your

dogs) ” I say to Mduduzi.

I get into my car and l drive away. Had I

known this shit was going to happen I
wouldn’t have come here in the first

“Nontokozo did you really have to

embarrass yourself like that?” I ask her

“My wife is sleeping with that man. I

have been feeling guilty all along for
nothing” Melusi shouts.
“let’s end them Melusi let’s kill them”
Nonto says to my surprise. Who says the
kill word just like that.

“count me out Nontokozo I am not

getting involved, you don’t love Dlamini
why don’t you divorce him and get half
of his property and move on with your
life” I say

“Melusi listen to me we can’t let them

get away with this let’s put an end to all
of this” Nonto ignores my advice and
tries to convince Melusi to listen to her.
“I would never kill Zama never” Melusi

“you are a fool. Don’t come to my house

find your own way back to wherever you
come from” Nonto shouts with so much

“I will see you around bafo” I tap

Melusi’s shoulder and drive Nonto

“I will never forgive Nhloso for taking my

husband and disrespecting Lisa’s
memory like that” Nonto says and I
plainly ignore her.
I don’t know what she will do if she finds
out I killed her friend.

That’s a secret I am willing to take to the


We spend so much time in the bedroom
these days. We are watching The
Doctors series.

“so you really wanted to be a doctor?” I

ask him

“yep but then again life happened you

know” he says

“I can help you” I say. I just feel the need

to help him not because I love him but
because I am a helper. I love helping

“I don’t know Mpi. My father might be

taking out his anger on my siblings right
now. I might be happy here with you but
the other half of my heart isn’t” he says
and I can see the sadness in his eyes.

My phone rings.

“Its my father”

“answer him”


_”I am sorry my son please come back


_”baba where is Deliwe?”_ I can sense

that he is back to his senses and I feel a
little bit of relief.
_”she tried to sacrifice my blood son,
and I caught her she is in the dungeon
now, how is your sister doing?”_

_”she is still the same father if not


_”bring her back home ndodana I think I

know what might be the problem”_

_”I don’t know if that’s a good decision


_”yes it is, bring her back home. I need

my family”_ he says.
_”okay baba I will do that”_

“he says I should take Khanya to the


“maybe that’s not a bad decision” Sipho

says and I Kiss him. “that’s why I love

“not more than I do” I tickle him and he

runs to the sitting room I follow him and
he falls on top of the couch. I get on top
of him and I tickle him and he stops me
with a kiss and everything ceases to
exist, this right here is my world my
home I feel whole when I am around
him. Somebody clears their throat and

“excuse me” I look at the door and I see


I have never been so embarrassed in my

entire life.

We arrive at this mansion and I park at

the gate.

“take the keys and open the small gate

and ask Mpi to open the big one so that
you can drive in” Noma says.

I take the keys and I get inside. The door

is slightly open so I walk in.
Who ever said knock before you enter
was avoiding these kind of
uncomfortable scenes.

I am not homophobic at all but my eyes

were not prepared for this. I stand there
shocked as I see two men tickling and
kissing each other. I clear my throat so
as to get their attention.

“excuse me” I say

“Dlamini” the Prince says as he fixes his

shorts. The other guy isn’t moved or
embarrassed or anything he is

“Dlamini how did you get in here?” he

asks and I show him the keys.

“Tendai! Where is she?” he asks

“she is at the gate with your sister”

“My sister which one ?” He is confused.

“ Nhlosokayise” I say and he looks at me

with disbelief he doesn’t wait for me to
say anything more, he rushes to the gate
and I follow him.
He opens the backseat and looks at an
unconscious Nhloso.

“Nhloso Nhloso” he shakes her with a

happy face, but when she doesn’t
respond he gets worried and so do l. I
don’t know why Noma insisted on
bringing her here instead of taking her to
the hospital.

“let’s get her inside she will be fine”

Noma says.
“no no what happened to her? Let’s take
her to the hospital” he rushes to the
driver’s seat and he tells the other guy
that he will be back.

I sit on the passenger seat and he drives

to Mataday Hospital.

“Can you please pass me the shirt at the

backseat” I say to Noma she gives it to
me and I pass it to Mpikayise who is
wearing a vest.

We get to the hospital he parks the car

and shouts for help and the nurses
come running with stretchers they take
her into the emergency room.

“Dlamini thanks for the shirt but why

didn’t you take her to the hospital first
what happened to her? “ he asks.

“ she fell down” I lie.

Lying has become a habit now I really
need to pray about this.

“ooh my God I hope she is fine” he says

as we are pacing up and down. We wait
there for about two hours while Noma
explains to him about how she found
A doctor approaches us.

“Nhlosokayise’s family?” the doctor asks.

“yes yes” we all say at the same time.

“Doc what happened?” Mpikayise asks.

I thought I cared about Kayise but
Mpikayise’s panicking is on another

“I am sorry we tried our best but…..”

“No no Nooo I just found her!”
Mpikayise shouts.

“ No it can’t be doctor it can’t be” I say

and I feel my knees failing me.






I am in a dark place. It’s more like a dark

room. Am I dead? I walk around and I
hear the cry of a baby. I try to follow the
sound but I can’t see anything.
“is anybody here? ” I ask and my voice

The baby cries even more.

“I have taken your child’s life for your

mother’s life” someone says.

“A life for a life” a voice echoes.

“who are you? What do you want from

me? “ I ask and I am so scared. Thabani
where are you?

“A life for a life” the voice echoes again

I sit down and cry. Why is this place so
dark. The baby cries again and this time
the sound is close to me.

I look back and I see a shining light and

Tendai is carrying a baby.

“Tendai thank God you came for me” I

cry and attempt to walk to her but a
strong force pushes me and I fall back to
the dark side.

“A life for a life” she says and her voice is

scary she doesn’t have a welcoming
“Tendai whose baby is that?” I ask her.

“A life for a life” she repeatedly says that

and I am confused.

I feel like I stepped onto something

sticky I look down and I see blood on my
tummy all my intestines are out. What a
disgusting sight I am bleeding I look at
the umbilical cord that is connecting my
self to the baby. I scream and sob
painfully “what is this?” Tendai cuts off
the cord.
“A Life for a life” she says and she
disappears with the baby. I look at
myself and I scream.

“Noooooo” I cry and I hear a small voice

saying “doctor she is awake”

I open my eyes and I see a doctor

smiling “welcome back” he says.

“Doctor she was okay she was just

pushed and she lost balance” I say and
Mpikayise holds the doctor’s collar.

“you will go back there and bring her

back to life or else - -“ Mpikayise shouts.

“wait wait, Mr before we make any

threats let me finish what I was saying”
the doctor says.
I stand up and get closer to him. I push
Mpikayise aside and I hold the doctor’s

“Speak up” I shout.

The security guards attempt to push me

but the doctor signals them to stop.

“let go of my collar Mr Dlamini” he says.

And I don’t know where he knows me
from. I let go of him.
“as I was saying I am sorry we tried our
best but we couldn’t save the baby” he
says and I look at him.

“excuse me Doctor the baby? What are

you talking about? ” I ask

“you mean to say Nhloso is alive”

Mpikayise asks.

“yes she is alive she just regained

consciousness but she lost the baby” he

“she was pregnant?” I ask.

“can I go and see her? “ Mpikayise asks.

“yes but please don’t pressurise her and

who is the husband?” the doctor asks.

“He is not here” Mpikayise says and I

look at him.

“I am her fiancé” I say and Mpikayise

looks at me with questioning eyes.

“Nurse take the gentle man to Nhloso’s

ward. Mr Dlamini follow me” the doctor
says and I look at Noma she has been
glued on that seat ever since we came

“Noma are you not going to see Kayise?”

I ask her.

“go ahead Dlamini” she says and I follow

the doctor to his office.

“Mr Dlamini, I know you from TV. My

wife has your videos in her phone. You
always tell people about their future.
Now that makes me wonder why didn’t
you see the future of your unborn
child?” this man speaks a lot of nonsense
for a doctor.

“Doctor what happened? How come I

did not see any signs of pregnancy. How
was she pregnant, how far was she? ”

“she was 4 months pregnant Mr Dlamini.

She hit her back onto a hard surface that
led to her miscarriage” the doctor says
and I cry.

Men don’t really cry but I cry. I sob. I

never ask God why but
“God why?”

“why my Child?”


“she didn’t even know she was

pregnant, we didn’t even have the
chance to embrace our baby and you
took him away” I cry for Kayise I cry for
my dead baby and I cry for this curse
that took away my gift.

This is all Nonto’s fault what did I ever

do to that woman!

If war is what they want then its war

they will get. I am going to Kill that man.
I have already killed a woman I might as
well kill Dlamini and go to hell once. I
don’t want to kill Zama. I want her to
This is the worst funeral I have ever
attended in my life. This woman had bad
luck she still has bad luck even in death.

When Mduduzi and his sister left me I

walked back to the cemetery. I waited
for them to bury the bitch after the
burial I walked to Shorty.

“you are a convict I can’t be seen with

you” Shorty says

“I need to talk to you I need a favour” I

“you know you didn’t do your job the
other bitch is still alive. I want her dead”
he says

“she is Mduduzi’s sister bozza” I say

“I don’t care I want her dead” he says

“I can do it under one condition” I say

“you are not in a position to make

conditions” he says.
“okay then bozza find someone else to
do the job for you because Mduduzi
won’t kill his sister” I say

“okay okay what is the condition?”

“I will kill Nontokozo the bitch for you

and you give me the resources I need to
kill my enemy” I say and he laughs out

“if you think I will help you to kill Dlamini

forget it” he says to my irritation. This
short guy is a fool.
“why not?” I ask

“I would never kill Dlamini, and you

won’t do it either. You can only do it if
you want bad luck in your life. I am sure
you know a scripture in the bible that
speaks about don’t touch my anointed
what what……” Shorty says and I laugh.

“you speak about the bible when you

just killed your wife” I say

“shut up you fool, somebody might hear

“I want Dlamini’s head Jerry. I want that
man dead don’t tell me anything about
the bible that you never read give me
Dlamini and I will keep your secret” I say

“are you blackmailing me” he asks

“I am telling you. Infect I am threatening

you. Call me when you are ready” I say
and I walk away.

Dlamini has to die with or without

Shorty’s help. I will kill him.



“Doctor what am I doing here, where is

Tendai and the baby Doctor please I am
bleeding help me” I cry for help

“Ms Mzilikazi please calm down or I will

be forced to sedate you” the doctor
“you are fine now Ms Mzilikazi you don’t
have to worry about anything” he says
and I stretch my hand to touch my
tummy but I don’t feel any blood or

The doctor walks out and I think about

my dream. “A life for a Life what does it
mean?” I ask my self. Why would Tendai
say that.

A nurse walks in followed by a face that I

have been longing to see. He instantly
cries when he sees me.
“Mpi” I say in a low voice. “Am I

“No you are not sis, you are not


“please hold me and tell me that I am

not dreaming” I say and I cry, I cry for all
the years I spent away from him. I cry so
much for the pain I feel in my heart.

“I am here now sis cry no more your

brother is here” he says and he gives me
a hug we hug for the longest time.
“I am not dreaming Mpi you are here” I
say and I wipe his tears.

“our future King is not supposed to cry” I


“our princess should cry and let it out

your brother is here now” he says and I
laugh in between my tears.

“I don’t have a reason to cry anymore

now that I have my brother I know I will
see my parents soon” I say and he gives
me a half smile and hugs me again.
“the doctor should discharge me so that
we can go home I can’t wait anymore” I

“No no sis you have to heal first. I am so

sorry. I don’t know how it feels to lose
another child but I am sorry sis I---”

“to lose another child?” I ask him

“uhm the doctor didn’t tell you?”

“tell me what?” I ask and I am already

“I am sorry baby, I am really sorry”
Thabani says as he closes the door
behind him.

“sorry for what Thabani. What baby is he

talking about?” I ask him hoping for a
better answer.
I have had enough bad luck to last me a
life time I don’t need this.

“you were pregnant baby 4 months

pregnant and you had a miscarriage he
says and I feel my body failing me. I just
sob. I am stupid I am a fool. Mpi walks
away in tears.

Mpikayise taps my shoulder and walks

out. He is a prince he doesn’t want to cry
in public hence he left. This is too much
for him as well.

“I am stupid I am a fool” Kayise blames

her self

“no no baby you are not stupid you

didn’t know” I try to comfort her.

“we never used protection Thabani. I

didn’t see my periods ever since you
know” she says.

“it’s okay baby you didn’t know” I say

and I hug her we both cry together. My
child my baby died before I could even
hold her.

“how didn’t I know Thabani how? I

didn’t see my periods for months. How
didn’t I notice something wasn’t right?”
“stop blaming yourself baby”

“is it because Nonto pushed me is that

why I lost my baby?” she asks

“I am sorry baby” I feel guilty this is all

my fault.

“are you defending her?”

“no I am not”

“she gave me that disease for months

Thabani she took away my baby from
me. What else do you want her to do
before you take action against her?” she
asks painfully.

“she will sign the divorce papers and I

will leave her with nothing except the
clothes that she will be wearing I

I can’t bear to see my sister in so much

pain. She is in so much pain and I hate
the fact that I can’t do anything to help

It looks like she has been to hell and

I called Sipho to bring the car and warm
clothes for me.

A nurse approaches me as I walk to the

bench where Tendai was.

“hey my Prince how are you?” she asks.

“I am fine” I say

“I thought maybe you need a friend to

comfort you I heard your sister lost her
baby. I can maybe help you release your
stress” she says and she moves closer to
me and brushes my torso.
I am just standing there emotionless as
she seduces me in broad daylight.

“if you still value your job you will go

back to your work now” Sipho says from
behind me.

The nurse panics and walks away.

I check on Tendai she isn’t where we left


“babe I am sorry about your sister I wish

I could hug you right now” Sipho says
and I feel the need to cry I need his hug
right now.

“should I take you home” he asks

“no I need to see my sister before I go

home” I say

“let’s go to the car so that you can

change I know you hate public toilets”
Sipho says. I have never experienced this
side of him so caring and loving.

We get to the car in the parking lot and

we sit at the back.
“babe I am really sorry” Sipho says and
he hugs me. We hug for the longest time

“you know you can cry in front of me. I

won’t judge you”

“I am a man I don’t cry”

“come here” he kisses me and holds me

for dear life. “don’t stress to much my
love” Sipho says.

“I can’t help it” I say

“you have to be strong”

“I know”

“wear this track suit and your sneakers

you can wear the trouser outside the
car” he says and I look at him.

“I am sorry for dragging you into my

messy life Sipho. I am sure your life was
more peaceful before I came into it” I
say and he pulls me and he rests my
head on his chest.

“can you feel that?” he asks.

“Its my heartbeat, my heart beats for
you Mpi. Ever since you came in to my
life. My life has a meaning. I love you so
much Mpikayise Mzilikazi. Don’t ever
forget that” wow that’s a mouthful
Sipho never speaks that much. I feel
happy and loved. I don’t care if people
won’t accept us but he is everything I

To be continued………




“Nhloso is Nokukhanya’s sister, the little

princess has grown so much that she is
now a home wrecker how did she
become a maid? The last time I checked
the royal family was rich. Lisa once
mentioned it to me but I didn’t believe
her” Nonto says pacing up and down.

“she ran away from home with Melusi” I

explain everything to her.
“so it means she has been sleeping with
Thabani even before she worked for Lisa
or Thabani himself told her that Lisa was
looking for a maid?”

“maybe” I say

“does her father know that his daughter

is a home wrecker?” she asks.

“Nontokozo I had a long day can I go and

rest tomorrow I need to go and take
Khanya” I say
“Mduduzi, Lisa and I were together in
that car how did you get me out of the
car and bring me here” she asks and I
never got the time to think of a perfect

“How did you even know where we

were?” she asks

“Nontokozo do you know that Nhloso

can open a case against you? You can go
to jail start thinking about that
goodnight” I say and walk away.

Is there a difference between Deliwe

and I? There is none whatsoever she
killed my grandson. I also sacrificed my
unborn grandchild for Tendai’s body.
Am I selfish for wanting to spend time
with my children for wanting to be with
Will my children forgive me for doing
I can’t even look at Nhloso.


“I am so sorry I couldn’t protect you

Kayise. I am really sorry” he says.
This hurts him as much as it hurts me.

“yazi I had a dream Thabani. In that

dream Tendai was holding a crying baby
saying a life for a life” I explain my
dream to him.

He stands up and hits the wall.

“Damn you Noma” he shouts.

“Thabani yini? What’s wrong?” I ask

“it’s nothing baby I am just angry that’s

all” he lies.
“ Where is Tendai vele?” I ask

“ I don’t know she is outside maybe” he


“Dlamini excuse us” Mpikayise says.

“you are back bhudwami” He is wearing

a black and white Puma tracksuit.

“you still have good taste in clothes” I

“thank you sis how are you feeling
now?” he asks

“I feel a lot of pain in my heart Mpi” I say

and I start crying again

“when did you meet Dlamini and where

is the guy that you ran away with?”

“ It’s a long story Mpi I will tell you all

about it once I am out of here” I say.

“when did you meet Dlamini?”

“about 6 or 7 months back”

“okay sis it’s late now I should get going”
he says and I notice a hickey on his neck.

“who is she?” I ask.

“who?” he asks

“the one giving a whole crowned Prince

a love bite” I say and he zips his jacket
hiding the hickey.

“goodnight sis I will see you tomorrow”

“I will charge my phone tomorrow so
that you can speak to the parents okay”
he says and kisses my forehead and
walks away. He has always been like this
he would never say anything about his
love life.

We are in the parking lot when I get a
punch on the face.

“My Prince my face won’t survive so

many blows in one day” I say and he
gives me another one.

“Mpi stop that, you can’t solve anything

by fighting” the other guy says.
“you knew where Nhloso was all along
Dlamini. But you didn’t say anything” he

“listen Mzilikazi it wasn’t my place to tell

you” I say

“whose place was it then?”

“fate” I say

He tries to punch me again but the guy

holds him and drags him to his car.

“this is not over Dlamini” he shouts.

If he wasn’t my brother in law I would
have punched him but his anger is


“babe you can’t solve anything by hitting

“Sipho drive me home please” I say. He
drives away.

“Dlamini knew all along where Nhloso

was and he kept quiet. Dlamini is
Married but he got my sister pregnant.
Dlamini is a Pastor Sipho!” I say.

“okay okay but he has helped your

family in many occasions babe calm
down” he says.
“he is a traitor” I say and he hits the
breaks without a warning in the middle
of the road.

“yini what’s wrong why did you stop like


I look in front of us there is a woman

carrying a baby.

“I almost hit her” Sipho says and we get

out of the car.

“My sister I am sorry I didn’t see you”

Sipho says.
“Where are you going in the middle of
the night with a baby? “ I ask

“My husband is abusing me he kicked

me out of the house so I have nowhere
to go” the girl says

“come in we will drop you somewhere

safe it’s not safe here” I say and Sipho
gives me a questioning look.

We help the Lady with her bag.

“what is your name? And where are you

“I am Sandra but my friends call me


“okay sisi maybe we should drop you at

the police station so that you can report
your husband what he is doing is wrong”
I say

“No drop me off in town” she says.

“okay okay but it’s late”

“no someone will pick me up there” she

And we drop her in town.

“thank you” she says and walks away.

Some man though why would he kick a

woman and a baby out in the middle of
the night.




Today is the day I am going to take

Khanya out of that hospital. I have called
Melusi to the house. I need him to
borrow me a gun that I will use to scare
those nurses and doctors I am sure it
won’t be hard taking her out.

“sho mfethu you know your sister

doesn’t want me here” he says

“you are not here for her” I say.

“so what’s the plan?” he asks

“Mdu can I talk to you for a minute?”
Nontokozo says from nowhere, when
did she wake up.

“Nonto you have to rest you are not

feeling well” I say
“Mduduzi follow me” she says and
Melusi laughs at me in an unpleasant
I follow her cause she won’t give up

“didn’t you say you borrowed

Nokukhanya money to pay Melusi so
that she can run away with Nhloso. So
what the hell are you taking Melusi to
Nokukhanya for?” she says. And she
makes a lot of sense.
“eish I didn’t even think about that yazi”
I say

“you don’t think these days that’s your

problem” she says and I walk away.
“mfethu I have something to attend to.
Give me the parcel I will give it back to
you when I am done” I say

“okay sho I have to go somewhere as


“thanks mfethu” I say

“how is she? “he asks

“she is fine but she needs to rest” I say.

He nods and walks away.
I also take my things and I drive Nonto’s
car to the hospital.

“I can’t help you kill Dlamini he is a very
close friend of mine” Shorty says

“so why did you call me here?” I ask.

“kill Nonto and I will pay you” he says.

“double the amount you paid Mduduzi” I

“deal” he says.

“take the parcel in the boot make sure

you do a clean job. I want her to be in
the list of the few people that died from
a gun wound in Bulawayo” he says.
I take the parcel and we part ways.
He doesn’t know that his friend will be
on that list too.
“I am happy they discharged you my
love. I am taking you home” I say as I
pack her things she is still in a little bit of
pain but the doctor said it’s normal she
will be fine.

“How far about Nonto? I want to press

charges against her Thabani she killed
my Child”
“baby we will talk about this when we
get home” I say. Mpikayise walks in as I
give Kayise her morning shoes.

“Hey sis how are you feeling today?” he

asks. And I don’t get any greetings at all
but I understand where his anger is
coming from.
“I am fine bhudwam I am happy to see
you. It feels like a dream you know” she
says and he hugs her.

“I am not going anywhere siswam. It’s

good to see you smiling again”

“can we please call the parents before I

go home” Kayise says.

“don’t worry we will call them when we

get home okay” he says and I look at
“home?” I ask and Mpikayise takes away
Kayise’s bag from me.

“Thabani I was thinking that maybe I can

go with Mpi so that I can go to the
village as soon as possible” she says and
I feel like I am loosing her already. I can’t
bear the pain.
“you don’t have to ask him” Mpikayise
butts in

“please Sibalukhulu don’t be sad” she

says and Mpikayise looks irritated.

I smile a little even though I am not

happy with the new living arrangements.

“are you not married Dlamini?”

Mpikayise asks
“Mzilikazi with all due respect I---” I say
and he cuts me off.

“no need to explain yourself to me

Dlamini can you please excuse us” he
says and he takes Kayise and they walk

I feel like a huge part of me has been

taken away.

I drive to my house.
Today Nontokozo will sign the divorce
papers. I can’t lose Kayise because of

“My baby come back to me” I always
find my self saying this. I can’t believe I
lost my baby and my family never came
for me.
Mpi didn’t even bother to come and
check on me. If it was Nhloso everyone
would be here.

I am not loved nobody loves me. My

own parents they don’t bother
themselves about me.

“you have a visitor” sister Annette says

“who is it” I ask

“he didn’t say”

“I don’t want to see him, I want my

baby” I say

“you need to see friendly faces Khanya

you can’t depress yourself like this” she
says and she walks away.
“I just want my baby” I hold my pillow
and cry.

“I want my baby”

“Khanya” a voice startles me. I look at

the door.
“Khanya” he says again

“Mduduzi” I say

“baby I miss you so much” he says as he

gets closer to me and I push him away

“ I want my baby” he looks at me and

touches my belly.
“Khanya where is Ronaldo?

“I want my baby Mdu” I cry

“talk to me” he says and I sob painfully.

“I want my baby, I want my baby Mdu I
want my Child”


When I heard that Khanya was crazy a
part of me didn’t want to believe it. So I
came here with the intention of taking
her out of this crazy place.

When I got here they told me that she

doesn’t want to see me. I asked the
nurse to let me through. I found her
talking to her self and now she is busy
saying she wants her baby.

“I want my baby, I want my baby Mdu I

want my Child” she cries
“Where is my Ronaldo Khanya did you
abort my Child? “ I ask her and she
continues to cry.

“ Mr please can you come this side?” the

nurse says and I follow her.

“a tragedy happened to our patient. I am

telling you this because I heard you
saying it’s your Child. Nokukhanya’s
baby was taken away” the nurse says
and I don’t really understand what she is
“what do you mean it was taken away?”
I ask.

“her baby boy was stolen” she explains

the whole story to me and that explains
why Khanya is behaving this way. Eish

“how can something like this happen.

Why did that woman do that? Why did
she take my son?”

“we don’t really know sir. Maybe she is

suffering from---” she tries to tell me
about their stupid illnesses but I cut her

“Give me her details her name and

everything” I say to the Matron who just
walked in.

“Sir this matter is in the hands of the

law” she says and the nurse walks away.

“I don’t want to repeat myself mama

and I am taking Khanya” I say and she
tries to call someone.
“you will give me Khanya or else” I show
her the gun

“okay okay sir there is no need for

threats but Nokukhanya is sick”

“I don’t care”

“authorize the outpatient form” I say

and she signs it.

“let’s go” she leads me to Khanya’s

“Khanya baby I am here to take you
home” I say to a shivering Khanya she
looks broken yazi. I failed to protect her.

“I want my baby” she cries

“give her something that will make her

sleep” the Matron injects her and she
looks dizzy.

“I want-my-baby” she says and loses

consciousness. I take her to the car and I
drive off.
“Sandra Nyoni” that’s the name of my
son’s kidnapper.

“Shit!!” I forgot to ask for her photo.

Let me take Khanya home I will come

back for it.

I will deal with her akangazi. Ngingu

Mduduzi Mina umntwana ka

(she doesn’t know me I am Mduduzi.

Skhobokhobo’s son)
Nobody messes with me and gets away
with it.

This is the right opportunity to go back
to that house and kill Nonto. Tshisa is
not there she doesn’t have a car so she
won’t go anywhere.

Shorty gave me a loaded gun to Kill

Nonto and I will use the same gun to Kill
Thabani nobody will suspect me. It’s high
time I earn my respect.



READERS: _read at your own


I get to the house and Nonto’s car is not

I get inside the house and my pictures
have been removed from the walls.
“Wow they have turned my house into
their own” I say to myself.
I hear someone moaning the sound
comes from my bedroom. Nonto doesn’t
take time shame she has already
brought another bitch to my house her
sex partner has not even decayed but
she is already fucking another woman.
I get to my room and I open the door.
I don’t know if this is a demon or a curse
or she is plainly crazy or maybe she is
already addicted to sex.
She is laying on the bed both her legs on
the edge of the head board. She has her
dildo that she bought with my money
deep in her pusy.
“Lisa baby yes my love ooh baby, this is
nice aaah oooh baby yes” she says as she
uses her hand to push the dildo even
deeper. She uses her other hand to play
with her boobs.
“baby I love you baby. Ooh Maa baby I
am almost there I am cuming baby ooh
Lisa baby” she moves the dildo in and
out very fast. I can see she is about to
reach her orgasm. I will not give her the
I bang the door and she is shocked to
see me.
“Nontokozo you are having sex with
Ghosts now. Is that how much you loved
Lisa?” I say and embarrassment is an
understatement she can’t even look at
“Thabani how long have you been
standing there”
“long enough to see that my dick is
much better than that plastic shit of
yours” I say as she wears a gown.
“you know what? You just boosted my
ego. That shit is hell of a job busy using
your hand instead of caressing a real
man” I say and she looks everywhere but
“Thabani you know you don’t have to be
rude. Did you have to disturb me like
that. Thabani you know I love you. I am
doing this dildo thing because I miss you.
I need you baby come back to me.
Nhloso has nothing on me” she says and
she gets closer to me. I move back.
“don’t you dare touch me with your
filthy hands I want the divorce papers
signed Nontokozo” I say and I move back
as she tries to touch me.
“Thabani think about all the times we
spent together” she removes the gown
and her boobs are out there.
She has beautiful round boobs the
nipples are pointing straight at me she is
Damn horny she gets closer to me and I
move back until I lean on the wall.
“you know Thabani there is no man like
you. You have everything that a woman
needs” she says as she tries to unzip my
trouser Damn I am turned on.
Not now Devil leave me alone.
“You see this belongs to Nhloso sign the
divorce papers and leave my house “ I
push her and she falls down.
“you will regret this Thabani. I rush to
my car.
Damn I have a boner. I had to leave
before I could do something I will regret.
I was married to that woman. I once
loved her but I love Nhlosokayise Nonto
will not tempt me not now not ever.


I see a car leaving. Damn I missed him

it’s dark but I can see that’s Dlamini’s
car I recognize it from the day she
dropped off Zama at my house.
I could have killed two birds with one
stone. I rush and jump the wall. I wonder
why they put these electric fences when
they are not even working.
Looks like Thabani left in a hurry because
the door is wide open. I get inside the
house and I lock the door. I leave the
keys there.
I can hear her sniffing. Why is she crying
is she crying for her dead girlfriend?
I sneak to the passage leading to the
bedrooms and I see her laying on the
floor naked crying. Damn she is so hot.
She has a beautiful small body. Why
would a beautiful woman like this turn
herself into a lesbian while we are here.
I look at the sofa and I see a piece of
fabric that looks like a scarf I take it and I
sneak to her. I blindfold her using it.
“Thabani what are you doing?” she
I keep quiet and I lead her to her
I push her to the bed and I see a Rubber
dick on the bed.
How can she use this when I have the
real thing.
I take another piece of cloth and I tie
both her hands.
I place my gun on top of the dressing
table and I remove my jean.
I don’t need a condom for such an
amazing pussy. I rub her pussy as she
“please stop Thabani don’t do it this way
you are scaring me now” she screams
over and over again but I don’t give a
I rub her pussy and I insert my finger it
slides in she is already wet.
“Damn bitch” I say in a very low voice.
It’s okay for her to think that Thabani
Dlamini raped her before she dies.
He is fucking my wife and I might aswell
fuck his wife it’s not a big deal.
I insert my second finger and it slides in
freely. She is such a bitch I put in my
whole hand and she screams.
“uyanglimaza Thabani please don’t do
this I beg you. You know I hate this
position please” she cries. And that
makes me more horny Damn.
I remove my hand and I use the fluids to
rub her asshole. She has a loose pussy I
might as well fuck her butthole she is
about to die anyway.
I insert my dick in her hole and she cries
out loud. But she is not a virgin
somebody has fucked the hole before.
She feels so warm. I go in and out of her
hole as I rub her boobs.
“Thabani don’t do this I beg you Thabani
please don’t do it its painful please” she
cries and I go in deeper and she cries
more fueling me to fuck her even more.
I turn her around and I place her legs on
my shoulders. I go in missionary with her
hands on her behind I am sure the
position is painful. She is so beautiful I
Kiss her and she cries in between the
kisses. She bites my tongue and I slap
her. She cries and I continue kissing her.
I suck her nipples. I intentionally bite
them. I am about to offload my little
Gatshenis as she bites me again I
backslap her so hard. And she cries even
more. I go in and out faster and I remove
uGatsheni and I insert him in her pussy.
I remove him again and insert him in her
“shit” I say as I offload in her mouth she
tries to spit it out but I use my hand to
make her swallow it. I hear a car driving
in. Shit is Mduduzi back.

