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Adjustment of the Surgical Plan in Repair of Congenital Heart

Disease: The Power of Cross-sectional Imaging and
Three-dimensional Visualization

Rabin Gerrah, MD,* Dianna M.E. Bardo, MD,† Rich D. Reed, PA-C, RN, MPAS,*
Rachel E. Sunstrom, PA-C, MS,* and Stephen M. Langley, MD, FRCS (CTh), FETCS*
*Department of Surgery, Division of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Oregon Health and Science University, Doernbecher
Children’s Hospital, and †Department of Radiology, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Ore, USA


The purpose of this article is to study the importance of cross-sectional imaging in preoperative evaluation and
surgical planning. Echocardiography is the modality of choice to diagnose cardiac diseases. However, in some cases,
the data obtained from echocardiogram are insufficient or the image quality is poor. In these cases, additional
modalities are being used to provide further information that can aid in guiding medical management of or surgical
planning for the patient. Cross-sectional imaging has become widely available in many institutions. These imaging
techniques, especially with three-dimensional reconstructions, provide realistic images that have imperative diag-
nostic values. Moreover, the possibility of sophisticated image-processing techniques provides important hemody-
namic characteristics via less invasive methods. In this article, we present three cases in which additional cross-
sectional imaging seemed to be a crucial step prior to surgical planning.

Key Words. Cross-sectional; Surgery; Three-dimensional; Aortic Arch; Pulmonary Vein

Introduction graphy is not free of limitations and weaknesses.

For instance, lack of appropriate acoustic windows
E chocardiography has become the modality of
choice in the diagnosis of congenital heart
diseases. The noninvasiveness and wide availability
with specific body habitus or posterior structures
and limited spatial resolution, especially of small
of this diagnostic technique are its greatest benefits, structures, are two of the most frequently encoun-
especially for younger patients. Furthermore, tered limitations. In some cases, especially when
improvement of ultrasound technology, as well key anatomy is obscured or inadequately visual-
as additional techniques such as conventional ized, an additional imaging modality is essential to
Doppler methods and Doppler color flow imaging, provide complete anatomical information.
has added even more diagnostic power to cardiac Cross-sectional imaging modalities such as
ultrasound for the evaluation of congenital heart magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed
disease. Echocardiography enables us to define the tomographic angiography (CTA) provide an
structure and morphology of the heart, determine accurate and comprehensive definition of cardio-
flow directions, measure velocities and gradients, thoracic anatomy with high spatial resolution,
visualize valves, etc. New probes and image- two-dimensional (2D) multiplanar and 3D
processing techniques provide three-dimensional surface-rendered reconstructions, and functional
(3D) images of the heart and its valves. data from 2D planar and four-dimensional or
Currently, echocardiography is the gold stan- time-resolved cine angiography. Whether or not
dard in the diagnosis of congenital heart diseases. additional imaging modalities should be used and
In most cases of congenital cardiac disease, surgi- in which cases has been a controversial issue.
cal planning and decision making are done based Herein, we present three cases in which cross-
on echocardiograms only. However, echocardio- sectional imaging was imperative for preoperative
planning and in determining the course of the
Funding Resources or Grants: None. surgery.
© 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Congenit Heart Dis. 2014;9:E31–E36
E32 Gerrah et al.

Figure 1. A low-dose prospectively electrocardiogram-

gated coronary artery computed tomographic angiography
reveals a common origin of the right coronary artery and left
main (LM) coronary arteries from the right sinus of Valsalva
(curved arrow). The LM (black arrow) courses between the
aorta (A) and the pulmonary artery (P). The LM lumen is
round at its origin (white open arrow) but becomes narrow
and oval as it courses in the wall of the aorta (white arrow).

Case 1: Anatomy and Location of the Coronary

Artery in Anomalous Left Coronary Artery

A 14-year-old female was being followed by her

cardiologist for known bicuspid aortic valve. The
patient was asymptomatic. During the follow-up
examinations, an incidental finding of anomalous
left coronary artery arising from the right coronary
sinus was detected by echocardiogram (iE33,
Philips, Best, The Netherlands). This finding war-
ranted full cross-sectional imaging, which included Figure 2. Three-dimensional surface-rendered recon-
an MRI (Ingenia, Philips) and CTA (Ingenuity, structed images from the coronary artery computed tomo-
graphic angiography reveal the origin of the right coronary
Philips) scan. The coronary course and anatomy artery and left main coronary arteries from the right sinus of
were confirmed by these cross-sectional imaging Valsalva and the normal course of the proximal right coro-
studies (Figures 1 and 2). The detailed interpreta- nary artery (R). The left main (white arrows) courses over
tion of the imaging revealed that the left main the commissure between the right and left leaflets of the
coronary artery arises anomalously from the right aortic valve (black arrow), between the aorta (A) and the
main pulmonary artery (P).
sinus of Valsalva, from a common orifice with the
right coronary artery. The left main coronary
artery has a circular lumen proximally artery is intramural, as the surgical approach is
(4.5 ¥ 3.8 mm), and the lumen becomes oval quite different. The patient was taken to surgery
(4.3 ¥ 2.4 mm) along a 10-mm segment and then and an unroofing of the intramural left main coro-
returns to a circular lumen (4.0 ¥ 3.5 mm) before nary artery was performed. Because the function
bifurcating to the left anterior descending and left of the aortic valve was appropriate, it was pre-
circumflex coronary arteries. These findings are served with no intervention.
consistent with an intramural course of the vessel. The surgical findings were consistent with the
In this particular congenital cardiac anomaly, it cross-sectional information obtained from the
is crucial to know whether or not the coronary CTA, which guided surgical planning. The rela-
Congenit Heart Dis. 2014;9:E31–E36
Utility of Cross-Sectional Imaging in Surgery E33

