Significance of The Study

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Significance of the Study

This study generally aims to determine the relationship between grit and job

satisfaction of the LGU employees within Cagayan. Findings will also contribute to

the existing body of knowledge in the field of Psychology. Essential findings and

results of this study would be beneficial to the following:

To Employees. It is hoped that this study may provide employees insight into

their own strengths and weaknesses and how is their grit level influence their job

satisfaction and performance in the workplace. This study enable employees to

become more persevere in obtaining long-term goals despite obstacle and develop

positive mental and emotional state at work. Moreover, a help in creating a healthy

work environment benefits both employees and managers.

To Future researchers. This study aims to enhance understanding of how grit

and job satisfaction correlate with each other and to provide insights for conducting

studies that capture the true perception of employees at work. Moreover, this study

aim to provide important information and knowledge regarding to employees grit

level and how it influence their job satisfaction.

Significance of the Study

This study generally aims to determine the relationship between grit and job

satisfaction of the LGU employees within Cagayan. Findings will also contribute to the

existing body of knowledge in the field of Psychology. Essential findings and results of

this study would be beneficial to the following:

To Employees. It is hoped that this study may provide employees insight into

their strengths and weaknesses and how their grit level influences their job satisfaction

and performance in the workplace. This study enables employees to be more persevere in

obtaining long-term goals despite obstacles and develop positive mental and emotional

states at work. Moreover, a helps in creating a healthy work environment that benefits

both employees and managers.

To Future researchers. This study aims to enhance understanding of how grit

and job satisfaction correlate with each other and to provide insights for conducting

studies that capture the true perception of employees at work towards their job.

Moreover, this study aims to provide important information and knowledge regarding

employee's grit levels and how it influences their job satisfaction.

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