[10/05, 1:15 pm] TALES OF NHLOSO A


I am sleeping in my mother’s house
thinking about how my life took a turn.
Is this my destiny?

I can’t believe I married a witch. I stayed

with a witch and a lesbian all these

Why didn’t I meet Kayise sooner? My life

would be different now. I am
questioning my inner self. Kayise loves
saying everything happens for a reason. I
guess at the end of all this I will be happy
with the love of my life.

“mama welcome my baby there and be

my Angels” I say to my mothers portrait.

I believe dead people are there fighting

for us and guiding us in spirit.
There is car Hoot at the gate. I wonder
who it could be I just hope it’s not

I open the gate and it’s Mpikayise’s car

he drives in.

“what do I owe a royal visit so early in

the morning” I say and they laugh. My
baby looks beautiful and happy. She is
sparkling with cheerfulness.
“Dlamini” Mpikayise says. I greet him
back and Kayise hugs me.

“this way please” I lead them to the


“Dlamini we didn’t come for a visit but

my sister came for some of her clothes”
Mpikayise says and I don’t feel good but
what can I say.

“Thabani how are you?” Kayise asks

“I am getting there” she holds my hands.

“I told Mpi everything about us and the

fact that you are in the middle of a
divorce so don’t worry okay” she says
and Mpikayise smiles. I feel relieved.

“who am I to stand between two people

that love each other so much” he says.
“thank you very much I promise I will do
right by her” he nods and Kayise rests
her head on my chest when I see Nonto
and 3 police officers knocking at my

“did you have her arrested baby” I ask

“I am confused” he says and they all get


“Which one of you is Thabani Dlamini? ”

the not so good looking detective asks.
“I am” Thabani says

I am shocked as to why Nonto brought

Police officers here.
I am the one who should take the Police
to her house for bewitching me and
pushing me leading to my miscarriage.

“Thabani Dlamini you are under arrest

for - -“ the other Police man interrupts
the other one before he could say an
abominable sentence.
“no he is not under arrest yet, but
Thabani Dlamini we need to take you to
the police Station for questioning”

“question him for what?” I ask

“he Sfebe shut up shut the fuck up”

Nonto shouts.
“don’t you dare talk to my sister like
that” Mpie shouts.

“Mpangazitha (your highness)” the other

police officer bows down

“your highness?” the lead detective asks

the one that bowed.
“He is Prince Mpikayise Mzilikazi the son
of King Ndlangamandla Mzilikazi of
UMzingwane Village” the man explains.

“Its an honour to meet you my Prince”

the detective says

“and Princess” Mpi emphasizes. Nonto

rolls her eyes.

“why is it your face looks familiar sisi?”

Mpi asks and Nonto looks down.
“I swear I know you from somewhere”
Mpie looks at her closely.

“What are you arresting Dlamini for?”

Mpie asks

“For Rape” the detective says and I


“Rape who did he rape? ” I ask

“who did I rape?” Thabani asks aswell.

“He is suspected for raping and

assaulting his Wife Mrs Nontokozo
Dlamini” the detective says and I feel my
heart beating fast but I trust Thabani he
would never do that.

“Thabani would never do that” I say

“he did he raped me tied me, assaulted
me and gagged me” Nonto says and I
look at Thabani.

“Where is the proof that he did all that” I


“I would never do that Kayise believe

me” Thabani says as the police take him
to their car. “I didn’t do it Kayise”
Thabani shouts.

“Mpie Thabani would never do that” I

say and my tears fail me.
“Its okay sis let’s follow them” I lock the
house and we drive behind the police

I woke up and realized that I forgot my
gun on top of Nonto’s dressing table I
pray and hope that they didn’t find it. I
am on my way there to snoop and hear
what they are planning to do about
Dlamini and hopefully they didn’t see
the gun.

“baba ngyakcela baba ungayenzi

lento(father please don’t do this I beg
you) “ I cry as my father hits me for the
50th time. I can never get used to this.
At least my brother used to take the
beatings not that I loved it but at least
he was there for us but since he got the
job at the Palace father refused to
accept anything that comes from him.

“Ngeziwe come back here” my father

shouts and I run as fast as I can.
I run until I get to the forest I sit at a rock
close to the road. I see a woman giving
milk to a baby and the baby is crying
hysterically. She approaches me.

“hello sisi” the woman says to me.

“yebo” I greet back. I honestly have my
own problems I don’t need anyone to
pity me.

“please direct me to the Palace I am

looking for Queen Deliwe” I look at her
and I ignore her and the baby cries so
much it touches my heart.

“bring her to me” I say and she gives the

baby to me reluctantly.
The baby is covered in so so many
blankets. I can see that is why the baby
is crying.

“ncoow he is so tiny, but you don’t have

to cover him with so many blankets” I
say and I remove some of the blankets
he stops crying.

“why are you giving bottled milk to such

a small baby? ” I ask and she snatches
the baby away from me.
“Tell me where is the Palace” she shouts.

“you don’t have to be so rude” I say and

I direct her there. I sit down hoping and
praying that my brothers will come to
my rescue before my father kills me.

[10/05, 7:56 pm] 071 741 7581: *TALES



I am sure this is Nonto’s way of getting

back at me but this is drastic. How dare
she? How dare she accuse me of such a
disgusting crime!
“I am Detective Mike Moyo” he
introduces himself. I don’t even care
about his name.

“I will ask the questions and you will

answer truthfully. Only the guilty people
need lawyers right?” he asks and I look
at him.

“Where were you yesterday between 7

and 9pm? ” the detective asks and I look
at Kayise who is looking at me through
the glass.

“at 7pm I was at my house I didn’t stay

long I left within 30minutes” I say
“why didn’t you stay long? “ he asks

“that’s personal” I say and I feel a little

bit of guilt thinking about how horny I
was because of Nonto.

“where did you go after that?” he asks

“to my mother’s house where you found

me” I say

“do you have an alibi?” he asks

“No I don’t” I say

“what were you doing in your house at
7pm because it is said that you don’t live
there anymore” Kayise looks at me
waiting for an answer as well.

“I wanted to ask my wife to sign the

divorce papers” I say

“sign Divorce papers at 7pm Mr

Dlamini?” the detective shouts and
bangs the table.

“Hey Hey Mr Detective don’t try to scare

me I am not intimidated at all. I am not
guilty” I shout back and he Bangs the
table again.

“it’s man like you who think they are

untouchable because they are
celebrities. It’s man like you who give us
a bad name Dlamini the _#manaretrash_
trends are because of man like you” he
shouts and I laugh.

“what’s Funny?” he asks

“I didn’t know that I was a celebrity. I am

hearing it from you” I say.
“Mr Dlamini you raped your wife tied
her and assaulted her and you have the
guts to laugh and mock the law!” he
I hate Nontokozo for tarnishing my name
like this I hate her!

I can see she wants to cry. She has been
through a lot she does not deserve this.

“sis let’s go” I say to her but she is


I ask the officer to let me into the

interrogation room.

“excuse me Mr Moyo can I talk to

Dlamini for a minute” he nods. I don’t
really like using my status to get things
done but I don’t have a choice.
I sit opposite Dlamini.
“Dlamini I can see how much you love
my sister and deep down in my heart
there is a part of me that believes you
are innocent” I say

“Thank you for trusting me Mzilikazi but

what about Kayise, does she believe me
too?” he asks.

“I don’t really know, she is heart broken

Dlamini she just lost her baby and now
this” I say and he nods

“I understand please take her home with

you. I don’t like it when she sees me like
this” he says
“should I call a lawyer for you? ” I ask.

“no don’t worry my lawyer is on his way”

he says

“Dlamini thank you for keeping my

secret and for not looking at me
differently. We will support you through
this” I say and he nods.
I tap his shoulder and I take Khanya
home with me. She is crying all the way.

“Sis you know back at the village we had

a problem, there were a lot of horrific
things happening in our village. We
called a certain pastor we believed that
he was the perfect person to help us
remove all the bad luck. We were
eagerly waiting for him. Knowing and
believing that when he comes he will do
all the rituals and our problems will
disappear” I say to her and she is
listening very attentively.

“ do you want to know what happened

when he got to the Palace?” I ask her
and she nods

“ he told us to pray” I say and she stares

at me in disbelief.
“yes he just told us to pray. Can you
imagine the disappointment in your
father’s eyes” she laughs a little.

“but we did pray sis. Your father couldn’t

go to sleep without summoning all the
guards and maids to join us for prayer.
Few weeks later our mysteries came to
light” I say

“I know where you are going with this

Mpie. I will pray” she says and I laugh.
“okay then. Get inside the house. I need
to do something at work and I will come
home now now ” I drop her at the gate.


I stayed in the car when I realized that

one of the cars in Dlamini’s yard belongs
to Mpikayise the Prince.
I am a wanted person because I am
Skhobokhobo’s son. I looked at Dlamini
as they walked him into the Police Van
he had this innocent walk.
I love my sister so much and I want her
to get everything from Dlamini but I
don’t think Dlamini is capable of rape.

I mean why Would he rape Nonto when

he is dating Nhlosokayise. I can’t
compare my sister to any other girl but
Nhlosokayise is also beautiful. Dlamini is
not the type to do all the things that
Nonto said he did but she is my sister if
having her soon to be Ex Husband
arrested will make her feel better so be
it. I just want to get this over and done
with so that I can start looking for my


I woke up in this unfamiliar house . It’s

definitely not Ngutsheni. It’s a beautiful
house. With beautiful furniture and Grey
painted walls. I walk around the house
and I get to what looks like a second
living room.

Its really beautiful with grey couches and

white TV and book stands. It has a grey
and white carpet. I would never use
white colours in my house. It’s too much

I remember Tshisa came to see me

yesterday. I remember Sandy running
away with my baby and everything
comes back to my mind and I begin to
I stop crying and begin to wonder where
I am right now. I hear someone trying to
open the door but it’s locked.

What if I am kidnapped? I run to one of

the bedrooms. This one is bigger than
the one I woke up in but it’s a mess.
I look for a place to hide. I try to hide
behind the dressing table I try to push it
but a gun falls down and it hits my toes.

“ouch” it hurts.

I am definitely kidnapped why do they

have a gun in this room. I pick up the
gun and I hide behind the dressing table
but I realize the person will definitely see
me so I hide in the closet and I cover
myself with the dirty laundry.

I failed to protect my baby but I won’t

fail to protect myself if anyone tries
anything I am definitely going to shoot


[10/06, 12:17 pm] 071 741 7581: *TALES


I get to Nonto’s house and her car is not
here which means she is not around
hopefully Mduduzi is not around either.
I look around for people and the road is
empty it’s clear. These are the
disadvantages of living in suburbs
nobody can see what’s happening next
door. I jump the wall.

The door is locked this time. I walk to the

back door and it’s also locked.

“shit!” I bang the door.

I walk around the house and a window
of a spare bedroom is open it has no
fitted bars.

What the hell is the door for when there

is a window like this. I get in and I find
myself inside a bedroom. It must be
Mduduzi’s room.

I get in and rush to Nonto’s bedroom I

remember it from yesterday.

This woman is lazy how can she go out

and live her bedroom like this. I look for
the gun at the dressing table and it’s not
here. I remember placing it here.

“shit! Where is it!” did they find it?

Maybe they took it to the police station I
hope not.

I am doomed. Shit shit!


I get home and Tendai is preparing


“uhm Tendai you know I love having you

around. I want to stay with you forever”
I say and give her a Kiss on the cheek
and she smiles

“ I am not your maid my boy” she says

and we both laugh.
“let me go take a shower and come back
for lunch, where is Nhloso and Sipho?”

“they are both in their rooms” she says

and I walk to my room hoping to find
Sipho but he is not here. I walk to the
spare bedroom and I find him lying on
the bed.

I gently close the door and I pull a chair

and sit next to the bed and I look at him.

“hey” I say. I can see he is not sleeping

“how are you?” I ask.

“are you ignoring me?” I ask again.

“babe” I say

“don’t” he says

“don’t what?” I ask

“don’t call me babe, I am just your driver

remember?” he says

“listen Sipho don’t be like that”

“like what?”

“but we have never agreed that we will

tell everyone about us” I say.

“your sister is not everyone Mpikayise,

you love your sister and she looks like a
good person. It wouldn’t Hurt if you told
her everything about us”

“Sipho please don’t be like this. Usiswam

has a lot of problems already. I don’t
want to trouble her not now maybe later
when everything has settled down” I say
and I get on top of him and I tickle him.
“no no don’t do that” he says in
between the laughs.

“don’t laugh out loud they will hear you”

I say

“stop doing that then” I Kiss him and I go

down on him.

I remove his shorts and his dick springs

out. I hold it with one hand and I put the
tip of it in my mouth. I can smell the
traces of my washing jelly it smells nice. I
slide my tongue under the dick head. I
can feel his dick hardening more and he
“babe no don’t moan, they will hear us” I

“I can’t help it” he responds and he

wants my my mouth around his dick and
there is no turning back now. I gently
squeeze his balls they are not too hairy.
He begins to shake vigorously and he
shoots his load all over my face.
“I love you” I say

“I love you too” and we both Kiss. I hear

Tendai calling me.
“Mpi are you not yet done” she shouts
and I didn’t even take a shower.

“babe go down immediately and tell

them that I am coming, go and have
lunch” I say to him and he wears his

“and please stop isolating your self” I say

“yes boss” he says and I take the most

quickest shower. I wear my shorts and t
shirt and I join them.
“you have a love bite again” Nhloso says
from nowhere and Sipho laughs and
chocks on his food.
“Sipho drink water and stop laughing” I
say and I continue eating.

“I bought you a phone so that you can

call your father” I say and I give her the
box. Her smile is priceless.

“thank you bhudwam, I have been

dealing with a lot of things that I even
forgot I needed a phone” she says.

“Its fully charged call him after lunch” I


It’s been days now since I had my wife

thrown into the dungeon. This is a family
matter. I need all my children here
before I make a decision about her
I really miss Tendai I really miss her. I
don’t know what I ever did to Deliwe for
her to be this evil.
I married her, loved her and provided for
her is this how she thanks me!

“My King, there is a woman who is

looking for Queen Deliwe” a guard says.

“bring her here” I say. He comes back

with a Young woman who is carrying a

“My King” she bows

“young lady how can I help you?”

“I am looking for the queen my King”

“what do you want from her”

“she – she promised me a job”

“how will you work with a baby” I ask

her and my phone rings

“take her to the chief maid” I say to the



_Kayise Mzilikazi kaMatshobana my

daughter. I am overjoyed with happiness
my child_

_baba I am sorry_ she cries

_no ndodakazi yami I am sorry please

come home_

_okay baba unjani Uma (how is mum)_

_come home all of you bring your sister
as well_

_okay baba_

_bye Kayise_

Talking to my daughter has put my heart

at ease. I am happy she is finally coming
home. I am grateful to God and my

I look for the gun everywhere but I can’t

find it. I open the wardrobe. It’s more
like a room with a lot of clothes. There is
a pile of clothes on the floor this woman
is lazy. I will come back and snoop
around. My phone rings its shorty.

_I will kill her give me sometime_ the

man says and his voice sounds familiar.
_I said I will kill her!_ the man shouts
and I panic. I remove the laundry on top
of me and I point the gun at him.
He has bis back against me.

_I – will-call-you-back_ he says and

drops the call.

“don’t do this” he says

“give me the phone” I say and he
attempts to turn around.
“don’t! Kneel down” I say and he kneels
I get in front of him and I am shocked to
see Melusi.
“Nokukhanya” we both say at the same
“you kidnapped me!”
“no no kidnapped you from where? I
didn’t kidnap you” he says
“you fucken kidnapped me Melusi who
sent you why did you do that. What do
you want from me?” I shout at him.
“don’t touch that gun that way you will
shoot me”
“I heard you speaking on the phone
about killing me, you will die first” I point
the gun at him.
“why do you want to kill me why! What
have I done to you!! What do you want
from me Melusi! “ I shout and I didn’t
see how and when he got up but he is
holding my hand and he is trying to
snatch the gun from me. We struggle
with the gun until it goes off.
*To be continued……*

*Thank you for reading* 😘 😘 😘 😘

[10/07, 9:29 am] 071 741 7581: *TALES



“did you hear that Mdu” Nonto says as

we drive into the yard.
“yes that was a gun shot” I think about
“Nokukhanya! “ we both rush into the

I unlock the door and we hear people

arguing in Nonto’s bedroom, I rush there
and I see Melusi and Khanya struggling
with a gun.

“Khanya Baby let go” I say

“he wants to kill me he kidnapped me”

she says.
“Melusi let go of the gun” he let’s go and
Khanya points it at him

“baby he didn’t kidnap you I brought you

here” I say and I calm her down.
I take the gun away from her. She is
sweating I look at the wall there is a
bullet hole.

“baby calm down my love he didn’t

kidnap you” I say

“why am I here? “ she cries

“I brought you here baby so that we can
look for our baby this is my sister’s
house” Nonto gets closer

“hey I am Nontokozo Mdu told me a lot

about you he loves you so much” Nonto
hugs her

“I want my baby Mdu” she cries and I

take her to my room.

“baby I am here now we will find your

baby okay” I say and wipe her tears. It
breaks my heart to see her like this.
“baby where did you get the gun?” I ask

“I found it on the dressing table” she

says and she explains the rest of the
story to me.

“Melusi was talking on the phone about

Killing you?” I ask her

“yes he said I will kill her”

“okay baby rest my love. I will come back

I walk to Nonto’s bedroom

“how did you get in here?” I ask Melusi

“mfethu where did you get Nokukhanya

what is she doing here?. She almost shot
me. What is that bitch doing here?” I
punch him

“don’t you dare call her a bitch” I shout

“leave!” I shout and he asks again

“are you dating Nokukhanya?”

“Melusi leave!” I shout and he walks

“this will not end well Tshisa. That girl is

bad news” he shouts

“Where did that gun come from?” Nonto


I am definitely sure this gun belongs to

the person that raped Nonto but who is
he? I can’t tell her that because I am
definitely sure Dlamini didn’t rape
“angazi Nonto. I have to look for my
baby” I say

“it’s okay broe I will help you we are a

family and Nokukhanya is welcome in
this house” she says.

The woman that stole my baby doesn’t

know me well enough. I am Mduduzi
Skhobokhobo’s son!

“are you not the man from TV?” an

inmate asks.

Why did I even spend a night here for a

crime I didn’t even commit.

“he is the one” the other one says

“what is he in here for?”

“for rape, these pastors are fake. They
are raping everyone in church that’s why
I don’t want my wife to go to church.
They are all Pastor’s wives in that
church” they say to each other and I
don’t even have a church.

“Dlamini” the detective calls for me and

he unlocks the cell. I can’t believe I spent
a night in jail.

“Dlamini it’s better for you to confess”

“he is not confessing to anything you

don’t have evidence” my lawyer says
“we have an eye witness” detective says
and I look at him.

“who is that?” I ask

“it’s your neighbour who saw you

leaving the house in a rush and in an
uncomfortable state”

“what the hell?” I shout

“yes Mr Dlamini you are going down for

rape. Fake pastors, take him back to his
“Dlamini I will get you out of this I know
you are innocent” my lawyer says.

“Make sure Nontokozo signs the divorce

papers” I say and they take me back to
the cell. I don’t even want to describe
how the holding cells looks like.

I lost my gift and there is only one way

to get it back which is to tell Kayise the
truth and risk losing her. I can’t lose her I
am not ready and I will never be ready to
lose her but I can’t survive without my

Have you ever felt like your family is

useless, ever wished to have been born
in a different family. I hate my father
and my brother Melusi. I hate my
mother for dying and living us with this
Man. I hate Melusi for being the main
cause of all this. I hate him so much for
being a useless brother I hate my father I
hate him.
I pray for Sipho to work hard and rescue
us from this man.

“Ngenziwe!” he calls for me. I hesitantly

go to him

“wear this dress” it used to be my

mother’s dress. I look at him he gives me
his scary look.
I am scared of this man is he even our
“wear it” I take the dress and attempt to
walk away. “Where do you think you are

“I am going to change baba” I say

“change here” he says. I hesitantly

remove my clothes and I wear the dress.
It’s long and ugly with so many black

“oh my beautiful daughter you look like

your mother turn around” he says and I
turn around within the blink of an eye he
is behind me.
“my dear wife, you are beautiful” he
says as he holds my hands. I don’t know
why he is calling me his wife and he has
this perverted look that has me
trembling with fear.

“baba can I go and cook it’s late already”

“cha cha (no no) today is your mother’s

birthday you will stay with me and I will
make your day special” he says. This
man is confusing me what do I have to
do with my mother’s birthday how is it
my concern?

*happy birthday🥳🥳🥳* 🦊🦊
[10/07, 6:43 pm] TALES OF NHLOSO A


“baba can I go and cook now” he has
been staring at me for about an hour
busy complementing me I am feeling
very uncomfortable right now.

“umuhle ma Gatsheni” he says and he

walks out. I don’t waste time I also stand
up and run to my brother’s hut. I sit
down there and I think about all the
times he took the beatings for me. Now I
am on my own. My father calls me again.

“Cook this chicken and make a nice meal

it’s your mother’s birthday today” he
says and I am surprised ayi lobaba.
“since when do we celebrate her
birthday like this?”

“I will make this day special for you” he

says and I wonder how he will make it
special. I will have to wait and see.

“okay baba” I say and I start making the


I thank my God for today. It looks like

my father is in a good mood. Since mum
died I have never heard my father
talking about making anything special for
me or my little sister. Since Sipho left its
just the two of us and my father is taking
his frustrations on me I am glad today he
is acting weird as long as I am not getting
a beating I am happy.

“I assigned her to an easier job my king
since she has a baby” the chief maid

“she said Queen Deliwe promised her a

job, but keep an eye on her” I say. I don’t
believe anything that has to do with
“Prepare my children’s sleeping
chambers they are coming home
tomorrow but don’t tell anyone. I don’t
want any mistakes okay” I say.
I can’t wait to see Nhlosoyam my poor

We are on our way to see Thabani after

that we are going to see Nokukhanya. I
feel sorry for her Mpi told me that her
baby daddy’s father was responsible for
all the atrocious things that happened in
the village so they killed him and her
baby daddy ran away. That led to
Khanya loosing her mind.

I can’t imagine what she must be going

through being in a psychiatric hospital
while pregnant must be traumatic.

My poor man, I miss him so much I had

gotten used to hugging him while

Now my nights are no longer the same I

thought finding my family was going to
complete me but my Thabani is in Prison
I am not complete.
“yazi Mpi Thabani is my world, I don’t
want him to feel like by going to see my
parents. I am abandoning him”

“uDlamini is mature he will understand

stop stressing okay” I nod

We get to the Police Station and they

bring Thabani to us. My poor man looks
scruffy and tired but through it all he is
still handsome.

“baby, how are you?”

“no I should be asking you Thabani how
are you?” I ask

“I am fine baby don’t stress about me

okay. Mzilikazi how are you?” he asks

“we are fine Dlamini what did your

lawyer say?” Mpie asks and Thabani
looks at me. It’s like he doesn’t want to
talk in front of me.

“you just met Mpi and you think u can

trust him more than you can trust me?” I
ask him
“no no it’s not like that. Listen Kayise I
need to tell you something” he says.

“tell me” I say.

“that day when your brother took you

from the hospital I was upset” he stops
talking and he looks down both his
hands balancing his head.

“Khuluma Thabani kwenzakalani? (talk

Thabani what happened?” I ask.

“maybe I should excuse you both” Mpi

“No you can sit… I was scared that
maybe your family might convince you
to leave me because I am still married ”
he says and I want to hear the whole
thing but my heart is beating very fast I
hope he is not trying to confess to any

“so I decided to go to my house and

force Nontokozo to sign the divorce
papers but when I got there she tried to
seduce me and I swear Kayise I didn’t
give into it. I rushed from the house and
I went to my mother’s house until that
morning when they came to accuse me
of rape” he says and I believe him with
all my heart.

“I believe you my love. I really do but

don’t you think Nontokozo is doing this
out of spite?” I ask the most obvious

“yes she is doing it out of spite because I

left her. I promise once I prove my
innocence I will leave her with nothing.
She will leave my house with nothing not
even the clothes she bought with my
money. She will pay for this” we talk a
little bit more and I break the news to
“I am here to tell you that we are going
to fetch Nokukhanya and tomorrow we
are going home, to the village” I say and
he looks at me with a sad face.

“I swear I will come back Thabani I am

not going there forever”

“I think I need to tell you something

before you go there. You need to know -
- -“

“Dlamini the time is up let’s go” the

officer says.
“it’s okay my love you will tell me when I
come back” I say and they take him

“Nontokozo has destroyed him Mpi”

“he will be fine he is strong” Mpie says

“why do you talk about him as if you

know him?” I ask and he says “asambe
(let’s go)”
We drive to Nokukhanya. I can’t wait to
see her it’s been years. We get there and
we go to her ward. It’s more like a home.
There are a lot of crazy people here and
it’s sad.
We get to the Matron’s office..

“I am Nokukhanya’s brother and I need

to take her to the village for a few days”
Mpie says and the Matron tells us
everything that happened and I can’t
believe it.
“you mean to say all these things
happened to my sister and you didn’t
call me? You know I can sue you for
negligence?” Mpi shouts.
I have never seen him so angry

“We lost our patient files Mr Mzilikazi

we are really sorry for this. We lost your
number” The Matron sounds sincere

“the man that took her said he is the

baby’s father?” Mpie asks

“yes” the matron says and Mpie bangs

the table. It’s Tshisa!”
“ you better pray that the baby is safe so
is my sister or else! “ he shouts and he
bangs the door on our way out.

We drive back home

“we have to report this to the police” I


“that won’t even help. I have to look for

Tshisa. How dare he kidnap Khanya like
that. He is disrespecting me and the
entire Royal family! Who steals a baby
people are insane. I don’t know how we
are going to find that baby”
“I know how it feels to lose a baby I still
wish to see my Mbongeni you know but
Nokukhanya has been through the most.
I really feel sorry for her. I don’t know
how we are going to explain this to the
parents” I say and we drive home in

I was relieved when Mdue came to this

house but I am confused as to why
Melusi was here. I didn’t get a chance to
ask him to give me Nhloso’s phone
number I need to see her. I want to
make peace with her. I have been
through a lot in this life I think I need to
ask for forgiveness and everything will
begin to make sense in my life.

Mdu went out to get us something to

eat in town. I just finished taking a bath
when his sister just budges into the
bedroom without Knocking. I know it’s
her house but I really don’t feel
comfortable being naked in front of
another woman.

“hey I brought you these I hope they fit

we will go and buy new clothes
tomorrow” she says and I wrap a towel
around my body

“thank you” I say but I don’t like the way

she is looking at me.

“you are beautiful hey” she says and I

say “thank you”
“feel free wear anything you like. My
husband doesn’t stay here it’s only me,
you and Mdu” she says and she hugs me
much longer and I excuse my self from
the hug.
She walks out with a smile on her face.
Wow this woman.

I look at the clothes she gave me. It’s the

most shortest bum short ever and a crop
top. This woman is weird.

[10/07, 9:56 pm] TALES OF NHLOSO A





I am angry really angry at that

Department how can they be so

“son are you not going to eat anything?

Please eat something please” Tendai has
been begging me to eat like I am a 1 year

“Tendai tell me why are you so nice to

us? Phela it’s like you live for us, you
breath for us. Ever since Nhloso came
here it’s like you are over the moon.
Why do you love us so much? Don’t you
have a family of your own? “ I ask her
and she looks down.

“am I too much? I can leave” she says

“Mpie why are you talking to Tendai in

that manner. She is not the one who
stole Nokukhanya’s baby she didn’t
kidnap her so please don’t take out your
frustrations on her” My sister says and I
regret how I spoke to Tendai. I
immediately go and hug her.

“I am sorry Tendai but I am just nervous

how am I going to say this to father. I
found my sister and I lost the other?” I

“listen son this is not your fault okay.

You were busy looking for Nhloso and
Nokukhanya wasn’t your responsibility.
You have your sister now. Come here
Zama wam” she says and she hugs us
“you have each other now and I am
happy” she says. This woman is full of
love. I feel like I belong to her.

“My father should have married you

instead of Deliwe” I say and she let’s go.

“haybo Mpie why are you talking about

Mother like that?” Nhloso asks

“excuse me” I say and I go to my room.

Minutes Later Sipho comes in with
plastic bags.

“hee bazajabula oNgeziwe labo--- kanje

Ngubani lo omncane (your siblings will
be happy what’s the name of the
younger one?”

“Charity” he says

“yeah they will be happy to see you”

“yazi babe I hope my father will be able

to accept all this and welcome me
home” he says
“I will go with you, he won’t do anything
when I am there” I say

“yazi I have never felt so much love for

any person I love you with all my heart” I
say and he smiles

“wena vele you won’t say anything you

will only smile?” I ask, he laughs and says

“uyazi ngyakuthanda nje (you know I

love you)”
“uhm that sounds romantic woza la,
come and touch here, you see what you
are doing to me? ” I force him to touch
my erection.

