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1. Find me where you quench your thirst for free in M-wing (and the coffee smells pretty
good too!)
2. Have a problem with which you need to grapple? Come find me in this quiet space that
rhymes with “apple.”
3. Need a caffeine or sugar boost? Find me where you can purchase “T”, coffee, donuts etc.
4. Come and find me near this special feature designed to celebrate and honour residents
of K wing, which no longer works (for IPAC reasons).
5. Find me in the space between these two acute care units that were the first to take up
space in the wing historically reserved for our Veterans.
6. Have an IPAC question? Me too. That’s why you’ll find me at the office of the team that
will surely have an answer.
7. These heavy lifters for are in SERVICE from the GROUND up. You can find this clue at the
8. Hungry?? Me too. That’s why you’ll find me here, where staff can heat up their lunch and
eat with friends and colleagues.
9. Follow in the footsteps of a first responder all the way up to the 7th floor, but stop before
you get to this unit that provides specialized care to patients from across the province.
10. Like babies? Me too, that’s why you will find me outside this very special unit.
11. Got specimens? Drop them here!
12. Watch out for motorized vehicles (take the E wing stairs)! You might find me here
heading to pick up respiratory virus swabs for my clinical area.
13. Fit-testing, staff injuries, staff exposures, oh my!
14. Looking for some blood filtration? Patients who need it come here 3 times a week.
15. Need a cardiac procedure? No problem. Come find me here where the Sunnybrookers in
this ‘lab’ will take expert care of you.
16. You’ll find me here on the 6th floor where long, skinny cameras get to the bottom of
17. Find me at the home-base of this awesome team who help keep Sunnybrook clean!
18. Patients who experience a trauma come to Sunnybrook to receive care when it matter
most; you will find me outside the unit that is there last stop before going home or to
19. Transitions are never easy – except in this space! Come find me just outside this small
unit that also provides ED beds in times of capacity surge.
20. I got a fever and the only prescription is more prescriptions! That’s why you’ll find me

1. Where you find the retractors (hint: it’s not at the chiropractor).
2. Head to where soups and sandwiches take the spotlight.
3. One, two, 3, can you find mE?
4. Four, five, 6, wE’re not playing tricks.
5. 7, eight, nine, you’rE just in time.
6. Starting on one, you’ll find me. Ride up to five to get ready for a hip or a knee.
7. I got a fever and the only prescription is more prescriptions! That’s why you’ll find me
8. Anything that touches the femur, goes here to get cleaner.
9. Where visitors to HOAC have their first opportunity to perform hand hygiene.
10. Feeling kind of nifty? Go here to get something gifty.


1. Hungry?? Me too. That’s why you’ll find me here, where staff can heat up their lunch and
eat with friends and colleagues.
2. Have an IPAC question? Me too. That’s why you’ll find me at the office of the person that
will surely have an answer.
3. Have a problem with which you need to grapple? Come find me in this quiet space that
rhymes with “apple.”
4. Where patient treatment occurs at 33-35ºC.
5. Where patients go to get “Back on Track” after discharge.
6. Where visitors to SJR have their first opportunity to perform hand hygiene.
7. Fit-testing, staff injuries, staff exposures, oh my!
8. The room with a dishwasher, fridge, freezer and sink.
9. Where staff can go to work up a sweat.
10. It’s ALL in a day’s work outside this inpatient unit.


1. Where North meets South.

2. Find me where staff go to get some R&R.
3. Find me outside the office of this Person who Creates Motivation.
4. Where the charting magic happens on A3N.
5. Where phone calls are received on A3S.

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