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Growing Spruce Trees

in Montana
by Martha Mikkelson, Peter Kolb and Chris Onstad MSU Plant Disease
Diagnostician, MSU Extension Forester and Toole County Extension Agent

This publication contains extensive information about spruce trees

best adapted to Montana’s climate. It includes sections on types
of spruce; advice on obtaining spruce cultivars; recommended
techniques for planting, watering, fertilizing, pruning; and information
MT199809 AG Reviewed 3/05 about diseases and insect problems.

pruce trees are rugged
Types of spruce
evergreens that can withstand
extreme winter cold. These Identifying spruces Blue
trees can live as long as 200 years At first glance, spruces, Douglas Spruce
and rank among the largest trees that firs, and the true firs appear similar.
can survive on the Montana prairies. However, they are easy to tell apart
Although not as drought tolerant as with closer inspection of the needles.
ponderosa pine, they grow reasonably Spruces have stiff, prickly, four-sided
well in partially protected locations. needles that are evenly arranged
Colorado spruce, Norway spruce, around the top, sides and bottom of
Black Hills white spruce and twigs. Douglas fir and true firs have
Engelmann spruce are common in soft, flexible, flat needles that grow on
Montana. Cultivars of each species the sides and sometimes the tops of
also exist, providing many ornamental twigs but rarely on the bottom. Cones
opportunities for different shapes, of both spruce and Douglas-fir hang
colors and mature sizes. down from the branches, whereas
Spruces are most suited to large, true fir cones point towards the sky.
open areas with full sun. The figures Douglas fir cones have seed bracts
in this MontGuide depict trees grown shaped like pitchforks while spruce
in open, full sun conditions. Spruces cones do not have bracts.
also make superb components of An easy way to distinguish
windbreaks and privacy screens. Over between types of spruce is to examine
many year, spruces can grow too their cones (see page 7). Colorado blue spruce
big for average-sized yards. Slow- (Picea pungens)
growing dwarf cultivars may Colorado spruce is native to the
be appropriate alternatives. mountains of Colorado, Utah, and
This MontGuide provides Wyoming and grows reasonably well
gardeners with information on in yards and shelterbelts throughout
selecting adapted spruces, planting Montana. It is very hardy and fairly
and maintaining spruces, and drought tolerant. Most spruces,
combating common spruce problems. including Colorado spruce, prefer

mildly acidic soils (pH 5.5 to 7.0) White spruce (Picea glauca) or Engelmann spruce
and are slow growers in heavy clay or Black Hills white spruce (‘Densata’) (Picea engelmanii)
alkaline soils with pH above 8.0. White spruce is native to much of the Engelmann spruce is native to higher
Growth rates vary considerably northern United States. In Montana, elevations of the Cascades and Rocky
depending upon site conditions. it grows naturally in the Glacier Park Mountains, including the mountains
Average growth rates may be only 3 to area. It grows best in protected areas of western and central Montana.
4 inches per year on young trees, but with well-drained, moist loam soils. Compared to Colorado spruce, it
may increase to 12 inches per year on Mature size averages 50 feet tall by 20 is taller and more slender. Needles
good sites or with irrigation. feet wide. point towards the branch tip, making
There are many Colorado spruce The dozens of cultivars include the branches softer to the touch. The
cultivars. Cultivar needle colors vary Black Hills spruce (‘Densata’), a needles have a distinctive, rank odor
from silvery-blue to green to gold. slower-growing form that is more when crushed.
Mature size ranges from less than one compact and considered more drought Engelmann spruce prefer deep,
foot to 70 feet tall. Form can vary tolerant than other species. ‘Conica’ rich, loamy soils and ample moisture.
dramatically from large, pyramidal (Dwarf Alberta spruce) is a popular These requirements make them fairly
cultivars to dwarf cultivars that are dwarf with a dense cone shape that poor windbreak species, except at
ground-hugging, globe shaped, or may reach 6 feet in 25 years. ‘Conica’ higher elevations. In central and
even weeping. is excellent for small hedges and as a eastern Montana, they grow slowly
formal specimen tree. However, spider (25 feet high in 40 years). There are
mite injury and early spring needle approximately eight cultivars which
Norway spruce
desiccation are common problems. include ‘Argentea’ (silvery-gray
(Picea abies)
Protected planting sites and early spring needles), ‘Glauca’ (steel-blue needles),
Norway spruce is native to Europe, shading are important for successful and ‘Snake’ (a bizarre, sparsely-
where it is an important wood species. growth. ‘Rainbow’s End’ is similar branched upright form).
Its growth characteristics are similar to ‘Conica,’ but has striking yellow
to those of Colorado blue spruce. new growth in spring that resembles
Norway spruces are reported to be Christmas lights. Obtaining spruce cultivars
more susceptible to spider mites than
Montana nurseries carry many full-
the other spruces listed here. The many
sized spruce tree forms and some dwarf
cultivars of Norway spruce include
types. Very few dwarf conifers have
‘Bird’s Nest Spruce’ which has a nest-
been tested adequately under Montana
like depression in the shrub center and
conditions, although we expect many to
may reach 3 feet high after many years.
‘Little Gem’ may reach 18 inches tall
after 10 years.