“uyezwa (do you feel that?)” I say and

his eyes are red. I am sure he is horny

“kanti uzangnika nini? ( When are you

giving it to me?)” I ask him

“Mpie don’t do this” I bite his earlobe

“what should I do then?” I ask

“there are people in this house” he says
and I say “they won’t hear us”

“they will hear us” he agues

“I promise I will be gentle” I kiss him and

the clothes are sent flying across the

“let’s do this babe I don’t know if I will

ever get the chance to do this in the
village” he kisses me and I flip him over
and I get on top of him
I realised that his nipples are his most
sensitive part. I play with them and I
suck on them he moans and I close his
mouth with my other hand. No blowjobs
today. I am making love to him.

He is also turned on. I remove his shorts

and I take the lubricant from the drawer
next to the bed. I apply it in his butthole
and on my erect dick. He has the nicest
ass ever..

“babe I love you okay, I promise I will

never break this thing that we have” I
say to him and I kiss him I get in between
his legs.
I massage my dick and I sweet talk him
while I lead my dick into his hole.

I get my tip in and it’s really tight. He

flinches in pain. “aaah this feels great” I
say and I push it in. “this is painful Mpi”

“I know babe wait” I say and I get it in

slowly until it I get all of it in.

I begin to move back and forth. This is

the best feeling ever “ooh Sipho this is
nice baby I love you” I say in between
the kisses I go in and out of him. His
muscular body is now submitting to my
dick. “ughhhh” he grants..
“you are a natural at this baby” I say and
I go back and forth in his hole. I massage
his balls and he moans.

“I am cuming babe” he shouts.

“I am cuming too babe we both cum and

I lie next to him.

“ that was great” I say as I wipe my cock

and pass the towel to him.

“thank you for trusting me with your

“My hole is painful, aaag you did a
number on me” he says and I laugh.

“I am sorry babe I couldn’t hold it,

umnandi Lawe man” I say.

[10/08, 10:44 am] 071 741 7581: *TALES



Mdue came with the takeaways. We sat

around the dinner table and it was so
uncomfortable with his sister giving me
those weird looks. I ate and I went to our
room. Few minutes later Mdu followed
“you look beautiful nkosazana” Mdue
says and I smile.

“Mdu I am happy you came for me yazi, I

waited for you and you never came” I

“nkosazana I swear I didn’t know you

were there. I always thought you are
being a spoiled Princess in the village.

When I finally gathered some money. I

went to the village and I was told you
were sick at a Mental Hospital. A lot
happened that delayed me from coming
to the Hospital but against all odds I
came” he says

“do I look crazy?” I ask.

“you are still the most sane person I fell

in love with and I still love you with all
my heart. I want to give you the world”
he says

“I still love you the same if not more.

You saved me from depression and
anxiety. I almost gave up fighting you
know” I say and he hugs me and says.
“I will never leave you again my love”

“Mdue where is your sister’s husband? ”

“they are going through some things he

moved out” he says

“Mdu we really need to start looking for

my baby boy” I say

“don’t worry I am on it, is this the

Sandra?” he shows me a picture of

“it’s her” I say

“Yazi Mdu I was expecting my brother to

be the one to rescue me from that
mental institution. I always told him that
I wasn’t crazy but he didn’t listen to me.
It’s okay, but when I lost my child Mdu
was he not supposed to be there for
me?” I ask with a painful heart.

“ yoh I don’t know what to say. Maybe

he was busy” He says

“Mdu it’s not even a 10 minutes drive

from Suburbs to Ingutsheni Hospital. Do
you think if it was Nhloso they weren’t
going to be able to come?”

“if it was Nhloso the whole village was

going to come to see her but because it’s
me my parents didn’t even bother do
you know how that feels?” I ask.

“listen here Khanyaaa you have me now,

don’t worry about any of them. You are
my life I will die for you” he says and I
feel loved but I still wish I had my family
during the saddest time of my life.

He pulls me to his chest and I fall asleep.

It’s morning now. We just finished
having breakfast. Nonto is the worst
cook. I ended up having Cerevita (
Cereal) .

I didn’t realize how much I was craving

for it. The hospital’s plain porridge was
the worst. Those were the worst days of
my life.
Every day when I wake up, I always wish
to hear the cry of my baby again but
happiness is not on my side. We drive to
town so that I can buy a few clothes. I
never really loved shopping at Jet or
Edgars or any of those shops.

I prefer these boutiques that sells

clothes from SA not Unit Village but
Stylish clothes . I don’t care if the colour
will fade but they have the best
fashionable clothes. My mother used to
reprimand me because of that. She
would say “what kind of a Princess are
you buying cheap clothes from the
streets” I laugh when I think about that.
Mdu remained at home and I came with
the sister in law who is holding my hand
like I will get lost or something.

We have packed our things in the car
and last minute Mpie says he needs to
get something in town. I don’t really
mind delaying because I am nervous
very nervous.
We get to town and Mpie asks me to
accompany him to the shop

He holds my hand and he pays for a

beautiful watch and they wrap it for him.
It’s engraved but I didn’t see what’s
written because he asked them to wrap
it for him before I could see it.
“is it for Father?” I ask

“nop it’s for a friend”

“you bought your friend a $300 (R5000)

watch . Wow he must be the luckiest
friend ever” I say and he holds my hand
as we cross the street and we hit the
road. I am sitting with Tendai at the back
she is so excited about going back to the
village you could swear she left
something precious in the Palace.

I had to get a closer look and Nonto

confirmed what my eyes didn’t want to
see and what my mind didn’t want to
believe because my heart was going to
be broken.

“They are even holding hands Nonto,

how did they find each other?”
“So Mpi didn’t bother about me but he is
going into the most expensive shops
getting Nhloso the most beautiful things.
Did you see how happy they were?”

“we are now your family let go of them.

Be with us we will take care of you
forget them. You see they are happy and
shopping whilst you lost your baby.
Maybe Nhloso told your brother not to
look for you” Nonto says and she makes
a lot of sense. I feel dizzy and
heartbroken. My parents don’t love me.
I always knew my father loved Zama but
my brother? Mpi no no.
Zama is even glowing she is looking
beautiful in that African Print dress. I
expected her to be in Poverty so that I
can be her saviour. I hate them.

I feel this uncontrollable hate for them in

my heart.

“take me home. I don’t want to shop

anymore” I say and I go back to the car.
Nonto drives and I am trying to convince
myself not to hate them but what I feel
in my heart can not be changed.

Nonto parks at a beautiful lodge.

“what are we doing here?” I ask her

“I thought you might need some fresh

air in a new environment” she says and
my heartbroken self just nods and I
follow her.


[10/11, 8:11 pm] TALES OF NHLOSO A


We get into the lodge it’s beautiful like
the lodge at home.

“make your self comfortable” she says

“what are we doing here?” I ask her

“you are too stressed” she removes my

shoes and helps me lie on the bed.

“are you feeling comfortable?” she asks

and I nod. I am really feeling comfortable
now as she massages my feet.
“Lie on your stomach” she says and I do
as she says.

She removes my clothes and I am left

with a panty and a bra.

“this is nice” I say as I feel my whole

body relaxing.
She massages me everywhere and she
kisses my toes.

I feel the need to ask her if that’s the

part of the massage but my mind betrays
me as I enjoy what she is doing to me.
She kisses me all over my body. I panic
and ask her

“Nonto what are you doing?” I try to

turn around but she holds me down and
says “shhh don’t worry I won’t do
anything to you I want you to relax”

I listen to her and I relax my body

As we get closer to the Palace I can feel
myself tensing up a bit. I feel nervous I
don’t know what to expect.

“don’t be nervous this is your home”

Tendai says and I just nod.

“will you drop me off here or?” Sipho

asks Mpie.
“no I will take you home later” Mpie says
as he drives into the Palace……

My home is still beautiful its even more

beautiful now.

“wow” I say

“welcome home sis” Mpie says as we get

out of the car and everyone is here
ululating. I look everywhere and I see my
father. I have never felt so much
happiness in my life.
My first love, my best friend my father.
He is teary as he opens his arms
welcoming a hug from me.
And I walk to him as the Poet Laureate






I walk to my father and we hug he gives
me the hug that I needed. I feel his tears
wetting the back of my top and I realize
how much he missed me.

“Kababa” he says as he holds my face

and looks into my eyes. He says
“ndodakazi yami” I can’t even open my
mouth I am overwhelmed with
happiness. Four years, four bad years
without my father the longest years of
my life.

“Welcome back home mntanami(my

Child)” he holds my hand as we walk into
the house.

We sit around the dinner table and it’s

been long since I saw so much food. I
even forgot there is Tendai. She walks in
and she greets my father. I look at my
father as he looks at Tendai with so
much joy.

“Tendai how are you?” my father asks.

“I am fine my King excuse me” she
responds and father says

“no no please join us”

“no I am fine my king” Tendai says and I

don’t know where she got the heart to
deny the King.

“Tendai come” Mpie says and he stands

up and gives mother’s seat to Tendai.
My mother’s seat? That makes me
realize that mother is not here.

“Baba” I call him.

“yebo ndodakazi yam is there anything
you need? Are you comfortable?”

“where is mother?” I ask and he clears

his throat and says “let’s eat my Child we
will talk about a lot of things later”

I wonder what’s there to talk about. I

just want to ask her why she told me
that my father hasn’t forgiven me when
he is so happy to see me.

Tendai unwillingly sits on my mother’s

chair and Mpi sits next to her. I am
sitting next to my father on his right side
and Sipho sits next to me opposite Mpie.
We all begin to eat with my father asking
me a lot of questions. I am happy to be
finally at home.


I hear so much noise in the Palace it’s

like they are celebrating something but
October is nobody’s birthday month in
this Palace what are they celebrating?
I have been locked up in this dungeon
for a while now and I am getting bored
day by day. I never in my wildest dreams
thought that I will be a prisoner in my
home. Nobody is willing to help me. The
guards are loyal to the King. They just
throw a plate of food and water once a
day. There is a girl who instead of giving
me a proper meal she adds a lot of salt
or she spits into the food on purpose.
Knowing very well that I will eat that
food because I don’t have a choice. I
don’t know her. I don’t know why she is
doing that. I sense a lot of hatred from
her. It hurts me a lot to hear my family
celebrating without me.
Or are they celebrating that my daughter
Nokukhanya is home? I hope so because
I know she is the only one who will not
bear seeing me like this. I will have to try
by all means to reach out to her.
A guard brings the food to me. I have to
think of a plan fast. I need to get out of

“don’t panic okay” Nonto says and I

listen to her. I continue relaxing as she
massages my thighs and I panic when
she massages my bums and kisses my
ear lob.

“Nonto!” I shout.

“Stop! What are you doing?” I ask her

“Khanya please don’t stop me. Stop
thinking about a lot of things do this for
you let me make you happy”

She turns me around and she opens the

Mini fridge she takes out a few ice
blocks and she moves one of them
around my body while she licks my toes.
Never in my life have I ever felt
something so sexy. I don’t know why my
heart says something and my mind
betrays the heart.

She continues doing that and she opens

her bag and takes out a yogurt she pours
it on my belly button and she licks it.
“aaah” I say that out loud because of
the so good electrifying sensation I feel
all over my body.

I feel my whole body giving into what

she is doing to me. I like it but this feels
like cheating on Mdu with his sister. I try
to tell her to stop but I can’t, I love what
she is doing to me.

[10/12, 8:58 am] 0717417581: *TALES





“I don’t want you to feel like I forced you

to do this, so let’s go home” Nonto says.
Did I hear her correctly? How can she
say that when I feel so much pleasure?
Why is she saying it now?

“Nonto please” I try to beg her but she

gives me my clothes and she takes her
bag and says
“wear your clothes you will find me in
the car”

Wow. This woman did she just leave me

hanging just like that? I just sit on the
bed for a few minutes I wear my clothes
and walk out. I am really pissed.

Nothing makes sense in my life anymore.
I am just a naturally strong person but
this is my worst nightmare. I really hope
Kayise doesn’t leave me. I hope she
comes back for me. I miss her so much.

“Dlamini they don’t have evidence

against you. I am taking these to the
Judge and you are going home” my
Lawyer says and I breath a sigh of relief!
“Ngyabonga I don’t know how to thank
you for all this but what about the
divorce?” I ask

“don’t worry about that. Once you are

released we will use everything against
your wife” he says.

I will be finally free when I have Divorced

Nontokozo. I want her out of my life
with nothing. I want her out of my house
after that I will sell it. I don’t know what
type of witchcraft they did in my house.

“I want her to leave this marriage with

“don’t worry Dlamini you will be out
soon” he says and they take me back to
the cell.


The girl brings me food and water. I am

really hungry and thirsty. If people could
see me like this they would never
believe it.

The whole queen who never gave them

food, is now craving for food in this
manner hunger is the worst punishment

“give me the food already” I say to the


“how the mighty have fallen” she says as

she pours the water to the floor I try to
lick it but it’s useless.
“why are you doing this?” I shout

“uyinja Deliwe, I will make sure you

suffer and I will make sure you watch as
your offspring suffers” she says and
throws the food to the ground and walks
away. This girl has so much anger
towards me and I don’t know her. Why is
she treating me like this. I am a strong
woman but I feel my tears threatening
to coming as I eat the pap and cabbage
from the floor. Why does she hate me so
“Ngeziwe follow me” my father says and
I follow him to his room leaving my little
sister sleeping in the hut. It’s already late
what does he want?

I get into his room and he asks me to

close the door.

“baba” I say waiting for him to explain

why he called for me.

“ukhulile manje ndodakazi (you have

grown now my child) you have to do
your mother’s duties” he says.
“what duties baba?” I ask.

“I am your father you don’t question me,

you do as I say Siyezwana? (do we
understand each other? ) “ he asks and I

“khumula isigqoko sikanyoko (remove

your mother’s dress)” he says and I don’t
wait for him to say it again. I remove the
dress and I am left with my torn
underwear. I have been wearing this
dress since yesterday. I removed it and
he asked me to wear it again.

“come here” he points to his thighs.

“come and sit on top of your father” he
says and I really feel uncomfortable.

This is not right at all but I am scared of

my father I can’t say no to anything.

“you are a big girl now” he says as he

plays with my nipple. I jump from his
thigh and I stand in the middle of the

“baba can I go back to sleep now.

UMandlo will wake up and starts crying
if I am not there” I say trembling with
“do you want her to come and take your
place?” he asks me and I start crying.

“why are you crying? Your mother died

and left you here. What’s wrong with
taking her place in this house. Come and
sleep here” he says as he removes his
clothes and he stands in front of me

I have never seen a man naked before

let alone my father. I close my eyes
because this doesn’t feel right at all.
“come here” he pushes me to the bed.
We are both naked on his bed and I feel
my self drifting away. I have so much
pain in my heart. I don’t have tears. I
don’t have the energy to cry I just keep
quiet as my own father takes away my

He removes my underwear and he gets

on top of me and rubs my vagina with
his hands. I try to close my legs but he
slaps them hard. I don’t dare open my
mouth not because I am scared but
because of the pain in my heart. He
widens my legs.
“from today you will take your mother’s
place you will be my wife” he says as he
inserts his dirty mouth into mine. He fills
my mouth with saliva. He forces his
penis into my vagina and it’s painful but
the pain I feel in my heart is worse than
the physical pain. He pushes his penis in
and out of my vagina and I just lie there
and let him do whatever he wants with
my body. He moans loudly he can wake
up the whole village. He fills my whole
vagina with his penis and he moves in
and out. Until he groans so much, he
squeezes my breasts and throws himself
on top of me.
“if you say anything to anyone. Your
sister will become my wife do you want
that? Do you want her to take your
husband away from you?” he says and I
say “no I won’t tell anyone” it’s now that
I manage to open my mouth because he
mentioned my sister I would rather go
through this pain alone. I don’t want my
sister to go through the same thing. This
is my worst night are I don’t think I will
ever be the same again. I never thought
my own father would do this to me.


[10/12, 11:14 am] +263 71 469 5561:



I am having the best time with my family

talking about a lot of things. I even
forgot about my problems for a moment
and I allowed myself to be happy with
my family. Even though mum and
Nokukhanya are not here but I don’t
know why I feel content. Mpie excuses
himself and Sipho follows him. I don’t
know if it’s my eyes but Sipho is limping.
Did he Hurt himself or something. He is
too cute to be just a driver Mpie has to
give him a better job.

I can see Sipho is uncomfortable. I know
he wants to go home so I excuse my self
from the father and daughter bonding
session and I ask him to follow me.

“You should have allowed me to go

home on my own” he says and he is

“I am sorry. I didn’t know this would take

so long” I say.

“take me home then” he says and I try

my luck and say
“can you sleep over? I will take you
home tomorrow morning”

“you see you are being selfish right now

Mpikayise. You are with your family but
you are denying me the right to be with
my own family my siblings need me
damnit” he shouts and I look at the
guards around.

“language Sipho, you can’t shout at me

like that in front of people” I say.

“I will walk home” he says and attempts

to walk away.
“no no okay babe I am sorry. Let me take
you home” I say and I go back to the
house and take my car keys.

“Mpie where are you going?” Nhloso

asks and I say.

“I am dropping Sipho at home I will be

back now”

“Cha cha ndodana (no no son) let him

go. We have a lot of things to talk about.
I need to tell you something. Where is
your sister Nokukhanya? Why didn’t you
bring her here with you?” my father asks
a lot of questions delaying me from
going back to an angry Sipho. I am

“ baba can we talk about all that when I

come back “ I say.

“ ndodana!“ baba motions me to sit

down. I am definitely screwed.

“ My King let him go he will be back soon

anyway Zama can tell you everything
about Nokukhanya” Tendai rescues me.
“okay ndodana come back soon” father
says and I rush to the car and Sipho is
not here. “Damn! “ I hit the car bonnet
and hurt my knuckles.

“My Prince he just left” a guard says

without being asked I nod and I drive

He is walking to his house as I drive next

to him.

“don’t make me beg you in front of the

whole village Sipho get in. You will throw
your attitude in the bedroom” I say and
he gets in.
“yazi Sipho I am too old for this, honestly
I can’t be running after you like we are
Kids. Do you really love me?” I ask him.

“Mpi like you said we are too old for this

so let it go. I just want to check up on my
siblings is that too much to ask?”

“no I didn’t say that. Babe listen I am

sorry my father didn’t want me to leave
but I am here now am I not? I am trying
so hard babe please don’t do that to me
again. Don’t walk away from me” I say
and he holds my other hand as I am
using the other one to drive.
“I am sorry too Mpi it’s just that eish. My
siblings. My siblings Mpie I don’t know
what they are going through since I am
not there. Just drive into the yard and
let’s get in together. I am not in the
mood for my father’s drama today” he

I get to his home before I drive in. I park

at the gate. It’s already dark so the
chances of someone seeing us are slim.

“I will definitely walk in with you but

before that I have something for you” I
say and I give him the wristwatch.. “I
don’t want this. This is too much” he
says and as soon as he sees the
disappointment in my face he wears it.

“ngyadlala (I am joking) I love it. It’s so

beautiful and expensive hey” he looks at
the initials MS

“thank you” he says

“thank you for giving yourself to me” I

say and I steal a kiss from him. I love him
so much. I can’t picture my life with any
“can I get a hug?” I ask

“no someone might see us I can’t risk

that let’s go in” he says and we walk into
the yard.

The village is quiet especially at night.
You can hear anything happening
outside. When my father finished
making me his wife. I lay there I felt
numb I couldn’t move he continued
snoring on top of me. I finally regained
my strength when I heard a car stopping
in front of our gate I knew it was Sipho. I
pushed my father to the other side and I
tried to stand up but the pain in my
vagina was stronger than me. I didn’t
want to look at the blood stains and the
whitish things mixed with the blood. I
tried by all means to wear my clothes
and limp to the hut. Lucky enough my
little sister was still sleeping. I heard
them coming in. Sipho said “they are
probably sleeping I don’t want to wake
them up”

“I told you to sleep over” that’s Prince


“help me take the things from the car

into my hut” Sipho said and I drifted to
sleep with the burning sensation in
between my legs.

Nokukhanya came home upset and I

asked her why she didn’t want to talk to
me. She went straight to the bedroom
banging doors.
“Nontokozo what did you do to her why
is she like that?” I ask her

“she saw her brother and sister holding

hands and shopping in town she became
upset” she explains

“eish she wasn’t supposed to know that

they found Nhloso” I say

“so you knew Mduduzi?” Khanya asks

and I didn’t see her.
“baby I just found you I didn’t have the
time to update you about everything” I
try to apologize. She is my life I don’t
want her to feel like I am betraying her
in any sense.

“Its okay Mdu it is what it is nobody

loves me, nobody wants me. At least I
have you” she says and I smile hugging

“spoken like a true princess, you also

have Nonto” I say

“can you please get takeaways it’s

already late we can’t cook” she says and
I take Nonto’s car keys and drive to


I really love Mdu with all my heart but

what I felt in that lodge is something I
have never felt before. I really need
Nonto to continue.

When she did what she was doing to me

I felt like my problems had suddenly
disappeared for that particular moment.

When Mdu left she also went to her

bedroom. I locked the door and followed

“Nonto” I say

“yes Khanya”
“it was a mistake coming here” I say and
turn to leave as she grabs both my hands
and gives me a mother of all kisses. I
have never kissed a woman in my life.
She kisses me deeply and smoothly, her
lips are soft she kisses my bottom lip I
feel like opening my legs already.

We both move to the bed and she

removes my clothes and she takes out
something from her drawer as she kisses
me. I don’t know what it is. She removes
her jeans and she removes my
underwear. I don’t know what it is and
how she did it but I felt like a dick was
shoved into my pussy.
“what is that? “ I ask and she moves it in
and out of my pussy. Is she a man or a
woman why does she have a dick but it’s
the sweetest dick I have ever had she
moves in and out of me in great speed
while kissing me. She is so romantic
compared to her brother. I reach my
orgasm because I was already wet from
the afternoon flashbacks. She fucks me
through my orgasm and I cum again as
she reaches her own orgasm and lies
next to me.

“Damn it’s been a while” she says and I

look at her. She stands up and switches
on the light I see something that I never
thought it existed in real life. She has a
dick strapped around her.

“what the hell?” I say

“did you really think I have a real dick? ”

she laughs and I look at her in awe. I am
definitely doing this again.

[10/13, 12:35 pm] 0717417581: *TALES

“I am sorry you had to go through all
that my daughter I am so sorry my Child”
My father says. After I tell him
everything about my life.

“Its okay father I am happy I am finally

home now”

“I can’t believe mother wasn’t telling the

truth all these years” I say.
“Its okay my Child God is in control”
Father says

“what happened to Nokukhanya is bad

too. Nobody deserves what happened to
her. Who steals a baby nowadays?” my
father says.

“you can go to sleep now we will talk

about the rest of the things tomorrow”
my father says and I am sleepy right now
we’ve been waiting for Mpie it’s
midnight and he is still not back.

“but Father where is mother?” I ask.

“we will talk tomorrow go and sleep my

Child” he says.

“Goodnight Father goodnight Tendai” I

hug them both and I go to sleep. It’s
been years since I slept in my own
bedroom. My room that spells me. It’s
good to be finally at home. I get to bed
and I sleep peacefully.

I ended up cuddling with Sipho in his
hut. I didn’t want to leave him. I am
accustomed to having him around me all
the time. I don’t want to live without

“I have to go now” I say

“it’s midnight nobody will wake up and
see you now. Don’t leave” he says and I
can’t risk it.

“no babe I have to go except if you want

us to… You know” I say and he laughs.

“ hay suka that’s your queue to leave”

he laughs and walks me out.
One of the reasons I left was because of
the mosquitoes they did a number on
me. I was pretending to be fine but I

I get to the Palace it’s already late

everyone is asleep. I park my car and I
hear the cry of a baby. I follow it and it
leads me to the maids sleeping
chambers. I get there I find the maids
trying to calm the baby down.
“whose baby is that? “ I ask.

“It’s the new helper’s baby my Prince” a

helper says.

“why is the baby crying so much why

don’t you breastfeed her?” I ask looking
at all the maids trying to figure out
which one of them is the mother.
I take the baby and I hold it in my arms it
looks very tiny and it doesn’t look okay.
The baby looks sick

“who is the mother? ” I ask and they

point at a sleeping young woman. I guess
she is tired but how is she able to sleep
when her baby is crying so much.
“Its nice that you are all helping her so
that she can rest but the baby needs
milk maybe he is hungry” I say

“yes my Prince but there is no Milk” the

other helper says and I feel a bit of
shame. We have so many profitable
businesses but we fail to help our
“go to our kitchen and make something
for the baby tomorrow morning I will ask
someone to buy all the necessary things
for the baby” I say and I hand over the
baby to them with a heavy heart. I have
a helping Spirit I don’t want to see
somebody suffering especially a helpless

The Prince was so worried about the

condition of the poor baby. He felt sorry
for the young woman who had to work
during the day and take care of a baby as

The Helpers always had an eye on their

Prince there is no young woman in the
village that didn’t want to be married to
the Prince not because of his Tittle only
but because of his kind and beautiful
heart. Not only was he beautiful at heart
but he was Handsome as well. He had a
great fashion sense and he knew the
right moisturizers to use.
The king was happy and content that his
daughter was now home not only his
daughter but his Tendai who also
reminded him of his young soulmate
Noma. He listened to his daughter telling
him about all the trials and tribulations
of her married life, but he didn’t know
how to explain everything to her. He
didn’t know how to tell her daughter
that her mother was responsible for
everything that happened in her
marriage including her son’s death.
Secrets were about to be unraveled to
Nhloso, Secrets that were either going to
destroy her or build her.
I failed to Kill Nonto and I have been
hiding from Jerry. I have been a good
guy sleeping in my house. Not doing
anything bad.

I think I should go to the village and see

how everyone is doing. I am sure my
little brother thinks I abandoned him. I
just hope Zama cleared my name I have
got nothing to run away from anymore.
I wake up to a clean yard, washed dishes
everything is in order. Only Sipho can
wake up early and do this for me. I go to
the kitchen and I find all the buckets
filled with water. The pain in my vagina
has subsided.
“Ngeziwe who did all this?” my little
sister asks as we are standing in the
middle of a clean kitchen.

“ngu Sipho” I say

“bhud Sipho is back” she shouts in

excitement running to his hut and I
follow her.
“Mandloe” Sipho says as he welcomes a
hug from her. She is so excited. I guess
my father is still sleeping.

“Ngeziwe angisaphiwa I hug vele

(Ngeziwe won’t l receive a hug from
you) even after I slaved around” he says
and I feel my heart breaking into pieces.
I wish to tell him everything that his
father did to me. Everything but words
fail me. How do I even begin to explain
that his father turned me into a wife.
How do I tell him about the pain I feel in
my heart.

“Ngeziwe what’s wrong? ” he asks. If I

don’t reply fast I will end up crying.
“nothing Sipho I am fine” he attempts to
hug me but I step back.

“Ngeziwe ngyaxolisa (I am sorry) I left

you guys but I was working for all of us. I
promise soon enough I will find a house
in the city and take the both of you with
me” he says and I feel the tears flowing
down my face.
“please do it soon” I say and I look
around his room there are a lot of
shopping bags.

“did he beat you?” he asks and I shake

my head no.

“I bought you all these and I bought you

a phone” he says.
“I am happy you are home” I say and my
father calls his name.

“Sipho” father calls for him.

“your father calling me so nicely that’s a

first” he says and walks to him.

At the sound of his voice I tremble that’s

how scared I am of my father. I don’t
want to be his wife. I don’t want to take
my mother’s place that’s a disgusting
thing to do.

I overhear my father and Mpi’s


“ how is work?” he asks Sipho and Sipho

says” it’s fine”

“you should go back soon we need the

money” my father says.
“I will stay a few more days” Sipho says
and my father says “No no you have to
work stop being lazy! Go back to work”
he shouts and walks away.

We spend most of the time talking about

everything and The Prince drives in.
“Sipho you and the Prince are good
friends right how did you become good
friends with the Prince?” I ask him
because he was here yesterday and he is
here today.

“I work for him” he says.

“He is so handsome everyone in the

village wants to be his wife” I say and I
exclude myself I am no longer worthy.

“Hie Ngeziwe” he greets me and I stick.

“earth to Ngeziwe” Mandloe snaps her

“me shaking hands with the Prince

again. He is so handsome” I unknowingly
say that out loud. And they all laugh at
me. I rush to the house that was so
embarrassing. I have always dreamed of
being a doctor and marrying the Prince
but now all hope is gone. I am not

[10/13, 9:24 pm] +263 71 469 5561:


“DELIWE” that’s my husband’s voice. I
get closer to the bars.

“My King please get me out of here” I try

to beg him.

“Deliwe I want you to confess all your

sins to my daughter, I want you to tell
her everything you did to her, I don’t
want her to hear it from outsiders. I
want you to confess everything and
apologize” he says and I feel like dying
right now.

“how can you ask me to do something

like that Ndlangamandla uyakhohlwa
ukuthi wangfebela lo sis wami wena (you
forgot that you cheated on me with my
sister)” I shout.
“guards take her out make sure she
doesn’t escape” he shouts and walks

The biggest mistake of my life was to let

Nhloso live after killing her mother I
should have killed her too.

Now my daughter has a mental illness

while Nhloso is having a stupid re-union
with her father.
“I curse you even in death NOMA I hate

I have this picture of Sandra. I want to

see where she is with my baby. I learnt a
few things from my father. I take her
picture and I take ocean water. I place
her picture in there and a drop of my
blood. That will be used to trace my son.
After that I will make sure I take my baby
and I make her meet her ancestors.

I took my time bathing in my own
bathroom and trying out my dress that
Tendai bought for me. I even received a
call from Thabani telling me that he is
out of jail because they didn’t have
evidence. He is calling me again now.
“sthandwa sam” I say

_you sound happy kaMatshobane_

_ngi happy Dlamini, you are out of jail, I

found my family what else do I need_
_I love you so much baby I am in the
process of divorcing Nonto after that I
will ask for your hand in marriage_

_I also need to be free from Melusi_

_I know baby everything will be fine but

I need to tell you something_
_Sthandwa Sami let me go to the fam we
will talk later I love you byeee_ I say and
rush to the living room. I am so happy I
have my family with me.

