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Basic I--------Units 9-12

A. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

1. (really Seoul is fascinating city a)


2. (an Peru country interesting is extremely)


3. (me too for is Taipei expensive)


4. ( Banos very and nice is place beautiful a)


B. Circle the correct word.

1. New York City is very exciting, but it´s (boring/ safe/ stressful).

2. Lisbon is an interesting city, and it´s (beautiful/ noisy/ polluted).

3. Tokyo is a safe city. It´s (clean/ crowded/ dangerous), though.

4. My hometown is pretty boring. It´s very (expensive/ relaxing/ ugly), however.

5. Quito is exciting but it can be a little (boring/ clean/ dangerous) at night.

C. Complete the sentences with should, shouldn´t can and can´t.

1. This city can be dangerous at night. You _________ stay out too late.

2. You _________ travel by subway at night. There are no trains after midnight.

3. In Hong Kong, the weather is best in the fall. You _______ go there then.

4. The water from the facet is not safe, but you ________ drink the bottled water.

D. Match the problem with the advice. Then use the information to write conversations.

Problem Advice

X A fever use a heating pad

A sunburn see a dentist

Sore muscles X take sore aspirin

A toothache try this lotion

Example: A: What should I do for a fever?

B: It´s sometimes helpful to take some aspirin

1. A: ____________________________________________________________________________

B: It´s a good idea _______________________________________________________________

2. A:___________________________________________________________________________

B: It´s sometimes helpful _________________________________________________________

3. A: ___________________________________________________________________________
B: It´s important ________________________________________________________________

E. Complete the conversations with bottle, jar, pack or tube.

1. Customer: What do you have for a cold?

Pharmacist: Take this _______________ of Vitamin C. Take one every day.

2. Customer: Can I have something for dry skin?

Pharmacist: I suggest this ______________ of hand cream. Apply some every morning.

3. Customer: May I have something for a toothache?

Pharmacist: Of course. Try this _______________ of special toothpaste.

4. Customer: Could I get something for a sore throat?

Pharmacist: Sure. Here´s a _______________ of cough drops. They really work.

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