Finishes Example 1

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NW cape penal University of Technology FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND QUANTITY SURVEYING ‘COURSE Diploma in Construction Diplomain Constucton (Extended) ‘COURSE CODE DacsTW/ D3CSTNX SUBJECT ‘Quantity Suveying 1 SUBJECT CODE (981508 /aSU150x. TEST DATE 27 August 2010 DURATION SHous maRKs 109 EXAMINERS E Simpch & S Luya INTERNAL MODERATOR D Ramsay NUMBER OF PAGES 4 (etusing this page) +9 annaxares REQUIREMENTS ‘Standard System of Measuring Bulding Work 7 edton 2015 ‘Scale ule Caloultore INSTRUCTIONS To CANDIDATES ‘Werk fs tobe measured in accordance wt the Standard System of Measuring Bulking Work \Whare dimensions are not gven they shuld be caloated, Ony where dimensions are nt given ‘and cannot be caleuated may they be scaled ‘Allmeasurement must be done on mension paper Answer all questions All erawings must be handed in wih your nse book No dimensions shouldbe squared out ‘QUESTION ‘Measure te folowing tems requied for the rt of the house as shown on crawing na QSU (12019 ~ QSU 03/2019 and in accordance with the specication siven below, You are not reauted to ‘measute the actual roof construction. You measurement should cover the flowing aspects 1.1 Roof covering including ridge & hip capping and valley ing 41.2 Fasela and barge boards, and 1.3 Rainwater goods. SPECIFICATION Roof covering ‘+ "Coverland Double Roman” 420 x 33mm interlocking concrete roo esto raf of 20 ith laid on 250 micron plastic underay fed with nals to 38 x 38mm Sawin SA pine batens @ ‘320mm centres all fed in accordance wth manufacturers instructions. + “Coverane” universal V-shaped rdge and ange hi ie, bedded, jointed and pointed inted cement mortar incuding all necessary cuting and waste, and all soakers as specified Eaves and verges +200 x 15mm Everte fibre cement fascia and barge boars al " ‘+ 125 85 x 0.6mm thick aluminium Ogee seamless gutter fixed to fascia board wh and Inclusing gute bracket st im canes ‘+ 20mm Diameter PVC rainwater down pipe faxed to wall wth and inclusing standard aluminium alloy downpipe cp at maximum 1.6m cenzes. Painting ‘+ Prepare and apply one coat multi surface primer, one cost universal underoaat and two coats ‘enamel pant on be rettorced cement fecia and barge boards (20) question 2 ‘Measure all the intemal fishes (oor, wall and ceiing) forthe bedroom 1, passage, bathroom land kitchen only a5 shown on drawing ne QSU 0172019 - GSU 03/2018 and in accordance with the specication given below. ‘SPECIFICATION - Internal finishes [BATHROOM AND KITCHEN Floor 50mm tick 1:4 cement seed ished with wood float + 300 x 300 x Sem Thick Smart’ non-sp caramic flor tes, fixed to sroed with approved tie adhesive including grouting Apply one coat 1:5 coment plaster fished smooth with a ste! trowel ‘Sm tick x 150 x 150mm white glaze ts ved to wells wth tle adhesive to ful height Ccaiting ‘6.4mm Rhino board celng fixed to 38 x 38mm SSAP brandering at 400mm centres ath | 2m|/ scons cnn haectnah fe (He fees t 1 2aY/ |soesousmppsm dont fas 2 hes son ssn faerie 2a) loomored wong gains fray ie whose gt patron a sa. sonata it 8 [sane re rma fem | Ptscarstconne arate lesson toss soni megaee freser fatvotrese stint [wri epee ss pines becheom ond presaee a / | 9|/ |tsomipaayeneinmoners Porsesteiwnnatamens | 3 3 pevacie te 2aihys ns fmoescrm [ea ete 28] / romano stn mnigectarmionnes | 2} —anl/ mrnaneydn sper noon aL/ mt 3 190 i 30) peering roe stat |arsenspentnnd / |e ganas Stifter nao {aah [ecm ae Presse try tropes ah fans teeta 09) MEMO FOR ASSESSHENT AUGUST 2019 - GLC DEVELOPMENT i) - | BOI. MEMO FOR ASSESSMENT AUGUST 2019 - GLC DEVELOPMENT lessee loos aceconsnos lines ference jawstuen veyron fsstnn wat fstamestskte/ |owsmenrsormsies losses fassitonpissesva leat fotanasioncrsleeg hssomsostoes Isso frac stony jstsamdcntoes foie ote jest Pant ti, ] | book teconana Trin ees [enna wen hye cot and ne freereesgg ences 29)F59 sn teint ns AUR cates ep on wath peters 20m P| weather qt Tope aan — [MEMO FOR ASSESSMEIUT AUGUST 2019 - GLC DEVELOPMENT af ana] / repute a tal?” emamgdatrar on |, fh rg ee sousmencto ste} ‘sees 7 os i [sine es coma ea rors tty 1 cosoyetre aus petri nan ab wo} / Bayo of beeen freer apie an Y/ ir reyharoente ans 2 5 4) <7] — | NW cape peninsula University of Technology ‘QUANTITY suRVEvING 1(QSUAS0S / asU150x) AUGUST 2019 TEST PROJECT NAME: GLCD:VELOPMIENT DRAWING: GROUND FLOOR PLAN AND site LAYOUT DRAWING No: QSU 01 / 2019 SCALE: 1:100 Co SALE 2100 AA on a an 75 x-fOmm precast concrete lito CILL AND LINTE L SeTAILS 150m Tk fore clorced cement sll gy aszmm Som white sind q Cape Peninsula University of Technology PROJECT NAME: GLC DEVELOPMENT DRAWING: SECTION A.A, DRAWING No: OSU 02 / 2019, SCALE: 1:50 intaral window sil HOT TO. State] QUANTITY SURVEYING 1 (QSU150S / QSU150X) AUGUST 2019 TEST NORTH WEST ELEVATION: NORTH EAST ELEVATION: ‘WNOOW AND O0OR SCHEDILE: Ts ann wn ik Puan ee SOUTH EAST ELEVATION: (BET SOUTH WEST ELEVATION: w Cape Peninsula University of Technology QUANTITY SURVEYING 1 (QSU150S / QSU150X) AUGUST 2019 TEST PROJECT NAME: GLC DEVELOPMENT DRAWING: ELEVATIONS DRAWING No: OSU 03 / 2019 ‘SCALE: 1:100

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