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Part One: Ormus, Its History, Its Effect

Personal Author Chris Emmons, R.Ph.

With usage notes furnished by significant Ormus contributors since 1993

The finest Ormus available is here. Click to buy now !

Ormus and Supplies

Since I don't know where you’ve been in your Ormus search ... allow me to
start at the beginning.

David Hudson, during the 1970’s, researched source materials and processes
that revealed an amazing state of elements, which had hitherto not been
known to our modern world civilization. He lectured during the 1990’s about
his findings. David Hudson is generally recognized as the person who
brought this knowledge back to the modern world, which the Ormus
community has found useful.
Essene: Larry Blackman, studied six sciences when he went to college. Six.
Biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, nuclear physics, electronics, clinical
psychology and astronomy. (He said that astronomy was the most important
one, absolutely the most important one.)

With his master degrees in inorganic chemistry and physics, a PhD in

Psychology along with the other bachelor and associate degrees, Larry
Blackman went into the field of science.

During his career he developed, then during the 1990’s chose to share the
current Ormus collection processes. Today these are generally known as ~
Egyptian Essene Traditional Technology (Science).

The Ormus collections processes he brought forward, except for a couple

variations, are the Wet Process, Dry Processes, Sodium Burn Process and Red
Lion Process.

Mr. Blackman was known as “Essene” within the Ormus community. In this
way he remained in the background, attracting no attention to himself. Thus,
his career was protected against sabotage by disapproving colleagues or
peers as well as any who may not wish that this knowledge be known.

Essene desired the knowledge of how to make and use the m state be
common knowledge, rather than closed and secret as it was. He wanted it to
be available to all to use for the betterment of humanity.

Essene, by sharing these collection processes, performed an extreme act of

generosity. The Ormus community remains intensely Grateful.

Barry Carter learned about these materials first hand in 1989 and began
researching the topic. Being amazed at their benefit he began walking around
town asking folks “Do you want to feel better?” Gathering every piece of
information he could, his personal files became comprehensive and Barry
became known as the central-go-to person on the subject. He formed the
website containing an amazing amount of Ormus facts,
research and up to date theory, moderated many Ormus forums, available for
questions by phone, conducted workshops, spoke at workshops, held
seminars, lectured at conferences and around the world -all on behalf of
Ormus history and current research. Barry explained that Ormus is a
substance that is freely available in nature and can be extracted and used to
improve the human condition. He started dozens of local and international
discussion forums on the subject and always encouraged local groups which
would share knowledge and develop local sources. Considering himself the
official greeter for Ormus his goal was to get high quality Ormus information
out to as many people as possible as quickly as possible and so became the
organizing figure of the modern day Ormus community. Barry Carter died
April 2018 of natural cause. If not for Barry's lifetime of dedicated work,
knowledge about Ormus would remain buried. For all that Barry Carter has
done, we who Know about Ormus benefit are Eternally grateful.

There would have been minimal opportunity for you to learn about Ormus if
Barry Carter had not accepted the challenge of being an official Ormus
greeter. Feel grateful that You had ears to hear -and appreciate everything
you can think of -the highest life walks are appreciative ones.

There was heated dialogue during the early Ormus times regarding whether
information about Ormus should be openly shared. Many felt it best if
knowledge about Ormus was left to those whose life walk led them to it.
Their argument was logical. They explained that since the purpose of the
energy in Ormus is to raise the level of conscious awareness towards
enlightenment, and thereby forward evolution, folks whose lifestyles are
detrimental to themselves and the world would find Ormus useful for their
purposes. The mental and emotional aspects of those who live in a
malevolent manner would now have an energetic material that enhances
their way of being. These traits include manipulation, self-pity, anger,
jealousy, living an ego-based lifestyle, dishonesty, recreational drug abuse
ect. And it is true that they do find Ormus beneficial. For example,
recreational drug abusers, having more stamina, happily report a longer high
or higher buzz. This is not what Ormus is here for [reference article: Key
reason for Ormus use]. Proponents countered that there exists the
possibility that if Ormus benefits a person’s spiritual being, a raised
conscious awareness can be experienced which causes change in a person’s
way of being.

What is Ormus? “Ormus are Essential mineral nutrients, extracted from

mineral rich natural source materials such as unprocessed sea salt, properly
drawn and prepared Ocean water, soil, plant material and other specially
chosen naturally occurring resources. [Some Ormus collection processes are
easy, others fairly easy -being more like kitchen chemistry. For those
interested there are more involved Ormus collection processes.] Ormus
provides great benefit to plant, animal & people. Ingested or applied
topically, it supports health, healing and a sense of well being. There is
considerable evidence that Ormus was known throughout history dating
back thousands of years and now being newly re-discovered.”
Ormus Modern Day Alchemy by Chris Emmons R.Ph.

The Minerals Mineral Spirit - m state

Ormus contains minerals with definable physical characteristics, such as
soft and slushy. Ormus also embodies unexplained non-physical
characteristics easily considered a mineral spirit. [Note: the term non-
physical state is used in a general way to indicate anything that is simply
outside of our limits to perceive directly, observe and assess; it simply is
energy too small or too large for us to measure.] The Ormus community calls
this other form of the mineral m state or metaphysical state. Such
anomalous unexplained non-physical behaviors have been seen during
Ormus collection processes and lab assays. The m state with its out of the
ordinary unexplained behaviors are detailed in the articles titled “m state”
and “Ormus Material and Chemical Behavior, search for m state”.

What is m state? It is a material that does not follow the Standard Model of
physics. It displays anomalous unexplained non-physical behaviors and
characteristics that can be observed during Ormus collection processes and
laboratory assays. It appears that Ormus exists in the common world
however not following standard physics parameters it should not be present
in this world.

