Modele Subiecte Set Exercitii NR 3 En4Business Evaluarea NR 2

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Limba engleza pentru afaceri an II sem.

Modele de subiecte pentru evaluarea pe parcurs nr 2 – Set exercitii nr 3

1. Choose the appropriate word so that the sentence is meaningful.

English for Business Studies by Ian Mackenzie reflects recent changes in the world’s
business and ............... environment.
a. economic
b. economical
c. economy

2. Choose the most appropriate expression used in meetings to match the

function mentioned.
Choose the expression used to summarise the decisions taken during a meeting.
a. Is there anything else we should consider?
b. So, what I think we’ve said is that ...
c. Our main purpose will be to explore your views.

3. Choose the most appropriate expression used in meetings to match the

function mentioned.
Choose the expression used to state the purpose of a meeting.
a. Let me see if I understand.
b. So, what I think we’ve said is that ...
c. What we are here to talk about is ...

4. Choose the appropriate words / expression / phrase so that the sentence is

48% can be described as ……
a. slightly more than 50%
b. slightly less than 50%
c. precisely 50%

5. Choose the most appropriate expression used in meetings to match the

function mentioned.
Choose the expression used to ask for clarification during a discussion in a meeting.
a. Would you prepare a short report please?
b. Can you explain it a bit more clearly?
c. If I could just come in here.

6. Choose the appropriate words / expression / phrase so that the sentence is

52% can be described as ……
a. slightly more than 50%
b. slightly less than 50%
c. precisely 50%

7. Choose the correct meaning of the following word/phrases:

In the sentence, Yesterday’s meeting lasted four hours... but, in a nutshell, we decided to close our
office in India the idiom ‘in a nutshell’ means:
a. in an argument
b. in the end
c. in summary
8. Choose the appropriate words / expression / phrase so that the sentence is
A …… is a picture of boxes of different heights, in which each box represents a different amount
or quantity.
a. bared graph
b. graphic bar
c. bar graph
9. Choose the appropriate words / expression / phrase so that the
sentence is meaningful.
A …… is a drawing of a circle divided into several sections, each section representing an amount
as a percentage of the whole.
a. table
b. bar graph
c. pie chart
10. Choose the most appropriate expression used in meetings to match the
function mentioned.
Choose the expression used to conclude a meeting.
a. Is there anything else we should consider?
b. That brings the meeting to a close.
c. I don’t agree.

11. Choose the expression used to explain what the purpose of the presentation is.
a. Thank you all for being such an attentive audience.
b. The purpose of my presentation is to introduce our new range of CD players.
c. If you have any questions, I would be pleased to answer them now.

12. Choose the expression used to thank the audience for listening.
a. If you have any questions, I would be pleased to answer them now.
b. Thank you all for being such an attentive audience.
c. The purpose of my presentation is to introduce our new range of CD players.

13. Choose the expression used to give instructions about questions.

a. Is there anything else we should consider?
b. I’ll try to answer all of your questions after the presentation.
c. Our main purpose will be to introduce our new services.

14. Choose the appropriate words / expression / phrase so that the sentence is
A …… is a graph on which the relationship between two things is shown by a line.
a. line graph
b. table
c. pie chart
15. Choose the expression used to invite questions.
a. Thank you all for being such an attentive audience.
b. The purpose of my presentation is to introduce our new range of CD players.
c. If you have any questions, I would be pleased to answer them now.

16. Choose the expression used to summarise and conclude a presentation.

a. Any questions?
b. Finally, let me remind you of some of the issues we’ve covered.
c. The next issue I’d like to focus on is our services.
17. Choose the most appropriate expression used in meetings to match the
function mentioned.
Choose the expression used to ask for an opinion.
a. What’s your view on that, Tom?
b. Let me see if I understand.
c. “Perhaps we should leave that until the next meeting”, says the CEO.

18. Choose the most appropriate expression used in meetings to match the
function mentioned.
Choose the expression used to disagree.
a. Is there anything else we should consider?
b. So, what I think we’ve said is that ...
c. I really can’t agree with you there.

19. Choose the most appropriate expression used in meetings to match the
function mentioned.
Choose the expression used to agree.
a. Is there anything else we should consider?
b. I think so, too.
c. I don’t agree.

20. Choose the most appropriate expression used in meetings to match the
function mentioned.
Choose the expression used to move on to another topic during a meeting.
a. That brings the meeting to a close.
b. What we are here to talk about is ...
c. The next item on the agenda is ...

21. Choose the most appropriate expression used in meetings to match the
function mentioned.
Choose the expression used to interrupt someone during a discussion in a meeting.
a. If I could just come in here.
b. Right, is everybody here? Good, I think we can start.
c. So, what I think we’ve said is that ...

22. Choose the appropriate word(s) / expression / phrase so that the

sentence is meaningful.
The expression, ‘I really can’t agree with you there’ is used to …….
a. agree
b. ask for clarification
c. disagree

23. Choose the appropriate expression / phrase so that the sentence is meaningful.
In the sentence, ‘You and I still have some …… together.’ the missing expression/phrase
means ‘something that has not yet been done, dealt with, or completed’.
a. incomplete business
b. unfinished business
c. aborted business
24. Choose the appropriate word/phrase:
Tom put Ben in ............ the research team.
a. charge of
b. charge for
c. charge
25. Choose the appropriate word / expression / phrase so that the sentence is
Business …… bearing business information about a company or individual, are
shared during formal introductions as a convenience and a memory aid.
a. cards
b. books
c. carts
26. Choose the correct word/words:
It was ......... badly paid job that he couldn’t even afford to rent a house for his family.
a. so
b. such
c. such a

27. Choose the correct word/words:

It was ......... amazing offer that we couldn’t refuse.
a. such
b. such an
c. so

28. Choose the correct word/words:

Her manager had ......... highly-pitched voice that was driving everybody crazy
during the meetings.
a. such
b. such a
c. so

29. Choose the correct word/words:

His condition was ......... bad that he almost fainted in the office one day.
a. such
b. such an
c. so

30. Choose the correct word/words:

The fog was ......... thick that I couldn’t see anything.
a. such a
b. such
c. so

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