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34746 Robust and Fault-Tolerant Control Exercises

Exercises for lecture no. 19 in 34746:

• Exercise no. 6,7, and 8.

Exercise 6
Consider the closed loop system shown in Figure 1.

- We (s) -

- Wu (s) -

ref y
- h - K(s) - G(s) -
−6 u

Figure 1: Closed-loop system.

Let the system and weight matrices in Figure 1 be given by

s − 10 1 s+2
G(s) = , We (s) = , Wu (s) =
(s + 1)(s + 10) s + 0.001 s + 10

Based on the closed loop system in Figure 1, design a controller that

W e So
Wu KSo 2

where So is the output sensitivity function.

Simulate the time response of the system when ref is a step.

Exercise 7
Consider the model matching problem shown in Figure 2
Let M (s) ∈ RH∞ be a strictly proper transfer matrix and W (s), W −1 (s) ∈
RH∞ . Formulate an H2 control problem that minimize z and the error

34746 Robust and Fault-Tolerant Control Exercises

- W (s) -

- h - K(s) - G(s)
−6 u
ref ?− e
h -
- M (s)

Figure 2: Model matching problem.

e through minimization of the H2 norm of the transfer function matrix

from ref to (e, z).
Use the design setup on the following matrices:

4 0.1(s + 1) 10(s + 2)
M (s) = , W (s) = , G(s) =
s2 + 2s + 4 s + 10 (s + 1)3

Exercise 8
Use the design setup described in Exercise 7 with

10(2 − s)
G(s) =
(s + 1)3

Compare the results with the results from Exercise 7.

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