"Many a man kicks away with his foot a stone that would be more valuable to
him than his best cow, if he only knew what great mysteries were put into it
by God by means of the spirit of Nature."
the life of Paracelsus by Frank Hartman

Good soil contains about 45% mineral density. Minerals compose about 4% of
the body –approximately 5 pounds from a cremated body. Alchemists have
known since the beginning that minerals have a unique spirit within their
structure. They called this unique force “mineral spirit” or the “acetone of
the wise”.

In choosing to term the unique spirit surrounding minerals “mineral spirit",

the early alchemists could easily and better relate to the unexplained effects
of their Work. Perhaps the Ormus community will integrate the terms,
mineral spirit as well as metaphysical state when talking about the
unexplained non-physical characteristics found in Ormus minerals. Certainly
the average person can more easily relate to each word in the phrase
“mineral spirit”.

To grasp more fully what m state may represent, we need to think from the
viewpoint of our universe. In the editorial titled m state, the trail of
dimensions outside our own is reviewed by utilizing the science of physics.

In the Ormus community, mineral spirit equates to elemental life force: “A

particular and unique energy field that surrounds all. It embodies a vast,
unseen background of boundless energy which relates to the concept of a
quantum field, scalar field, or scalar electromagnetic and believed to know
all, being outside of time (having always existed), a natural occurrence
existing in an ever-present, ever-changing, always in motion stable state and
is a part of all things. Some have called it the God Force, a part of the Zero
Point, Super light, Ether, Tachyons or simply It.”
-Ormus Modern Day Alchemy by Chris Emmons

The early alchemists had similar thoughts to this. They believed that mineral
spirit is an invisible intangible spiritual substance from Above, that is
everything and is nothing, comes from a place wherefrom the myriad of all
created things emerges, contains the germ or seeds of potencies of all things
that ever existed and ever will exist in the future and which expresses itself,
with focus, on the archetypal powers, the universal patterns, to form
material reality into our Natural world; all that we see -including ourselves.
All forms are hidden within its depths, embodying innate software or
intelligence, a component of force or life force which causes atoms to form in
their own specific shape, hexagonal, cubic or other, with their own specific
and characteristic vibrational and rotational bond frequencies This is
transmutation between the manifested and the unmanifested requiring a
specific direction and guidance; the same power and direction behind our
own continual biological transmutation as the plethora of cells in the body
live, die and are replaced.

Modern science has developed a term that can be likened to mineral spirit:
Morphic Resonance. It is similar to mineral spirit however Morphic
Resonance does not include the aspect of an invisible intangible spiritual
substance from Above.

“Morphic Resonance maintains that each type of structure, be it a species, a

mineral, or even an atomic particle, resonates with its own type of morphic
field. It influences, and is influenced by, this field through morphic
resonance”. -Science and spirit reconcile by Alan D. Cohen

To the Ormus community, life is actually supported by the hitherto

unexplained mechanism of action of this newly classed material. This
mechanism allows the mineral spirit, the metaphysical state, to interact with
that unique expansive field of energy that surrounds it and is contained
within its own field of energy. In other words, Ormus benefits biological
systems as it interacts with or has a correlation with an energy field that
surrounds All. While not in a biological manner, Ormus itself may, or may not,
be thought of as alive. It is the correlation between the two energies, the
invisible expansive energy from Above interacting with the Natural world
Below which is the basis of a belief that we are able to use Ormus with
focused intention expecting change.
Above left is an aura foto of the aura surrounding a Quartz crystal. Above
right, an aura foto of the aura surrounding a Quartz crystal after topical
Ormus (Face-ics) applied. A detailed review that compares these auras, and
many other before/after Ormus auras, in the article; “Aura Study On

“Nature shows us only the tail of the lion. But I do not doubt that the lion
belongs to it even though he cannot at once reveal himself because of his
enormous size.” — Albert Einstein

Ormus contains minerals in a small easily absorbed ionic form that displays
definable physical characteristics and also an unexplained, unseen non-
physical state. Observations point toward Ormus containing material that
exists in two states of matter: both physical matter, seen in our natural
world of material reality and a matter that does not act as matter does in our
natural world. In common vernacular; a part of Ormus is here and a part is not
here but there –as in elsewhere. This unseen non-physical state of Ormus,
called m state or metaphysical state by the Ormus community is associated
with the previously mentioned underlying invisible intangible force or life
force from Above. [Note: throughout Ormus Academy the term non-physical
state is used in a general way to indicate anything that is simply outside of
our limits to perceive directly, observe and assess; it simply is energy too
small or too large for us to measure.] These unexplained behaviors have been
seen during Ormus collection process -and in lab assays. [Detailed in Part 3:
Ormus; its Material and Chemical behaviors, Search for m state.]
After the Wet Process of Ormus collection is performed, the harvested
minerals from seawater have become a more perfect thing for our use than
those seawaters of Nature. Ormus embodies a power or force we call
elemental life force which changes or transforms in a mysterious or
impressive way. This is hidden information not secret and not everyone has
ears to hear. Our society just does not teach about the secret operations of
Nature, the hidden energies of Nature and how everything is connected; such
as the minerals and their mineral spirit. If you are asked how Ormus works
you may best assist by suggesting they visit Ormus Academy Online while
also answering; ”It works good…want some”?

The whole mineral spirit concept has generally been rejected by the
scientific community and modern civilization because its first characteristic
is that it exists in a state between matter and energy; between manifested
and unmanifested. For this reason, the alchemists often refer to it as the
“cornerstone the builders forgot”. In a paradoxical side note; as far back as
the ancient Egyptians the first matter was denoted with a hieroglyph known
as “kh”. Translated as “black matter that is alive” it reminds us of what we
call Dark matter; a form of matter thought to account for approximately 85%
of matter in the universe and about a quarter of its total energy density. The
first matter, never described directly in ancient texts caused alchemists to
search for it. A scheme that some employed is also an Ormus collection
method called Dew Collection Process. The underlying belief of both the
ancient alchemists and Ormus collectors is that during the process of
condensation from dark nighttime air, the pure moisture will trap the unseen
matter; what we call Ormus.


