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ARCH (Action Research Consultation Hour) PROGRAM: Dismantling the

Pessimism on Research Writing of SVNHS Teachers



The study aimed to solve difficulty and issues of the SVNHS Teachers in writing a
research or action research through the implementation of ARCH Program. It was
intended to train and help the teachers to dismantle their pessimism as rooted from poor
foundation and unpreparedness in writing an action research.


This research was a descriptive experimental which used purposive sampling.
Triangulation was employed. Survey questionnaires were used. Interviews, focus group
discussion and workshops were conducted. Documentation analysis was made and
cultural probed.

From the previous school years there were only two teachers conducted action
researches. However, after the implementation of the ARCH Program many teachers
were encouraged to conduct action researches including the school head. Thus, ten
teachers conducted researches in the school year 2017-2018 and sixteen teachers in the
school year 2018-2019. Indeed, ARCH Program helped teachers to dismantle their
pessimism on writing action researches. This program greatly helped teachers and a
series of training courses were conducted. Research programs like ARCH Program would
encourage more teachers to become research enthusiasts.

The study was conducted from October 2017 to October 2018, at San Vicente
National High School with ten teacher-respondents which focused on their performance
in conducting action researches.

This research was holistic and essential since it encouraged teachers to become
researched- based decision makers as 21st Century educators.

Keywords: Action Research Program, Research Training, Research-based Decision Makers

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