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2 Customer Copyright © North Results

This is all about your potential customer

In this part of the assessment, we want to get a sense for your

customer’s passions, desire to solve a problem or master a subject,

and their willingness to spend money on it.

Answer the questions below with a “yes” or “no”. Consider every “yes” a +1.

1. Are they passionate? Yes No

Use the guiding questions below to answer:

Are there active forums or online groups on the subject?

- Search [KEYWORDs] + forum

- Have people recently been posting on the subject?

Do you see lengthy discussions on the subject online?

Do you see people sharing content on that subject on social media or in groups?

- Search [KEYWORDs] + F aceboo k

- Search [KEYWORDs] + nstagram

2. Are they buying? Yes No

Use the guiding questions below to answer:

Are there products or books listed on Amazon about this topic?

- Do they have a lot of reviews?

- Do they have recent reviews?

Make a list of other experts, leaders or influencers in the industry.

- Are they selling any products?

Look at sites like,,, (if relevant)

- Are people buying lessons or courses on the subject?

3 Customer Copyright © North Results

3. Are they consuming regular content? Yes No

Use the guiding questions below to answer:

Search [KEYWORDs] + blog

Search [KEYWORDs] + podcast

4. Is there a consistent problem? Yes No

Search [KEYWORDs] + forum or go into Facebook groups, and look for things like:

“I wish I could...”, “Is there a way to...”, “Does anyone know how to...”, “How to…”

5. Are people looking to master a subject? Yes No

Use the guiding questions below to answer:

Search YouTube for [KEYWORDs] + tutorials

Look at sites like,,,

- Make note of popular topics and subjects


If you scored higher than 2 points, this is a good sign.

If you scored 2 or less, be a little bit cautious. In these situations, you may end up

spending more time educating your market on the value of what you want to teach.

Ideally, you want a market that is already looking for and consuming information on

the subject.
4 Community Copyright © North Results

This section is about evaluating your existing community

The bigger and more engaged your community, the easier it is to

build momentum. But, if you don’t have a community, there are still
tons of options.

To gauge your community, answer the following questions. Consider every “yes” a +1.

1. Do you have a following on Facebook? Yes No

2. Do you have a following on Instagram? Yes No

3. Do you have a following on Snapchat? Yes No

4. Do you have a following on YouTube? Yes No

5. Do you have a following on Twitter? Yes No

6. Do you have an email list of 300 or more? Yes No

7. ,
Do you have an email list of 2 000 or more? Yes No
If you have an email list of 2,000+ give yourself 2 points.


If you scored higher than 3 points, then you’re in a good position to

move for ward.

If you scored 3 or less, then you have a couple of options. The first option is to spend a
little more time building your audience. This doesn’t take that long. In fact, we discuss
how to do this inside the TRIBE Experience.
5 Community Copyright © North Results

Here's the thing...

You don’t need to build a huge list to get started. I have LOTS of clients who have
launched their membership site with very small audiences and lists. 

Wendy Batten launched to a small list of 453 paint store owners… talk about a tiny
niche! She welcomed 59 members, instantly giving her $2,800 in recurring revenue in
just the first month.

Then there's Marianne Kane who has a membership for kettlebell workouts. She
launched to a small list of 250 people and 53 members signed up during her
founding member launch!

Maryrose Wood launched her membership for online learning to a list of 350 people
and got 147 new members, resulting in $9,000 in the bank plus $1,600 in recurring
monthly revenue. It IS possible!

Another option is to look for someone you could partner with. This person should have
an audience that they’re serving, but they don’t yet have a membership site (much
like Michael Hyatt when I partnered with him). The good news is that there are LOTS
of people that fall into this category.

6 Content Copyright © North Results


The more experience you have, the easier it will be to get started.
However, if you don’t have experience, we explain the options and
opportunities below.

Answer the questions below with a “yes” or “no”. Consider every “yes” a +1.

1. Have you ever published content for your market? Yes No

Use the guiding questions below to answer:

Have you ever published a blog post for your market?

Have you ever published a book about the subject?

Do you have a podcast or have you been interviewed for a podcast?

Have you ever published videos on YouTube, Facebook or Vimeo for your market?

Do you ever post on social media about this subject?

Have you ever created a digital course, lessons, tutorials or how-to’s on the

2. Have you ever delivered content for a live audience? Yes No

Use the guiding questions below to answer:

Have you ever done a live webinar for your market?

Have you ever done a Facebook Live video, Instagram Live, YouTube Live or
something similar?

Have you ever delivered a live presentation for your market?

Have you ever conducted a live workshop?

3. Have you ever coached or consulted someone

in your market? Yes No

7 Content Copyright © North Results

4. Are people asking you questions? Yes No

Use the guiding questions below to answer:

Do people ask you questions about your subject via email or in-person?

Do you get asked questions at live events?

Do people send you questions on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat?

Have you ever been interviewed by media or online influencers on the subject?


If you scored higher than 2, this is a big plus.

If you scored lower than 2, it means that you need to identify how you can better serve
your market. Oftentimes, this can be done by simply asking the market what
questions they have about the subject. 

In fact, when I was just starting out, in the first email of my autoresponder sequence I
asked people to hit “reply” and send me their most pressing question about growing a
successful membership. Every day, I received responses with highly targeted
questions, which served as ideas for the content I created.

Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to depend on you specifically to create the content.

John Gallagher of is a perfect example. His membership was built

entirely around the expertise of others in his market. And he has been running this
site for over 8 years and has over 3,000+ paying members.

Andrew Warner of does something similar with his membership site. He
first identifies what his market wants to learn. Then he finds the experts who
specialize in that subject and he interviews them. The content that comes from these
interviews is then put into the paid members’ site.
8 Conclusion Copyright © North Results


Remember, the Market Assessment is a simple tool to get you

If your score is low, it doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to launch a membership. It
might just take you a little bit longer to build your audience and grow your list.

If you achieved a high score, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll knock it out of the park
either. But, the odds of success are definitely in your favor :)

Now that you’re clear about whether your market is a good fit, the BIG questions are:

? What do you offer inside your membership?

? How will you create content that excites people to join, and become raving fans
that pay month after month?
? What numbers should you pay attention to?

? What determines whether your membership site soars or flops?

One of the BIGGEST mistakes I see people make is that they offer way too much
content into the members' area.

Here’s the thing… too much content can overwhelm and frustrate your members.
Worst of all, it can cause them to leave.

In Part 2, I’m going to give you my exact framework for

structuring content. This framework makes your membership
easy to manage, and gives your members a TON of value.
9 Conclusion Copyright © North Results

When you follow this process and create content this way, your members will gain a lot
more momentum with everything you teach. They’ll have a lot more clarity around how
everything fits and that means they’ll stick around for a long, long time.

Plus, it reduces the amount of content you actually need to create. And because they’re
staying longer, the site will be more profitable.

This framework not only shapes your membership experience, it

drives all your marketing and promotions. It’s a tool that you’ll use
over and over and over again. And, I’ll show you why in Part 2.

People around the world are turning what they already know, love and do into
recurring revenue with a membership site.

And, if you’re one of those people looking to join in on the fun, and create a high profit,
but low stress business, then this next video is going to show you how you can leverage
what you’re already doing.

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Well, let’s go!

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