Ormus Effects

How is Ormus beneficial? It appears to assist communication between cells in

the physical body, causing the body to work better.

Ormus fuels physical, mental, emotional and spiritual processes. The

imparted energy begins new direction(s) that are integrated physically,
emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Ormus supports health, promotes brain coherence, mental clarity and

increased level of awareness -which is linked to consciousness and falls in
the realm of Spirit. Ormus also appears to assist communication between the
physical body and the Spirit. A well fed mind can allow for a new way of
looking at things going on in a life. Understandings may sporadically appear
like a flash of insight, and which lead to right action. Because Ormus possibly
improves connection to the psyche in people, many think Ormus does
improve the connection to our Spirit Origin [from, the Divine, All, Source,
supreme intelligence]. Most report they feel better after Ormus.

In plants and agriculture, seeds and plants given Ormus have shown more
vigor, tolerance to transplanting and drought conditions as well as increased
resistance to disease and insects. They demonstrate a shortened growing
cycle and increased crop yield. They have also produced larger fruit with a
longer shelf life, and assays have shown they contain an increase in mineral
content. Similar benefits have occurred with plants grown for flowers.

In animals given Ormus, more vibrancy and stamina has been observed. This
could lead to decreased mortality, decreased infection and increased weight.
Reports have been shared about animals who displayed a greater level of
conscious awareness through body language and look in their eye.

David Hudson and others remind us that the Purpose of Ormus is to raise the
level of understandings [consciousness] towards enlightenment and not
physical healing. Physical healing is a benefit. Being more enlightened
causes unexplained feelings of connection to a higher state of awareness
that sporadically receives insights and wisdoms from our Spirit Origin. A
result is that life can be more rewarding.

What does being conscious mean, or having a raised level of understandings,

or being enlightened, or having insights or wisdom?

The internet defines conscious as: having mental faculties [awareness,

sentience, the ability to experience and feel], not dulled by sleep, faintness,
or stupor; Perceiving, apprehending, or noticing with a degree of controlled
thought or observation.

The definition of the Greek root word of conscious is more profound. A search
for the meaning of a word in its original language is helpful since words are
sometimes not clearly communicated in translation:

Conscious: from the Greek root suneidesis means: – to see it all completely
[found in the perfect only]; To see [know] clearly. Being conscious, knowing
[seeing] point directly to an aspect of God [the Divine, All, Source, supreme
intelligence] who knows all from past to future.

Enlighten: the Greek root phós means: – properly, light (especially in terms of
its results, what it manifests).

Insight: from the Greek root phroneo means: – understanding, practical

Wisdom: from the Greek root sophos means: – supreme intelligence, such as
belongs to God.

Practical wisdom: from the Greek root phronésis means: – understanding

(which leads to right action).

When using the more literal translations of words, the main purpose of Ormus
reads as:
Those who supplement with Ormus may be more able to know [see] what’s
what, and thereby make choices in life that are better by means of
unexplained feelings of connection to a higher state of awareness which
sporadically receives, from a supreme intelligence, such as belongs to God,
understandings that appear like a flash of insight and sometimes seen in
events that occur and which lead to right action.

This is one reason life can become more rewarding after Ormus
supplementation. When an insight or wisdom arrives into consciousness, the
unconsciously activated information just appears into awareness. It comes
as a whole understanding not sentence and words and it leads towards right
action. The source is God [supreme intelligence], also called Spirit. The
experience is poignant [Greek katanussó means to be pricked] and not
ignorable, the information is comforting and allows for a great and clear
Knowing whereby an ability to make choices in life that are better. This
knowing is the type, which no one can take away.

Ormus improves connection to our Spirit Origin. It appears to assist the

process, either as a form of mineral nutrition that supports the body or
another form of minerals. This other form of the minerals, a new class of
material that has been discovered, seems to draw spiritual energy into your
reality. Those who supplement with Ormus report sporadic insights or

For example, I experienced receiving insight from Spirit when my father died
without wishing to re-establish a relationship. "I was stunned because my
belief had been that he would change his mind - and that wasn't going to
happen now. I attended a mental health session to address this feeling of
shock. It wasn't too very long before I carried no remorse over the
occurrence as I couldn't maintain an upset while knowing, in a deep,
permeating way, that “all is OK.” This “knowing” is not ignorable and I feel it is
an effect of Ormus because I have never in my life experienced feeling how
“all is OK”- no matter what situation has cropped up."

-Ormus Modern Day Alchemy, page 7


There are those who use Ormus in plants, animals and themselves. This is
done 100% at their own risk. The individual chooses how much they use and
there is nothing implied or guaranteed regarding Ormus. It is up to you alone,
an individual, to think seriously about all the benefits of good nutrition and
any needed supplements. The people who use Ormus are part of their own
ongoing personal research.

Personal research observation over time is scientific research. We have 25

years of observation from 1,000’s who globally used Ormus versus no one I
know of filing a complaint that Ormus “hurt me”. Comments include feeling
better; so much that Ormus is forgotten to be taken. Another comment is
that he had stints put in 25 year ago that are still just fine while four others
who had stints then needed to be replaced after 5-6 years.

Folks who have taken Ormus have also had colds, flu, aches, pains. An added
comment was that a lady had an anaerobic bug and Ormus didn’t touch it.
Ormus didn’t cure any disease, if a disease cured without medical treatment,
the body won over the disease. Cancer is physical malfunction. Fibromyalgia
is a physical malfunction.

