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I chose to read the Falling Man article about people who jumped from the Twin Towers on 9/11.

The images of these people who jumped from the Twin Towers were censored in America and
not shown in newspapers or on the news channels. Despite being censored in America these
images were not censored overseas. Many people wanted these images to be shown to
remember the 200 people who died from this but others viewed these images as an invasion of
privacy. Many argue that they show videos of the towers collapsing along with other images
from that day that are very cruel so why are the Jumper's images only censored?

In my opinion, do understand why these images are censored but it doesn’t make sense that the
other images of what happened that day aren’t such as watching the building collapse. The
issue I have with the Jumpers images is that for some of them, they are only of an individual
whom people will be able to recognize which somewhat makes it an invasion of privacy. In the
other images like the building collapsing you can’t pick out individuals or identify people in their
last moments. My other issue with these images is people who make money off these images of
someone jumping to their death. I think that these jumpers should never be forgotten but if in the
image you are able to identify the person jumping it might be an invasion of privacy to that
person's family as the whole world can look at the image and see your family member jumping
to their death which might be something most families don’t want.

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