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‭Lesson Planning Template‬

‭ED 3501‬
‭Fall 2023‬

‭Component One‬‭:‬‭Organizational Information‬

‭ eacher‬
‭Rosemary Freed‬ ‭ rade‬
‭Level(s)‬ ‭2‬

‭ nit(s) /‬
U ‭ uilding using different‬
‭ ubject‬
‭Science/math‬ ‭Topic(s) /‬ ‭materials‬
‭Strand (s)‬ ‭3d shapes‬
‭ tart/Stop‬
‭Times +‬ ‭ esson‬
‭45 minutes‬
‭November 23‬

‭Component Two‬‭: Description and Rationale‬

‭ ‬‭In this lesson, students will learn about attributes of 3D and 2D shapes, then apply them to‬
‭ escription‬ ●
‭:‬ ‭ uild 3D shapes with a partner. After they build some shapes, the students will reflect on the‬

‭ ‬‭Students will collaborate to meet a common goal.‬

‭●‬‭Students will reflect on the process of building.‬
‭●‬‭Students will choose the most stable materials to build their 3-D shape (science connection).‬
‭●‬‭Formatively assessing through observation and exit slip/discussion at the end.‬

‭Component Three:‬‭Learner Outcomes‬

‭●‬ ‭Matter: Understandings of the physical world are deepened by investigating matter and‬
‭ eneral‬
G ‭●‬ ‭How can the suitability of materials be determined for specific purposes?‬
‭●‬ ‭Students investigate properties of materials and relate them to a purpose.‬
‭equivalent)‬ ‭ORGANIZING IDEA‬
‭●‬ ‭Geometry: Shapes are defined and related by geometric attributes.‬
‭●‬ ‭How can shape influence perception of space?‬
‭●‬ ‭Students analyze and explain geometric attributes of shape.‬
‭ pecific‬
‭KNOWLEDGE (Science)‬
‭Outcome(s)‬ ‭●‬ ‭Materials are used to make objects.‬
‭(or‬ ‭●‬ ‭Materials can be combined in a variety of ways to make objects.‬

‭Lesson Planning Template‬
‭ED 3501‬
‭Fall 2023‬
‭●‬ ‭Combine materials to create an object for a specific purpose.‬

‭KNOWLEDGE (math)‬
‭●‬ ‭Common geometric attributes include‬
‭○‬ ‭sides‬
‭○‬ ‭vertices‬
‭○‬ ‭faces or surfaces‬
‭●‬ ‭Two-dimensional shapes may have sides that are line segments.‬
‭●‬ ‭Three-dimensional shapes may have faces that are two-dimensional shapes.‬

‭●‬ ‭Shapes are defined according to geometric attributes.‬
‭●‬ ‭A shape can be visualized as a composition of other shapes.‬


‭●‬ ‭Relate the faces of three-dimensional shapes to two-dimensional shapes.‬
‭●‬ ‭Create a picture or design with shapes from verbal instructions, visualization, or‬

‭Component Four:‬‭Learning Objective(s) and Assessment‬‭Evidence‬

‭Objective(s‬ ‭ ‬ ‭Students will be able to identify different properties of a 3D shape‬

‭)‬ ‭●‬ ‭Students will be able to represent 3D shapes by building using different materials‬

‭Component Five:‬‭Pre-Lesson Preparations‬

‭Curriculum Resources‬ ‭Materials and Equipment‬
‭ ‬‭3-D Shape blocks‬
● ‭‬ P
● ‭ encils to write reflections‬
‭●‬‭Paper‬ ‭●‬ ‭Slides‬
‭●‬‭Sticky notes‬

‭Teacher Tasks‬

‭Lesson Planning Template‬
‭ED 3501‬
‭Fall 2023‬
‭ hat do you need to have ready‬‭before‬‭the students‬‭enter the class?‬
‭●‬‭3d shape blocks‬
‭●‬‭Building materials laid out‬
‭●‬‭Slides set up‬

‭Component Six:‬‭Body (introduction, activities, closure)‬

‭Introduction‬ ‭Time‬
‭ ook: 3D shapes song‬
H ‭‬
‭Sing along with the 3D shapes song to get students engaged.‬ ‭ inutes‬
‭Compare and contrast attributes of 3D and 2D shapes.‬