The most direct explanation regarding Ormus effect in our physical body and
disease comes from Don Nance. At timestamp 12:49 in youtube titled "Chris
Emmons welcomes Don Nance to chat about Ormus collection Fires, Ormus
Effects and a time called Equinox" Don explains:

“…These energies are real it’s not anything that you know I’m making up,
these things feed our life force, they feed that spark of life, the thing that
keeps us alive, these elements, the manna, the Ormes they feed our life force
and it’s not like a drug, not anything that is suppose to make you high, what it
does is over time it feeds your life force raises your life force and in turn
since your life force is raised your immune system improves, it increases and
you get to a point where you’ve ingested these element, raised your life
force, its high, your body then naturally your life force (sic added by C.
Emmons: has a better chance of) overcoming any disease force. That is how
these things heal. It is not the elements themselves actually doing the
healing, it is your life force that is actually overcoming the disease energy
and you are (sic added by C. Emmons; better) able to heal…."

I add what everyone probably already knows: Healing is not an absolute...the

life force in the body may just not be strong enough to overcome the disease
force... and sometimes, hard to verbalize, it’s just our time to go.

An Ormus investigator, doing his own personal ongoing research, explained

that Ormus fuels the light body; the light body housed in us drives the
physical body. He understands it to be that if the light body is too powerful,
the physical body can be overpowered (burn out the physical) and that is why
he doesn’t want to ingest large amounts or excessive amounts over a long
period. He added: Easy does it and pay attention to what your body says to
you. Pay attention to how you feel and keep a note book if you cannot
remember. Simple notes can help you more fully understand if the
supplement is helping or hindering. As we get a bit older this is even more
important because we often have much more on our minds and may not recall
just how one felt two days ago in the early am.

The hydroxide form of the mineral is more bioavailable and the most common
Ormus precipitate contains mineral-hydroxides. Actually mineral-
hydroxides are the newest form of mineral supplements on the market. In
Ormus, the minerals are present in parts per million or parts per billion –not
very much; you would need, for example, a dump truck of horsetail plants to
get a noticeable amount of gold.

However you will be hard pressed to find clinical studies on Essential

minerals, macro or micro. This is understandable since there are definite
variables in mineral absorption, its storage and its excretion; variance with
age, sex, health, physiological activity, dietary components, pregnancy,
lactation, individual genetics, processing or lack of processing of food and
bioavailability of the mineral from the diet. Also availability of minerals in the
soil, hence the food itself is not reviewed. The government doesn’t get
involved much since minerals are not classified as food or drug. The
subcommittee of the National Research Council (US) tasked with calculating
mineral recommended Daily Allowance has recorded that RDA amounts are a
value judgment based on reasonable assumptions (sic: rather than a
scientific determination) such as in healthy people there are some mineral
stores in the body and further it assumes what may be the size of these
stores needed and used as a reserve against periods of negative mineral
balance. These variances cause difficulty in estimating their RDA
requirement. Also noted is that a number of minerals lack analysis methods
to diagnose their status in the body.

A catch 22 is that if not enough minerals are in the body, life force is
affected, diminished, and if too much, the physical body can be negatively
affected. Anything too much is not good; now there are reports that too
much orange juice causes melanoma, and in the young too much vitamin C
can precipitate heart attack. Another person commented that too much
vitamin B-12 and “you have to peel me off the ceiling” (too much excitatory
energy). So, Ormus is no different than any other supplement.

Time For A Shopping Break............

Consequently the responsibility for any use of Ormus substances remains
with you alone, an individual, to think seriously about all the benefits of good
nutrition and any needed supplements. The book Ormus Modern Day
Alchemy addresses your personal responsibility in this area:

Page 3
"All material in this publication is provided for information only and may not
be construed as medical advice or instruction. The information in this book is
presented for educational purposes only. Information in this book is not
intended to be a substitute for the medical advice of your health care
professional. The information contained has not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. Information in this book is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information is for research,
experimental and informational purpose only. No health claims are made."

Page 258-259
“Ormus used as supplements are for research and experimental purposes
only and therefore there are no specific “dosages” to state. I can tell you
what I/others use, or have heard of being used, on plants/agriculture,
animals and ourselves. The opinions are believed to be accurate and the
information sound based on the best judgment available.

The following statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent
disease. Further, if there are choices made in determining how to use Ormus
for plants/agriculture, animals and ourselves, make those decisions based on
conservative thinking.”

Since supplementing with Ormus often results in noticeable effect as life

continues we caution that Ormus is a personal journey ---And not one taken

What to look for after adding the Ormus trace mineral/m state supplement
First off, so we are on the same page: Ormus is not a drug ---and it will not
get you high. Rather, it is a type of supplement for the body and for the spirit
within that vitalizes these areas. Sometimes a change or shift is observed
quickly and sometimes effects could take up to one year to appear in your
conscious awareness. An Ormus supplementor, enthusiastic about Ormus,
said it took two years to Feel an effect and even then it was subtle. This is
not because Ormus is weak or ineffectual –it is the reaction of the body to a
high energetic material that brings about a deep cellular change which may
take a long time to be felt or observed externally. The understandings of the
unthinking masses are based on life accustomed to chemicals and drugs
displaying an effect, shift or change within the hour. With schooling you can
circumvent this mindset and change your attitude if change is not
immediately perceived. Certainly do Not increase the amount of Ormus.
Some folks take drops of Ormus and others 1/8 to ½ a teaspoon.

Results after Ormus may be perceived quickly or take Time to express and
unfold in the observable. Give Ormus the Time it needs. Change includes
outcomes from transformations that occur within your physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual energetic components. This includes change in the
physical body’s dynamics or even change at the DNA level. Some after Ormus
say they experienced no effect, or at least perceive no effect. Do not
immediately increase the amount of Ormus taken. It is paramount to realize
that if change is not felt, it may be that the change is subtle and/or you are
too close to make an analysis. You also may not be closely connected
physically to your body and/or psyche to observe change; Ormus is called
subtle energy for a reason. Ormus is in action regardless if change is felt or
not. Give Ormus the Time it needs.