When I pass by my father’s sleeping

chamber I hear him speaking to Tendai
and the door is slightly open.

“She has to do it Tendai how do I open

my mouth and tell my daughter that the
woman that she believes is her mother is
responsible for all the bad things that
happened to her, he fried her husband’s
brains and killed her son turning him
into a Zombie how do I tell her that!“

“ WHAT?” I push the door.


“ What?” she pushes the door with tears

all over her face. I didn’t want her to find
out like this.
“ Zama baby calm down” I try to calm
her down.

“stay out of this Tendai you are not part

of this family” she shouts crying I won’t
take what she said to heart because I
know she didn’t mean it.

“Baba what do you mean my mother is

responsible for this? What do you
mean?” she asks in between tears. I can
see the heartbreak in her eyes. Ooh my
poor daughter. I also feel my tears
flowing down my face. I didn’t want her
to find out like this.

“Baba khuluma ( father speak)” she says

shaking him.

“ndodakazi kababa please let’s go to the

sitting room and sit down and talk about
this” Ndlangamandla says.
“No no no what do you mean my mother
killed my son and turned him into a
Zombie” she shouts.

“let’s go to the living room” I hold her

and take her to the living room.
“baba what happened?” Mpie asks
coming in.

“bring her in” Ndlangamandla says. They

bring Deliwe in. You could swear she is a
mad woman she looks dirty and
defeated just how I wanted her to be.

“Mother” Nhloso calls for her. I wish I

can tell her that I am her mother not
“Mother is it true?” she cries kneeling
down hugging Deliwe’s legs.

I pack a few clothes and I buy a few

things and take a bus to the village. I
hope I get there when it’s dark so that I
can go home without being noticed.

“is it true ma?” My sister asks. It breaks

my heart to see her like this. I wish there
was a way we could have hid everything
forever so that she never has to suffer
like this. My heart cries with her.

“Talk to me mother is it true?” she cries

begging Deliwe to talk to her. I can see
she is hoping that Deliwe denies
everything. She is kneeling down in front
of her holding both her dirty legs
begging her.
“Deliwe you are evil” Tendai shouts

“don’t you dare talk to me like that

Tendai. The fact that you are opening
your legs to my husband doesn’t make
you better” Deliwe barks back.

“Deliwe!” my father shouts.

“mother did you kill my son?” Nhloso

“Don’t call me your mother I am not

your mother. You deserve everything
that happened to you. You are a
bastard!” Deliwe kicks Nhloso causing
her to fall down. I knew she was evil but
I didn’t know to this extent.
“Deliwe!” Tendai shouts and charges
towards Deliwe and attacks her. I try to
separate them as my father sits down in

“don’t do this Tendai please” I try to

calm Tendai down

“Mpikayise are you defending this

bitch?” Deliwe shouts.
“Deliwe!” my father shouts and
attempts to slap her. It’s only now that I
realize Zama is not here.

“Zama, Nhloso!” I call for her and

everybody starts to panic. I panic as well
and walk outside.

“Where is Nhloso?” I ask the guards.

“she ran out my Prince” the guard says.

“you let her run out just like that!” I

“go and look for her bring her safe and

sound!” I shout. Damn!

What did Deliwe mean when she said

Nhloso is not her daughter! This is too
much for my sister!

[10/14, 10:58 am] +263 71 469 5561:



“and turned her son into a Zombie”

“don’t call me mother you are not my


“you are a bastard”

These words are living rent free in my

head. I run until I can’t run anymore. I
find myself sitting in a cave where
Melusi and I used to meet after school.

It used to be my hiding spot. I used to

come here whenever I needed peace.
Melusi’s hideout as well, he never spent
a day without coming here.

He wasn’t himself for sure. He kept on

telling me that he didn’t remember most
of the things he did to me. Deliwe
bewitched him and killed my son. Now
everything makes sense.

Why she always bathed Khanya and I

was bathed by maids.
Why Khanya always got what she

Why I always felt like my father loved

me more than my mother ever did.

Why she used to shout at every little

mistake I made.

Why she told my father I was pregnant

in front of the whole council members.

Why she told me that my father did not

want to see me at all.
Why Mpi’s Private Investigator never
found me. It was because of Deliwe. All
my life I have been unknowingly trying
to fight one enemy Deliwe.

Melusi abused me because of her.

Melusi was never going to change on me
just like that. I cry for my son who was
turned into a Zombie I don’t even want
to know the things she made my son do.
If Deliwe is not my mother then who is
my mother?

I took my car and drove around looking

for Nhloso. I can’t find her.

“shit!” I hit the steering wheel with my

hand. My knuckles now Hurt even more.
I go back home and I walk into the house
Tendai meets me half way.
“Mpie you will break that hand come
here” she says and she gentle puts a
bandage around my hand.

“Tendai where could she have gone to?”

I ask her.

“this is too much for her. Allow her to

breath and think. She will definitely
come back home” she says and I can’t
just sit and do nothing.

“Where is Deliwe where is Father I need

answers too Tendai!” I shout.
“I know I am a Prince, I know I am a man
Tendai but this is too much for me”

“you are allowed to cry my son you are

only human. Just because you are
different in anyway doesn’t make you
less of a man. Man do cry they don’t
bottle things inside” she says and I wipe
my tears and look at her.

“you know about my sexuality?” I ask

her and she nods. I look down.

“ooh my boy don’t be ashamed” she

says and I ask
“how did you know?”

“You should take it easy on that boy. I

saw how he came out of your room
limping and the love bites” she says and
I find a way to laugh through the pain.


“so you knew all along?”

“I knew from day one, nobody talks to

the Prince the way that boy talks to you”
she says smiling.
“so you don’t have a problem with us?”

“not at all. I love you just the way you

are” she says and she pulls me in for a
heart to heart hug. If it wasn’t for Tendai
I don’t know where I would be. She is
more than a maid.

“Thank you for being here Tendai”

“I will always be here for you my son,

you and your sister mean the world to
me” she says and she means it. I can feel
“let me go and look for her” I say and
walk out feeling so much better. It’s
getting late and it doesn’t help that
today it’s a little bit cold.

It’s been years since I set my foot here.
My mother died, my son died, I went to
jail, my wife left me, I raped, I killed I
really need to be cleansed. It seems like
there is bad energy around me.

The village doesn’t look different at all

except for the road. No potholes nothing
it’s nice. I remember how Zama and I
used to dream so much in this village.
This is were it all started, where my life
Zama is the only woman I have ever
loved. I still love her but I have hatred
towards that Pastor for taking her away
from me.

Since it’s not yet dark I decide to use the

route in the forest. I remember where
we both first slept together. It was a
cave where we used to meet after

I first dated Zama because I was paid by

Nokukhanya but the more time I spent
with her the more I loved her. It was no
longer about money or baits. It was love
a feeling so deep and extraordinary
which involved so much care, closeness,
protectiveness and affection. I loved that
girl. I decide to walk in that direction.


Where could she have ran to? She left

her phone she even left her shoes. I
continue driving around looking for her. I
hope she is safe.


“why did my parents lie to me?”

“if Deliwe is not my mother why did my

mother abandon me?”
“is my father my father? Is Mpie even
my brother?” I ask my self all these
questions and I have no answers.

“Zama” that’s Melusi’s voice. I look back

and I take a few steps back.

“what are you doing here? Don’t come

any closer” I shout in between my tears.

“Why are you like this? Why are you

crying?” he sounds worried.
“I won’t Hurt you. I promise” he let’s go
of his bags and he comes closer I kneel
down and cry. I allow him to embrace

“what’s wrong Zama?” he asks me.

“a lot happened Melusi, my mother is a

witch” I explain everything to him.

“I knew it! I knew it! I knew somebody

had bewitched me Zama I couldn’t have
done all those things to you” he says

“Fuck Deliwe fuck her shit!” he shouts

“I am sorry my mother did all that to

“no it’s not your fault Zama, it’s not my

fault either, it’s not our fault” he says
and he hugs me tighter and I cry.

[10/14, 7:35 pm] 0717417581: *TALES


I was released from prison due to lack of
evidence. I don’t know what Nontokozo
was thinking when she accused me of
rape. What I need is for the judge to give
My Lawyer an eviction notice so that she
can leave my house after she signs the
divorce papers. I want her out on the

That woman has made me go through

hell. I am all over the newspapers
because of rape that’s disgusting.

I don’t even want to read what they are

saying about me. I am not a celebrity I
don’t know why they had to display me
like this.

The only thing stressing me now is this

issue of my Gift.

Why do I have to go through all this

what have I done wrong in this life to
deserve this punishment

I have to tell Kayise the truth but now

that she is at the village it will be hard
for me to tell her before anybody tells
I really hope she forgives me for this. I
really do because I can’t live without her
she is my life. This house is empty
without her. My life is empty without
her there is no Thabani without Kayise.

I cry in Melusi’s arms he comforts me
and he gives me his hoodie as it is now a
little bit dark and cold. “Zama I never
stopped loving you” he says and he tries
to Kiss me. I stop him.

“no Melusi this doesn’t mean we can go

back together. I just want us to be civil
towards each other” I say.

“Civil? I want you back Zama I want my

wife back. I want you” he yells.
“No Melusi I am with Thabani now. I
want a divorce” I say and that seems to
have triggered something in him
because he moves a little bit from me.

“don’t you dare Zama don’t you dare

mention that man’s name in my
presence” he shouts and he startles me.

“Zama I love you I want you to come

home. I want you in my bed. I want to
kiss you, I want to make love to you. I
am sorry for everything I did to you. I am
sorry Zama” he says getting closer to me
and I see a side of Melusi that I never
knew existed. There is so much lust in his
eyes. I don’t know how to describe it but
it’s like he is a hungry beast.

“No no Melusi I can’t do that. I am sorry

I don’t love you anymore. I love

“SHUT UP!” he shouts.

“I told you not to mention that guys

name in my presence”

“okay-I-think-I-need-to-go-home” I
I don’t want to be here now Melusi
looks angry and his eyes are red. I look
down and I see his erect Penis. Who gets
horny at a time like this during an

“you are not going anywhere Zama you

are my wife you belong to me” he says
and he comes closer to me and holds my

“remember the first time we did it here”

he says in a perverted way.

“Me-Melusi I-I need to go” I say.

“No Zama my baby girl. My love my

I try to free myself from his hold but he

spins me around and holds my hands
from behind. My worst fear is about to
become a reality.

I try to build courage

“Melusi let go of me you are hurting me”

I shout.
“you are my wife Zama. I married you,
you are my wife” Melusi has turned Into
this beast that I can’t recognize.
“Melusi!” I shout.

He tries to remove my dress and when

he does that he mistakenly frees my
hand. I try to slap him but he holds it
again. I scream “Leave me alone!” I am
literally crying. “OH God don’t let this
happen please I beg you”

“he won’t save you he knows you are my

wife. Remember until death do us apart”
he pushes me down and I hit my head on
the rock. “ouch Melusi please don’t do
this I beg you, you are hurting me”
“somebody help me!” “help” I scream.


It’s almost dark now and I am literally

walking searching for my sister in the
forest with a few guards. I left my car on
the dusty road. A guard comes running.

“My Prince I think I heard someone

screaming near the Caves” a guard says.
And we all run and follow the guard.

“Which direction did the scream sound

from?” I ask.

“that direction My Prince”

“Help! “
“that’s my sister’s voice” I run and I see
someone trying to force himself on my
I furiously pick up a rock and run to the
perpetrator and hit him repeatedly at
the back of his head. “Mpie stop! Stop!”
Nhloso shouts but I can’t control my
emotions I keep on hitting and hitting
until I realize he is bleeding profusely
and he is unconscious.

“Mpie what have you done!” Nhloso

wails so loud. I feel lightheaded, weak
and everything spins and I fall down.

[10/15, 8:48 pm] +263 71 469 5561:



I tried to stop Mpie as he kept on hitting

Melusi over and over until he became
unconscious. The guards didn’t even
attempt to stop him. When I asked them
why they didn’t stop him they said he is
The Prince.
It became worse when he fainted and
the guards picked him up living Melusi
on the ground. I had to ask two of them
to pick Melusi and one of them to carry
his belongings. The other guard brought
the car closer and we drove to the

When we got here the doctor called the

police because Melusi was
unrecognizable. He had blood all over,
he was badly injured.

That’s s a sight I never wish to see ever

again in my life.
I told the Police everything and one of
the guards called my father. I have so
much bad luck in my life. I don’t know if I
really deserve to live.

I see my father walking to me with

Tendai. Now I see it’s true they are
sleeping together that’s why they are
always together.

“ndodakazi how are you? Are you okay?”

he hugs me and I cry.

“I have never seen so much blood

“whose blood was it? Where is my son?”
my father asks.

“Where is Mpikayise? “ Tendai panics. I

tell them everything that happened.

“the doctors haven’t said anything to

me, they called the Police and I gave
them my statement”

“that Ndlovu boy must pray that he dies

because if he doesn’t die. I will kill him
myself. How dare he assault my
daughter in my village” My father
furiously shouts drawing everyone’s
attention. Tendai asks him to calm

“ooh my poor daughter. When are you

going to find peace this is too much for
you my Princess” Tendai says.

“But won’t they arrest Mpie?” Tendai


“Nobody will arrest my son, he was

defending his sister from a rapist” My
father says. And a doctor comes to us.

“My King” the doctor bows down.

“yes doctor please tell me is my son
okay? Doctor tell me is my son okay? “
father asks the same question over and
over again.

“yes my King, your son will be fine, but

his hand is in a bad shape I will have to
put a plaster bandage on it” he says and
I feel relieved.

“What about the other man Melusi

Ndlovu?” I ask.

“are you in anyway related to him?” the

doctor asks us.
“I am his soon to be ex wife”

“he better be dead” my father shouts to

the doctor’s uneasiness.

“I am afraid he couldn’t make it”

“Doctor what are you saying?” I feel my

heart beating very fast.

“Doctor no no please don’t say that”

“His brain collided with the inside of his

skull that caused to much bleeding and
we lost him. There was no way he could
have recovered from all those blows”


“NOOO doctor Noooo” I scream

“baby calm down” they try to calm me

down but I can’t “NOOOOOO!”

Mpie can’t go to jail. Noooo!


I made a mistake I wasn’t supposed to

say all those things. I was just angry.
I did want to say all that but not now
when I am chained like a dog, I would
have revealed the truth when I knew I
had my children on my side. I should
have been the victim not Nhloso!

They are enjoying playing happy families

while my daughter is still in the loony
bin. Somebody claps their hands.

“Deliwe Deliwe” she laughs out loud.

This girl is getting on my last nerve!

“that was a nice show that’s what you

are good at right? Destroying families”
she says and I am surprised.
“Child what are you talking about? I
don’t know you. Which family did I
destroy? “

“you will know me soon Deliwe but first

take this” she pours cold water on me It
doesn’t help that it’s very cold. I am

“what are you doing!” I shout and she

walks away laughing. Who is this Child
what does she want from me! Why is
she making my life miserable!

I am glad Sipho is still here. Prince Mpie

said he can stay for a few days. They
seem to be very close and I like that. My
father has been angry walking around
the yard with a sour face.
I know I am going to pay for everything
when Sipho leaves.
“NGEZIWE!” he shouts my name.

“Baba” I respond with a low bored voice.

I go to him.

“Listen here ENGEZIWE, you know what

will happen if you open your mouth
right?” he whispers and my heart beats

“Ngeziwe am I talking to myself? “ he


“no” I say
“make sure your brother goes back
soon” he says and he walks away. I
follow him out and I go to bed with a
heavy heart.

Why is my father bringing me so much

pain and misery am I not supposed to
feel free and happy around my father. I
wish he could die and never wake up.

“When I saw someone trying to rape

you I couldn’t let him do it sis. I just lost
my mind and I began hitting him I lost
control. I didn’t mean to kill him. I swear
I swear “ he cries.
“no no bhudwami don’t do this, you
were defending your sister, you were
defending me” I say and wipe his tears.

“did you sleep here?” he asks.

“yes Tendai asked someone to bring me

clothes. I didn’t want to leave you alone”
I say and I hug him.

“I am sorry siswami”

“I don’t know what could have

happened to me if you didn’t come
there in time Mpi you saved me don’t
blame yourself” I try to comfort him.

He is not taking this very well.

I hope he doesn’t fall into depression

because of this. I can’t believe Melusi is
dead. I spent a few years of my life with
him. We had a Child together, there was
a time in his life when he was a good
father and husband. He never spoke
much about his family and I don’t know
them I only saw his parents once. I don’t
know how they are going to re-act to the
news of his death.


[10/16, 4:19 pm] +263 71 469 5561:

Mdue has been busy lately trying to
locate Sandy and my baby. It still hurts
but I have medication for that pain it’s
called Nonto.

It’s an advantage when he is busy I get

to spend some time with Nonto.
“I fell in love with you the very first time
I saw you, you are the most beautiful
princess” Nonto says lifting my mood to
a 100.

“hummm how true is that?” I poke her

“do you want me to show you?” he says
kissing me and painting my face with

“seriously I love you” she says and I

move away from the kitchen table.

“Nonto you can’t speak to me about love

be serious, I am your brother’s
babymama. I love your brother” I say
“don’t tell me that Khanya the heart
wants what it wants and my heart wants
you!” she shouts. This woman is crazy I
am not like that I don’t love her. I just
want her to fulfil my sexual desires. I
love Mdue.
I am on a call with Sipho.

“I am coming to see you now” he keeps

on insisting.
“no babe I am fine, besides I am going
home now”

“how did you Hurt that hand Mpie. I

don’t know how many times I have to
tell you to stop taking your anger out on
the steering wheel buy a punching bag
ke” he shouts.
“Humm, Mr S I am sorry I won’t hurt
myself again” I say

“you better not” he says

“I love you” I say

“I love you” he says back and I freeze he

has never said it like that.
“babe please say it again” I ask

“I love you” he says again and I smile in

the midst of my troubles.

“I am happy you do” I say and I hear

someone calling his name on the
“listen I have to go, take care of that
hand I need you uphelele” he says and I

“okay bye” I say.

I am whipped to the core. I love this guy.
I am not pretending, I am not joking he is
my life.

I don’t think I can survive without him. I

love him so much. I hope my family will
understand one day.

I didn’t tell him that I killed a person. I

might scare him away. Even though he
might hear it somewhere. I don’t want
him to look at me in a different way.

He might think I have anger issues. My

anger issues ended with Skhobokhobo
and Deliwe.

I will explain everything to him when the

time is right.
I love him with all my heart it’s just that I
have a lot of family problems my father
has some unknown issues. I don’t know
if it’s the first degree of anger or what
because he takes it out on me. I pray he
never takes it out on my sisters.

I was on a call with him when I saw a

police officer getting into our yard and
Ngeziwe called me.
“Is this the Ndlovu Residence?” the
officer asks and my father nods. He looks
scared, and he is shivering what did he

“do you all know Melusi Ndlovu” he asks

“yes he is my brother” I say

“that fool is my son” my father shouts.

“calm down sir. I am sorry I come to you

with bad News Mr Melusi Ndlovu passed
away last night” he says and I walk closer
to him. I think he must be joking.

“What did you say?” I ask

“I am sorry sir Mr Melusi Ndlovu passed

“No no not my brother”

“what happened to him” my father asks.

“he tried to rape his wife Princess
Nhlosokayise yesterday in the forest and
her brother defended her which led to
the death of Mr Melusi Ndlovu” the
Police officer says and I feel shuttered.

“you mean Mpikayise killed my brother?

” I ask hoping for a different answer. Is
that why he broke his hand. He broke his
hand while killing my own brother.
“yes Mr Ndlovu” he says and he explains
everything to my father. I can’t believe
Melusi is dead and Mpikayise killed him.
My only brother!

Why the hell was he raping Nhloso for?

Isn’t they broke up. Wasn’t there any
other way he could have done it. To kill

I feel my heart breaking into pieces.

“Nobody is going to cry for that fool in
my house” my father shouts. This man
has no timing at all.

I know Melusi was the cause of all the

bad things that happened in this family
but he was my brother he loved us. He
didn’t deserve to die like a dog!
I am sitting at the garden while the
doctor changes my bandages.

“be gentle” Tendai says and my father

“you could swear you gave birth to him
the treat him like a small baby. He is a
grown man you pamper him too much”
my father says to Tendai’s discomfort
but I am not there.

Sipho’s phone is off. I haven’t heard

anything from him. I can’t drive myself
to his house. I am screwed. I miss him so
“How is Nhloso?” I ask

“Melusi’s family wanted her to sit on the

mattress since they were still married
but she refused to go she is not taking
this easy” Tendai says.

“what are you thinking about?” father

“You should get married Mpikayise”
father says and I don’t pay any attention
to him. I am not getting married to
We laid my brother to rest in peace. I
have so much anger in me. Who hits a
human being in that manner.

I tried to let it go but I couldn’t it all

became worse when I washed my
brother and dressed him. The pain of
seeing him like that wont leave my
heart. He was hit several times his head
was broken. Who hits a defenceless
person like that and not bother to
apologize to the family.

I walk into the Palace. I look at the man I

love sitting at the garden with his feet on
a chair surrounded by the people that
loves him trying to heal his hand but
who will heal the pain I feel in my heart.
He stands up when he sees me. He has
this glow in his eyes.
“you killed my brother!” I shout in a low
voice because of the lump in my throat.

“you killed my brother and here you are

sitting with your family like nothing
happened” I shout and the guards try to
stop me

“don’t touch me, I am leaving now!” I

“Melusi was your brother?” he asks.

“Sipho I am—” he tries to speak

“don’t bother, you had 3 days to

apologize but you didn’t so save it. I
don’t want the job anymore” I say and I
walk away he tries to speak but I block
his voice out of my head.
I walk out with a heavy heart because I
love him at the same time I hate him for
killing my brother. What do I do with
these feelings.

[10/18, 4:01 pm] 0717417581: *TALES


I have flue because of the cold that I
sleep in everyday. This is the worst
punishment ever. She pours cold water
on me every chance she gets.

She keeps on telling me about punishing

me because of what I did to her family. I
don’t know what she is talking about.

Who is this girl?, why is she treating me

like this and what did I ever do to her?
“My children why can’t you help your
mother” I speak to myself a lot when my
heart is aching. Should I accept defeat
and say Karma has finally paid me a

My daughter Khanya, I am sure she

thinks I abandoned her but I have always
wanted her to take Nhloso’s place.

As long as she is far away from that

Tshisa boy I am happy. I hear the cry of a

Who could bring a baby into the

dungeons. The sound gets closer and it’s
the girl that is giving me trouble she is
holding a small baby and the baby is
crying so painfully.

“Why did you bring your Child here?” I

ask her.

“this is not a place for children” she

brings the Child closer to me. The baby
looks so tiny and it looks unhealthy. I can
see a disabled child even if it’s young the
signs are already visible. I look at the
Child and the ice cold part of my heart
melts for the poor Child.
“please take him out of here” I say and I
get the shock of my life when she
painfully holds the baby with one leg.

“what are you doing!” I shout and the

baby screams painfully.

“Stop that! Is that even your Child why

are you treating a small baby like that!”
she says “this is only the beginning” and
she walks away with the baby.

This is only the beginning, the beginning

of what?
Who in their right minds would Hurt
their own child like that? Shit!


I didn’t know Sipho and Melusi were

He didn’t tell me, he knew his brother
ran away with my sister but he kept
quiet. Did he keep quiet so that he can
protect our relationship?

I didn’t even mean to kill Melusi. I was

defending my sister. I don’t know what I
should do now. I really love Sipho but I
have lost him. I can’t live without him. I
have been trying to call him but it goes
straight to voice mail. I can’t live without
him. I love him so much, I gave him my
all, I made him mine. Why is this
happening to me? Why can’t he give me
a chance to explain.
“MPIE OPEN THE DOOR! “ Nhloso has
been knocking.

“I want to be alone” I say.

“MPIE OPEN THIS DOOR” she shouts and

I open the Damn door.

“you can’t lock yourself and starve

yourself in here because of Melusi, he is
dead” she says and I say “I want to be
“come and eat with us” she says and I
can’t eat. I have no appetite for food.

“please leave” I know I sound cold right

now but nobody can understand what I
am feeling deep inside my heart. This is
not about that rapist Melusi it’s about

I am quiet and my eyes are closed. It’s

better to be in the dark than to see the
face of my father groaning on top of me.

“Turn around ” he says and I reluctantly

turn around and my ass is exposed.
“MaGatsheni Kneel!” he whisper shouts
and I do as he says. He plays with his
penis using his hand and he pulls my ass
closer to him as he inserts his penis from
the back. It’s so painful, I flinch in pain
but he doesn’t care.

“this is nice my wife” that’s what he has

been saying as he goes in and out of me
and he calls me “Magatsheni” he taps
my ass as he pushes his penis further
into my vagina and I feel the pain as it
touches my stomach he groans like a
wounded dog and he lies next to me
leaving me kneeling on the bed.
“Waze wangchamisa kamnandi
MaGatsheni, uchamile wena? (you made
me ejaculate so nicely, did you reach
your orgasm?) “ he asks me and I keep
quiet. Bored by my silence he whisper

“wear your clothes and go cook. I am

hungry!” he says and I have no tears left
in my eyes. I am heartbroken, I can’t get
used to the pain that shoots straight into
my heart when my father removes his
clothes and makes me his wife.

I wear my clothes and walk to the

kitchen on my way there I pass by
Sipho’s room he has locked himself in
there. I think he is crying for his stupid
brother I careless about Melusi and he
is not worth my tears. I have my own

It’s so painful to see the only person that
manages to bring people together
breaking down like this. I didn’t think
killing Melusi would take such a heavy
toll on my brother.

I feel like it’s my fault, if I didn’t run

away from home that day maybe my
brother would be happy like always. I
walk to the dungeons where they kept
my mother. It’s smelling down here.

“What do you want here you bastard? “

she shouts. I swear I wasn’t expecting to
hear those words from her. I expected
her to apologize and tell me that she
didn’t mean what she said.

“why do you hate me so much?” I ask


“look at yourself, dressed up and all but

where is my daughter huh? You don’t
care, you are selfish. That’s why you
don’t have a mother. I am not your
mother stop calling me mother. I would
never birth a useless person like you.
You are a stupid daughter of a whore!”
she shouts at me. My heart has been
broken many times but this takes the
“Tendai is a better mother to Mpie and I
than you. I want my father to marry her
and make her a queen so that you can
rot in hell” I say in a low voice so that
she can re-play those words in her mind
and cry alone at night. I walk out before
she insults me even more.
One thing Thabani taught me today was
to never show weakness in front of my
haters so I won’t give Deliwe the
satisfaction of seeing me crying ever

[10/19, 8:37 am] +263 71 469 5561:



I watch as my daughter cries her way to

her bedroom. I heard everything that
Deliwe said to her. My heart breaks into
pieces but why is it breaking because I
expected this from Deliwe she killed her
Child thinking it’s mine why wouldn’t she
hurt my daughter.

Who does she think she is?

She killed me, her own sister

She killed my father

She killed her son

She killed my grandson. I don’t know any

other people she killed but I am sure she
has killed many people.

She bewitched the King over and over

again. Deliwe has been bringing terror
into the lives of the people that I love,
which made me take away Tendai’s body
and losing my second grandchild in the

If it wasn’t for her Nhloso wouldn’t have

ran away from home and Mpie wasn’t
going to kill Melusi, he would be happy
with Sipho.

Now my children are suffering from

heartbreak because of her.

My children are unhappy because of

Deliwe. I walk to the dungeons with the
intention of ending her life today but
someone beats me to it. I get there and I
hear a maid talking to her.
“I will make sure you beg to be killed
Deliwe” the maid says and I am
surprised. What is this girl’s real
intention in this Palace.

It means Deliwe has more enemies out

there, I turn around and walk away
before the maid sees me.

I feel like ever since I came into this

house my problems disappeared. I am at
my happiest, the problem is that Nonto
is catching feelings. How can she do that
to her own brother.

I don’t love her, I love the way she

sexually satisfies me.
“what are you thinking about baby?”
Mdue asks.

“so Mdue we will sit in this house and

look at each other while my son is
somewhere out there, maybe abused or
whatever” I say.

“no no baby, I am trying my best to

make sure that we find u SK Junior” he
says and I look at him.

“SK Junior??” I ask. “yes baby” he says.

“Tshisa bring my baby to me please,
forget about giving my child your
father’s name, don’t you dare” I shout
and he laughs.

“you make me laugh when you start

shouting like this, you remind me of the
little girl that I fell in love with. That was
scared of me, I am proud of the strong
woman that you have become, you have
been through a lot sthandwa sami but
here you are still strong” he says and I
feel teary. Nobody has ever looked into
my eyes and said I am proud of you..
So for Mdue to say that, it means the
world to me.


“How long are you going to sit there and

feel sorry for yourself son?” Tendai says
and my father was right when she said
Tendai treats me like a baby. Maybe it’s
because when I see her I also feel
vulnerable, she knows my deepest
secret and she has never judged me for

“what should I do Tendai, you know he

doesn’t want to talk to me, you saw

“what’s stopping you from going to his

home and beg him until he forgives
“it was a mistake, you didn’t mean to kill
him right?” she asks and I nod.

“then what are you waiting for? I am

sure your other hand can drive?” she
says and I ask her “Tendai are you sure?”

“Tendai I love him, he is my everything I

gave him my all I need him”

“MPIE you must remember you are a

Prince you are the future King, you can’t
just cry behind closed doors and not
take action. Go and face Sipho, make
him listen to you, apologize I know he
loves you too, he will forgive you”
Tendai says and I hug her.

I needed to hear that. I get my car keys

and I slowly drive to his home since I am
using one hand. I will beg him if I have
to, Prince or not. I love him, I don’t care
about anything else.