tionship between the coronary artery and the wall

of the aorta is an important factor in determining
the surgical plan and guiding the decision to
proceed with a coronary unroofing vs. a more
complex procedure involving translocation of the
vessel. In this case, the CTA demonstrated clearly
a large intramural segment and the patient under-
went a successful coronary unroofing.

Case 2: Morphology of the Aortic Arch by

Direct Visualization

A 3-day-old newborn was admitted from an

outside hospital for suspected coarctation of the
aorta. A comprehensive echocardiogram revealed
hypoplasia of the left-sided transverse aortic arch
and discrete narrowing of the isthmus with an
approximately 15-mm Hg gradient and diastolic
flow persistence at the isthmus, consistent with
coarctation. Detailed echocardiogram findings on
the aorta included measurements as follows: aortic
annulus 5.9 mm, z-score -0.9; aortic sinus Figure 3. A three-dimensional surface-rendered recon-
8.8 mm, z-score +3; ascending aorta 7.6 mm, struction of the computed tomographic angiography data
z-score +0.7; transverse aorta 3.5 mm, z-score provides the surgeon a preoperative view of the intratho-
racic anatomy.
-2.6; and aortic isthmus 2.4 mm, z-score -3.7.
Based solely on the initial echocardiogram find-
ings, the appropriate surgical approach would be a
median sternotomy and aortic arch reconstruction
on cardiopulmonary bypass. However, the
serial echocardiograms provided inconsistent data
regarding exact morphology of the aortic arch
without reproducible measurements of each
segment. With some doubt about the exact size
and anatomy of the aortic arch, the patient was
referred for cross-sectional imaging. A cardiotho-
racic CTA study with 3D reconstruction was per-
formed to visualize the arch and depict the
orientation of the brachiocephalic artery branches
(Figure 3). Accurate measurements of the diam-
eter of each aortic segment were performed using
2D images in a direct transaxial plane to the aortic
lumen and were as follows: sinotubular junction
7 mm, ascending aorta 7 mm, aortic arch 3 mm,
isthmus 2 mm, proximal descending aorta 7 mm,
and aorta at the level of diaphragmatic hiatus Figure 4. The aorta is viewed in a sagittal oblique plane
that shows the level of each measurement. Measurements
7 mm (Figure 4).
are made in a transaxial two-dimensional view at each level
While reviewing the anatomic information so that measurements of the lumen are most accurate
from the CTA and directly visualizing the ana- (inset).
tomic reconstruction, it was determined that a left
thoracotomy approach and arch repair with an underwent repair and reconstruction of his aortic
extended end-to-end anastomosis, similar to the arch via a thoracotomy, without cardiopulmonary
repair normally performed for repair of an aortic bypass. The repair was successful and the patient
coarctation, would be possible. Based on the sur- was left with an acceptable 4-mm Hg arm–leg
gical guidance provided from the CTA, the patient pressure gradient.
Congenit Heart Dis. 2014;9:E31–E36
E34 Gerrah et al.

Figure 5. An axial steady-state free precession view of the right atrium shows the right inferior pulmonary vein draining to
the right atrium (open arrow), to the right of the interatrial septum. The margins of a secundum atrial septal defect are marked
(black arrows). The right superior and middle pulmonary veins also drain to the right atrium (vertical right arrows). The
superior vena cava is normal (horizontal white arrow).