Ormus fuels the light body housed in us that drives the physical body. The
Light body is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry which brings together
your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. Ormus, an energetic
material, feeds the light body.

This is a key concept; you are composed of a physical, emotional mental and
spiritual being. After Ormus nutrition there is a positive shift in resonance of
our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual processes. What may be the
result? Ponder this.

The imparted energy begins new direction(s) that must be integrated

physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This requires work as each
of the areas has to catch up -and this takes Time; especially for the more
solid (dense) physical body. Give bodily systems the time it takes.

The key in assessing how things are going is to pay attention to how you feel.
Since most will not remember how they felt 4days, 10days or earlier it is
always a Good idea to jot notes. The best records show how you feel first
thing upon arising and/or just before bed. This can help to more fully
correlate effects of Ormus. In my own life the first consciously noticeable
effect occurred 6 months after beginning Ormus and a huge result of shifts
occurred about 1 and a half years after. (At the time I was not aware about
note taking.)

Giving Ormus mineral nutrients to an undersupplied body causes it to

vitalize. Likewise a vitalized mind can alter its state; it can improve your
outlook, change your interpretations, and even reach a transcendental state,
feeling euphoric and relaxed from good stress tolerance. As mentioned
earlier, this stems from nutrition though not a drug. Some have felt a
warming up after Ormus -usually attributed to increased vitality in the
glands whose job is to run the body. The body may express and you
experience a healing in some area.

It must be understood that each occurrence after beginning Ormus is

unique-just as each of us are; having our different lifestyles, diet, DNA ect.
Information can be gleaned for personal use from reports shared by others.
Some describe feeling very alert when they first take Ormus. Other folks
share that they felt so tired they had to sleep. Feeling sleepy happened to
me. I learned from my mentors that the body may be experiencing a shift
with healing being done on every level-even to the DNA. Since we know the
body heals best at rest, Ormus was ensuring I got rest. One person who took
their first Ormus told me that she noticed that she was forgetting common
words she uses every day. I explained that this occurrence may represent a
shift, perhaps as the brain acclimates; readjusts, as detailed above regarding
a fed Light body, to better functioning and the higher frequency material it
received. She later reported that this resolved quickly. Give Ormus the time
in real time to complete the work. In my own experience, the floor was not
quite where I thought it should be as I took a step. I learned from mentors
that the Ormus raised my vibration (again the fed light body): shifting me a
little bit from this 3Dimension life and my body took the time it needed to
recalibrate. This resolved itself within the day.

Again, Each occurrence after beginning Ormus is unique-just as each of us

are; having our different lifestyles, diet, DNA ect. There is a chance, not
everyone does, that you will quickly or soon feel a consciously noticeable
shift somewhere in your physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual being.

In the physical state perhaps there is increased stamina or energy.

In the emotional state perhaps there is greater conscious awareness,

including increase in the strength of unconscious information processing
which affects perceptions and hence your cognitive control, a part of you
that includes the emotional processing levels of error detection and
correction mechanisms, conflict resolution, response inhibition, and task-
switching. Task-switching is the attention energy you give to stimuli in your
life. All these sub factors of emotional state coalesce to create your decision
making choices -and there is a good chance that they are affected and shift
after Ormus.

In the mental state perhaps there is increase in brain capability, cognitive

function, brain power and increase in communication between the left and
right hemispheres of the brain causing a more coordinated engagement.
Since each side of the brain approaches a mental task from different angles it
is easier to complete undertakings when they are better synchronized.
Actions of the brain are numerous and energy-intensive; memory
recollection and concentration, generally considered your thinking ability,
motivation, creativity and alertness. Having increase in energy or power in a
brain can lead to a better mood and ease in falling asleep via reduced stress
and anxiety. Increased brain activity also enhances neuroplasticity, the
ability of its neurons (nerve cells) to better connect or reconnect, allowing
the brain to more easily adapt and change: such as learning and thus
changing (growing). Finally, better running and more actively working mental
activity reduces age-related declines in brain function.

In the spiritual state perhaps there is an understanding of your sense of

meaning, purpose and connectedness within this physical world. If you
believe in a higher power, this includes your sense of understanding it and
your place within it. Having sagacity of what your understandings are
affects your physical, social, psychological and spiritual well being.

Some after Ormus say that they experience no effect, or at least perceive no
effect. If change is not felt it may be that the change is subtle and/or you are
too close to make an analysis. You also may not be closely connected
physically to your body and/or psyche to observe it. Ormus is called subtle
energy for a reason. As explained earlier, effects of Ormus can take Time to
express and unfold in the observable. Change includes results from
transformations that occur within the physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual energetic parts of you. This includes change in the physical body’s
dynamics or even change at the DNA level. Ormus is in action regardless if
change is felt or not.

It is wise to realize that any change, positive or otherwise, causes stress in

the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energetic components. Hence,
while it is uncommon, a temporary occurrence called a healing experience
can occur in these areas. The term healing crisis is regularly used although
the word healing experience is a better representation of what is occurring.
This process involves cleansing of one or more of the physical, mental,
emotional or spiritual components of the bodily system. It is a reaction of the
body to high energy Ormus matter that brings about deep cellular change. A
healing experience may take a long time to show externally and may express
as profuse perspiration, reliving old illness, mental instability and body shape
changes ect.

Ideally you ought to bring Ormus into a prepared body having good food and
hydration. With the mind, watch what you put into it: books, conversations,
activities and videos. With the Spirit, allow time for contemplation,
meditation ect.