I miss him, I miss him so much. Why did
he have to kill my own brother why?
No matter how much I try to be strong
but I am breaking. I am looking at the
watch he gave me. It is pure Gold it’s
expensive. I didn’t want to show him
how grateful I was. I didn’t want him to
see me as a charity case. I had to hide
my excitement.

Father knocks at my door like a mad

“Open this door you swine!” he insults
me. I furiously open the door.

“why are you still here why are you not

at work?” he asks me and I say “I am no
longer working, I left my job”

“you left your job!” he shouts and he

tries to slap me but I duck and he hits
the wall. He groans in pain. Under
different circumstances I would have
laughed at him.

“ooh you think you have grown?” he

tries to scare me off but not today. I lost
two men that I love, he is not going to
add salt into my wounds.

“leave!” I shout. This man is going to

turn me into a cursed child because one
of these days I am going to take out my
anger on him.

“you will leave my yard” he shouts back.

That makes me wonder why he wants
me out of this house so much.

“leave my house Sipho!” he shouts and

walks away. I stand at the door holding
the door frame. I am wearing Mpie’s
short. I watch as Ngeziwe limps from the
kitchen to the garden. Did she hurt
herself or what. My friend and his
younger sister walk into the yard and
they greet Ngenziwe and walk into my
hut. It’s been long we greet each other.

“I am sorry about your brother mfethu”

Nhlanhla says and his sister walks to

“sho mfethu, it’s part of life” we talk for

about an hour until Nhlanhla says he is

I am really not myself. I miss Mpie, I miss

the way he touches me, the way he
kisses me and makes love to me. I am
deep in my thoughts when Nhlanhla’s
sister just walks in and kisses me.

[10/19, 2:27 pm] 0717417581: *TALES

I heard my father shouting at Sipho
asking him to leave. I pray he doesn’t
leave but if he doesn’t go back to work I
must forget about my dream of getting
out of this village. I understand he is
angry that the Prince killed Melusi but if
Sipho found out about what my father is
doing to me I am sure he would kill him
too so I don’t blame the Prince he was
protecting his sister.
Nothando comes running to me leaving
her brother with Sipho.

“your brother looks 10times cuter ever

since he came back” she says. This one
always had a crush on Sipho.
“you know Sipho sees you as a little
sister, he would never date you
Nothando” I say and she helps me wash
the dishes and when her brother tells
her that they are leaving she says she
forgot something in Sipho’s room.
Nhlanhla walks out of the yard as the
Prince walks in. He waves his hand at me
and he walks straight to Sipho’s hut.
Nothando walks out running with shame
written all over her face.

Heee what a free movie.

Nhlanhla’s sister walks in and just kisses
me. I freeze for a moment and then
someone clears their throat. Nhlanhla’s
sister looks at Mpie and she runs away.
What did that girl just do!

Mpie is standing there emotionless, he is

not saying anything. His hand is
bandaged I wish I have the courage to
ask him how it is but my pride won’t let

“If you walked into this house and found

a man trying to rape one of your little
sisters what would you do?” he asks.

“would you just stand there and do

“I came here to explain and ask for
forgiveness but I see you have moved
on. I am sorry I killed your brother while
defending my sister. Even if I knew he
was your brother. I wasn’t going to let
him rape my sister. I am sorry I came to
your home unannounced and I disturbed
your little session” he says in a low
painful voice. I know him, I can see he is
hurt. I just stand there defenceless. He
walks out of the hut and I don’t stop
him. I watch as he takes my heart away
with him. What the fuck is all this why
did that girl Kiss me.
I am having dinner with my two
favourite people when someone just
opens the door.

“Dlamini!” I say and he looks at me.

“What are you doing here?” he asks me
and Nonto gives me a surprised look.

“how do you know him?” Nonto asks me

“we are not here for that” Dlamini says.

He is walking with two Police officers
and a serious looking man.
The man says.

“Mrs Nontokozo Dlamini you have been

asked to sign the divorce papers and
leave this house within 24hours failure
to that you will be asked to bring your
lawyer to the magistrate” the man says
and I am shocked.

“Nonto you are married to Dlamini?” I

“Thabani how can you do this to me?”
Nonto walks to Dlamini and begs him
but Dlamini doesn’t look interested.

“I want you and your witch brother out

of my house. I want those papers
signed!” Dlamini says and walks away. I
am shocked, what a roller coaster.
“divorce and out of this house within
24hours?” Mdue says

“I am finished Mdue” Nonto says.

“eish what are we going to do?”


Just when I thought I have found a home

this happens.

Ndlangamandla and I are sitting in the

living room when MPIE just walks past us
and straight to his room.

“what’s wrong with this boy?”

Ndlangamandla asks

“he is not okay” I say.

“let me go and check up on him” he says
and I say “no its okay I will go to him” he
holds my hands and says “you know
before I married Deliwe, I was in love
with a girl called Noma, she was my
everything. I loved her with all my heart.
I imagined a future with her but
unfortunately she died” he tells me all
this and I can see Nhloso is
eavesdropping. Maybe this is the right
time for her to hear everything.

“Come baby” I say to Nhloso who is

surprised that I saw her. She comes and I
make her sit in between us.
“talk my King what happened to your

“I loved her Tendai, she was Deliwe’s

half sister, but I don’t know how it
happened I found myself in Deliwe’s
arms and weeks before my wedding with
Noma Deliwe said she was pregnant. My
wedding to Noma was cancelled so I
married Deliwe, but I didn’t stop seeing
Noma I continued loving her privately
until she died” he says and Nhloso asks
“how did she die?”
Ndlangamandla holds her and says “she
died while giving birth to my princess”
Nhloso cries.

“and you are that Princess” I say and she

sobs painfully. I cry with her.

“I love you so much” I say. I wish I can

tell her that it’s me I am your mother, I
am Noma. I am here.



[10/21, 9:39 am] 0717417581: *TALES


“Why didn’t you tell me all these years
Father?” I ask him

“you knew Mother didn’t love me, she

didn’t bath me not even once, she used
to beat me for the smallest mistakes, she
was too strict on me but you didn’t say

“you knew she wasn’t my mother but

you didn’t tell me anything “ I shout.
My heart is broken when am I ever going
to find peace. Why am I so unlucky!

“I am sorry my Child but your father did

what he thought was best for you”
Tendai defends him.

“Tendai just because you are sleeping

with him doesn’t mean you should
defend him” I shout and my father
furiously holds my hand that is pointing
at Tendai.

“don’t you dare be disrespectful

Nhlosokayise” My father shouts at me
for the first time since I came back
because of Tendai.

_My mother is not my mother_ she

_hey hey baby I am sorry okay, I think I

should drive down to the village
tomorrow morning_

_okay goodnight_ she says and she

drops the call.
“Damn!” It had to happen one way or
the other she had to find out that The
Queen is not her mother.

I am going to tell her the truth but where

will I even begin to explain why I hid the
truth from her.

When I come back from the village I

want Nonto and her friends out of my
house. I don’t care where they are going
to go but when I come back from the
village I want them out of my house.

I look at the pictures of Kayise that I

captured when she wasn’t looking. I
think about everything that we have
been through. I think it’s high time I
asked her to marry me. I want to spend
the rest of my life with her. We deserve
to be happy.

I won’t lie and pretend as if what Kayise
said to me yesterday didn’t hurt.

She is my daughter and I love her but the

disrespect is too much. I don’t know
where she gets the audacity to talk to
me like that but she is my daughter I
have to swallow the bitter pill.

We are sitting around the breakfast

table and Mpie is not here. I excuse my
self and walk to his room. I knock.
“I want to be alone” he says.

“son, let me in” I say and he opens the


“Mpie what’s wrong?” I can see he is in

pain. His hand is even bleeding.

“if you are not careful you will lose that

hand” I say and he says “he moved on

“what do you mean?” I ask

“he was kissing a girl, when I got there,
he didn’t even try to make an excuse or
to apologize or to say something”

“Oh my boy. I am sorry but Life goes on.

You are both in pain”

“go where Tendai, he is my life”

“so for how long will you will lock

yourself in here, how long are you going
to starve yourself because of another
man huh?” I ask him
“you are a Prince, you are not just an
ordinary person Mpie you have
businesses to run people depend on

“I know” he says in a surprised voice. I

know I have never been harsh but these
children need a wake up call.

“now wear your clothes and come to the

breakfast table” I shout and walk out. I
can’t let him be weak, his sexuality
doesn’t define who he is. He is a Prince
despite the abomination he is doing with
another man. I love my son and I will
support him even though I know what
he is doing is an abominable act in this


This girl is untraceable, I don’t know how

she disappeared into thin air. The worst
part is that we no longer have a home.
“ I have to go back home” Khanya says.

“when the going gets tough you run

away” Nonto responds.

“where am I supposed to go?” she asks.

“ I have some money we can rent a

house” I say and Nonto says “I have
some money too, and I have signed the
Damn divorce papers I need peace”

“I need to see my mother and ask for

some money ”
“My family does not love me, you know
they only care about Nhloso, I just need
money from them they owe me that
much and we will hire a Private
Investigator to help us find my son” she

“don’t worry guys I will come back”

“I will go with you” I say.

“I will drive you guys there, since my car

is the only thing I have left” Nonto says.
“Mdue they might be looking for you in
the village” she tries to stop me but I
won’t let her go there alone what if they
stop her from coming back. I won’t take
that risk.

“if you are with me, they won’t do

anything” I respond and she hugs me.

“okay then tomorrow we are all going to

the village” she says and I hug her
tighter. She is my world she means a lot
to me.

“Girl what did I ever do to you? Why are

you treating me like this?” I ask her

“you killed my mother Deliwe, you killed

her because she saw you killing your
sister years ago, you are a murderer, you
are a witch you deserve to die a slow
and painful death you bitch” she shouts.

I have killed so many people and I know

all of them but I never thought someone
would come for revenge.

“the nurse was your mother?” I ask her.

“oooh so you know her. How do you live

knowing that you left someone
motherless huh? You killed my mother,
you killed her! I am an opharn because
of you. How can you be so cruel and kill
a defenceless woman like that. You are
evil!” she pours cold water on me and I
shiver even more the weather is not
friendly. How did she know I killed her
mother because she was young. How
can somebody come for revenge after so
many years. How am I going to pay? This
girl is full of anger.
I am feeling very cold and she walks
away with my plate of food. I am hungry,
I am cold, I feel weak. I cry when I realize
that nobody will save me from this.

[10/21, 8:26 pm] +263 71 469 5561:



“a aaaah! What did you just do?” a nurse

screamed After she saw a plastic on a
patient’s face.

“hey wena you better make your nurse

shut up, I don’t want stupid mistakes”
Deliwe said to the doctor
“ don’t worry. She won’t talk, she has a
small baby and in need of some money
so you should give me some more so
that I can pay her as well” the doctor
said and Deliwe paid him and walked

She went back home and two days later.

She went to Skhobokhobo.
Skhobokhobo had a strong desire for
sexual intercourse so when he saw
Deliwe he always wanted to have sex.
Deliwe got to his hut and he grabbed her
and gently pushed her to the wall.
Deliwe always enjoyed sex With
Skhobokhobo because unlike
Ndlangamandla Skhobokhobo was a
slender and he didn’t ejaculate faster, he
took his time in pleasing her.

“ziphelele izinto zam lapho(are my

things okay there) “ he asked and Deliwe

“ye-yes” he laid her down on the floor

and made love to her.

“I don’t trust that nurse, we should

silence her if you really don’t want to be
caught” Skhobokhobo said to Deliwe
after having his way with her.

“how do we silence her? “ Deliwe asked

“this is not your first murderer” he said.

“okay I will do it” she responded.

Deliwe went back to the Palace and

went to the road where the woman
walked on her way to work
unfortunately the woman was not going
to work on that day she paid the doctor
again to give her the information she
needed about the nurse.

When the sunset other women were

preparing dinner for their husbands and
children but Deliwe was eagerly waiting
to go and kill the nurse. She went to her
house and found her preparing food for
her Child.

“please don’t kill me, I have a child

please don’t kill me” the woman begged
Deliwe but she didn’t listen.

Deliwe Used a knife that she got from

Skhobokhobo to stab the nurse until she
bled to death. The 3year old child heard
the cry of her mother and she sobbed
painfully trying to wake her bleeding
mother but the mother had already
died and Deliwe had fled the crime

The Child cried for it’s mother the whole

night until it fell asleep next to the
mother’s dead copse.

Deliwe didn’t know that after the nurse

saw her killing Noma the nurse already
had fear so she sent a letter to her
brother who was working as a Herd boy
in the next village. The letter read.

_I am afraid for my life. I need you to

help me escape this village. I witnessed
something that I think might endanger
my life and daughter’s. I witnessed
Queen Deliwe suffocating her sister to
death and she bribed the doctor to lie
and say she died during child birth. I
can’t live with this fear brother please
come and take me out of here as soon as
you get this letter_

When the brother got the letter after

two days he became restless. He walked
the whole night from the neighbouring
village to his sister’s home. When he got
there he saw a scene that he never
expected to see. He saw his niece
sleeping next to his sister’s dead body.
He wailed like a small baby. He had
never seen such cruelty in his entire life.
The Child had dried tears on her face
and was sleeping next to her mother
who was covered in blood.

He called the neighbours and buried his

sister with so much pain. He then took
his niece with him to his village. Leaving
the neighbours wondering who could
have done such a horrible crime to their

Fearing for his niece’s life he kept the

letter and never said anything to


Sandra grew up as an angry child abused

by her uncle’s wife leading her to get
involved in every fight that happened in
eSigodini village all the time. Her uncle
loved her and wished for her to become
a nurse like her mother but
unfortunately she never got accepted in
Nursing schools instead she did a
Midwife course and passed.

Her uncle’s wife was jealous of her and

accused Sandra of assaulting her that’s
when Sandra got arrested and went to
Mlondolozi women’s prison. Her uncle
loved her so much but because he
wasn’t always at home he didn’t know
the abuse Sandy suffered from his wife.

Because of her intelligence Sandy

decided to act like a crazy person so that
she can be moved to a mental institution
which in her mind was better than a
prison. Everything worked in her favour
when she met, Nokukhanya.

“was that your brother?” Sandy asked



“so you are a princess”

“yes he is the first born I have a sister

and I am the last born”
“okay” Sandy was unbothered by
Nokukhanya. She didn’t want any
friendships but when Nokukhanya said

“I am from Umzingwane Village are you

from Bulawayo?” Sandy became
interested in Nokukhanya

“so Queen Deliwe is your mother?”

Sandy asked and Nokukhanya said “yes”
that’s when she began feeding her lies,
planting fear in Nokukhanya and stole
Nokukhanya’s baby. Her plan was to go
to the Palace and kill the baby in front of
Deliwe but her plan changed when she
found the King instead of Deliwe herself.
She felt like killing Deliwe’s grandson in
her presence will make her feel the pain
she felt when she found that letter. She
felt like that was the best way to avenge
her mother’s death!

[10/22, 12:30 pm] 0717417581: *TALES


⚠️*WARNING* ⚠️ 🔞 🔞 🔞 🔞



“Why are you not going back to work

Sipho, do you enjoy being shouted at
everyday? Do you enjoy sitting here and
doing nothing?” I ask him.

“would you work for someone who

killed your brother?” he asks.
“ yes if he killed my brother trying to
defend his sister I would wena wouldn’t
you kill for me?”

“ Its not the same Ngeziwe you wouldn’t

understand” that’s a silly excuse.

“ I am 18years old Sipho, I understand

everything and this time you are wrong
bhudi. I saw The Prince trying to
apologize but what did you do? You let
him walk away just like that. You are
even lucky the Prince apologized to you.
Do you think the prince goes around
apologizing to all the rapists families?” I
ask him.
“ I will look for another job Ngeziwe”

“so the job will pay you the way Prince

was paying you, we received groceries
from the Palace Sipho who will do that?
Who will give you that type of a job?”

“why do I get a feeling that you and your

father are chasing me out of this yard
Ngeziwe?” he asks me and that question
makes me feel uncomfortable.

“who am I to chase you out of your

father’s house, but fulfil your promises
you told me that you will take us to the
city. Fix your life and apologize. The
Prince is not wrong!” I shout and walk
I need him to take us out of here. He is
the only person who will take me out of
this hell hole.

Instead of spending the whole day
thinking about Sipho, I decided to wake
up, take a bath and wear my three piece
suit. I am going to the monthly meeting
at Hyper Pick n Pay. I have to listen to
Tendai and act like the Prince that I am.

“you look handsome my son”

“thank you Tendai”

“before you go Ndodana, sit down”
Father says and I sit.

“you Remember King Mhlabathini?”

“yes the King Of Gwanda Village?”

“yes we need to arrange your wedding

with her daughter” My father says and I

“what’s Funny?” he asks.

“your joke is Funny baba excuse me. I
have to go and make money” I say and
walk out.

I am not getting married to anyone. I

know my history with women we don’t
last. The guard opens the gate and I
drive out. On my way out I meet Sipho at
the gate. I open the window. “hey” I say
and he just nods.

“Can I have my job back” he says and I

say “get in” he gets inside the car and I
drive to work in silence. I can’t forget the
Kiss. Yes I killed his brother but I thought
he might understand, even though it
might be painful but it wasn’t
intentionally but moving on so fast. I
never expected that from him, I thought
he loved me.

I leave him in the car and go to my

meeting. The meeting lasts for about
two hours by the time I get back he is
red with anger but he doesn’t show it.

“let me drive you since it’s my job” he

says and I say “no you won’t be my
driver anymore, you can do the garden
at home or Herd cattle I will see” I say
and his look is what I expected to see.
I get into my car and drive to Surbubs. I
get there its clean as always.

“why can’t you give me my old job

back?” he asks holding my hand pulling
me back. I look at his hand and he
removes it.

“Its either you take the available job or

you don’t” I say and walk to my room. I
need some few clothes. I pack the
clothes and walk out with the bag.

“MPIE can we talk?”

“talk about how you have moved on? I
made a mistake Damn it I didn’t mean to
kill your brother! I didn’t know he was
your brother but you knew and you kept
it from me, you knew your brother ran
way with my sister. You heard Nhloso
telling me about how your brother
abused her. Was I supposed to stand
there and watch him rape her? If it was
your sister were you going to stand
there and watch someone rape her?
Why don’t you want to understand!
What do you want me to do, can’t you
see I am hurting too? Do you think it’s
easy to sleep at night knowing that I
killed a person?” I shout with so much
anger and pain. He walks to me and
plants a Kiss on my lips and I respond.

“shhhh” he says and I allow him to kiss

me and gently push me to the couch. We
hungrily Kiss each other

“wait wait” I say

“yini what’s wrong?” he asks

“are you sleeping with that girl?” I ask.

“ no I am not she just kissed me. I am

Wow Sipho is sorry.

I got to the village and went to the
Lodge. I can’t disrespect the King in his
home by sleeping under his roof
knowing very well that I will want to
make love to his daughter.

I called Kayise and asked her to come to

the lodge. To my surprise, It’s her first
time coming here considering the fact
that the lodge was built for her.
I miss her. It’s been long since I made
good love to her. I know she is stressed
what she needs is good company now.

She walks into the room and I stand

there admiring the woman that I love so
much. She is like a drug to me. “Thabani”
she tries to speak but I hold her and say
“shhh, no talking remove your clothes”

I stand back as she begins to undress,

she is so beautiful but she has lost
weight she still looks amazingly
beautiful. I never seem to get enough of
her. She sees the proof of my arousal
growing in my pants. Her top comes off
and her skin tight comes off too.

She has a set of a lingerie, wow this is

my first time seeing it. I thought I am the
one surprising her but she surprised me

I growl with desire and her nipples

harden even more. She knows I want her
as bad as she wants me. I spank her ass
she moans and I spank her again. Her
pussy is getting even wetter. “ooh yes”
she whispers. She is not able to contain
herself. “I thought I told you not to
speak kaMatshobana” I say in a low

“now undo my pants, I need to put

something in that cute mouth of yours,
since you can’t follow a simple
instruction” I say and she trembles with
shock and desire because we have never
had dirty sex before.

She fumbles to get my pants off not

only to please me but she is eager to
have me in her mouth.

It thrills her to have so much power over

me even though she knows I am willingly
giving it to her because I love and trust
her completely. My D* springs free
bouncing up and down in front of her
face. She immediately sucks me into her
mouth while I pull her head down to it.
“Damn Matshobana you are so good at
this aah” I say with pure and total lust in
my voice.

Her nipples are hard and so sensitive. I

remove my D* from her mouth and I
move her to the bed and I get in
between her beautiful legs. I can’t wait
anymore I slam into her cum soaked
pussy. I grab her breasts, I pinch and
twist them and she gets even more
excited. She presses her pussy against
me, meeting each and every thrust as
she tries to force my dick even deeper
into her with each motion she starts

“ooh Thabani that’s nice, harder, fuck

me ooh shit aaaah” she is sweating and
panting with each thrust and she has
already cum too many times. I lift her up
still with my dick in her pussy. I press her
sore breasts and chest. I begin fucking
her, filling her pussy with my dick she
screams and I shove every last inch of
my hard throbbing dick inside her and
she cries out in surprise and pleasure as I
shoot my load of little Dlaminis inside
her delicious happy little pussy.
“uhmmm Dlamini that was out of this
world” she says with a smile.

“I love you baby” I say and she says “I

love you more thank you for making
such good love to me” I kiss her and we
both lie naked on the bed.


[10/22, 10:58 pm] 0717417581: *TALES



I was surprised to hear Thabani speaking

in that tone but at the same time it
turned me on more and more. That was
way out of our usual sex game.

“I must admit I really like the naughty

you” I say and he laughs and gently pulls
me to his chest.

“This is what happens when you leave

your man for the longest time” he says
and I say “I will be leaving you for a long
time if this is what I will get in return” I
say and he laughs.

“ma Mzilikazi” I get Goosebumps. That is

something that happens to me when he
calls me by my clan names.
“Dlamini” I respond.

“I am sorry for disrespecting you and

sleeping with you while I was still
married to another woman but today
you are sleeping with your own man, not
married to anyone” he says and I smile
with excitement.

I know I shouldn’t celebrate somebody’s

divorce but this is my man. Nonto was
an obstacle, she was warming my seat
while Melusi was holding me back from
meeting the love of my life.
“I am happy for you baby, I love the
unmarried Thabani more” I say and we
both cuddle.

I felt my heart breaking into pieces when
he started talking about why he killed
my brother. He was on the verge of

I honestly felt like I owed Melusi

something but I love Mpie, I can’t resist
him, he is everything I need. I don’t hate
myself for falling in love with him. I
would fall in love with him even if I was
given another option.
After our little kissing session I drove him
home. “don’t ever be angry at me for
that long babe” he says and my dick
twitches whenever he calls me babe.
“don’t call me Sipho ever again call me
babe. I think I like that name more” I say
and he laughs out loud. He looks happy.

“these past few days were the worst

days of our relationship man” he says
and I say “it won’t happen again”

I drive him to the Palace and I park by

the corner.

“why did you park here?” he asks me

“you know I can’t do this when I am in
there” I Kiss him and I can see his dick
growing inside his pants. He holds me
even tighter. I can literally hear him
breathing. He puts his hand inside my
pants and holds my dick.

“hey hey Mr Mzilikazi we are in public” I

say as I move back to my seat.

“can we sneak into my room?” he says

and I laugh.

“maybe you can sneak into my hut

tonight” I say and he laughs.
“I love you” he says and I feel content

“I love you more” I say and we seal it

with a Kiss. I drive him to his home. I
park his car as we say our goodbyes and
I walk home with a happy heart.

“I hope you forgive me for this brother

but I love him” I say hoping Melusi hears
me wherever he is. I failed to hate the
person that killed him. I love him.

Upon arrival I see Mandloe sitting at a

stoop that is surrounding the kitchen.
“ Mandloe why are you crying where is
Ngeziwe?” I ask her and she shivers
trying to reply me but words fail her as
she cries even more. I get worried and I
get closer to her but she moves back.

“Mandloe what’s wrong?” I ask her but

the more I ask the more she cries.

“Ngeziwe!” I call for Ngeziwe but she

doesn’t respond.

“Mandloe talk!” I shout

“bhud-Sipho-ubaba-ulimazile-u (brother
Sipho father is hurting… “ she stutters
and when she sees my father she keeps

“Mandloe go and play with other Kids”

Father shouts at Mandloe but she
remains seated she looks shocked.

“no Baba Mandloe is not okay” I say.

“you don’t come to my house and tell

me what to do Sipho Mandloe leave!”
my father shouts and Mandlo runs away.
What is the problem with this man. I
walk away and go to my hut.
I try to close the door but he pushes it
and he hits me once with a belt when he
tries to hit me again I hold his hand.

“you think you are powerful now Sipho

you are disrespecting your father” he
does the emotional blackmail. I let go of
his hand and I walk out. It’s better to get
out of this place before I do something
that I will live to regret.

I bump into Ngeziwe limping and she

looks like she is in a lot of pain.

“Ngeziwe why are you walking like that?

Where have you been?” I ask her and
she looks down. I get closer to her and
she smells like sex!

“NGEZIWE!” I shout.

“are you having sex?” she looks shocked

by my question.

“Ngeziwe! Answer the Damn question

are you having sex who is he?” I shout at
her and she falls down to the ground
and cries. My father comes running.

“what did you do to my daughter you

fool!” he shouts at me.
“I didn’t do anything to her, your
daughter is having sex and you are
shouting at me. I am tired of this Damn
family what do you all want from me!
Ngeziwe how could you do this under
these circumstances do you want to fall
pregnant huh? We agreed that you are
not going to do this not now!” I shout
and she cries even more. I don’t feel
sorry for her. I walk away and leave her
with her father. I cry, I feel disappointed
I am really angry. I trusted Ngeziwe!

“ what do you think you are doing

Ngeziwe.!“ my father shouts at me and
pulls me back to his hut.

“ I didn’t say anything”

“were you trying to tell Sipho about our
little secret do you want Mandloe to
die?” he threatens me.

“no” I say in between my tears.

“don’t push me Ngeziwe don’t push me”

my father whisper shouts at me.

“go and cook! Walk normally!” he shouts

and I go to the kitchen.

Earlier today when Sipho left, my father

called me to his hut. I went there and he
did the usual thing but today it was
more painful my heart was bleeding. I
cried and Mandloe just entered the hut
and saw our father on top of me worst
part I was crying. She screamed and hit
father and asked him to stop hurting me.
Instead of letting me go he pushed
Mandloe out of the hut and continued
doing his dirty work. My heart broke into
a million pieces when I heard Mandloe
crying for me.

When Sipho said I was having sex and he

is disappointed in me. I felt like dying.
How was I going to tell him that his
father has turned me into a wife.
I limp to the garden and take the
poisonous mushrooms. I know the
difference because the poisonous ones
usually grow at the end of the garden
and they have a ring around the stem. I
cook the chicken in two different pots
and I add the poisonous mushrooms in
the small pot. I will end this misery

[10/24, 12:16 pm] +263 71 469 5561:



“I should have killed you along with her,

now you are a parasite in my life” I shout
back. She looks at me with shock written
all over her face.

“you are not even apologetic? You are

not sorry, you don’t regret it at all? ” she
asks and I say.
“that was a long time ago child, forget
about it and help me escape from here I
promise I will pay you. I have money”

“the time doesn’t matter Deliwe what

matters is you left me motherless how
could you be so cruel and live a child
IS ABOUT MONEY?” She shouts and she
laughs an evil laugh to my irritation.

“I want you to suffer, and beg to be

killed, you see all this stupid shivering
you are doing is not half of what I want
to do to you. I am your end! ” she says
with so much enthusiasm and hatred.

It’s late at night and I sneak into the
Royal House. I could have called him but
my phone has been off for days now. I
think I should charge it now. I bump into
Princess Nhloso. She looks rejuvenated
and happy.

“Hie Sipho what are you doing here? I

heard you resigned” she asks and I say “I
got my job back can you please call your
brother for me?”

I really don’t have much to say to her.

“so I heard Melusi was your brother” she
says. “This is a topic that I really don’t
want to discuss” I respond

“hum okay let me call him for you” she

says and walks away.

I lean on his car. I can’t believe Ngeziwe

has a boyfriend, she is even sleeping
with him. Why would she do that.
Ngeziwe has dreams, dreams that I
wanted to make sure she fulfills.

Mpie walks to me, he is walking with

Nhloso. She is nosey, why did she come
back she should have just called him.
“hey” he says and he smiles. He has the
best smile that can wipe away my
sorrows instantly.

“if you were a girl I would definitely say

you guys are dating” she says and they
both laugh. I guess Mpie found the joke
Funny but I didn’t.

“okay that’s my queue to leave” she says

and walks back to the house.

“you can’t get enough of me” Mpie says

as he folds his arms.
“don’t flatter yourself” I say

“you look sad what’s wrong?”

“Ngeziwe is sleeping around”


“what do you mean so? We are poor

Mpie, she can’t be sleeping around what
if she gets pregnant? No man she
shouldn’t have had sex” I complain.

“how did you know she had sex?” he

asks and I explain everything to him.
“hee babe listen, you shouldn’t have
judged her like that, you know your
father is abusive what if he harms her?”

“I didn’t think about that yazi”

“you should have sat down with her and

explained things to her” he says.

“thank you man. I shouldn’t have left her

like that” I say.

“come” he says and holds my hand

“haybo Mpie I am going home now,
someone might see us”

“babe please sleepover, please” he begs


“I promise I won’t do anything you don’t

want” he says and I can’t resist his
requests I follow him into the house
hopefully his father won’t see me.

Thabani made my day. When he played

with my nipples making me feel those
foreign feelings it was worse when he
muffed my cookie. I was really
impressed. I didn’t want to leave him but
he promised me a romantic breakfast
tomorrow. I even forgot my problems
for a moment. I forgot that my mother is
not my mother.

When I got home I met Sipho, now that I

know he is related to Melusi I can see
the resemblance even though he is

We are sitting at the dinner table while a

maid serves us. She is beautiful.