Both imaging modalities diagnosed severe suggested the veins connected to the superior vena
aortic arch hypoplasia. However, the accurate cava, the MRI study clearly showed that the right
morphology and visualization of the aorta, espe- upper and right lower pulmonary veins connected
cially in a 3D reconstruction of the CTA, were the completely to the right atrium and to the atrial
most important factors for decision making in septal defect located in the superior portion of the
the surgery. In the presence of inconsistent mea- septum (Figure 5).
surements provided by echocardiogram, the CTA The information from the MRI study was used
images provided both a clearer visualization of the in the presurgical planning for closure of the septal
arch and its branches and more consistent mea- defect in this patient. Specifically, we were able to
surements, which strongly influenced the decision visualize exactly where the veins came into the
to proceed with an extended end-to-end repair in heart and plan the exact patch location to redirect
this patient. the veins to the correct side of the heart. This
anomaly was repaired with partial resection of the
native atrial septum and closure of the defect with
Case 3: Location of the Pulmonary Veins in Partial a patch that was sutured above the level of the
Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return
pulmonary veins, thereby directing the pulmonary
A 6-year-old male underwent echocardiogram venous flow to the left atrium.
evaluation after an incidental finding of a murmur
during a routine physical exam. The study showed
a large superior sinus venosus atrial septal defect
with left-to-right shunting. In this echocardio- Over the past two decades, echocardiography
gram study, the right-sided pulmonary veins were techniques have been optimized and are consid-
not well visualized, and it was conceptualized that ered an ideal diagnostic tool for congenital heart
they drained anomalously to the superior vena diseases.1 Echocardiography has become the gold
cava, given the high superior vena cava flow. standard in this field. However, it continues to
However, this conclusion posed a significant level have some weaknesses with spatial resolution
of uncertainty, as the veins could not be clearly and acoustic windows. Cross-sectional imaging
visualized on echocardiogram. Therefore, the techniques, including CTA and MRI with sophis-
patient was referred for further imaging. ticated image-processing techniques, have over-
An MRI was performed to further define the come these limitations.2,3
anatomy of the atrial septal defect and the exact MRI and CTA imaging techniques provide
location of the right-sided pulmonary venous con- high-quality cross-sectional images in any desired
nection to the heart. While the echocardiogram plane. Three-dimensional image acquisition in
Congenit Heart Dis. 2014;9:E31–E36
Utility of Cross-Sectional Imaging in Surgery E35

both imaging modalities allows repeated and infi- physiologic information for improved under-
nite image processing following the examination standing and surgical planning. The similarity of
and is especially helpful for direct consultation reconstructed MRI and CTA images to real-life
with the radiologist when nontraditional views of intraoperative views of cardiovascular anatomy
the heart and cardiothoracic anatomy are required. facilitates the conceptualization, imagination, and
Both imaging modalities can provide reliable and planning of the surgical repair prior to opening
accurate data, especially when there remains any the chest.
level of uncertainty in reviewing more traditional Based on lessons learned from these and numer-
echocardiography data. ous other cases, we recommend performing
Different imaging modalities have been com- cross-sectional imaging in addition to routine
pared for evaluation of the anomalous coronary echocardiography in patients where there remains
arteries in adults.4 However, these guides are less some level of uncertainty. The need for adding
applicable in small patients and children. Despite another imaging modality and its potential risks,
echocardiography’s strength in diagnosing this such as exposure to radiation, sedation, or contrast
anomaly by using color Doppler flow mapping,5 material, must be considered in each individual
some doubt remains regarding the course of the case as part of a risk/benefit calculation.
vessel. In coronary anomalies, CTA provides high-
quality images with stunning spatial resolution and Author Contributions
unsurpassed image reconstructions, delineating
the coronary course. Rabin Gerrah—Concept, data approval and literature
In the case of aortic arch repair, accurate search, first draft.
measurements were available from both the Dianna M.E. Bardo—Data analysis and interpretation of
echocardiogram and CTA. However, the 3D the images.
CTA images in a 360° rotation allowed us to vir-
Rich D. Reed—Draft and revision of the article.
tually plan the anastomosis lines and the extent
and specific angle of excision. This complete Rachel E. Sunstrom—Collection of the data, draft and
visualization is achieved by using off-axis image revision of the article.
planes to easily increase accuracy of vessel lumen Stephen M. Langley—Critical revision of the article.
and chamber measurements and using those same
variable planes to further improve understanding Corresponding Author: Rabin Gerrah, MD, Pediatric
of presurgical anatomy. These advantages are Cardiac Surgery, Oregon Health and Science Univer-
lacking when relying upon the standard planes of sity, Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, 3181 SW
echocardiography. Sam Jackson Park Road, DC-8S, Portland, OR 97239,
Another advantage of the cross-sectional USA. Tel: 503-418-5443; Fax: 503-418-1385; E-mail:
images is the ability to delineate adjacent tissues
and organs that are often unchecked or not evalu-
able with echocardiography, as demonstrated in Conflict of interest: None.
the third case. Because the pulmonary veins lie at
Accepted in final form: February 1, 2013.
the interface between the acoustically friendly
heart and the air-filled, nonacoustic lungs, their
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3 Prakash A, Powell AJ, Geva T. Multimodality
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The cases presented here exemplify the ben- heart disease. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2010;3:112–
efits of cross-sectional imaging in situations 125.
where echocardiogram is limited or is unable to 4 Angelini P, Flamm SD. Newer concepts for imaging
provide complete information. Adding a second anomalous aortic origin of the coronary arteries
imaging modality such as cardiac MRI or CTA to in adults. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2007;69:942–
echocardiogram provides crucial anatomic and 954.
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Williamson JG. Prospective identification of anoma- berg SO, Reiser M, Huber A. MRI for detection of
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Congenit Heart Dis. 2014;9:E31–E36

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