While getting started in seated meditation is difficult, mindful meditation is

easy to do and also leads to contentment. Mindful meditation is something
you do while actually doing things. Remain focused on only what you are
doing, how you are holding your body, not using any more force than
necessary, any more movements than necessary, and focused on your
breathing. If you’ve got a particular issue, every time it pops up find
something else that is good in your life or a positive change that you want to
make. Bad thoughts grow in strength every time they pop up because your
neurons are firing and they get use to pathways. Therefore, if you’re
thinking a negative thought over and over again it gets easier and easier to
think that negative thought. Basically you have carved out a river of neurons
directed towards that thought. Instead, first just take a deep breath and try
to clear your mind; even if you can only do this for a split second at a time it’s
going to help. However if you can’t get that thought to shut down, switch it
over to something else. Shift thinking to something pleasurable you want to
do and get a specific visual picture of it in your head; one that you can See so
you are not actually explaining something to yourself. Take a deep breath
then just focus back on what you are doing at the moment.

Barring this preparation of the body, take the Wet Process Ormus in small
amounts for a year as you work on the above actions of cleansing the body,
mind and spirit. This work raises your cognizance so you are prepared to
consciously interface with and recognize effects of Ormus. Most don’t want
to hear this –and don’t listen well. Taking Ormus is transformational. It
raises consciousness closer to the Divine dimension. The basic trait of the
divine dimension is creating and what you feel led to create is your personal
expression of this: It may be beauty (good) or unlovely (evil). Take that year
to clean your body, mind, spirit. During this time you have the opportunity to
actively engage in the process of stepping closer to the divine which may
cause a change in the personal expression you create.

This is heady philosophical, alchemical information – information which I and

a few others work to waken people to. This is about a transformation of
oneself which starts with understanding that Man as he is born, is the
product of Nature -however his truest nature is in essence part of the divine.
The natural man is like being asleep. The awake man is aware; aware of the
different components of being such as the physical body and its energies,
emotions, thoughts and the divine center combined with a desire to purify
them -thus becoming more than Nature: The alchemists called it the Great
Work. It is likely that the ancient alchemists understood that their own
entity was as of lead or a stone and the products they collected caused them
to be more enlightened. Thus they were attempting to improve themselves,
transform themselves, and so the Great Work is to simply enlighten the Stone
–our locked up mind and body, to improve ourselves. Enlightenment is
ongoing; your path toward infinitely more knowledge not a goal.

If a lifestyle is toxic; having poor nutrition habits, sleep habits, drug/alcohol

habits, bad habits that negatively affect mental health or methods of dealing
with life - including lack of exercise, there could be toxicity in the body,
mental, emotional and/or spiritual state. Also toxic are feeling guilt, regret,
co-dependency, perfectionism, poor posture, a failure mindset and even
overuse of social media or Smartphone. Toxicity in these areas may cause
sensation of an unpleasant effect with or without Ormus. Some describe
feeling sleepy after first supplementing with Ormus and this could be the
body’s way of getting the rest it Needs to heal. Some mention a headache
which may be the mind screaming of stress from a life just too full of stuff in
the physical world or emotional world. One effect reported after Ormus is
diarrhea. If this occurs it could be the body’s response to ridding itself of
toxins in the GI tract all the way to toxins in the liver that are now being
purged or it could be that too much Ormus was taken. One supplementor
explained that a shot glass full of Ormus caused him diarrhea however when
less was taken there was no diarrhea. A healing experience, if it occurs at all,
is temporary. One logical suggestion, mentioned earlier, is to stop Ormus for
a couple days -or take less.

If a healing experience does occur, wisely work through it and you will be
better and greater in the end. Living consciously contributes to a healthy
lifestyle that allows the body to ward off stressors. Superior life choices
include good nutrition, hydration, adequate sleep, exercise and time for
contemplation or meditation.

Regardless whether change is felt or not felt after Ormus it is doing the

It is helpful to recognize that while most people have the regular blurry fuzzy
feeling of the same old body always there; some have hyper-bodily
awareness. This is studied in the science of cognitive neuroscience, whose
work meets at the crossroads of philosophical debates on the self,
perception, action and space. But some ordinary people, after Ormus, place
hyper-focus on within the body sensations. Based on their personal
perception, a change after Ormus may or may not be perceived as an
unpleasant. Since perception only deals with what is being experienced and
the person’s beliefs regarding the experience, response to bodily awareness
of change after Ormus can be exaggerated. However, perceptions are flexible
and can change with learning information or gaining knowledge. This is why
having interactions with knowledgeable others whose opinions you value is

Most report they feel better when they use Ormus. These nutrients can be
collected with inexpensive, simple, open-source methods on naturally
occurring starting materials like unprocessed sea salt. Performing the
Ormus collection process creates a wet slushy precipitate. After the process
is completed the precipitate is given to plants, animals and if they choose: to
With this understanding, advice offered when beginning Ormus is to
supplement for a couple days then stop for a couple days. Do not take much:
some choose to take drops and others 1/8 or ¼ teaspoon. Allow the body
time to initially absorb the new energy and new direction. I was told by a
person new to Ormus that he felt a headache on day one. During day two he
thought to stop the Ormus and did so for two days. When he began again no
headache occurred or since. Some just regularly take holidays from Ormus
for a few days or awhile -some don’t.

The traditional range of Ormus supplementation begins with mere drops to

1/8, 1/4, 1/2 or one teaspoon once and sometimes twice a day. Some take
half the amount and the other half later in the day if the day is going to be
long, full or stressful. Often it is taken in the morning, prior to the days
activity; perhaps 20 minutes before eating for best absorption. While some
report that Ormus in the evening has kept them alert, others fall asleep easily
citing how bedtime is beneficial since the body repairs and maintains itself
during sleep. To further its absorption and bioavailability, Ormus is followed
with a small amount of water.

If you are beginning Ormus consider supplementing with a small amount,

drops or 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon, for a couple days then stop for a couple days.
This allows the body time to initially absorb the new energy and new
direction. Some just regularly take holidays from Ormus for a few days or
awhile -some don’t.