“hey what’s your name?” I ask her.

“I am Sandy”

“hum you are beautiful hey” I say and

she smiles

“thank you my princess, you are

beautiful too” she says and I smile. I love
her already if Mpie doesn’t want to get
Married to a princess he should marry
this Sandy.

“where is MPIE?” father asks

“ he was with Sipho a while ago” I say.

“what does he want he came here and

shouted at my son what does he want
now? “my father asks and Tendai tells
him to calm down.

“What are you planning to do ngo

mama, I mean about Deliwe? ” I ask.
“I think we should call Pastor Dlamini to
come and pray for us again. Deliwe has
done too much damage in this place”
father says.

“ Dlamini from where?” I ask my father.

When I hear about a Dlamini. I always
think about my man.

“there is this Pastor friend of your

brother who comes here and gives us
prayers he even healed Tendai some
time back” father says and I look at
Tendai. I take out my phone and show
father Thabani’s picture.
“is this the Dlamini you are talking
about?” I guess not

“yes” he nods

“father this man has been here?”

“yes Mpie and Tendai already know him,

he even slept here, he was here when
we – uhm – when ” my father stutters
and I look at Tendai.

“Tendai” she looks down.

“Tendai, you knew Thabani, Thabani
knew you, you all knew each other? ”

“it wasn’t my place to tell you anything

my Princess”

“it wasn’t your place? Tendai you don’t

have a place in this house but you gave
your self a place in our lives now you are
telling me it wasn’t your place? Whose
place was it Tendai! I treated you like a
mother, does Thabani even love me?” I
shout and my father signals me to stop
pointing my finger at Tendai. “wow” I
“Nhlosoyami calm down who is Thabani
again?” father asks and I walk to Mpi’s
room. He better have a better
explanation and I better find him there!


I helped Sipho sneak into my bedroom I

begged him to spend a night with me.
He is on top of me kissing and tickling
me. “Stop” I say in between the laughs.

“okay okay I won’t do it” I say and

somebody forcefully opens my door.
“SHIT! I didn’t lock the door” I say.

“MPIE!” Nhloso shouts with her hands

covering her mouth. Sipho moves away
from me and I stand there embarrassed.

I walk to his room and when I get there I
furiously open the door and I get the
shock of my life. My brother, the only
son to the king, the future king is kissing
and tickling another man. “MPIE!” I
whisper shout.
They move away from each other and
stand in front of me. They are both
shirtless and they are wearing boxers.
Is that why this guy was living with Mpi
in the city, they are always together.
Now everything makes sense, why Sipho
resigned it was because they are both
dating. Why Mpi was sad and crying
locking himself in the room. Why he
always had love bites. I cover my mouth
with my hand at the realization of the
fact that my only brother is sleeping with
another man.
“MPIE what are you doing?”

“Its not what you think, it’s not” he tries

to maybe deny what I already know.

“MPIE are you---gg-ay?” I stutter.

I can’t even bring my self to say that
word. He looks down with shame. “I
guess that’s my answer” I say and walk
He calls my name but my mind is not
there. Mpie is gay he is sleeping with
another man! What the hell!

Why am I surrounded by liars . Everyone

around me is a liar why! Even Thabani
the man I love with all my heart has
been lying to me from day 1!

_bhudwami I am sorry for disappointing

you, I am sorry for destroying the trust
you had in me, I know you trusted me
with all your heart but I broke it into
pieces. It wasn’t my intention to hurt
you like that but I was forced. It all
started on mother’s birthday father
made me wear her clothes and he took
me to his bedroom and told me that I
am his wife. He made me remove my
clothes in front of him and he had sex
with me. He broke my virginity and took
away my dignity. He hurt me so much
Sipho, I felt my soul living my body, I felt
dirty. I wanted to tell you everything the
minute you got here but he threatened
to do what he is doing to me to
uMandlo. I couldn’t let that happen to
her so I kept quiet but now I have had
_He keeps on doing it to me making me
his wife every chance he gets, today
Mandlo walked in on us, you could have
seen the shock and pain in her eyes
when she heard me crying. I can’t take it
anymore I am in pain, I can’t sleep with
my own father anymore Sipho. I have
decided to end it all today. Please don’t
hate me for this. I love you_

[10/25, 9:44 am] 0717417581: *TALES

I have been lied to I have been deceived
when will I find peace?

When will I ever be fully happy.

I am sitting in the darkness of the night
as someone taps my shoulders.

“Princess are you okay?” the maid asks

“hey how are you what’s your name

“Its Sandy”

“Sandy you are good?” I ask

“yeah I am fine, you don’t look okay

what’s wrong?” she asks and I confide in
her but I don’t tell her about my
brother’s sexuality.
“I am sorry for everything hey but I don’t
think that guy loves you if he loved you
he wasn’t going to betray you that way,
who hides something so big from
someone they claim to love”

“no he loves me” I say defending my

“no I am sorry, I didn’t mean to “ she
says and I say “it’s okay”

“come here” she hugs me. I have never

really had a good friend, Mary and Lisa
were once my friends but they all
betrayed me at the end so me and
friends no.
I take the letter and place it inside
Sipho’s favorite short. I know he will
definitely wear it tomorrow. So he will
find the letter.

“NGEZIWE!” my father shouts my name.

“baba”I respond.

“Ngeziwe ungahambi (don’t go)” my

little sister holds me back. The fear in
her eyes, if this is not love I don’t know
what love is then. I will never let a cruel
thing that happened to me happen to
her. She is my everything. I dish food for
her and I take my food and give it to my
“why did it take you so long?” my father
asks and I say “I am sorry”

“your mother and I used to eat together

come and eat with me” he says and I
almost sell myself out by getting

I try to act normal and say “I ate already”

“uhm okay, this is delicious” he says
licking his fingers. I am shaking in my
boots right now a part of me wants to
tell him to stop eating but another part
wants him to die so that I can live in
peace without the fear of him sleeping
with my sister.

“this is nice my wife come here” he says

motioning me to Kiss him. I hate it when
he calls me his wife. I get closer to him
and he kisses me with his disgusting
mouth. It’s more like pouring his saliva
into my mouth.

He kisses me and I feel him shaking,

more like having a seizure. I step back
and he tries to speak “Nge-nge-ngezi-
we, you-you-po-poisoned – me” he
whisper shouts as he chocks and holds
his neck like someone is chocking him.
He falls down and bubbles come out of
his mouth. His eyes are wide open and
he stops shaking. I get closer to him, I
think he is dead.
“I killed my father” but I don’t regret it.

“die you dog” I kick him over and over

again. “you destroyed my life!” I cry.

He is lying on the floor with bubbles in

his mouth. He wasn’t supposed to die so
soon what happened? I was expecting
him to die at least after 24 hours.
I sit down on the floor and look at his
lifeless body and cry. I take out all the
plates and close his door and leave him
I am confused as to how I should
propose to Kayise. Should I do the
romantic lunch or should I do it in front
of her family members what should I do?
What kind of proposal is every girls
Nonto found us a house to rent but it’s
not as beautiful as her house. It’s a two
bedrooms, a kitchen and a sitting room.
She was so sad to say goodbye to her
house and remove her ring. She was
really heartbroken it broke my heart too,
but I realized she didn’t love her
husband, she wasn’t sad because her
marriage ended but she was sad because
she lost the house. Mdue took the car to
the car wash so that we can hit the road.

There is no day that passes by without

me thinking about my son, I ask myself
questions like, are they taking a good
care of him or not? Is he still alive? Did
Sandy sell my boy or she is taking care of

The boy was born prematurely he needs

special care. I want my son and I swear if
I catch Sandy I am going to kill her. I
would rather go to jail.
Nonto has been sad I go to her room to
cheer her up a little bit before we go to
the village.

“Nontokozo, come on its not the end of

the world, chill okay” I say and I kiss her.

“you have us” I say and she holds me

tighter and pulls me closer. She wraps
her legs around me and kisses me for
dear life she removes my t shirt and
sucks my breasts. “damn I can never
resist this”

“I know babe” she says in between the

kisses. She moves her body up and down
as we meet half way. I can never get
enough of this, Nonto is a natural boob
sucker. The pleasure is something that I
can not resist. She bites my earlobe and
whispers what a good girl I am how
much she loves me.
“tell me you are mine and I make you
happy” she whispers

“you make me happy” I say and I feel my

body getting tense and I reach my
orgasm. “ooh yeah” she gently pushes
me to the side and stands up

“I have got a surprise for you” she

removes her top and there is a tattoo on
her boob. “NOKS” I whisper in shock. Is
this girl crazy. What the hell is that
tattoo for, aren’t we playing? Why is she
doing so much. I love Mdue not her. I am
not a lesbian! What did I get myself into?





I don’t feel comfortable with this whole
going to the village shit but I don’t want
the girls to go alone just in case
something bad happens to Khanya
without me there.

The last time I left her alone she almost

killed herself and she ended up in a
Mental hospital, I lost my son so no I
won’t let her go there without me.
The money that Jerry paid me to kill Lisa
and Nonto was a lot I have 2000usd
(R30.000), including my savings.

I lied to them and said I am going to the

car wash but in reality I am going to Jerry
because I sat down and inspected the
gun that Khanya found in the house, I
came to a conclusion that the gun might
belong to a hitman that was sent to kill
Nontokozo, instead he raped her and
forgot the gun.
Even a stupid person can see that
Dlamini is head over heals for Nhloso he
wouldn’t think of raping Nonto.

The only person who wanted Nonto

dead was Jerry, I knew he wasn’t going
to let his wife die alone so he sent
someone to kill my sister….

That’s the only explanation, I park the

car by Jerry’s gate and a guy opens the
gate for me. I find him watching TV.

“sho Tshisa” he says and I take out the

gun. The guy is not even moved or
“you know I can shoot you right now and
nobody will ever find out I did it?” I say
and he sips his beer.

“Listen Tshisa, sit down and let’s talk like

adults, the property you are carrying
belongs to me so you didn’t come here
to kill me” he says.

“so the gun is really yours, you sent your

people to come and kill my sister instead
they raped her” I shout and he calmly
shouts “that stupid amateur!”
“that fool! He raped her? I thought he
ran away with my gun but he forgot it
Melusi is a fool yazi. He raped her
instead of killing her!”

“wooo wooo did you say Melusi?”

“yeah he came to me and we had a deal.

A deal is a deal. Me and you also had a
deal right if Nonto wasn’t your sister she
would be six feet under!”

“why am I surprised? That fool loves

money. That fool raped my sister I swear
I will kill him!” I shout and attempt to
walk out.
“hey hey my gun” Jerry says

“1000usd (R15.000)or I take it to this

police” I say

“where am I supposed to get that kind of

money?” he asks

“where did you get the money to kill

your wife from?” I ask

“okay okay fine take this and come back

for the rest next week leave my gun and
when you find Melusi bring him to me
before you kill him” he says and gives
me 500usd and I walk away. When I find
Melusi I swear I am going to kill him. I
drive straight to town and use that
money to buy a ring for my girl.

I love her she is my life. She brought a

meaning into my meaningless life. I want
to ask her to marry me and I know she
will definitely say yes. Who doesn’t want
to get married?

Yesterday , Nhloso walked in on us. I

come from a poor home. We have 3 huts
and a kitchen but my siblings know that
when you come into my room you knock
before you enter. We all know that but
hey rich Kids don’t knock they just budge
into people’s rooms.
MPIE begged me to sleep over but he
wasn’t himself. I understand him though
we never planned to tell anyone about
this. So for her to find out like that and
her reaction was the worst. I woke up
earliest and walked home. I get there
and everyone is still sleeping judging
from their silence. I also go to my room
and sleep.

I wake up hours later and still no sign of

Ngeziwe. I walk to her room and I find
her sleeping. I close the door and live
her like that. Our huts are a distance
apart especially my father’s so when I
look at his hut his door is slightly open its
like there is someone groaning, I ignore
him and go back to my room.

We are sitting on the couch waiting for
Mdue to come and drive us to the
village. He comes in with two bunches
of roses.

“hummm we are romantic today” Nonto

says and I remain surprised.

“My two favourite ladies” he says and

walks to Nonto
“My sister, it has always been the two of
us against the world mum died and we
had to look after each other, you have
always been an amazing sister even
though you paid people to represent you
at your lobola negotiations” he says and
they both laugh.

“yes, when everything got tough and

father died I had nowhere to go you
could have chased me out or anything
but you accepted me into your home as
your brother and got me a job. You
allowed my woman to come and stay
with us. We became a burden but not
once have you complained. I am really
grateful my sister. As from today I will
take care of you. I love you so much”
Nonto and I are both crying right now he
gives her the roses and they hug each
other. “Wow I Didn’t know you felt that
way. I Didn’t know you were the grateful
type” Nonto says and we all laugh.

“that’s nice” I say and I feel guilty now. If

only he knew how his sister makes me
cum or if he could remove her shirt and
see the tattoo he would kill us both. I
feel ashamed right now. I don’t know
how Nonto feels you can never read this
one. He kneels down and gives me the
“Mamzilikazi, mama, sthandwa sami, my
life changer my only one. The one who
taught me how to be a man. You taught
me how to love, you could have loved
somebody else but you chose me. Please
will you make me the happiest man on
earth and marry me?” he says and takes
out a ring. Wow I must admit I never
expected this from Mdue. Today these
siblings are surprising me. Nonto is so
uncomfortable right now. I look at the
ring and wonder if I should say yes or

[10/26, 11:18 am] 0717417581: *TALES




“Mamzilikazi, mama, sthandwa sami, my
life changer my only one. The one who
taught me how to be a man. You taught
me how to love, you could have loved
somebody else but you chose me. Please
will you make me the happiest man on
earth and marry me?” I ask her.

She looks surprised, she looks at Nonto

and Nonto looks the other way.

“Khanya wami please be my wife” I ask

her again

“yes yes baby I will marry you” she says.

I smile and place the ring on her finger.
“ngyabonga Khanya wam I promise to
love you forever” I say and Nonto throws
the flowers on to the couch and runs to
the bedroom.

“what was that?” I ask Khanya.

“I thought she would be happy you guys

are cool with each other right?”

“yes baby I think we reminded her of her

failed marriage it’s not about us she will
be fine” khanya says.
“if you say so my wife”

“no am not yet a wife I am a fiancé


“yebo khonalokho (yes that)” I say and

we both laugh I hug her and say “baby
we will find our son u SK I promise you”
she hates that name I know.

“okay baby, now let’s all go I will go and

talk to Nonto while you go and place the
bags in the car” she says and I take the
bags to the car.
I sit there and wait for them. I don’t
know what she said to Nonto but they
both come out of the house and we
drive to the village they both opt to sit at
the back.

“Thabani you lied to me, you lied to me,
you knew all along that my father
needed me you knew my family and you
pretended as if you didn’t why did you
do that to me why!” I scream.

“baby baby please I am sorry but it

wasn’t my place to tell you” he says

“wow you and Tendai should be best

friends you both have the same things to
say, you know she told me it wasn’t her
place to tell me too but who is Tendai
she is nobody to me but you Thabani
you, you are my man, I slept with you for
months, I woke up next to you I spent
my days with you but you looked me in
the eyes and lied to me you betrayed

“ Kayise ngyaxolisa, honestly speaking I

didn’t want to lose you, I thought if you
came back here I might lose you
ngyaxolisa kaMatshobana please forgive
me” he kneels down and holds my
“this is unbelievable! On top of being a
liar you are selfish Thabani. Thabani who
are you? Do I even know you? Who have
I been living with all along? No man I
can’t do this anymore. It’s over” I shout
and walk away.
I leave him kneeling down and walk
away. I can’t do this with Thabani he
betrayed me I can’t believe he played
me. He owed me Loyalty! It’s been pain
after pain secrets after secrets. I leave
him and go to my father’s in suit and lie
on the bed.

Nonto almost sold us out. I went to the

room and told her that marrying Mdue
doesn’t mean we will stop doing what
we are doing honestly I don’t think I can
stop myself from enjoying Nonto’s dildo
it’s much bigger that Mdue’s penis and
Nonto knows how to tickle the right
I love Mdue but I need Nonto sexually.
So I think I need them both. We drive
into the lodge. I think it’s better for them
to stay in the lodge and I will drive
myself to the Palace and speak to my
mother. I need money.

“Do you think I should take my usual


“no no that room has bad memories

take another one” Mdue walks to the
offices and I remain in the car with

“Khanya I am not happy about this

whole engagement shit, you are mine”
Nonto says

“I told you we won’t stop” I say and she

inserts her middle finger into my pussy
she takes it out and licks it.

“Mdue will find us” I say and I am

already horny.
“you taste so nice” she says and Mdue
opens the door.

“let’s go I booked two rooms” he gives

Nonto her keys.
Nonto stares at a car in the parking lot.
“do you want it?” I tease her.
“no” she says and we walk away


She closes the door and attacks me with
a Kiss.

She has been refusing to have sex with

me and I thought maybe it’s because she
gave birth she needed time to heal.

“It’s been long since we made love

sthandwa sami” I say and she removes
her clothes and lies on the bed.

“wow what a nice view” I remove my

pants as well and I get in-between her
legs. I get inside her and it feels
different. She is too loose, I usually
struggle a bit before I enter but today it
just slid through. I am turned off
completely, what happened to my hole?

“Baby why did you stop?” she asks me

“why did you remove it” lapho I didn’t

remove it its still inside so it means she is
not feeling me at all? What happened to
her? Because I know my penis didn’t

[10/27, 10:30 am] 0717417581: *TALES


I can’t feel anything this is why I prefer
sex with Nonto, Mdue is plainly not
doing the right thing no romance
nothing he removes his penis from me
without a warning.

“Mdue why did you stop?” he moves

from me and lies next to me. He looks
“Khanya what’s going on with you? Why
is your hole so loose?”

“Whaaaat? I am loose what do you

mean I am loose Mdue why are you
insulting me? What do you mean I am
loose?” I ask him and he looks
everywhere but not at me.

“Mduduzi nkhuluma lawe(I am talking to

you)” I say and he stands up, wears his
clothes and walks out. He leaves me
there naked on the bed with my loose
pussy. Mduduzi is disrespecting me. Why
the hell would he call me loose?
I never prepared myself for this day. I
always knew it will come but I never
prepared myself for it.
I don’t blame her for dumping me. I am a
fool I deserve it. I am selfish, I was
scared of losing her, power has a way of
changing people and I thought it might
change her too but I should have
believed in her.

Someone knocks and I open hoping to

see Khanya but luck is not on my side, I
am surprised to see Nontokozo.

“Nontokozo what are you doing here?

How did you-” I ask and she interrupts
“hey Thabani you look sad what’s
wrong?” she asks.

“no I am fine what are you doing here?”

I ask her and she walks past me.

“Ex husband what’s wrong?” she asks

“it’s none of your business leave!” I am
not going to tolerate any shit from her

“ I saw your car at the parking lot and

the receptionist gave me your room
number” she says.
“okay now please leave. I will also report
the receptionist for this now leave” I
hold her and attempt to push her.

“Thabani wait! Why are you so

aggressive. I am your Nonto we were
once intimate, you once loved me” she
says and I look at her.

“that was before you fucked women

please leave!”I shout and push her so
that she can leave what if Kayise comes
back and finds her here..

“ I am pregnant” she says and I laugh.

“ shame Lisa could have been a father

today but unfortunately she is rotting in
hell” I say.
“don’t be like that Thabani you are the

I laugh out loud and I realise she is

serious I hold her and push her out of
my room. I lock the door she is crazy!
Pregnant my foot!
I could not sleep last night, I was scared
of what might happen to me if they
found out I killed my father but when I
finally slept, I slept in peace knowing
that my father won’t come and harass

I wake up later than usual, I stay in the

hut contemplating on whether to go out
or not. I stay in the hut until around
12pm. I don’t have time but I can see it’s
almost afternoon. I drag myself to the
kitchen and I find a pot of porridge next
to the fire.

Sipho made porridge? Sipho would

never eat porridge and uMandlo is still

Who did he cook the porridge for?

A part of me wants to go to my father’s

room and see his dead body and scream
so that Sipho can finally bury him but I
am scared of seeing his dead body. I
walk to his hut anyway. I get there and I
hold my nose expecting to smell a dead
body but I get the shock of my life when
I find Sipho feeding porridge to my
father whose eyes are wide open.

What did I do in my past life to deserve

so much hatred and bad luck.

I am the most unfortunate person.

This man was dead, he had bubbles in

his mouth, he is supposed to be dead, I
am supposed to be screaming now but
he is here his eyes are wide open and he
is eating.

“baba” I say with so much shock. The

tears connect with the pain in my heart
and they fall down.

“I found him on the floor trying to open

the door, I think he might have had
something poisonous” Sipho says and I
run to my room.

I get there and I cry

“Ngeziwe ukhalelani? (why are you

crying?) ” my sister asks.
“pack your things we are leaving” I say
to Mandloe

“ syangaphi Ngeziwe? (where are we


“do you want father to continue hurting

“no” she says

“so take your clothes and put them in

that plastic bag” I say

“syahamba singamtshelanga uSipho?

(are we leaving without telling Sipho?)”
“asambe Mandloe (let’s go Mandloe)” I
say packing my clothes. We sneak and
we jump the fence we don’t use the gate
because they might see us and we both
run away.

After sometime of thinking and crying I

picked myself up and walked home. I
even forgot to take a good look at the
lodge it’s a nice place to stay. It has
always been my dream to build a lodge
here. I walk home looking at people,
greeting others and ignoring others.
Melusi’s saga has taught me not to go to
the forest again. I bump into two kids
running towards me. The younger one
looks tired and the older one is dragging

“hey hey stop!” I say.

“Princess” the older one bows

“Where are you rushing off too” I ask.

“please help us my father is hurting my

sister so we are running away” the
younger one says

“wena Mandloe thula uyahlanya yini

(Mandloe shut up are you crazy)” the
Older one reprimands her. I am shocked
the father is hurting the sister. I don’t
even want to ask many questions lest
they decide not to trust me.

“come on let’s go to my home”

“are you serious my Princess ?”

“yes I am, let’s go to the Palace I will
help you” I say and they hesitantly
follow me.

I walk into the Palace and I call Sandy to

take them and make sure they bath and

“siswami bengsacela skhulume (my

sister can we talk) ” Mpie says from
“Mpie I am too stressed please give me a
break. I don’t want to talk” I say and I
attempt to walk away.

“ngyakucela Zama please, are you

ashamed of me? You can’t even look at
me in the eye do I disgust you? ” he says
this with a broken voice. He is hurting
“Mpie- I”

“Zama I swear I didn’t choose to be born

like this”

“choose to be born like that? Choose to

be born a liar Mpie when were you going
to tell me that Thabani is your Pastor
friend? When were you going to tell me
that he came here before? When were
you going to tell me that I am dating a
liar. You are my brother you owe me
Loyalty Mpie! “I shout and he looks
down. He looks broken.

“ how did you find out? “

“ it doesn’t matter” I say

Sandy walks in. “They have bathed my
princess” she says and someone drives
into the Palace playing loud music we all
walk outside and see Nokukhanya
coming out of the car.

I am surprised. So much drama wasn’t

she kidnapped or something.

“Sandy did you give them food?” I ask

Sandy and I look next to me she is
nowhere in sight where did she
disappear to!

[10/28, 7:31 am] +263 71 469 5561:


I took Nonto’s car and I drove home. She
was in a sour mood when I left her. I am
also pissed by Tshisa telling me that I
have a loose pussy. That’s an insult I
don’t think I will ever forgive. If he can’t
make love to me he must leave me alone
instead of insulting me.
I purposely increase the volume when I
reach the Royal home. I get inside and I
park the car.

My beautiful sister and handsome

brother are standing together without
me. I doubt they even searched for me
that’s how much I am not loved.

“Wow Siblings siblings siblings bantase!”

I say walking towards them.
“Khanyaa” the lost and found sister says
my name pretending to be happy to see
me. She walks to me and hugs me. I hug
her back and roll my eyes. I can’t believe
I once wanted to apologize to her.

“khanya it’s been years how are you?”

she asks
“I am fine how have you been, they
finally found you” I say and Mpie is

“Mpie kunjani” I say.

“where are you coming from? What

happened to you Nokukhanya have you
lost your manners? Why are you making
so much noise is this a bar? Did you
forget this is a royal house?“ Mpie

“wow is this the welcome I get?” I ask

“haibo Mpie it’s okay come on, come in

Khanya” Zama says. Wow we are now
being welcomed by Zama in our own
homes. I follow her into the house.
“Khanya we went to Engutsheni and we
were told about everything that
happened to you and your baby are you
okay now? Did you find the girl that took
your Child? I am really sorry sisi” she
says and that’s a very sensitive topic that
I won’t discuss with her.

“that’s a sensitive topic I don’t want to

talk about it. If I found my son he would
be here with me right?” I say
“is that the way to speak with your older
sister?” Mpie asks.

“wow I knew you loved her more than

me but are you not going to ask how I
am Mpie?” I ask him and he says “you
are fine that’s why you came back with
so much disrespect, excuse me” he
walks away.

That hurts no lies. My brother doesn’t

love me indeed, I knew it but I didn’t
want to believe it. I know I am not his
favourite but he should at least pretend.

“don’t mind him he is stressed” Lost and

found says.

“so tell me everything, how is your dead

Zombie son, how is your marriage I saw
Melusi in the City he looks like a
gangster why did you come back home?
Did you finally get tired of Poverty? Love
doesn’t pay the bills right?” I ask and she
looks irritated.
Yeah that’s how I want her angry, hurt
and irritated. She always takes things
away from me.
That hurts a lot no lies “so tell me
everything, how is your dead Zombie
son, how is your marriage I saw Melusi
in the City he looks like a gangster why
did you come back home?” what kind of
a question is that.
Can a normal person ever ask a stupid
question like this. I ignore her question
for the sake of love and peace.
“so where have you been?” I ask

“I have been around” she says

“congratulations I can see the

engagement ring or are you married?” I
“ thanks I am engaged, I can see you
don’t have yours or Melusi can’t afford a
ring?” wow

“Melusi is dead” I say

“oooh My God you are not only a

Zombie’s mother you are a widow as
well?” she says.
Why is she so bitter, she is my sister why
is she saying hurtful things to me. Am I
missing something here. Why is she
hating me so much.

I am not going to reply her. Tendai and

father walk in. I didn’t hear them driving

“ Nokukhanya” my father calls her name.

“baba” Nokukhanya stands up and walks
to father.

“My daughter they finally found you.

How are you? I am sorry about what
happened to you my child”

“Its okay father I am alright”

“Nokukhanya hie” Tendai says and
Nokukhanya hugs her too.

“Tendai I missed you” she says.

“ooh my poor Child I am sorry for what

happened to you” Tendai says.
“Its water under the bridge” Tendai
holds her hands and feels the ring she
looks at it and asks her “are you married
or engaged?”

“I am engaged” she says and father looks

at her

“to who?” he asks.

“Father where is my mother, I can’t see
her anywhere around but her car is
here” she asks looking around the

“It’s a long story child get some rest we

will talk later” father says and walks up
to me.
“Kababa are you okay? ” father asks and
Tendai sits next to me. I am still
surprised by Nokukhanya’s behavior
towards me.

“are you okay baby?” I look at Khanya

she looks irritated that everyone is giving
me attention.
“Wow just wow” she says and walks

“I am fine what did the doctor say? ” I

ask them. Tendai has been feeling
unwell so father forced her to go to the
hospital. I try to change the topic
because I am not well I am Hurt but I
don’t want to look selfish it’s
Nokukhanya’s moment.
I found my father on the floor dragging
her self to the door. As much as I don’t
like this man my heart couldn’t let him
suffer. This man has abused us for years.
He has abused me for a long time. If I
was as evil as he is I could have let him
die alone in that hut but I am not like

I picked him up and cleaned him but

taking him to the hospital is something
that I can’t afford to do. I made porridge
and gave him, seeing him so vulnerable
doesn’t touch me this man is cruel. I
think it will be better if he stays like this.
I have been looking for Ngeziwe and
Mandloe but I can’t find them. I went to
their hut and few of their clothes are
not there. I am getting worried now.
Where could they have gone! Ngeziwe is
stressing me honestly I don’t need this.


This house looks different in a short

space of time so much has changed my
mother’s portraits are not here. The
decorations, it’s like they are from the
70s. I go back to the living room I find my
father and Tendai talking to Nhloso
comforting her they are like a small little
happy family I bust their bubble.

“Baba where is my mother?” I ask

“khanya I said you should rest and have

dinner before we talk about a lot of
things” father responds.

“tell me where is my mother!” I shout

“maybe you should take her there my
King” Tendai says and my father takes
me to the dungeons.

“baba what are we doing here?” I ask

“you said you want your mother there

she is” my father says pointing to a
corner. I look there and I see a woman
who can’t be my mother because of the
way she is dressed and stinking , she is
shivering its like she has a fever.

“No! This cant be my mother!” I feel

tears flowing down my face “No No
mama” I cry. I feel my heart breaking my
mother, my queen looking like this.

“Khanya” she whispers my name.

“it’s her” I say.

“mama” I call out to her.

“take her out of here can’t you see she is

sick” I cry and I look back my father has
already left. I don’t blame him who can
stand this smell but she is my mother! I
swear they will pay for doing this to her!
They will pay!

[10/28, 4:50 pm] +263 71 469 5561:



“MAMA!” I call her and she tries to get

closer to the bars.

“mama why did they put you here was it

because of uSkhobokhobo?” I ask
“no baby your father is sleeping with
Tendai so she accused me of witchcraft I
have suffered my Child” she says and I
get infuriated.

“I will get you out of here” I say and run


I can’t bear to see her like that why the

hell would Mpie and Nhloso let our
mother be locked up like a dog. I find
them in the living room.

“Father how could you do this, how

could you lock up my mother like that?
Tendai you pretended to be my mother’s
friend so that you can steal her husband.
What kind of a daughter are you Zama
allowing these two to chain your mother
like that? Mpie I can’t even say anything
about you. You are weak very weak! “I
shout and Mpie clicks his tongue and
walks away.

