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Statement of purpose for the graduate program in MPH, health promotion, and community

health concentration.

I am writing to express my interest in pursuing the graduate program in PH, health promotion,
and community health concentration. As I mentioned in my previous letter about pursuing the
MPH program that this program aligns perfectly with my personal goals. The health promotion
concentration sheds light on the health of my society, especially the Lebanese one, a process of
enabling individuals and communities to take control over their health and well-being. It is an
approach that aims to improve health by addressing the social, economic, and environmental
determinants of health, as well as by promoting healthy lifestyles and behaviors.

As a Lebanese citizen and student, I notice daily all the false info Lebanese people have or at
least believe in, some people, for example, believe that antibiotics are used against viral
infection which has caused a massive impact on bacterial resistance to antibiotics. As a student
who is willing to promote the health of society and try to discover and know more about
community health, this degree will fit perfectly.

As a biomedical scientist graduate, I have a solid understanding of how much our healthcare
system is fragile and the number of diseases we have in such a community is massive. This
degree will provide me and the people around me, with the specialized knowledge and skills
needed to have an impact on the community I need to serve, help, and spread awareness.

I've always been eager to learn about the health disparities that exist in many communities, the
approaches to our health service, and our health behavioral changes. Such experience will be
invaluable in helping and understanding other needs.

This concentration will help in improving health outcomes through effective management of
public health programs and policies.

As someone who thrives on changes, changing the community's health for the better is at the
top of my priorities. As we celebrate our accomplishments and look to the future, let us
remember that success is not a destination, but a journey of lifelong learning and growth.
Statement of purpose for the graduate program in MPH, health management, and policy

I am writing to express my interest in the graduate degree in Public Health, health

management, and policy concentration. The knowledge I have accumulated from my bachelor's
degree as a biomedical scientist where I have achieved a full experience in the public health
field, in the courses of virology, mycology, microbiology, and epidemiology.

My very strong community service makes me the best candidate for such a concentration, it's
an opportunity to demonstrate excellent research and analytical skills.

This field focuses on planning, organizing, and administrating the healthcare system and
service. We ensure to deliver the desired quality, manage and put strategies to the community.
As our priority is to ensure that healthcare services are accessible, affordable, and sustainable.
Health management professionals may work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics,
public health agencies, government organizations, and non-profit organizations. We focus on
submitting an efficient, effective, and equitable, and that meets the needs of individuals and

As a field that is always growing, we can notice the use of technology to improve healthcare
delivery and management, including the development and implementation of electronic health
records, telemedicine, and other digital health technologies with health economics making it
related to the issues of healthcare financing, costs, and market competition.

As a Lebanese citizen, I highly observe that health management and policy play a critical role in
ensuring the Lebanese and the world community health by serving efficient, effective, and
equitable measurement that meet the needs of individuals and communities. Success is not a
one-time achievement, but a consistent pattern of hard work and dedication. By embracing a
growth mindset and remaining committed to our future studies, we can continue to push
ourselves towards new levels of success.
Statement of purpose for the program in MPH, Epidemiology and biostatistics concentration

I am writing to show my interest in the master's in public health program in epidemiology and
biostatistics concentration. Epidemiology as a word has greek roots it's original
"epidemosology" has a very strong meaning "upon the people to speak of" in which it is the
study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified
populations and the application of this study to control health problems. Going into this
amazing massive field will gain me the opportunity to measure the morbidity and mortality
rates in a community, design epidemiological studies, and screening tests evaluation and show
probabilities and statistics, although going through quantitative data analysis in the domain of
public health.

Through my undergraduate degree, which is in biomedical science, I had to take an amazing

course that is epidemiology and biostatistics. all way through the course, I covered theconcept
of estimation (confidence intervals), hypothesis testing & statistical significance, correlation,
performance characteristics of diagnostic tests, and practice in critical reading of medical
literature. The course also included a practical part in the laboratoryon the basics of performing
statistical analysis of data using the SPSS statistical program.At that time ii built a good
background regarding the public health field, estimated many but wanted more. Investing in
education and continuous learning is not only the key to unlocking our potential for success but
also the pathway to a brighter and more fulfilling future.

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