Topical Test Motion - 2 - Sec 3

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Stamford School

Topical Test 3: momentum, stability, moment, work and energy


SECONDARY 3 November 2019

PHYSICS 50 minutes

A. Section A: MCQ (10 marks)

For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider
correct and record your choice. Each correct answer will score one mark.

1. If a hammer and a feather is drop at the same time in a vacuum, which of the following is
most likely to happen?

A the hammer will reach the bottom first.

B the feather will reach the bottom first.
C both will reach the bottom at the same time.
D the hammer will accelerate more but will reach its terminal velocity faster.

2. A 10 kg object travelling at 5.0 m/s north collides with and sticks to a 4.0 kg object
travelling at 7.0 m/s south. Their common velocity after the collision is :

A. 1.6 m/s North C. 5.6 m/s South

B. 22 m/s North D. 64 m/s South

3. The physical quantity that can have the same unit as momentum is

A force C impulse

B work D power
4. Which of the following are equivalent units for change in momentum ?

A kg m/s2 C kg s/m

B Ns D N/s

5. A door requires a minimum of 32.5 N m in order to open it.


What is the minimum distance of the handle from the middle hinge, if the door is to be
pulled with a force at the handle not greater than 50 N?

A 0.33 m B 0.65 m C 0.77 m D 1.54 m

6. A non-uniform rod is balanced as shown in the diagram. Given that the center of mass
of the rod is 14.0 cm from the end marked A, what is the mass of the rod?

A 30 cm 20 cm

80 g
A 53 g B 100 g C 114 g D 120 g
7. A load is to be moved using a wheelbarrow. The total weight of the load and
wheelbarrow is 600 N.

What is the size of force F needed just to lift the loaded wheelbarrow?

A 350 N B 430 N C 600 N D 840 N

8. 2.0 m

1.0 m

250 N

The diagram shows a box of mass 40 kg being pushed up a 2.0 m inclined plane. What
is the work done by the 250 N force when the box reaches the top of the inclined plane
which is above the ground?

A 250 J B 400 J C 500 J D 800 J

9. When a spring is compressed, what form of energy does it posses?

A Potential B Kinetic C Heat D Chemical

10. In Physics class, circular motion is always calculated assuming a constant speed.
Yet velocity ( a word we use often instead of speed) is not constant. Why is velocity not

A Speed is not a component of velocity

B Speed is constant but direction is changing

C Velocity is a vector that involves more than just speed.

D Both b and c are correct.

B. Section B: Structured Questions (30 marks)

Fill the provided space with your working and underline the final answers. Use pencils for
drawing.The score of each question is indicated at the end of the question.
1. The diagram below shows the plan view of a door hinged at A. If a man applies a force,

F, of 40 N at the end marked B, calculate the moment of this force about A. What is the
Minimum force X that must be applied at C in order to stop the door from turning?

1.8 m F = 40 N

1.2 m

X = ____________________ [ /3]

2. An object is moving in a clockwise direction around a circle at constant speed.

Use your understanding of the concepts of velocity, acceleration and force to answer
the next questions. Use the diagram shown below.

Draw the velocity and force of the circular motion above at:

(a) point A [ /2]

(b) point B [ /2]

(c) point C [ /2]

3. In a collision, a 5 kg ball traveling at 5 m/s hits a 7 kg ball at rest. The 5 kg ball

transfers all its momentum over to the 7 kg ball then the 5 kg ball comes to rest.

(a) What is the total momentum of the 2 balls before they collide? [ /2]

(b) What is the total momentum of the 2 balls after they collide? [ /2]

(c) At what velocity does the 7 kg ball move after the collision? [ /2]

4. Jocko the clown, whose mass is 60 kg, stands on a skateboard. A 20 kg ball is thrown
at Jocko at 3 m/s, and when he catches the ball, he and the ball move on the

(a) What is the total momentum of Jocko and the ball before they collide? [ /2]

(b) . What is the total momentum of Jocko and the ball after they collide? [ /2]
(c) . How fast do Jocko and the ball move after he catches the ball? [ /2]

4. A ball is dropped vertically from 5 m height. Find :

(a) the potential energy at 5 m height [ /2]

(b) the kinetic energy when the ball almost reach the ground [ /2]

(c) the speed when the ball is almost reach the ground [ /3]

(d) The loss of energy of the ball if it is bounced only until 3 m. [ /2]

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