“ ENOUGH!” my father shouts

“ no it’s not enough my mother is sick

she is sick do you want her to die in
there. Please call a doctor I beg you” I
kneel down and beg my father.
“baba if she is sick why can’t we call a
doctor?” Zama asks.

“are you sure?” My father asks her.

“we now need permission from her?” I


“yes dad” she says and my father tells

the guard to take her out of the
dungeons and they call a doctor.

I sit down there waiting for them to

bring my mother. Two girls come into
the living room and they walk to Zama.
“what the hell?” I say and they say.

“thank you my princess we are done”

the older one says.

“are these the girls you were talking

about?” father asks.

“yes baba excuse me “ she says and she

walks away with the Kids.

The guards bring my mother. The whole

house stinks.
“take her out why did you bring her in
here take her to the maids showers” my
father says and I look at him in shock.
My mother to the maids showers?

They take her there the maids wash her

and after 30minutes they bring her back.
She looks pale, and thin.

“mama are you okay?” I ask her and I sit

next to her. My father clicks his tongue
and walks away. Tendai follows him. It’s
just the two of us

“how are you my dear?” she asks

“I am fine mum, I just lost my baby but I
am fine” I say

“I am hungry” she says

“ooh my baby come here” we hug each


“I have suffered a lot my Child thank you

for rescuing me” she cries. Ooh my poor

“did Sandy give you food? “ I ask

“yes princess thank you” the younger
one responds.

“you can call me sisi Nhloso” I say and I

take them to my room.

“wow you have a beautiful room” the

younger one says I heard she is
Mandloe. The older one has been quiet
its like she is in deep thoughts.

“thank you baby” I say and I sit on the

bed and I give my phone to Mandlo. I
am surprised Thabani didn’t even try to
call me.

I don’t know whether to trust the

Princess or not but my heart can’t take it
anymore. I can’t keep this to myself for
much longer. I think I should trust her.
She gives her phone to Mandloe I know
it’s because she wants to talk to me. We
sit on her beautiful bed. Wow some Kids
are living the life.

“hey you are beautiful” she says and I

look down.

“thank you, you are more beautiful” I


“your name is?” she asks with a smile.

“I am Engeziwe Ndlovu you can call me

Ngeziwe” I say
“that’s a beautiful name. I love it”

“thank you”

“so tell me Nge, how is your father

hurting you?” she asks me.
I look down, this is embarrassing what if
she doesn’t believe me?

“don’t be scared talk to me” she holds

my hands.

“My father has been sleeping with me

since my mother’s birthday. He said I am
his wife. He threatened to sleep with
Mandloe if I said anything to anyone. He
took my virginity and broke my soul. I –“
I am literally crying.
Lucky enough Mandloe has earphones.

“I am so sorry, It’s okay baby it’s okay.

It’s over now” she says.

“we should go to the police” she says

“no no no, no police. Please” I say

because he might report me for
attempting to kill him too.
“Ngeziwe you know this is called rape
right? A man is not allowed to touch
your private parts without your
permission let alone your father. That is
totally illegal he can be and will be
arrested for that. You have rights” she
says and I cry even more.

“At least let’s tell the king so that he can

be punished. I promise nothing will
happen to you and your sister don’t you
have a family, older brothers and
sisters?” she asks.

Should I tell her that Melusi was my

brother? What if she gets angry and
chases us away from here. Somebody
“come in” she says and Prince Mpie
walks in Mandloe looks at him and she
runs and hugs him. Mandloe is too
forward and she has a loud mouth these

“Mandloe how are you? What are you

guys doing here is Sipho okay?” The
Prince asks and I look down.

“Sipho?” Nhloso asks and she looks at

“ooh my. It makes sense now. Ngeziwe
you are Melusi’s sister?” she says and I
cry and kneel down in front of her.

“please don’t hate us don’t take us back

home please” I cry and Mandloe begins
to cry as well

“what’s going on here?” Prince Mpie


“Its okay it’s okay I will help you guys

don’t cry okay, stand up” she says and I
feel relieved.
“should I tell him?” she asks me and I

At this moment I am embarrassed

because I have always had a crush on
the Prince no-one in the village or in the
magazines has ever made me feel the
way I feel for the Prince. I like him a lot.
Now that he knows I was sleeping with
my own father it’s embarrassing.

Nhloso tells him everything and he is

shocked, he attacks me with a hug
“I am so sorry Ngeziwe why didn’t you
say anything to me or to Sipho why
didn’t you say anything?” he asks and I
cry because I didn’t expect that reaction
from him. He hugs me tighter. I know I
am in pain and I shouldn’t be saying this
but he smells so good. He has the best
hug ever. I wish I got this hug under
different circumstances I would have
held on to him much longer.

“I should go and warn Sipho” he says

and he walks away.

“I am scared” I say and I am literally

shaking. She makes me lie down and she
covers me with a blanket she takes
Mandloe and covers her as well. I can’t
believe my nightmare is about to end. I
cry until I fall asleep.

⚠️ *_SPOILER_*

“nxa ufuna ukuqhubeka uyiNkosi,

kuzamele utshade layo leyi intokazi nxa
kungenjalo ubukhosi buzadluliselwa
emdenini olandelayo. (If you want to be
a King you will have to marry her or else
this Kingship will be passed on to
another family)”

I look at her she is beautiful indeed, she

has a good heart, but marriage?

“There is another option though”

“what is it please tell me”

“you can let your younger sister rule but

only if she gets married to a Prince”

[10/29, 10:21 am] +263 71 469 5561:
I don’t know why a man would give birth
to a child and then rape her! Your own
Child! Yoh people amaze me. I am so
Hurt by what happened to the poor
Ngeziwe. I hope Sipho will let justice
take place. I hope he won’t take the law
into his own hands.
I really don’t know why 90% of my life is
pain and tears.

I am sitting outside in the darkness I

don’t want to go to the living room less I
bump into Nokukhanya and her mother.
It’s true there is a thin line between love
and hate. I really don’t love Deliwe
anymore, I don’t feel her at all. I am just
a human there is nothing I can do about

Nokukhanya’s hatred towards me is on

another level but I think it’s jealousy but
why is she jealous because she has a
mother who loves her unconditionally
and I don’t.
I watch as Sandra sneaks out. Come to
think of it I haven’t seen this girl the
whole afternoon.
“Sandy” I call her and she responds

“Where are you going with a baby in the
middle of the night?”

“I am afraid my princess”
“ afraid of what?
“uhm” she clears her throat.

“Sandy please go back to the house.

There is no need for you to be afraid of
anything go back inside” I say. I am too
stressed to even listen to her.
I look at my phone again. Thabani hasn’t
called me. I miss him, I miss him so
He should be begging me to forgive him
but he is quiet did he just forget about
I am chilling with my sister in her room.
“yazi Khanya has changed” I voice out.
This has been bothering me. I think I
should talk about it.
“yazi earlier I saw Thabani’s car. He is
here” Nonto says

“she has changed in a way that I can’t

believe” I say
“so he loves her in a way that he drives
her here and stays in a lodge. While she
is having fun with her family” she says
“do you think I was wrong for voicing out
my concerns to her?” I ask

“yazi UThabani Ungjwayela kabi

(Thabani is disrespecting me)”
“haibo haibo Nontokozo I am telling you
about my problems you are busy telling
me about Dlamini. He doesn’t love you
he didn’t rape you, that fool Melusi is
the one that raped you!” I shout!
“he looked sad though” she says

“wait wait, what did you say?” she

moves from the bed.

“khona lokho ungzwile(you heard me)” I

“ Melusi is the one that raped me? “ she
“ how did you? How did you find out
when did you? You knew all along
Mduduzi?” she asks.

“ hey hey don’t put the blame on me I

found out today”
“that bastard I am going to kill him! I am
going to kill him Mduduzi. I am going to
wipe out his entire family he messed
with the wrong woman” she shouts and I
go back to my own thoughts.
I am holding my phone contemplating
on whether to call her or not. She is
angry at me but I miss her. She is my life
my everything she is me. Without her I
am nothing.
I think it’s better to text her.

_baby, sthandwa sami_

_I know I don’t deserve your
_But please hear me out. I am sorry I did
everything because I didn’t want to lose
you. I did everything because I love you.
I can’t believe I still can’t sleep when you
don’t send me a goodnight message with
those emoji you love so much baby
please marry me, be my wife Kayise I
promise I won’t Hurt you in anyway
Please marry me my love💍_
I look for a ring emoji and I send it.

_baby I don’t want to keep anymore

secrets from you Nonto is here at the
lodge but I didn’t ask her to come I
swear. I didn’t even know she was here,
she came into my room after you left
but I didn’t touch her I swear. I love you
_Goodnight Mrs Dlamini_
I think about all the secrets I am keeping
from her but those secrets are not mine
to tell. I need to see Noma she needs to
come clean and The Prince needs to tell
his sister that he is gay. I don’t want to
be dumped because of other people’s
I receive the texts and I read the first
one for the 100th time. I am smiling
alone until I dose off. I wake up in the
morning and Ngeziwe is already awake.
Last night I was sleeping in my hut with a
heavy Heart when MPIE walked in with
teary eyes.
“I need to tell you something” he said
and I asked “are you breaking up with
“no babe it’s serious please promise me
you will take this like a man and you will
let the law take its course”

“yes tell me” I said.

“Ngeziwe and Mandloe are at the Palace
with Nhloso, apparently your father has
been raping Ngeziwe for some time now.
So she decided to run away with
Mandloe. Nhloso bumped into them
and she brought them to the Palace” my
heart broke into pieces not because of
what Mpie told me but because I was
busy chasing after another man instead
of taking care of my sisters why didn’t I
notice that something was wrong? That
day when she was limping that bastard
had raped her. I tossed the letter to him
“so you knew already?” he asked and I

“I am sorry babe” he said

“She knows everything that I love Mpie.
She notices every little thing I do and she
noticed that I love your shorts. I wear
them all the time after bathing at night.
So she kept the letter in there, but I
failed to see that something wasn’t
right” I said and he hugged me.

“babe don’t blame yourself please don’t

do this to yourself” he comforted me
and wiped my tears.
“I think I should tell my father so that he
can arrest him” he said and I nodded.

He slept next to me we cuddled all night.

He woke up early in the morning and
left thinking I was sleeping. I guess he
went back home.

He was tossing and turning all night he

was definitely uncomfortable but he
could not say.

It’s early in the morning and I am still

sleeping when the guards knock at my
door. I open
“we are here to take Mr Julius Ndlovu” I
point to his hut.
“go and take him there” I say.

“come with us” they say and I lead them

to my father’s hut. We get there and the
guards forcefully opens the door and
there is blood everywhere in his room.
He has been killed somebody cut off his
penis and balls. It’s the most shocking
scene ever.

“what happened here? ” the guard asks.

“I don’t know” I say

“who killed him?” he asks again

“I said I don’t know sir you can take him
to the Palace” I shout.
“how can we carry a dead body to the
Palace who could have killed him in such
a cruel way” the guard asks and I don’t
care he can rot in hell. I don’t know how
he is going to explain to the devil why he
doesn’t have his balls. The guard calls
the Police.
We have been called into the meeting
hall and a Police officer tells us that
“Someone couldn’t take what happened
to Ms Ngeziwe lightly and they sneaked
into his father’s room in the middle of
the night and castrated him which led to
his death. Now the question that
remains is who Killed Ndlovu? This is a
first degree murderer My King, that was
not self defence. I am sorry my King but
this case is bigger than all of us here
justice has to be served no matter what.
I hear you all said he raped his daughter
but there is no evidence to prove that so
the person that killed him has to be
sentenced by the court of the Law!”
I am confused as to who could have
killed him because Mpi says he spent the
whole night with Sipho. Who had the
strength and power to cut a man’s penis
and testicles the thought of it frightens

[10/29, 3:30 pm] +263 71 469 5561:


The meeting hall has everyone from,
Sipho, Ngeziwe to the village elders. It’s
full because what happened to uNdlovu
is something unusual.
“Somebody please bring Queen Deliwe
to the meeting hall” my father says as
soon as the police officer leaves.

I can see Sipho his eyes are on Ngeziwe

who is crying on my shoulder. Mandloe
is sitting on Sipho’s lap.

“My people you have heard what the

Police officer said. He will find whoever
killed Julius Ndlovu but if it was up to me
that person would never be arrested
because we do not condone behaviours
like rape in this village. But at the same
time we do not take the law into our
own hands” Father says. Spoken like a
true leader My king.

“now I know you all have been waiting

for the day when your queen will be
punished for all the atrocious things she
did in this village. I don’t want you all
thinking because someone belongs to
the Royal family they don’t pay for their
crimes they do pay.”
Nokukhanya stops on her tracks and she
looks at father.

“what do you mean father?” she asks.

“you know I am your king when we are

in these walls my princess sit down” my
father says and the guards take Deliwe
and they make her kneel In front of the
Nokukhanya looks disturbed, she takes
out her phone and she begins to type
I slept in Nonto’s room last night I was to
stressed to go to mine. I am not happy
about Khanya’s vagina. I receive a text
from her it reads

_Mduduzi please tell Nonto to bring her

spare keys to the Palace now. Come to
the Meeting hall and Kidnap my mother
and I. The car is parked at the east wing
garage please do this for me and I will
owe you for the rest of my life_
“yini Mduduzi thina abanye sisalele
please please you are making noise
some of us are sleeping” Nonto shouts.

“Nontokozo vukaaa (wake up)” I say, to

her irritation.

“yini Mduduzi? (what is it) ” she shouts

and I show her the message.
“haibo Mdue what happened to her
what’s happening is she in trouble?” she
panics and she removes the bed covers
In front of me and she wears her T-shirt.
“no no Nonto how can you remove
clothes In front of me” I turn back and
she wears her jean and hoodie.

“Where are the spare keys?” I ask and

she points at her bag
“in my bag the key holder” I open her
bag and I see a gun.

“A gun Nontokozo where did you get it?”

“after the rape I had to protect my self”

she says and I take it.

We both run to the Palace before that I

go to my room and wear a black hoodie.
I don’t want people to recognize me
We get to the Palace and it’s packed the
small gate is open because people are
walking to the Meeting hall” we follow
the people and we stand at the back.

I text Khanya

_how are we going to do this?_

I wish I could comfort Sipho right now
and tell him everything is going to be
alright he is so sad sitting at the back
with Mandloe on his lap this must be
hard on him. I don’t know how the
person managed to Kill him because I
didn’t hear anything. I was awake half of
the time. I am not comfortable sleeping
in Sipho’s hut but I didn’t want to leave
him alone that’s why I slept there. The
guy just lost his brother and father in a
short space of time both of them
because of rape. He really needs
counseling I heard Dlamini is here. I
should call him and ask him to counsel
the girls and Sipho.

“No my King I did no such thing” Deliwe

has been denying all of her crimes. I
don’t know why I don’t feel sorry for her.
Nokukhanya on the other hand she is
feeling sorry for her.
The elder stands up

“my king I think he should be banished”

he says.

“no my King we don’t have any evidence

against her” the other one says. They are
all debating instead of coming up with a

I can see my mother won’t get away

from this that’s why I called Mduduzi to
come and take us away from here.
“Mother humble yourself and apologize”
Zama says.

“don’t call me mother I am not your

mother! “ mother shouts and the people
say “haaaa”

What does she mean Zama is not hers?

“Deliwe don’t you dare” Tendai shouts
and points her finger at my mother.

“Tendai because you are sleeping with

my father you think you can talk to my
mother like that?” I shout back at her.

“ooh please Nokukhanya look at yourself

do you look like the King? Do you look
like Mpie? Do you look like Zama?”
Tendai drops a bombshell on me and I
feel my heart beating fast. I feel dizzy.

“what do you mean Tendai?” I shout


“TENDAI!” my mother shouts and she

frees herself from the guards and she
attacks Tendai. It’s a chaos.
“Deliwe stop it” my father roars and the
guards separate them. Somebody fires a
gun. I look back and I see Mdue.

“EVERYBODY GO DOWN!” he shouts. I

am still emotional trying to figure out
why Tendai said I don’t look like any of
my family members.

I don’t look like my father. I look at my

father and I look at MPIE, I look at
Nhloso again. They all look alike.
“Mother is it true, what Tendai said is it
true?” my tears fail me as I ask the
question that I already know the answer

“My father is not my father” I say

“Deliwe answer the child!” my father

shouts and I walk to him. Everyone is
quiet and they are watching me.
“Father you are my father right? I am a
princess right father?” I ask him.
He looks down. I am the foolish one

“Mother how could you do this to me?” I

break down and cry.

“Let’s go baby let’s go” Mdue pulls me

up. He holds me and he walks with me
to the door as we are about to leave a
baby cries and my eyes meet Sandy.
“Sandra!” I whisper shout. I have no
power, I have no strength, I feel like I am
giving birth again.

[11/01, 11:52 am] 0717417581: *TALES


“Sandra” I call her name.

“Nokukhanya my baby please don’t
leave me here, take me with you they
will kill me” my mother cries

“Sandra” I say again.

She looks at me with tears in her eyes.
She is carrying a baby and the baby is
hysterically crying.

“she is the one who stole my baby” I say

in a low voice because I feel my body
getting weaker and weaker.
“she is the one” in a blink of an eye
Nonto is in front of her.

“hey wena slima (you fool) is this the

baby you stole? Is this my brother’s
Child?” Nonto asks and Sandra nods
trembling with fear.

What hurts me the most is that my

family members are just standing there,
my father is not saying anything. I
expected them to jump at Sandy and do
something. This is the woman that stole
my baby. The woman who caused me
un-imaginable pain. I am crying, I am in
pain, it feels like I am reliving that
“why are you pulling an innocent face
Sandy why did you do that to me? I
trusted you. Why did you steal my baby!
Why! ” I shout and I take my baby away
from Nonto and Nhloso walks to us.
“What do you mean Sandy stole your
baby?” she asks and I ignore her.

“I trusted you Sandy. I listened to you

and you deceived me. Why did you do it
why? ” I shout at her.
“bring her here” my father says or
should I say the King because he is not
my father.
“don’t move” Tshisa presses the gun on
Sandy’s head.

I take a good look at my baby, he is not

what I expected. He is disabled his hand
is not straight. He has a head that is
bigger than his tiny body. Why is my son
like this?
“is this my Child?” I ask Sandy
“yes” she says.

“why did you take my son, what did you

do to him? Why is he disabled? Why is
he like this!” I shout at her.
“Talk before I shoot you and send your
head to your family!” Mdue shouts.

“plea-please-do-don’t-kill-me” she

“TALK!” Nonto pushes her.

“Queen Deliwe came to Engutsheni and
threatened me. She told me to steal the
baby from you, she said If I don’t do it
she will kill my uncle the way she killed
her own sister” Sandra says and
everyone gasps in shock. They start
shouting and cursing but I feel my body
failing me, I feel weak and I fall down.
“Khanya She is lying I didn’t do that I
never went to that hospital. I didn’t do it
she is lying my daughter believe me
Mpikayise my son talk to your sister.
Khanyaaa!” Deliwe’s mucus can polish
the whole floor as she cries and tries to
explain herself.
“Khanya!“ Deliwe screams as Khanya
falls down. Tshisa picks her up and walks
out with her.

Nontokozo carries the baby and follows

them Mpie is already In front of them
with a Machete.
“stop right there, your gun doesn’t scare
me. Where do you think you are going
Tshisa? Take Nokukhanya into the house
we are not done here” Mpie says to
“My people we will continue with this
case some other time for now please
collect your monthly food parcels as you
leave” Father says and they bow down
as they walk away speaking amongst
themselves. This family’s drama is
embarrassing. This whole thing had to
happen Infront of everyone. I guess
when you are a King you have no private
life at all.
I can’t believe Deliwe did all those
things. This woman has no heart at all. I
feel sorry for Nokukhanya finding out
your father is not your father and that
your mother sent someone to steal and
kill your baby. She is going through a lot
that’s why she even fainted.
Tshisa carries Khanya to the Palace and
the maid pours cold water on her face
she wakes up gasping for air.

“I am not dreaming?” she says as the

guards bring in Sandy and Deliwe.
“don’t cry” Tshisa comforts her. They
look like they genuinely love each other.
“Sandra are you sure of what you are

“are you sure Queen Deliwe sent you to

steal the child?” father asks.
“yes my King she threatened me. I had
no choice she is the Queen after all. She
killed her own sister too” she says and
Deliwe looks at her in disbelief. So
Deliwe killed my mother?

“She is lying my King she is lying. I would

never do that to my daughter” I have
never seen Deliwe so down and crying.
What kind of a mother is she? If this
happened months ago I would swear she
is telling the truth but now….

“mama how could you do that to me?

Tshisa and I love each other why would
you destroy us like this why mother
why! ” she cries.
“whatever Sandra is saying must be true
because Father said when she first came
here she was looking for Deliwe” Mpie
“She is lying Nokukhanya, Khanya please
believe me. I am telling the truth I never
conspired against you my Child. Mpie
believe me” Deliwe says in between
“ mama you have been lying all these
years how will I trust you now huh? You
lied about my paternity you refused to
accept Tshisa and I so it’s possible you
did it. Mama would you really do that?”
Khanya asks.

This is so painful to watch. I am also

crying. This betrayal is the worst.
“sisi Nhloso can I go back home now?”
Ngeziwe asks I am sure she is tired of
this drama she has been through a lot.
“love go and wait for me in my bedroom
I will take you home” I say and she nods.
Can’t let her go on her own.

“My queen why are you lying? You even

promised to give me a job in the Palace
if I killed the baby but unfortunately you
were in the dungeons you told me to
wait. Whenever I brought you food in
the dungeons you would ask me to not
take care of the baby because it will die
soon” Sandy says and Khanya cries a
painful cry that is contagious because we
are all crying now but there is something
malicious about Sandra when she is
speaking to Deliwe, the look, it’s like
they are threatening each other with
their eyes. There is something big going
on between these two. I can’t believe I
almost made her my friend.
“I have no time for this. I will take
Ngeziwe back to his home and help
them with the funeral arrangements ”
Mpie says and walks away.

Mpie has totally disowned his mother.

“I am going with my fiancé and son
mama God will punish you for your sins”
Khanya says.

“ Khanya no! you can’t marry Tshisa! You

can’t build a family with him. You can’t
do an abominable thing. You can’t marry
Tshisa!“ Deliwe says as she cries even

“ Why not mother? I love him he loves

me too please leave me alone. You are
toxic!” Nokukhanya shouts and Nonto
carries the baby as they are about to
walk out Deliwe shouts.


My father stands up and walks to Deliwe

“what do you mean Deliwe? So you
made me raise Skhobokhobo’s

“instead of begging me to take you with

me you are busy lying again? What will
you benefit from lying?” Nokukhanya
says and Tendai says “it’s true Tshisa is
your brother that’s why your son is
disabled its because you have been
sleeping with your own brother, take a
look at the girl holding your baby you
have the same nose, she is your sister”
Tendai says and Nonto drops the baby to
the floor. I understand she is shocked we
are all shocked but that’s not necessary.

“Wenzani! (What are you doing) ” I

scream and the baby cries in pain. I pick
up the baby and walk out with him.

“wait wait wait what do you mean

Nokukhanya is my sister?” Tshisa asks
“She is your sister your father and I
started dating way back” this woman
says with no shame at all.

“you mean Khanya is my sister too?”

Nonto asks at this moment nothing
makes sense to me other than this old

I have been sleeping with my sister all

along because of her shit because she
can’t close her legs. I knew she was
sleeping with my father but I didn’t
know Khanya was my sister. They were
supposed to tell us.

“that’s why my father didn’t want me to

marry her” I say.

“you are an evil woman, I have been

sleeping with my sister all along because
you cant close your big pussy you bitch!”
I shout.
“Mama how can you do this to me”
Khanya cries and I zone out for a
moment as I think of the disgusting thing
that I have been doing to Khanya. I have
been fucking my sister eating her pussy
sucking her breasts, I even got her
pregnant the ancestors punished us by
giving us a disabled child. I furiously
take out the gun from my back and I
shoot at her three times.

“I hate you die dog die!” I scream as I

shoot at her.
“Mduduzi!” Nonto screams and I look at
the person I shot. I see Khanya lying
down on the floor.

“Khanya” I scream rushing off to her

Nonto pulls me away and she runs with
me to the car. I get inside and she drives
the car fast and furiously.

“what did I do Nonto what did I do?” I

tremble with fear. “I wanted to kill that
bitch Deliwe but I just killed my fiancé” I

“your sister she is your sister” at the

mention of that I just vomit all over the
car. I have been sleeping with my sister!

[11/01, 4:05 pm] +263 71 469 5561:

It’s been 3 months since Nokukhanya’s
tragic death. I still can’t sleep well at
night when I think about that day it was
horrible. I know she didn’t like me but I
didn’t expect things to turn out like that.

My father says Tshisa was not aiming at

Khanya he was aiming at Deliwe but
Nokukhanya didn’t see that Tshisa had
taken the gun out. She went to Deliwe
and Pushed her asking “why mama why
did you do it” then Tshisa pulled the
trigger and realized after shooting that
Khanya was In front of Deliwe. His sister
took him away while father and the
guards were still shocked. They ran away
and we have never heard from them
again. They are in the list of the most
wanted. Rumors say they are in South

Nokukhanya had been through a lot

though, I can’t imagine what I would do
if I were to find out that Thabani is my
brother yoh I would die as well. May her
soul rest in peace she might have hated
me but I didn’t hate her, I don’t hate her
I love her as much as I love her son.

“he is getting more cute day by day”

Tendai says.

“he is growing very well yazi I can’t

believe at first I was even scared to hold
him, especially when Nonto dropped
him I was very scared. I swore to protect
him from that day” I say

“yeah it’s unfortunate he looks like that

Damn fool” my father says.

“hawu baba the boy is still young he will

change besides he is innocent” I say.
Tendai zones out again.
“Granny” I wave my hand In front of her
but she doesn’t blink.

“Tendai what’s wrong?” father asks.

“it has started again” I say and my father

gets worried. Tendai has been zoning
out a lot these days. My father says
sometimes he will wake up in the
morning and she will still be sleeping
only for her to wake up at around
12pm. No matter how aggressively you
shake her she won’t wake up untill hours
She gets me worried because she is our
Pillar of strength after everything we
have been through as a family she is the
one that united us all and comforted us.
She even sat down with me and
explained Mpie’s sexuality to me. I
understood and I apologized for judging
She is the mother that we always
wanted but when she gets like this we all
get worried.

“Tendai” I call her again.

“yes my baby” she responds and I breath

a sigh of relief.
“why do you keep on scaring us like this
Tendai?” I say and she laughs a little.

“you worry to much” she says and she

picks up her grandson. Yep she calls him
grandson but I get scared what if she
zones out while carrying him.

“Mxolisi Mzilikazi” Tendai says and the

baby giggles if he is happy I am happy
too but my father is worried about
I am not coping, years ago I thought
moving from the village to the city
would be my breakthrough but it’s hard.
I am not coping. When I close my eyes I
see my father on top of me having his
way with me. I don’t know why it hurts
more now than before. When I get the
nightmares I end up not sleeping at all.

I am grateful to Prince Mpie. I am really

grateful for taking us out of the village
and bringing us to the city. After all the
tragic things that happened back in the
village I thought things were not going to
get back to normal.

“hey nana how are you?” Mpie says

“you know I hate it when you call me

nana” I say and he pinches my cheeks

Mpie is so nice, I wonder how he turned

out to be gay. He is the cutest thing ever.
I look at him as he pours the juice into a
glass. He is wearing ripped jeans and a
shirt. He looks hot. I control my self and
concentrate on my food. I shouldn’t be
looking at him like that. He is my brother

He helped us a lot with the burial of my

father he comforted us all. He even
asked Nhloso’s man to counsel us. I only
found out that they are a couple when
he brought us here. One day I was
having one of those nightmares. I woke
up and went to the kitchen a few steps
to the kitchen I heard them groaning
and moaning they were having sex! I was
shocked. I never thought my brother
would have sex with another man. I had
to accept it and believe it because Mpie
helped us a lot.

I was surprised to see a beautiful house

like this. Everything was surreal to
Mandloe and I. We got a bedroom that
is bigger than our huts combined. It was
not difficult to adjust because we loved
each and every adjustment.
Sipho comes in and he looks like his
world is about to end.

“I don’t know what this man wants from

me” he shouts.

“which man?” I ask

“he throws the papers at the table”
Mpie picks them up, he reads them and
he throws them at the table too.

“guys talk to me what’s going on?” I ask.

“he has been summoned to court for

your father’s case” Mpie says and I feel
“even after death he is not giving us any
peace. He is still tormenting us” I say.
Sipho is a suspect in my father’s murder.
He has been going in and out of the
Police for questioning.

“babe it’s going to be okay” Mpie hugs

Sipho and comforts him. It still feels
uncomfortable to see two man hugging
and calling each other babe but they
genuinely love each other. I don’t know
how they do it but their love is so

“Mpie I can’t go to jail” my brother says

with a voice full of pain. This is too hard
for him. I go and hug him too.

“I am sorry broe”
“you won’t go to jail I will do everything
in my power to make sure you don’t go
to jail” Mpie assures him.

“what does that man have to gain from

doing this? Why is he doing this to me

“eish!” Mpie says and I feel tears

threatening to come out. Why does my
brother have to suffer like this because
of me.

Even after death my father still bothers

me. When will we find peace.
This time Tendai has gone too far its
been 3 hours since she fainted. My
father is panicking he is stressed. We
took her to the hospital, I know she is
against hospitals she told me if this
happens I shouldn’t take her to the
hospital but I didn’t have a choice she is
my father’s happiness. The doctor calls
us to his office.
“My King, My Princess I don’t know how
to say this” the doctor says.

“no no please don’t tell me that she is

dead, she is my life” my father says.