Norway White Engelmann

Spruce Spruce Spruce

grow well here, especially in protected burlap or dipping them in a slurry of transplants generally need more
areas. For more information on dwarf clay or commercial equivalent (such as frequent watering than established
conifer varieties, contact the American “Hydrosource”) until replanting. trees. A drip irrigation system generally
Conifer Society at P.O. Box 360, Dig a large planting hole so that provides the most effective deep
Keswick, VA 22947-0360 or at their roots are not twisted or J-shaped (bent watering. Shallow watering encourages
World Wide Web site (www.pacificrim. upwards). Prune aberrant roots to fit the shallow rooting and weaker plants.
net/~bydesign/acs.html). hole. Plant trees with the soil surface Stop watering in mid-August to
approximately one inch above the upper help trees harden-off for cold weather.
roots. Planting spruces too deeply will If water is available in the fall, water
Planting and maintaining cause the buried part of the stem to die. evergreens thoroughly after leaves
Water after planting, since the small of deciduous trees have fallen. Fall
Planting root systems of new transplants are less watering helps trees tolerate drying
Fall or spring are suitable for planting able than established trees to extract winter conditions. Many Montana wells
spruce. Dormant spruces usually water from dry soil. Keep moisture such have high salt levels that actually can
transplant better than do actively that the soil has the texture of a freshly desiccate trees and shrubs. Test water
growing spruces. Transplanting in hot, baked cake. Overwatering in heavy clay from questionable sources to ensure
dry summer weather often results in soil can deplete soil oxygen and cause suitable quality for irrigation.
drought stress and poor survival. In root death.
fall, plant after the first hard frost when When transplanting young established Fertilizer
the soil is still warm. Mulch around spruces, prune the roots one year before
Unusually stunted needles, light green
trees to avoid frost heaving of the transplanting, preferably in early spring.
foliage, dead twigs on the ends of
roots. In spring, plant as soon as the Root pruning causes trees to send out
branches, and poor growth may indicate
soil is workable. Do not plant during multiple rootlets at the point where
the need for fertilizer. However,
chinooks. the roots are cut, producing a denser
other causes can mimic these same
Small seedlings can be obtained rootball .Slice the roots spade-deep in a
symptoms. A soil test can help detect
as either bareroot or container stock. circle around the drip-line. Water well
nutrient problems.
Larger trees can be obtained with after root pruning or severe drought
At the time of planting, a slow
their root systems and soil enclosed stress may occur.
release fertilizer pellet (designed for
in burlap wrapping (balled and The larger the root system taken
Christmas tree plantations) can be
burlapped). However, the roots must with the tree, the better the chances
placed into the bottom of the planting
not be wrapped in burlap longer than for survival. Expect several years of
hole, slightly deeper than the tree
six months or they will be severely recovery time following transplanting
root system. Only use fertilizers
root-bound and less likely to survive. before optimal growth resumes. Larger
with nitrogen designations less than
If the burlap is biodegradable, prior to trees may take longer to establish in the
“10” unless diluted with water. For
planting slice the material vertically new site than seedlings.
example, 20-20-20 fertilizer diluted
the entire length of the root ball along to 2 pounds per 100 gallons of water
every six inches of the circumference Water roughly equals “4-4-4.” A general
to encourage roots to grow outward. fertilizer recommendation for spruces
Watering frequency depends on soil
Remove plastic burlap and wires since is an application of not more than
type, air and soil temperature, and
these will not decompose. 0.15 pounds actual nitrogen for trees
wind speed. Addition of 3 to 4 inches
Fine roots will dry out and die of mulch under the entire tree canopy with diameters less than 6 inches and
when exposed to the air for only a few (dripline) can conserve water and a maximum of 0.30 pounds for larger
minutes during transplanting. Keep improve growing conditions. New diameter trees. All applications should
roots moist by wrapping them in wet

