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Quiz 5 –aiurveda F.S.

1. What is Ayurveda and which country is the method?

- Ayurveda is a traditional Indian method of treatment that puts equal emphasis on the body, mind, soul,

trying to restore the innate harmony in the individual.

-This is a Chinese method that treats according to Yin-Yang principles ;

- It is a Korean method, it treats body disorders through herbs and massage;

2 What are the principles of Ayurveda?


-Treatment of in-imbalance with acupressure and acupuncture;

-Principle of internal balance, principle of universal element -5 elements, principle of body energy (Dosha );

-Treatment of diseases with vacuum-massage and manual therapy;

3. What is "Pitta"? What functions does it have and what happens in times of in balance and imbalance?

-Pitta is a rather intelligent, quick-witted, but periodically critical-minded person; In balance, Pitta helps to

understand and clarify everything; Even in times of imbalance it causes anger, hatred and jealousy

-Pitta is the energy of physical strength and contributes to the speed and strength of the body and physical

weakness during imbalances;

-Pitta represents the mental abilities of a person and strengthens them during balance and weakens them

during imbalance, makes them reasonably weak;

4. What is Vata? What functions does it have and what happens during balance and imbalance?

-Vata is a healthy state of the body, periodically applies or does not apply to physical activity;
-Vata promotes creativity and flexibility during balance (health) and even during imbalance (changes) may

experience psychological disorders, fear, anxiety and other phobias;

-Vata is a state of mental imbalance in the body, acting only on the psycho-emotional sphere;

5. What is a Kapha? What functions does it have and what happens during balance and imbalance?

- Kapha is characterized by replenishment of fat reserves in the body, metabolism is enhanced; Moderately

supplied during imbalance and causes obesity during imbalance;

- Kapha is characterized by replenishment of protein stores in the body; In balance the body is strong and

high, in imbalance it is thin, weak;

- Kapha is characterized by replenishment of water supply in all parts of the body, in the body-system, gives the body

physical strength and endurance; slow metabolism and counting of substances;

-6. What diagnostic methods are used in Ayurveda?

-Determining the skin, bone density, nutritional character;

-Diagnosis of pulse, tongue, face;

-Study of eyes, ears, wrists and ankles;

7. What is the most important principle in treatment, program in Ayurveda?

-The treatment program is based on the Prakrut (balancing the Dosha constitution) at the time and focusing

on the healing of the Vikrut (balancing the Dosha constitution)

- The main principle is to reduce the increased Dosha (energy);

- The main principle is the stimulation of the reduced Dosha (energy);

8.Basic principles in balancing Vata?

--Vegetarian food, without specialties; Moderate physical activity; Frequent presence in cold environment;
-Keep warm, calm, avoid cold, frozen or raw foods, eat warm foods and spices, avoid colds, relax a lot

-Do not be afraid of cold, eating a variety of slow, special foods, physical activity is necessary;

9. .Basic principles in balancing Pitta?

- It is warm, it is better to eat tender meat, fish, hot; exercise during the warm period;

- Cold weather, eating cold food, without specialties, very vegetarian, exercise during the cold period of the


-Avoid excessive heat, oil, steam, limit salt intake, eat cooled, low-fat foods; Exercise during the cooler part

of the day.

10. .Basic principles in balancing Kapha?

- Exercise in moderation, daily load with moderate performance, do not get tired; Meals are normal,

preferably with fatty, moderately mixed spices;

- Exercise is undesirable, meals with calories, dairy products and meat, daytime sleep is desirable;

-Exercise a lot, avoid heavy foods, dairy products, sour, fatty foods or drinks, be active, change your routine,

eat light, dry foods, do not sleep during the day

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