“My King calm down please”

“Father calm down” I say and the doctor

“this woman’s organs have been shut

down for months now. I don’t know how
but this woman has been dead for a long
time. She has no pulse, nothing but she
is breathing. Her organs are rotten.” The
doctor says and sighs in disbelief.
“Doctor what are you saying?” My father

“she is breathing and talking my King but

her organs are rotten. In all my years of
work I had never came across something
like this. I had to call my co-workers and
they confirmed the same thing. I don’t
know why she is living because she is
dead” the doctor says and I am shocked.

“we found small fresh food molecules in

her body, it’s like she stopped eating a
long time ago, we found a few traces of
food in her system. I don’t know how to
say this but it looks like she doesn’t even
use the toilet” the doctor says and we
are all shocked the doctor is even
sweating. What does that mean? What
the hell?
[11/02, 11:43 am] 0717417581: *TALES



It’s unbelievable what the doctor said
but we saw another doctor and he told
us the same thing. If Tendai’s organs
have stopped working so how is she
surviving. That is a mystery that I am
even scared to ask.

This is too much. When will we ever get

a break in this family.

“can we see her now doc?” I ask and he

takes us to her ward.

“Tendai” I attack her with a hug.

“Tendai please don’t do that to us ever
again we don’t want to lose you please”
I say

“oh baby I am fine don’t worry” she says.

“ but the doctor said-“ my father tries to

speak but she cuts him off.
“ I am fine Sthandwa sami don’t worry”
she says to my father and they both hug
but I am still stressed no lies.

The doctor discharged Tendai and we

are now driving home. We get home and
Mxolisi is sleeping. TENDAI and dad walk
to their room.
After the tragic death of Khanya we
hired a professional nurse to look after
her son whom my father named Mxolisi
Mzilikazi. Even though Khanya wasn’t his
daughter but he raised her like his own
so it’s only fair for us to take care of her

He is such a darling it’s unfortunate he is

disabled but we love him like that.
I am deep in my thoughts thinking about
what the doctor said. Tendai never eats,
now that I think about it. Whenever we
sit at the table she will be taking small
bites and I never cared. Tendai is hiding
something from us and it’s big and scary.
This is a shocking discovery I don’t know
what to do about it. I call Mpi and tell
him about it he tells me that Sipho is
going to court. The pains never end in
this family.

My heart is sore, my heart is painful

never in my life did I imagine myself as a
commoner living in a hut. If it wasn’t for
my son’s good heart I would be dead by
now. He begged his father to At least let
me stay here instead of banishing me
and he sends someone to bring me
groceries every month.

I am on my own. Sandra lied about me

to my entire family and everyone hates
me. They say I am responsible for my
daughter’s death and I agree. I am
responsible I should have died that day. I
named her Nokukhanya for a reason she
was my light now that she is gone I am in
the dark.
I loved her so much. Life has a way of
humbling even the people who never
thought they would be humble.

Life brought me down to level one from

level hundred. I regret ever being selfish,
I regret lying to my daughter about her
paternity. Ooh my poor daughter. I cry
every time I think about her.
The villagers are not friendly at all they
laugh at me at every chance they get. I
am a laughing stock I am a fool. One day
I went to fetch water and I found that
the food parcels that Mpie had sent for
me were all gone. I cried and I even
missed my mother after many years and
I can always hear people speaking
behind my back whenever I am walking.
This is the worst time of my life. I wish
my daughter was still alive. If it wasn’t
for Mpie I would have killed myself a
long time ago. I should have died instead
of her.

“who are you? ” I ask

“Nokukhanya” she responds

“but you are dead” I say

“yes I am dead but I am cold they shut

me out I have no home please help me”
she cries. I wake up gasping for air and I
drink water. I have been having this
recurring nightmare it’s more like a
vision because Nokukhanya was really
crying in that dream it’s worse now
because I saw her. My Gift is back. I
thank God and my ancestors. But what is
the meaning of that dream?
I have my own problems, not having my
Gift has cost me a lot. Nonto did a
number on me she, stole all my money
and left me centiles. After our breakup I
forgot to change the password of our
savings account so she was transferring
the money bit by bit. When I realized
that I was being robbed it was too late. I
can’t even tell Nhloso that I am broke.
This is embarrassing I will get back on my
feet. I am a man.
It hurts a lot to see him like this he is my
other half when he is hurting I am
hurting. I am trying to call people and
pull some strings so that I can get him
out of this shit. Who could have killed
that bastard? That person did a good job
but my man shouldn’t pay for it.
I woke up missing my pumpkin today. I
decided to drive to the village and see
her. I am slowly but surely building trust
between us. I get there and she meets
me by the door she gives me the longest
hug ever. Her father accepted our
relationship but he wants me to do right
by her daughter and marry her. It’s
embarrassing to even say I am too broke
to lobola my woman. Nontokozo took all
my life savings.

“baby I miss you so much” I say

“don’t hold me like that dad might see

you” she giggles
“yinto zam lezi (you are my property) ” I
say and she walks me to the living room.

“say hie to Mxolisi, Mxoe say hie to

uncle T” she plays with him, she picks
him up and hands him over to me. The
minute I touch him, I see Nokukhanya
begging me to help her she is crying and
begging. This is so disturbing.
“I got my gift back” I say and Nhloso
hugs me in excitement. I look at her and
I ask to see Noma and the King.

“what did you see?” she is worried now

“call them” I say and she walks away. I

sense a bad spirit hovering around the
child looking for a vessel. I begin to pray.
I come back to the living room with
Tendai and Father. We find Thabani
praying for the child but his prayer is a
war prayer it’s like he is fighting bad
spirits. I am really scared now and
Tendai is so uncomfortable.

I open my eyes and I see Nhloso, the
King and Noma it’s bad she is stinking,
she is rotten. Her soul is slowly
detaching from this body. The maggots.
Shit, this is disgusting.
“ Noma” I say and she looks at me in
shock. I also realize I used the wrong

“awu Mam Tendai, my King how are

you?” I bow a little and Nhloso takes the

“Dlamini to what honor do we owe this

visit? Is everything okay? Is the boy
okay?” the king asks.
“the boy is okay but I really need to tell
you all something serious” I say

“yes talk” Noma looks at me in

discomfort. I really don’t disclose
people’s secrets but her time is up.
“I will need all the family members to be
here” I say.

“Mpie can’t come he is busy with Sipho’s

case apparently he is being accused of
killing his father” I say

“okay we need the Queen” I say and the

King furiously stands up.
“Dlamini let’s not disrespect each other
and don’t disrespect Tendai. Which
queen are you talking about? As far as I
am concerned I am not married to
anyone, we don’t have a queen at the
moment so please respect me and my
kingdom” he shouts.

“I am sorry my King but I had a vision I

need you all to be here it concerns her
as well” I say in a respectful tone.
“Talk Dlamini or leave with your vision!”
he is upset.

“okay can we all sit down” I say.

“I needed the queen here because she

needs to help Nokukhanya I had a vision
about her, she is dead but she has no
belonging she is locked outside. She
needs help!

[11/03, 9:15 am] +263 71 469 5561:


“What kind of help do we offer dead
people Dlamini?” the King asks

“your ancestors are not recognizing her

for obvious reasons, her ancestors are
angry at her father whom they didn’t
accept because of his atrocities. Then
her mother’s ancestors are not
accepting her because—uhm” I say

“Wait wait Dlamini what are you saying

what are you talking about?” he asks
“Dlamini!” Noma gives me a warning

“her mother’s ancestors are not

accepting her because of what?” the
King asks and Noma looks at me again

“Deliwe killed one of their own” I say.

“ooh yeah she killed my son” Kayise says

“and she killed her own sister Noma” I

say and the King looks hurt rather than
“Dlamini!” Noma shouts and
Ndlangamandla remains in a state of

“She killed my mother too. I am not

surprised nothing surprises me
anymore.” Kayise says.

“ Deliwe! Dlamini so what are you trying

to say about Nokukhanya what do you
mean what are you talking about? I
don’t understand” the King asks the
same question over and over again.
“ ngithi Mina baba, amadlozi ako
Mzilikazi kaMatshobana amvalele
phandle uNokukhanya ngoba awamboni
njengomunye wabo njalo amadlozi ako
Skhobokhobo lawo amvalele ngaphandle
UNokukhanya ngoba, akabikwanga kibo
njengengane yabo futhi ungcolile ngoba
walala lomfowabo. Ingakho ke
UNokukhanya akalayo indawo yokulala
uyagodola. Uyakhala uthi ucela limsize.
(My King I am saying the Mzilikazi
ancestors are not recognizing
Nokukhanya as one of their own and the
Skhobokhobo ancestors are not
recognizing her either because she
wasn’t introduced to them and they say
she is dirty because she had sexual
intercourse with her own brother. She is
crying she is asking for help because she
is cold she has nowhere to sleep)” I
explain to them and they have surprised
expressions on their faces.

“ so you mean to tell me that even after

death you need ancestors like how does
this work? I mean - -“ Kayise asks.

“ wait a minute baby I will explain that to

you some other time” I say

“why is Skhobokhobo not opening the

door for her. He knows she is her
daughter everything is his fault” the King
shouts in anger.

“Skhobokhobo won’t open because he is

still here. He wants to use his grandson
as a vessel” I say

“OVER MY DEAD BODY!” Kayise shouts.

“Its okay ma Mzilikazi I have prayed for

the boy nothing will happen” I say

“so what do we need to do?” the King

“she needs to be introduced to her own
ancestors and they need to be
appeased” I say

“who will do that? I don’t know any of

Skhobokhobo’s relatives” he asks.

“umam Deliwe can do it” I say.

“well you can go to her. I want nothing

to do with that murderer she murdered
the love of my life” he says with a
broken voice.

“you all need to do this as a family” I say.

“whose family? I am not Deliwe’s family”
he says.

“Mxolisi is Skhobokhobo’s descendant.

He needs to be introduced to his
ancestors so that they can protect him
from USkhobokhobo” I say and the King
shakes his head in disagreement.

“MY King you have got nothing to lose”

Noma says

“I don’t want to see Deliwe” he responds

“baba do it for Mxoe please” Kayise begs

“okay fine. We can all go” he says and

we all head to Deliwe.

I never thought I would get a visit from
the Royal family but here they are.
Nhloso is looking more beautiful day by
day just like Noma. I would have wished
Nokukhanya to get the beautiful love
that Nhloso got from Dlamini but I
realise jealousy has been the root of all
evil since day one. I hated my sister for
my father’s sins she hadn’t done
anything wrong to me.
“Hello Ma’am” Thabani greets me. My
living conditions are embarrassing. I live
in a hut that was built for me in a day by
the Palace guards. I don’t have much I
only have one chair. They all greet me
besides the King. I don’t blame him
though. They remain standing even after
giving them a chair.

“YOU KILLED your own sister Deliwe. You

are evil. You killed your own daughter as
well now she is not resting in peace
because of your evil deeds !”
Ndlangamandla shouts

“how did you know?” I ask in shame.

“it doesn’t matter. What matters is you
will rot in hell! You will never know any
peace! I curse you Deliwe. You will ask
for death but it won’t come until you die
painfully” the King shouts. He is really
angry. I never thought that secret would
ever come to light.

“we are here because Nokukhanya is not

resting the ancestors are refusing to
accept her she asked me to ask you to
help her as a family” Dlamini says and I
feel my heart breaking. My daughter is
suffering even in death.
“why why are they refusing her why?
What’s wrong?” I ask.

“When you die you join your ancestors

so in this case Nokukhanya was
introduced to the Mzilikazi ancestors not
her biological father’s ancestors so the
both ancestors have locked. Her out.
Including your ancestors”

“so how can we help her” I ask.

“you need to introduce her and her son

to their ancestors”
“okay I can do that” I respond.

“but you need to do that with a pure

heart” he says and I get shocked.

“what do you mean?”

“you know what I mean”

“I can’t sign my death warrant Dlamini” I


“I didn’t come here for this Dlamini”

Ndlangamandla says and I look at him.
He looks clean and healthy. I look at
Tendai there is something different
about her.

“confess so that your Child can be

accepted by her ancestors” he says.

“I killed Noma” I say and I cry.

“yes we know you did that?” Kayise cries
and I hold her. The King gets into the car
and says “let’s go” he shouts and Kayise
walks to the car as well. Tendai remains
with me and Deliwe.

“I forgive you. I won’t ask you why you

did it because I know it was jealousy. I
forgive you Deliwe. Forgive yourself and
repent” Noma says to Deliwe’s shock. If
she doesn’t die of shock today I don’t
know what will kill her.
“what are you talking about?” Deliwe

“Yes it’s me Noma in Tendai’s body. It

has been me from day one. I escaped
from your trap and your boyfriend didn’t
notice” Nona says.

“Noma” Deliwe says in shock


“how.? Why? When? “ she asks the

same questions repeatedly.
“it doesn’t matter do the right thing for
your daughter and your son that you
killed thinking its mine and live my Mpie
alone” she says and walks away. Deliwe
is left in shock and disbelief. I walk away
too and we leave her standing there. If
she continues standing like that she is
going to fall down.

I feel useless regarding this issue it

seems like this Police officer sleeps next
to the docket or something because
nobody has been able to steal it. Sipho is
screwed we walk into the court. Sipho is
shaking and trembling in fear.

“baby calm down you have the best

lawyer” I say.

“What if I don’t come back with you?”

he says

“they don’t have anything against you,

you didn’t do it” I say and I fix his tie and
we walk in.
There are a few people waiting for trial,
the Police officer that is giving Sipho a
hard time and the State’s lawyer. Our
lawyer comes in a few minutes later.
They say whatever they are saying when
the judge comes in we are asked to rise
and all. They present their case and pass
their arguments they read Ngeziwe’s

“Your honour we found Mr Sipho’s

fingerprints all over the deceased. A
witness Miss Ngeziwe Ndlovu said the
accused and the deceased they had a
bad relationship so its possible The
accused read the letter written by Miss
Ngeziwe and furiously went to attack his
own father” the Lawyer says.

“We have an alibi your Honour. Mr

Mzilikazi says after hearing about what
the father had been doing to his own
daughter he went to tell the accused and
stayed there with him the whole night”
our Lawyer says.

“yes he must have stayed with him the

whole night because he knew he was
going to do something stupid your
“Objection your honour! He is
speculating” our Lawyer says.

“objection overruled” the judge says and

I am pissed, irritated, scared. I don’t
know how to feel. This is draining! We
take a 2hours break and we come back.
We all rise and do all that and the judge
“I did not see any need to postpone the
case any longer so In the case of The
State versus Mr Sipho Ndlovu. I find Mr
Sipho Ndlovu guilty for the First Degree
murder of his own Father Mr Julius
Ndlovu. With evidence of your
fingerprints all over his body and on his
private parts. I sentence you to 15 years
in Jail and 6years subtracted because
you are a first time offender. Thank you
Jury, for your service today. Court is
I don’t know what to say. This whole
thing happened too fast its like I am
dreaming. I can’t even look at Sipho. I
feel guilty I failed to help him. I feel
guilty. This is all my fault they take him
away and I can’t even look at him in the
eyes. How do I tell his siblings that their
brother will be gone for 9 years how do I
live without him? I feel my world
breaking. I don’t know what to do or
where to begin. I really don’t know why
everything happened so fast. Why is this
happening to us why! I break down and
cry as they cuff and take him away.
[11/03, 1:05 pm] 0717417581: *TALES
“When He came back home. He was so
down that’s why I asked the neighbour
to drive us here” Ngeziwe says in
between tears..

“I am really sorry for all this guys I am so

sorry” I say to them

“sure” Mpie says and walks to his room.

I am scared he is going back to that dark
hole again.
“but how did they find his fingerprints
on your father’s Privates? ” Thabani asks

“Mpie says, Sipho helped father to

urinate since his body was already weak
from the poisoning. He couldn’t do
anything on his own” Ngeziwe says.
“Eish Sipho must have gone through a
lot. I can’t imagine having to touch your
father’s private area” Thabani says in a
low voice and I pinch him.

Tendai falls down.

“Tendai” my father helps her up.

“I think you should tell the truth”

Thabani says and my father asks “what
truth? “

“Noma” Thabani says

“call Mpie” Tendai says

“what truth Dlamini?” Father asks.

My time is up. I have to go. I have spent
time with my family and with my love.
I look at my children for the last time
and I hold on to Ndlangamandla. I can
see the worry in their faces.

“Tendai what’s wrong? Please don’t do

this to me. You know what I am going
through I don’t need this” Mpie says
with a sad face. Oh my boy.
“ooh my son, my poor son. I am so sorry
things had to end this way between you
and Sipho. Dlamini why are you still
keeping that ring?”

“what ring?” my daughter asks.

And I laugh a little as I feel my soul

slowly leaving this body.
“When I gave birth to you I was scared
that Deliwe my sister might kill you, so I
exchanged you with her baby” I say and
they all cry

“yes I exchanged you with her son. Just

like I predicted she killed her own son
thinking it’s my baby. She raised you as
her own” I say
“Noma is this you?” Ndlangamandla asks
as he holds my hand dearly and his tears
drop on my face.

“yes my love it has always been me. I am

sorry I was afraid to say. I am sorry I
didn’t tell you. I am sorry I had to
pretend as if I was someone else. I didn’t
want to scare you all” I say and they are
all crying.
“When I gave birth to my daughter.
Nhlosokayise, you my baby” she comes
closer and I hug her and Kiss her cheeks

“you were so tiny and I loved you from

the very first day I gave birth to you but
Deliwe came to the hospital and killed
me. Dlamini will tell you everything else
that happened after my death. I will
make sure everything will be revealed to
him” I say and they all move away from
me except for Ndlangamandla and
“don’t be scared you have been living
with me for months why would I harm
you now?” I ask.

“I was always watching over you, I

couldn’t go because of the love I had for
the three of you. I also wanted to expose
Deliwe. Now that I have done all that I
can finally join my ancestors and rest in
peace” I say and they hysterically cry.

“mama” Mpie calls for me.

“yes my son” I say and I smile.

“thank you for being here, thank you for
all the times I felt like giving up but you
supported me and comforted me. I felt a
mother’s love from you. You have been
an amazing mother. It’s unfortunate you
didn’t get the chance to raise us” he says
and I cry.

“I am sorry for not being there” I say.

“no no you don’t have to apologize
mother” Kayise says and I wipe her

“it feels so amazing to hear you guys

calling me mother. Dlamini is a great
man. I want grandchildren I promise you
this time they won’t be taken away from
you” I say and she smiles in between
tears. I ask Dlamini to come closer.
“Its not about money or anything
Dlamini, it’s love and commitment above
all its honesty and trust. I bless you both
today” I say and they smile in-between

“thank you ma” Dlamini says.

“Ndlangamandla” I call for him and he is

crying he can’t even move his head.
“I love you. You are the love of my life.
My children I love you all. Don’t cry for
me but celebrate me. Do you promise? “
I say as I take my last breath and detach
from the body. I watch them as they
shake my body. Crying and begging me
to wake up but I can’t. I have to go. My
ancestors have opened the door for me.
I am sorry Mpie for taking away your
happiness my son but I had to do it. I
used Tendai’s body to kill him so my
hands are not dirty. I had to kill Ndlovu.
It had to happen. It was destiny. I see
them trying to shake Ndlangamandla as
well. He can’t wake up. I look behind me.
And I see him.

“Noma” he says.

“I couldn’t live without you my heart

failed me” he says.
“you look so young and beautiful ooh
Noma wami” he says and I smile.

We hold hands and walk through the

gate but a spirit pushes me and I fall

“you killed one of our own” I am

“who?” I ask.

“you know who”

“yes he was guilty but you caused our

only remaining son too much suffering
and pain. He is paying for a crime he did
not commit”
“I am sorry” I say

“if you want to go through this gate you

have to make our daughter a queen”
they say.

“how? I can’t do that my son loves your

“our son can’t be a queen right?”

“okay it’s fine” I agree and we pass

through the gate. I hope they all become
happy and live their lives with Joy as
mine ended in happiness too.

I am heavily pregnant. I look like a hippo

but I am happy. It hit hard to lose my
mother and father at the same time but
what made me happy is that they had
smiles on their faces when they died and
they died because of Love. Such a
beautiful love story.

“Mrs Dlamini” Thabani says and I smile.

“you look beautiful” he lies.

“I know you are lying but thank you”

“I love you so much happy 1st
anniversary” he says and he kisses me.

“get a room please” Mpie says as he

grabs a chair next to me in the garden.
“haibo Your highness you need to get
ready for your coronation” I say and we

“Igwee” Thabani teases him

“no my love don’t say that he will

tremble and run away” I say in between
“kodwa Dlamini how can you allow this
woman to eat such a disgusting thing.
Who mixes avocado and rice then adds
Tomato sauce that’s disgusting” he says
and I throw my shoe at him and he runs

“sorry mamakhe don’t be angry”

Thabani comforts me and I cry. This
pregnancy is making me a fool.
“lets go mummy” Thabani walks me to
the Throne room. Today is Mpi’s
inauguration. My brother is finally
becoming a King.
I have tried everything, I have tried
drinking poison. I have tried Drowning
myself but I am always unfortunate
someone saves me it’s like death is
rejecting me. “take the rope” a voice in
my head says.
“yes mama” I say and I take the rope.
It’s like my mother is telling me what to

“walk to the middle of the forest where

no one will ever find you” the voice says
again and I walk until I see a tree. I climb
it and I take the rope and tie it around
my neck and I tie the rest of the rope on
the tree and I jump. This is the most
painful thing ever as I try to breath but I
can’t. I hope the rope breaks but it
doesn’t. I try to scream but my voice fails
me. I wish I didn’t do this it’s so painful. I
shouldn’t have done this. I lose my
breath and my body fails me……..

[11/03, 5:16 pm] +263 71 469 5561:


We are sitting at the Throne room. There

are Kings from Gwanda, Esigodini,
Filabusi, Nkayi, Ntabazinduna, the
elders, Thabani, Engeziwe, Sandra and
the villagers some of them are outside
because we can’t all fit in the Throne

Thabani told us the real truth about

Sandra how Deliwe killed her mother
and how her uncle’s wife abused her
leading her to take revenge on Deliwe.
We forgave her and My husband assured
us that she is harmless so she asked to
take care of uMxolisi and she is doing an
amazing job. We are a family and we are
living in peace.
My husband. Yes my husband and I got
married exactly a year ago after my
mother blessed us after that it has been
blessings after blessings. Mpie sold his
shares in TM hyper to us, so we are good
plus Hubby got his gift back so he has
been helping people. My father left me
the lodge and Mpie shared everything
with me even though my husband
doesn’t allow me to pay for anything.
I look at my brother. Sipho’s death was
the worst thing that could have
happened to him. Months after Sipho
was convicted Mpie received a call
saying Sipho and the other inmates died
in a fire in their cell. Those were the
worst days of his life. He couldn’t eat or
talk to anyone. I almost lost my brother.
I thank God he can now At least laugh
and smile but his eyes tell a different
I can’t say the same about Ngeziwe
though. It seems she will be like this
forever. Always blaming herself for
everything. I feel sorry for her. She has
become so quiet, she is a quiet person
but I am glad she chose to study so that
she can write her O Level and if she
passes. We will make sure she becomes
the doctor that she wants to be.
UMandlo such a lovely child she is young
but she understands everything lucky
enough she loves Mpie like her own
brother so she is happy because she is
also going to school.
“Sihlangene namhlanje ukuzogcoba
Inkosi yethu entsha (we are gathered
here today to Crown our new King)”

“uyavuma ukuba yinkosi yethu? (Do you

accept to be our new Leader?)”
“yes I do” Mpie says. And we clap hands.

“uyathembisa ukusihola ngenhlonipho

lango Thando? (do you promise to lead
us with love and respect?)”

“yes I do” we clap and ululate.

“uyavuma ukwenza okuqondileyo
ebantwini bakho? (do you promise to do
right by your people?)”

“Yebo ngyavuma” we clap and ululate


One of the woman sitting with the

elders, stands up and approaches
Ngeziwe. She takes Ngeziwe to a seat
next to the throne and we are all

I am surprised as I see the Elder bringing
Ngeziwe to a seat next to mine. I am
literally shocked. I am not liking this at
“nxa ufuna ukuqhubeka uyiNkosi,
kuzamele utshade layo leyi intokazi nxa
kungenjalo ubukhosi buzadluliselwa
emdenini olandelayo. (If you want to be
a King you will have to marry her or else
this Kingship will be passed on to
another family)”
I look at her she is beautiful indeed, she
has a good heart, but marriage?

“There is another option though”

“what is it please tell me” I say

“you can let your younger sister rule but

only if she gets married to a Prince”
“WHAT!?” I am shocked. I stand up and
everyone starts murmuring.

“yes that’s what the ancestors want

unfortunately” Dlamini says and I look at
“did you know about this?” I ask

“No I didn’t know, I swear I didn’t”

Kayise says and she is teary.

“she didn’t know I didn’t know either, I

only saw it when I came into the room”
Dlamini says.
“what is the use of having you as a
brother in law if you can’t warn me
about these things you know I can’t
marry her. You know the reason why! ” I
shout at Dlamini. Ngeziwe stands up and
runs away.

“Ngeziwe Ngeziwe stop!” Kayise runs

after her. She is pregnant she can’t run
like that. Dlamini follows her.
“I am afraid we have to pass the kingship
to another family since you and your
sister can’t do it” the Elders say and I am
in a hard place right now.

I can’t marry Ngeziwe she is Sipho’s

sister. I can’t betray Sipho but I can’t
make Nhloso break up with Dlamini and
marry a Prince and I can’t disappoint my
parents like this and let the Throne go
just like that.

Our family has been ruling for decades. I

can’t disappoint them.
“Give me a few minutes” I say to the
elders. They nod and I run after
Ngeziwe. I ask the guards where they
went and he points to the house. I run
there and I find Nhloso and Sandra.
Knocking on Ngeziwe’s door. Dlamini is
just pacing up and down.

“please excuse us” I say to them

“Bhudwami ngyakucela(my brother I beg
you) Sipho is dead. He is gone. I beg you
please do this for us. Do this for mum
and dad. Do this for everyone. Please I
beg you” my sister cries and she knows
she is my weakness. She is the only sister
I have.

“don’t cry Dlamini please take her to her

bedroom” I say to Dlamini and he takes
her away.
“Ngeziwe please open the door.” I say
once and she opens it

“Why are you crying?” I ask

“I don’t blame you besides being Sipho’s

sister who would marry a damaged
woman like me? I am a damaged woman
I was raped by my own father. Nobody
can ever love me so I don’t blame you”
she says and that breaks my heart. I
didn’t know she felt that way.

“that’s not how I feel about you. That’s

not how I look at you. I look at you in a
different way. Remember the Kiss you
stole from me? I never forgot about it. I
have never felt for any woman what I
feel for you. You are different. You are
not damaged, you are a survivor, you are
You could have killed yourself you know
but here you are. Looking more beautiful
day by day. Let’s get married” I say.

She looks at me in disbelief but she

smiles and attacks me with a hug.

“are you serious?” she asks

“yes my queen let’s forget about the

past and move on” I say. I Kiss her
forehead and we hold hands and go back
to the Throne room. The elders
introduce Ngeziwe as my wife to the
ancestors and they crown us and bless
us. My sister looks happy and I hear her

“aaaah my water just broke” she

screams again. I rush to her and Dlamini
picks her up. I drive them to the
Hospital. We get there and we are asked
to wait.
“congratulations Mrs Dlamini you have
two handsome boys and a girl” the
doctor says. I smile and I cry tears of joy.
“Can I see them?” She helps me sit up
straight and she brings them closer to

Mpie and my husband literally come in


“ 3 baby, 3 you didn’t give me 1 or 2 but

you gave me 3. I promise to give you the
world” hubby says.
“ Wow this one looks like me” Mpie says
and we laugh.

“this one looks like my mother. Thabani

says holding my baby girl” the joy in his
eyes is unexplainable he is so happy so is
Mpie. I am so grateful to God and my
ancestors for giving me these three
beautiful souls.
“CONGRATULATIONS” the doctors and
the nurses say, they give me flowers.

“thank you so much guys” I say and Mpie

can’t let go of the Boys they keep
exchanging my babies talking and giving
them names. I am so happy I have never
been this happy and free in my life.

I fall asleep while they are still talking.

I wake up in the morning and I see a
nurse changing the babies.

“morning ma’am I have been hired by

your husband to help you look after the
Kids” she says and I smile. The doctor
comes in and tells me that I can go home
now. I am surprised because my
husband is not here. Nobody is here. The
nurse brings the baby closer and they
have tags with their names already this
is Thabani and Mpi’s doing.

They are named Bukhosi, Makhosi and

Nomakhosi. “Wow I love these names” I
say to myself.

“I love them too” Ngeziwe walks in and

shows me a ring

“ OMG when did he?“ I ask and she says

“Congratulations Mrs Dlamini. Three
babies Three” She does the three with
her fingers and I laugh

“thank you makoti” I say and I wink.

“so today I got this ring” she says and

she is smiling I am so happy for her but I
am pissed. Why is Thabani not here to
help me.

“don’t be stressed I am taking you

home” she says and I wear my dress.
I am in pain these stitches are not doing
me any justice. I am happy my babies
are healthy so we don’t have to stay
here any longer. They give me a wheel
chair and Ngeziwe wheels me out while
the nurses help with the babies. The
minute we get outside. I hear
surprised when I see my husband
standing In front of a brand new Red
BMW 4 series Coupe.

“I know this is not much my love but I

want to thank you for giving me three
beautiful babies. You are the best
mamakhe” he says and I cry everyone
says “ncooow” they snap pictures and
videos. I know I am going to trend in my
ugly dress.
“I am filled with too much joy. I can’t
thank you enough” I say and Mpie walks
to me
“please finish your house at the village
so that you can move here permanently”
he says and we smile in agreement.

“goodbye my King and the Queen” I say

to Ngeziwe and Mpie. They wave as my
husband drives us to our new house in
the City. I am happy. People say true
love doesn’t exist but I am a living
testimony. I cried and almost gave up
but God was with me through it all. This
is the end of my Tale. I am Nhloso A
Ndebele Princess🇿🇼.


❤️❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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