be evenly distributed within a distance Common problems needles turn brown starting at the tips.
11/2 times the crown width. Usually, damage is most severe on the
Apply fertilizers in spring after Physiological causes of tree decline sunny, southwest-facing branches or
the danger of severe frosts but no Trees do not grow in many parts of on the windward side. Spruce survive
later than mid-June. Liquid mixtures Montana because of the harsh climate. best when protected on the windward
ensure the best soil penetration. Apply Any trees planted in these areas will be or sunny side by several rows of
dry fertilizers with a good watering. stressed to some degree. Since spruces deciduous trees or shrubs.
Distribute the fertilizer evenly in a naturally have shallow root systems,
circle one and a half times the width of they suffer from heat and drought Cytospora canker
the canopy. stress. Protection from wind, partial
(Cytospora kunzei)
shade at the base of trees on southern
The fungal disease Cytospora canker
exposures, and watering during drought
Pruning is common in Montana and is most
will benefit spruces and build their
When planted where they have room damaging on Colorado and Norway
defenses against insects and diseases.
to grow, spruces need little pruning spruces. The first indications of
Certain stresses can impact trees
because of their natural symmetry. Cytospora canker are dying lower
for their entire life. These include the
Spruces will, however, respond well branches with bluish-white-colored
genetic makeup of the individual tree,
to light pruning by developing a resin flowing from cankered areas.
improper planting, poor planting site,
denser crown. If an older spruce has Upper branches die in subsequent years.
soil type, and climate. Stresses that
outgrown its bounds, removing the Infected inner bark and the cambium
persist from planting time often become
lower branches can open up the canopy tissue directly below the bark are
visible many years later. For example, if
and make the tree appear less imposing. brown, whereas healthy tissues are
a container-bound spruce with circling
Never remove more than one-third of light-colored. Removal of outer bark
roots is planted, the roots often continue
the total needle area. Do not remove the slivers just beyond the resin soaking
to grow in a circle near the trunk. As
top of the tree. often exposes black pinhead-sized
the tree grows tall without a solid root
If some shaping is desired, prune depressions (spore-producing fungal
anchoring system, strong winds may
new growth in early June. Most spruce bodies).
uproot the tree. Other stresses may
buds form on the current year’s growth Cytospora invades trees through
occur for only a short period of time but
with only a few buds on the second wounds. Splashing rain, wind, insects,
have long-lasting effects on the tree.
year twigs. Leave at least one live bud birds, rodents, and man spread
These include drought, flooding, frost,
on each pruned branch or the branch disease spores to new branches or
deicing salts, nearby construction, and
will die. If two leading shoots develop other spruces. Older trees weakened
deer or rodent injury.
on the tree top, remove the weaker from drought and hail injury are most
one to maintain a structurally sound susceptible. Other environmental
tree. Remove broken or dead branches Winter burn stresses such as insect or mechanical
regardless of the time of year by cutting Shoot desiccation causes more injury also favor Cytospora.
them off flush with the main tree stem. winter injury to spruce than does Remove and destroy infected
cold temperature. Evergreens remain branches. The best time to prune is in
minimally active in winter and late winter before spores are released in
continually lose some water through the spring; however, it is acceptable to
the needles. When the needles lose prune dead branches at any time of year
more water than the roots can replenish,

if the weather is dry. Prune 4 to 6 inches Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid armored nymphs and adults that
ahead of the canker, cutting back to the (Adelges cooleyi) resist insecticides. Several contact
nearest living lateral branch or to the Cooley spruce gall adelgids are sap- insecticides and horticultural oils are
trunk. Disinfect tools between cuts to sucking insects that produce brown, effective on crawlers that have been
avoid spreading the disease. Fungicides pineapple-shaped growths on branch settled for only two to three weeks.
are not effective against Cytospora. tips. The galls look unsightly, but Dormant oils provide fairly good
usually cause little damage. control, but they must be applied before
To reduce adelgid populations, prune spruce become active in the spring
Rhizosphaera needle cast
galls when they are green or purple and (February or March), and they turn blue
(Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii)
still contain immature adelgids (spring needles green temporarily.
Rhizosphaera needle cast occurs
or early summer). By the time galls
sporadically in Montana on Colorado
turn brown, the insects have already Red spider mite and other
and Engelmann spruce. Prolonged
migrated to other twigs or nearby trees. sucking insects
spring rain is necessary for infection.
While infection occurs in spring, Insecticides rarely are necessary. (Oligonychus ununguis )
symptoms are not visible until late fall However, if many adelgids are present Spider mites suck sap from spruce
or the following summer. Second year on needle bases, insecticidal soap used needles and reduce tree vigor. They
needles turn yellow and then purplish in early spring and early fall can reduce also cause fine yellow speckling, “dusty
brown before dropping from the tree, populations. Alternatively, apply a dirt,” and silk webbing on needles.
leaving branches with current year granular systemic insecticide over the Severe symptoms include curled,
needles only. Pinprick-sized black dots root zone, then water in. Avoid brown, or bleached needles that drop
produced in rows on discolored needles wide-spectrum insecticidesthat also from the tree.
indicate that Rhizosphaera is involved. kill beneficial insects which control Eggs and adults overwinter in
These spore-producing bodies are pests naturally. bark crevasses or in ground debris,
visible through a magnifying lens. emerging in early spring. Huge
Most Rhizosphaera spores survive Pine needle scale population increases occur each season.
on dead needles on the ground. (Chioaspis pinifoliae) Their small size allows spider mites to
Remove infected needles from Spruce, pine, and fir all are susceptible blow great distances by wind.
under the tree and destroy them to to pine needle scale. This insect forms Monitor for new infections by
minimize disease spread. In locations what looks like white paint splatters holding a sheet of white paper under the
favorable for disease, control nearby on needles. The “paint” is a protective needles and tapping the branch firmly
weeds and debris and prune lower armor over the insect body. Scales suck with a stick. Use a magnifying glass to
branches to increase air circulation. sap from needles, resulting in discolored view the crawling spider mites which
Two applications of fungicides such spots and sometimes needle drop. may be yellow, red, or green and are
as chlorothalonil or Bordeaux mixture Insecticides applied during the approximately the size of a grain of salt
provide good disease control. The crawler stage are effective when ( 1/50" long).
first application should occur when infestations are severe. Unarmored Beneficial insects, dormant oils, and
new needles are half developed with a crawlers emerge in May and again in insecticidal soaps often can keep low
second application two to three early August. Shake infested branches level mite infestations under control.
weeks later. over white paper and look for very Natural populations of beneficial
small, reddish purple crawling insects.
Crawlers are present for one to two
weeks before maturing to sedentary,