Regarding how much Ormus to use or how often to take is a personal

decision, personal responsibility and everyone makes their own individual

If you have either a sensitive etheric or physical system, a lower starting

amount is a suggestion. If you are doing well on a lower amount that is
probably all you need. More is not necessarily better.


Some Ormus collection processes are easy and others fairly easy being akin
to kitchen chemistry. For those interested there are more involved collection
processes to perform on soil, plants and even some metals. Ormus is used in
agriculture, given to animals, and if chosen, applied topically or internally in
human. The knowledge of it is thousands of years old and now re-
The most commonly used Ormus collection process is called the Wet
Process. The Wet Process is fairly easy and can be accomplished by the
average person. It is performed on unprocessed sea salt dissolved in water
or properly drawn and prepared Ocean water and salty inland lakes. These
sources have an abundance of minerals.

While it uses seawater made from unprocessed sea salt or properly drawn
and prepared Ocean, what is not generally known is that understandings
regarding the biological usefulness of seawater has been known for

Rene Quinton (1866-1925)
Gerry Amena (1926-2010)

An Ormus aficionado who collects Ormus said:

"Ormus is a group of essential nutrients and minerals that have been
depleted from our diets through environmental degradation, modern
agricultural techniques, and contemporary dietary practices. It supports
health, healing and enhances a sense of well being."

Ormus is harvested from the starting material and contains the minerals
from it in a loosely bound form. Being loosely bound they have low bond
strength and this allows the minerals to be easily absorbed by the body. The
loosely bound together minerals are held in a water-based carrier medium.
David Hudson explained about the Ormus affinity with water: “This little zero
point frequency I showed you between the positron and the electron; if you
follow that right up the electromagnetic spectrum, it agrees with the
molecular frequency of hydrogen dioxide, or water. So there is an affinity for
this material and water. That's why it is normally taken in water.” In this
loosely bound form, they are not the fixed solid form of minerals and so they
are quickly available to the cells in all living things. The living thing can be a
plant absorbing the pico sized Ormus minerals through its roots and leaves or
an animal absorbing the Ormus topically through its skin or taken internally.

Minerals and the Body

Minerals and vitamins are essential nutrients. Acting together they perform
hundreds of roles in the body: They help shore up bones, heal wounds,
bolster the immune system, convert food into energy and repair cellular
damage. The truth, supported by University research around the world, is
that when minerals are given to plant, animal and human, a shift has been
made which supports vitality. Ormus contains minerals, supports good
health and as often reported: A better functioning brain –which probably
explains far reaching change in thought.
It is vital to understand that every gland in the body requires mineral(s) to
Run each of the body’s many functions. Glands do this via hormones they
secrete and or act upon from hormones secreted by other glands. Glands
must have minerals to perform their functions. Life continues without
plentiful minerals, but it does so at a cost to vitality. Are you aware of the
number of glands in a body? The major ones alone include the hypothalamus,
pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid’s, adrenals, pineal, pancreas and reproductive
glands (include ovaries and testes).

Get Ormus -and also learn to collect it yourself! Ready-to-Use-Ormus and

Do-it-Yourself Ormus Making Kits are available. Order here now!

Glands are important organs that secrete substances needed by the

body. Ormus supports the work of glands in the body!

A study has reported a new organ in the body. Researchers claim

interstitium is an organ, though not yet officially recognized, that secretes
lymph. Lymph fluid supports the delivery of the hormone progesterone
which helps keep hormones in balance. Lymph fluid is also needed for
immune cells to work well.

Interstitium, previously known as epithelium, are fluid-filled spaces in tissue

and connected throughout the body such as skin, veins and arteries, and the
lining around muscles. The interstitium is a “highway” of interconnected
spaces filled with moving fluid which the study reports is where lymph comes

Until recently it was thought that these parts of the body contained walls of
collagen, the main component of connective tissue. The new study showed
that the "walls" aren't walls at all. Instead, they're spaces filled with fluid
supported by collagen. The spaces are the interstitium. interstitium was
found in tissue from the lungs and aorta, the digestive tract and bladder, in
the skin, and in many other parts of the body.
It goes without much ado that the body has probably not been getting
enough of [or any of] these minerals, especially the trace minerals, from the
diet. Foods are drastically low on minerals: Soil overworked, harvested
crops not tilled under, crops picked before maturity, fertilizers that contain
only Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium used in place of full spectrum
mineral replacement, packaged foods over processed and chemicals added
to crops and soil; for example Glyphosate, a pesticide and herbicide said to
impede plant uptake of minerals. Folks also regularly just do not eat balanced

An Organic vegetable grower has said that tomatoes in the store contain, on
average 12 minerals while tomatoes grown hydroponically with sea water
feedings have 52 minerals. After sampling his tomatoes I can attest that
being grown in the presence of full spectrum minerals they looked red,
plump, robust and they definitely tasted more rich and flavorful.

Trace Mineral deficiency, a big problem all over the world, affects Your
quality of Life. It is the world’s leading cause of mental impairment, It
compromises immune systems; shortens lifespan: usually from increased
severity of disease and is associated with significant increase in deaths from
heart disease and stroke. Even moderate levels of trace mineral deficiency
with no clinical symptoms can have devastating consequences.

Ormus provides needed minerals, both Mega and Trace minerals, to plants,
animals and human. In us, far-reaching change can be seen in our health and
also in thoughts. The change so influential in the brain that many think
Ormus actually improves the psyche -and thus feelings of connection to our
Spirit Origin.

Regarding vitamins: “In the absence of minerals, vitamins have no function.”

