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Self-Assessment Question No.

2 (Chapter 2)
Course Code: PA1 Description: Fundamentals of Political Science 2
Time/Day: 2:30-4:00 MTh
Class No. C5 I.D.No. 2020-06608 Score: ___ EPS: ____
Name: Jan Paulo P. Narvaja Date: September 10, 2020
College: College of Arts and Sciences Course: Bachelor of Public
Administration Block: A
NOTE: Score and EPS to be accomplished by the subject professor.


1. Define authority in general term.

Authority is legal and formal right to a person, who can take decision, give orders
and commands to others to perform a particular task.

2. Complete the table below to show the difference between authority and power.

Power Authority
-Power is defined as the ability or -Authority is the legal and formal
potential of an individual to influence right to give orders, commands, and
others and control their actions. take decisions.
-Power lies in person, in essence, and a -Authority lies in the designation.
person acquires it.
-Power is not legitimate. -Authority is legitimate.

-The major source of power is -Position and office determine the

knowledge and expertise. authority of a person.
-Power is a personal trait. -Authority is a formal right that vest
in the hands of high officials or
management personnel.

3. Describe the President of the Philippines according to the three types

of authority. Explain your answer.

In my opinion President Duterte is like a two-edged sword. On one side, he is

strong-willed leader who like to get things done, but on the other edge he is a bloody
stubborn foul-mouthed thug like boss who does not mince his words even though it is
plainly unnecessary. Due to his authority as a President of this country, he has right to do
his wishes for this country, although all of his actions has purposes, so we can trust him for
the sake of our country.

4. Among the different leadership power, which do you think is best

applicable to your barangay chairman? Justify your answer.

I think Moral Power is the best leadership power that applicable to our barangay
chairman. Due to his attitude and good qualities he can manage to do his job more
effective and efficiently as a barangay chairman. And also because of his leadership
and beliefs, he can become an inspiring person for his fellow citizens, and because
of that he can transform his barangay to become more productive and lively.
5. Fill in the table below to distinguish state from nation.

State Nation
-is a political concept, and a legal fiction. -is an ethnic or a sociological
collectivity of individuals.
-is a group of people, living in a definite -a large body of people united by
territory, having a government of their common descent, history, culture, or
own and enjoying independence from language, inhabiting a particular
other country. state or territory.
-state is not subject to external control. -nation may or may not be
independent of external control.

6. Identify the different departments of the government assigned to carry out the
purposes and functions of the State.

Purpose/Functions of the State Responsible Department

1. Domestic Order and Tranquility Philippine National Police

Department of National
2. Common Defense of the State Defense
Department of Justice
3. Blessings of Liberty and Justice
Department of Public Works
4. Promotion of the General Welfare and Highways, Department of Labor
and Employment, and Department of
Department of National
5. Promotion of Public Morality Defense and Department of Justice.
7. Among the different theories of state, which do you think is most applicable
to the Philippines as a state? Justify your answer.

Based on my opinion, Contract Theory is the most applicable theory for

the Philippines as a state. Because, Philippines is a small country only, so as
a citizen of this country we have to help each other to form a strong and
responsible state. And also the people of this country has their own rights
and obligations, so in order to follow that, this Contract Theory should be
the theory that we need to comply for the Philippines as a state.

8. What methods of political science is applicable to the present situation of the

country? Give examples to back up your argument.

For me Mathematical Method is the best way for now, because we need to
conduct a lot of good research to gain applicable solution for our present situation of our
country right now. And also this method will help us to gain informative data which can
be helpful to our government, so they can decide wisely on how they are response to our
situation right now.

9. Enumerate the elements of state?

1. People
2. Territory
3. Government
4. Sovereignty

10. List down the different rights of the state.

1. Existence
2. Independence
3. Self-defense
4. Property and Domain
5. Equality
6. Territorial Acquisition
a. Discovery and Occupation
b. Prescription
c. Cession
d. Conquest
e. Accretion
f. Jurisdiction
g. Legation
11. List down 10 examples of single state and 2 examples of composite states.


1. People’s Democratic 1. United Kingdom
2. Democratic People’s 2. United States of
Republic of Korea America
3. Republic of Cuba
4. Sahrawi Arab
Democratic Republic
5. People’s Republic of
6. Socialist Republic of
7. State of Eritrea
8. Poland
9. Iran
10. Republic of the

12. List down the different states in the United States of America.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas

California Colorado Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada
New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina
South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia

13. List down the top 20 states/nation in the world affected by COVID-19
pandemic as of August 31, 2020. Complete the table below:

No. of
No. of No. of No. of
Name of Active
Positive Recoveries Casualty
States/Nation Cases
1. USA 6,457,446 3,723,214 193,207 2,551,026
2. India 4,202,562 3,247,297 71,687 883,578
3. Brazil 4,137,606 3,317,227 126,686 693,693
4. Russia 1,025,505 840,949 17,820 166,736
5. Peru 683,702 506,422 29,687 147,593
6. Colombia 666,521 518,229 21,412 126,880
7. South Africa 638,517 563,891 14,889 59,737
8. Mexico 629,409 438,754 67,326 123,329
9. Spain 517,133 N/A 29,418 N/A
10. Argentina 478,792 349,132 9,859 119,801
11. Chile 422,510 394,399 11,592 16,519
12. Iran 386,658 333,900 22,293 30,465
13. U.K 347,152 N/A 41,551 N/A
14. Bangladesh 325,157 221,275 4,479 99,403
15. France 324,777 87,447 30,724 206,606
16. Saudi Arabia 320,688 296,737 4,081 19,870
17. Pakistan 298,509 285,898 6,342 6,269
18. Turkey 279,806 251,105 6,673 22,028
19. Italy 277,634 210,015 35,541 32,078
20. Iraq 260,370 198,560 7,512 54,298

Note: For further instruction please see Chapter 1


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