insects that feed on mites generally Spruce needleminer Shoot borer larvae have legs,
are present on spruces and other trees. (Taniva albolineana) whereas pine weevil larvae are legless.
Information on commercial sources of Webbed masses of loose, dead needles Shoot borer adults are gray moths (3/4
beneficial insects to supplement natural clinging to spruce twigs indicate inches long) with copper colored bands
populations are available from your the presence of spruce needleminer. on the wings. Adult weevils are mottled
county MSU Extension agent. Dormant Needleminer larvae overwinter in brown and white, have a long curved
oils sprayed in February or March can cocoons within webbed needles. Adult snout, and are about 1/4 to 3/8 inches
kill overwintering spider mite eggs. moths emerge and lay eggs on the long. Adults emerge in late summer and
After removing ground debris under needles in early summer. The larvae overwinter in the ground. In the spring,
spruce trees, applying a ground drench mine into and sever needles from their adults of both species lay eggs on the
of insecticidal soaps also can help base, attaching them to twigs with bark of the terminal leader. Larvae
reduce mite populations. webbing. Larvae feed until the onset of emerge in 7 to 10 days and tunnel
Often by the time spider mite cold weather. downward between the bark and wood
infestations become noticeable, mite Jet sprays of water in early spring of shoots.
numbers are so great that beneficial before the buds open can knock Pruning and destroying infected
insects and insecticidal soaps are the nests from the tree. Destroy the shoots as soon as they are noticed
ineffective. Several insecticides provide infested needle debris to kill the larvae. is the best control for both pests.
very good control against spider mites. Alternatively, systemic insecticides Spring control of adults may be
Since pesticide registrations change labelled for needleminer can be applied accomplished by spraying terminal
frequently, ask your county MSU as eggs are starting to hatch in June. leaders with a systemic insecticide,
Extension agent which insecticides although spraying must be timed with
currently are registered for spider adult weevil or moth activity, a tricky
mite control. White pine weevil proposition. When severe infestations
(Pissodes strobi) and Western pine occur, pheromone strips that disrupt
shoot borer (Eucosma sonomana) the mating cycle are available through
The white pine weevil and pine shoot Pherotech (sales@pherotech.com).
borer cause leader shoots of spruce
to become crooked and die, forming
a characteristic “shepherd’s crook.”
Larvae cause most of the damage by Note:
boring out the center of the terminal This information is provided for
leader. Consequently, spruce trees educational purposes only. Reference
become multiple-stemmed and bushy. to commercial products or trade names
Young trees can be killed. does not imply an endorsement of
them by the Montana State University
Extension Service.


Spruce White Norway
Spruce Spruce

Spruce cones are very distinctive, according to species.

Cones are shown here at approximately actual average size.


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Copyright © 2005 MSU Extension Service

We encourage the use of this document for nonprofit educational purposes. This document may be reprinted if no endorsement of a commercial product, service
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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana
State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and File under: Horticulture
activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, A-13 (ornamentals)
political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of
cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June
Reviewed March 2005
30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Douglas L. Steele, Vice 2000 03/05 GM
Provost and Director, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717.

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