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Table of Contents

1. General Information

2. Stations

3. FAQ
General Information

Welcome to the Dining Services team! This procedure manual is designed to help new Dining

Services workers settle into their new role. This manual will go over all of the different

stations that you could be assigned to. When you arrive at the dining hall on your first day of

work, the first thing you should do is find someone in a blue Dining Services shirt. The

workers in the blue shirts are supervisors. They will help you get your uniform and show you

how to clock in. They will then assign you to one of the many stations.


As a dining services worker, you have a lot of responsibilities. There are many different

stations that you could be working at during the shift. While this may seem overwhelming at

first, you will eventually learn most of them. For all stations, you need to be wearing gloves

at all times. There will also be other workers and supervisors at all stations. If you have any

questions, ask them. That is what they are there for.


The first station is tables. Tables are probably one of the easiest stations at the dining hall. For

this station, you will need a bucket, rag, tray, and some sanitizer water. Your job is to walk

around the dining hall and clean the tables. You can push the big pieces of food onto the tray,

and then use the rag and sanitizer water to clean the table. Dump whatever is on your tray

into the garbage after you are done cleaning the table. After going through the whole dining

hall, wait around 10 minutes and repeat the process. When your shift is over, bring the bucket

and the tray to the dish room. Dump the bucket in the sink and put both items into the


The next station is pizza. The pizza station is one of many stations where you will be

replacing food. When a pizza has two slices left, grab two rags and go to the warmer directly

behind you. Make sure to grab the pizza with the rags because it will be hot. If the two slices

are still there, use a spatula to move them onto the new pizza. Set the pizza down where the

old one was and put the old pizza tray on the cart behind you.There are two other stations like

this one: the diner and salad bar. When the food gets low, go to the warmer or refrigerator and

replace it.


The pasta station is right next to the pizza station. The two are similar, but there is a bit more

to do at the pasta station. There are three main foods that you have to replace: pasta, sauce,

and garlic bread. Replacing the pasta is the easiest. A chef will come with the pasta when it is

ready. Using rags, you will take the old pasta tray out and put the new one in. All dirty dishes

go on the rack behind you. When the sauce gets low, grab a new bag from underneath, and

pour it into the sauce container. The garlic bread is a little bit more work. Next to the pizza

pizza warmer, there are trays of garlic bread on a shelf. Take one, remove the parchment

paper underneath, and put it in the conveyor oven.When it comes out the other side, grab the

tongs that are on top of the oven. Put the new garlic bread onto the tray with the old ones.

Repeat this when there is about a quarter of garlic bread left.

Dish room

The dish room is a station with multiple different roles.When you first walk in, find a

coordinator. They will show you where the aprons and gloves are, and then assign you a role.

One person takes the dishes and dumps the leftover food in the garbage. They then put the

dish on the conveyor belt. There will be between two and four people waiting at the conveyor

belt. They will take the dishes off, wash them in running water, and put them back on the
conveyor belt. The person at the dishwasher will take the freshly washed dishes and put them

in the dishwasher. On the other end, someone will take the clean dishes and put them in the

proper drying rack behind them.


The last station is the beverage station. One of your responsibilities is to restock the cups. The

cups are located in the dish room behind the dishwasher. You will bring those to the various

drink stations and stack the cups until the holder is full. Another job you have is to refill the

juice dispensers. To open the dispenser, press the gray button on the bottom and pull. Check

to see if the juice is empty. If it is, go to the salad bar and open the bottom drawer. Find the

flavor you need and go back to the juice dispenser. Remove the old container, throw it in the

garbage, and put the new one in.


Q: What happens if I can not make my shift?

A: If you need to miss a shift for any reason, you will need to email the absence email

address you receive when you are hired. Emails must be sent three days before your shift. If

you do not show up for your assigned shift, you will receive a formal warning.

Q: What are formal warnings?

A: Formal warnings are given for a variety of reasons, including not wearing your uniform or

misconduct in the workplace. If you receive three formal warnings, you will be let go.

Q: What is the dress code?

A: All employees must be wearing their Dining Services shirt, jeans, hat, and name tag at all

times. Not following the dress code can lead to an informal or formal warning.

Q: What if I forgot to clock in?

A: If you forget to clock in or clock out, you can contact a coordinator and they will help you

fix it.

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