‭ old up a square and ask “What kind of properties (traits/features)‬

‭does this square have? Do you notice anything about this shape?”‬

‭Intended responses:‬‭Sides, 4 corners, it is flat‬

“‭ Right, a square has sides, let’s count them, one, two, three, four‬
‭sides! It also has corners, or as we call them in mathematical terms,‬
‭“vertices”! There’s also another thing about this shape… It is flat and‬
‭two-dimensional! There is only length and width on this shape.”‬
“‭ So, when we look at most 2D shapes, they usually have sides,‬ ‭ inutes‬
‭vertices (or corners), and they are always flat.”‬

‭ old up a 3d cube block‬

‭“Now, let’s look at this cube. Is there anything you notice about this‬
‭cube? What attributes does this cube have? They might be similar to‬
‭our 2D shapes’ attributes.”‬

“‭ Another thing you might notice about this cube is that it is made up‬
‭of different 2d shapes. If you look straight at this shape, you can see‬
‭a square. the flat side of each part of the cube is called a “face””‬
‭How many faces are on this cube? Let’s count them, one, two, three,‬

‭Lesson Planning Template‬
‭ED 3501‬
‭Fall 2023‬
f‭our, five, six! Six faces (or six 2D squares) make up this cube’s‬
‭Activities‬ ‭Time‬
‭ xplanation of Activity 1:‬
‭“Today, we are going to be building 3D shapes using different‬
‭materials! I want you to use our 3D shape blocks as a‬
‭guide/reference to build your shapes. The materials you will be able‬
‭to use are: popsicle sticks, straws, toothpicks, and playdough to stick‬
‭everything together. You will be put into groups of two to complete‬
‭this task. I am going to put the groups up on the board. Find your‬
‭partner, then find a spot. Once everyone has found their partner and‬
‭a spot and everyone is quiet, I will give you guys the next steps.”‬
‭Have students find a group and a spot in the room to work.‬
‭“Now, I am going to give each group a cube, and you are going to‬
‭try and build this shape. When you’re building the shape, pay close‬
‭attention to the faces of your shape. When we looked at our cube,‬
‭we found that there were 6 square faces. So, when we build our‬
‭cube, what kind of shapes might make it up?”‬

“‭ Right, squares! Notice how when we look at our different 3D‬

‭shapes, the faces on the shapes are 2D shapes. Pay close attention‬
‭to the 3D shape’s faces and the amount of faces on your shape to‬
‭help you build the 3D shape. If you’re having troubles with building‬
‭your shape, it might be a good idea to look at what another group is‬
‭doing to help you figure out how to build your shape.”‬

“‭ Once you’re done with building your cube, raise your hand and Mrs.‬
‭Smith or I will check it. We will give you another 3D shape block and‬
‭you will be challenged to build that one. Any questions? Alright, get‬
‭Building Challenge:‬
‭Students will build shapes based on the 3d objects given to them.‬ ‭20‬
‭Once they make the cube, they can move on to building other 3d‬ ‭minutes‬
‭shapes to challenge themselves.‬

‭Lesson Planning Template‬
‭ED 3501‬
‭Fall 2023‬
‭Closure/Cliffhanger‬ ‭Time‬
‭Cleanup/Exit slip:‬
‭●‬ ‭Have students clean up and put away materials‬
‭●‬ ‭Bring class back and have them answer an Exit slip on a sticky‬
‭note‬ ‭10‬
‭●‬ ‭Answer one of the following questions:‬ ‭minutes‬
‭●‬ ‭What was the easiest material to work with? Why?‬
‭●‬ ‭What was the hardest material to work with? Why?‬
‭●‬ ‭Why is it important to use sturdy materials to build things?‬

‭Component Seven:‬‭Teacher Reflection‬

‭What worked‬
‭well? Why?‬
‭‬ S
● ‭ tudents were engaged and enjoyed the building activity.‬
‭●‬ ‭The 3-D shapes song was an engaging and fun way to introduce the topic.‬
‭●‬ ‭Classroom management when students were singing the 3-D shapes song. Energy got a bit‬
‭What didn’t?‬
‭Why not?‬
‭too high.‬
‭●‬ ‭We did not have time to do the exit slip, so we engaged in a class discussion at the end.‬
‭What would‬
‭you do‬
‭next time to‬
‭ ‬ ‭Slow down and pause the video to manage classroom energy/behavior.‬

‭promote‬ ‭●‬ ‭Set a timer for building time so there is enough time for the exit slip and cleanup.‬
‭learning for all‬


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