-Dr. Mathias Rath

While the body requires minerals to function well, it is of interest that our
blood is similar to seawater. There is an esoteric reason that sea salt, and the
Ormus collected from it, contains natural minerals; the same ones that
comprise the human body itself. From a biophysical standpoint, minerals
demonstrate specific frequency patterns and vibration patterns similar to
our physical body. It is these patterns that help ensure the geometric
structures within our anatomy. When the body contains a low supply of
minerals these vibration patterns are diminished. The result is that vitality in
all areas is decreased and we are without energy feeling lifeless. Changes in
mood are among the initial signs of subadequate mineral intake. While
we benefit from the minerals in sea salt, common table salt (sodium chloride)
is bereft of minerals and not an Ormus source material.

The body needs many minerals; these are called essential minerals. Essential
minerals are sometimes divided up into major minerals (macrominerals) and
trace minerals (microminerals). Macro means large in Greek and so the main
difference between the two is how much your body needs of them; the body
needs a larger amount of macrominerals than trace minerals. Both sets of
minerals have value and the differing amounts needed in the body are not an
indication of their importance. Examples of macrominerals include; calcium
(Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), sulfur (S)
and chloride -an ion of chlorine Cl).

Ormus contains both sets of minerals. Lab assay performed on Ormus

collected from Masada brand unscented Dead Sea salt showed that it
contains the macrominerals listed above. Lab assay performed on Ormus
collected from a mixture of Masada brand unscented Dead Sea salt, Great
Salt Lake, Celtic and Atlantic Ocean showed that it contains the
macrominerals listed above.

While macrominerals are present in Ormus, the small one-half teaspoon that
is commonly employed could not contain enough amount of macrominerals to
warrant Ormus as a supplement for the macro’s. With this understanding,
you may decide to include a macromineral supplement such as calcium
(Citracal), magnesium (Magnesium Glycinate and lately magnesium-l-
Threonate is marketed to readily cross the blood brain barrier), and sulfur
(MSM -methylsulfonylmethane). Also consider that a rounded out
supplement regimen would include a Vitamin supplement and CQ10
supplement. You may choose to include the very important iodine. It is
commonly known that iodine levels are generally low and why common table
salt (pure salt with no minerals) has some iodine added.

Trace means there is only a little of it. Trace minerals, also called
microminerals, are needed in just a little bit by the body. Both sets of
minerals have value and the differing amounts needed in the body are not an
indication of their importance. Examples of trace minerals; iron (Fe),
manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), iodine (I), zinc (ZN), cobalt (Co), selenium (Se)
and fluorine (F) –fluoride is an ion of fluorine.

Lab assay performed on Ormus collected from unscented Masada brand Dead
Sea salt showed that it contains most every trace mineral. Lab assay
performed on Ormus collected from a mixture of Masada brand unscented
Dead Sea salt, Great Salt Lake, Celtic and Atlantic Ocean showed that it
contains most every trace mineral. Because the body needs trace minerals in
only small amounts, Ormus supplementation is a source for trace minerals.

While Ormus contains small amounts of minerals it is the addition of its

inexplicable high frequency vigor called elemental Life force or m-state
(meta-physical state) that boosts the benefits seen after Ormus.

Trace minerals are required in small concentrations for processes in the body
such as coordination of cellular actions, enzyme cofactors, and they play a
role in growth, development, and immune response. The glands functions in
the body run all aspects of the physical body including the brain. Glands
produce hormones that run the physical body including the brain.

Hormones are secreted by glands in small amounts directly into blood and
travel throughout the body via the blood circulatory system. Their effect is
at sites different from where they are made -where they act on specific
tissues or organs.

Hormones in the body include: Thyroid hormones T3 and T4, Insulin,

Glucagon, Estrogen, Oxytocin, ADH Antidiuretic Hormone, TSH Thyroid
Stimulating Hormone, LH Lutenizing Hormone, Calcitonin, PTH Parathyroid
Hormone, Progesterone, Prolactin, Testosterone, Serotonin, Cortisol,
Adrenaline, Growth Hormone Somatotropin, Parathormone, Thymus hormone

Glands require trace minerals to be able to produce hormones. Better

function glands after Ormus is one cause for reports made about greater
vitality in mind and body.
For in-depth information on minerals effects in the body read:
“Minerals for the Genetic Code” by Charles Walters.
An exposition & analysis of the genetic periodic chart & the physical,
chemical & biological connection.

Collect Ormus Yourself

You can purchase Ormus or learn to collect it for yourself [my suggestion].
The book “Ormus Modern Day Alchemy” provides significant important
Ormus information and details thirteen processes of Ormus collection, both
traditional time tested and more current proven methods. Each step of two
different Ormus collection processes are shown in You Tubes at the Faceics
channel [titled “Basics” and “Discovery”]. You Can Do It!

The book was written to both introduce new persons to Ormus and to serve
as a reference for those more advanced. Any person with general interest in
Ormus will benefit by having it on the bookshelf.

Since the early years of Ormus collecting, it has been said that during
collection, some Ormus escapes into the air. This is an m state form of
minerals, also called meta-physical state. For this reason, the Ormus
collector receives further benefit by breathing as he/she collects Ormus.

Support Your health, Your healing and Your sense of well being. Remember
that plants and animals also benefit from Ormus.

A long standing Ormus aficionado addressed, in this humorous manner, the

benefit of taking the minerals contained in Ormus: "High quality minerals
induce mental clarity and increases in cognitive functions. This cannot be
debated, especially by those who do not ingest high quality minerals!"

“God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in

So, for many reasons, mineral nutrition and m state, Ormus is the answer!

Ormus are Marvelous Minerals. Choose to experience better in mind, body

and spirit. Buy Ormus or collect your own!

Other monikers recently offered as pseudo names for Ormus include:

Outstanding Mineral nutrients; Pico minerals; Original Restoration Minerals
and Open source Restoration Minerals.

I hope this information assists you on your own personal Ormus journey.
Take a've earned it !

Continue reading in Part Two: M state

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