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Complete as sentenças em inglês com a forma correta do verbo to be no Presente Simples: Am, Is
ou Are.

1. My name ________ Miguel.

2. I __________ Brazilian.

3. My parents __________ Americans.

4. My mother __________ an accountant.

5. I have one brother, he __________ 11 years old.

6. We __________ playing with our friends, Helena and Beto.

7. I __________ happy today.

8. My grandparents __________ coming to see me.

Complete the bank spaces with the right conjugation of the Simple Present
Tense. Follow the example:
Example: Anne loves the Jane Austin's work. (love)

a) Cayo ________________to the College tonight. (go)

b) My parents _______________ Italian and French classes on Thurdays every

week. (not/have)

c) __________ Louise _______at the Brad's Office? (work)

d) I ___________________ bread with nuts jelly every morning. (eat)

e) The plain _______________ at 08:00 in the city. (arrive)


- The blind man needed my help or The man who can’t see needed my help.

- The American girl arrived yesterday or The girl, who is from America, arrived

We use defining relative clauses to give essential information about someone or
something – information that we need in order to understand what or who is being
referred to. A defining ( restritiva ) relative clause usually comes immediately after the
noun it describes.

We usually use a relative pronoun (e.g. who, that, which, whose and whom) to introduce
a defining relative clause (In the examples, the relative clause is in bold, and the person
or thing being referred to is underlined.):

- They’re the people who want to buy our house.

- Here are some cells which have been affected.

- That is the hospital where I was born.

- In which of the sentences below can we omit the relative pronoun?

( ) The tall man that/who she was talking to is my neighbor.

( ) The energy that/which moves that machine comes from the Sun.


We use non-defining ( explicativas ) relative clauses to give extra information about the
person or thing. It is not necessary information. We don’t need it to understand who or
what is being referred to.

We always use a relative pronoun (who, which, whose or whom) to introduce a non-
defining relative clause (In the examples, the relative clause is in bold, and the person or
thing being referred to is underlined.)

- Clare, who I work with, is doing the London marathon this year.

- Russia, which is very cold, is the largest country in the world.


1) Choose the correct relative pronoun or adverb for the following defining and
non-defining relative clauses.

1- This is the place ______ I saw him the last time. ( where / which / that )

2 - That's the man ______ daughter has won the lottery. ( whose / which / that )

3 - Do you know the musician ______ is playing the guitar.( where / which / that )

4 - The painting, ______ was finished in 1850, is one of the most representative works of
that time. ( where / which / that )

5 - This is the person ______ I introduced you a few weeks ago. ( where / which / who )
2) Fill in the gaps with an appropriate relative pronoun.

a) A hotel is a place ___________ people stay when they're on holiday.

b) What's the name of the woman ___________ lives in that house?

c) What do you call someone ___________ writes computer programs?

d) A waiter is a person ___________ job is to serve customers in a restaurant.

e) Overalls are clothes ___________ people wear to protect their clothes when they are

f) Is that the shop ___________ you bought your new laptop?

g) He's the man ___________ son plays football for Manchester Utd.

h) Hal didn't get the job ___________ he applied for.score

3) Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the relative clauses. More than
one answer is sometimes possible.

1- He's the guy ________ helped me find the job.

a) which b) that c) who d) no pronoun
2- That's the woman _______ husband works with my brother.
a) who b) which c) whose d) that
3- He was wearing the same suit _____ he'd worn to the party.
a) that b) which c) no pronoun d) any one is possible.
4- The hotel ________ we stayed had recently been renovated.
a) where b) which c) in which
5- The house __________ they've bought is next to the park.
a) where b) in which c) which d) that d) no pronoun
6- The house ___________ I was born was pulled down years ago.
a) which b) that c) where d) in which d) no pronoun
7- We can get ___________ we need at the supermarket.
a) that b) which c) what d) where d) no pronoun
8- Tennis is a game __________ two or four players have to hit a ball over a net.
a) that b) which c) in which d) where
9- January 31 is a day ___________ many people go out to celebrate the New Year.
a) what b) which c) when d) on which d) no pronoun
10 - My wedding day is a day ____________ I will never forget.
a) which b) that c) on which d) when d) no pronoun

RESEARCHER AND DEVELOPMENTS ( Technical English – Vocabulary and Grammar )

Research and development (R and D) is the search for new and improved products and
industrial processes. Both industrial firms and governments carry out Rand D. Innovations
in products or processes normally follow a path from laboratory (lab) idea, through pilot or
prototype production and manufacturing start-up, to full-scale production and market
introduction. There are two main types of research. Pure or basic research aims to clarify
scientific principies without a specific end product in view; applied research uses the
findings of pure research in order to achieve a particular commercial objective.
Development describes the improvement of a product or process by scientists in
conjunction with engineers. Industry spends vast sums to develop new products and the
means to produce them cheaply, efficiently, and safely.

Research is important in many disciplines and there are different typesof researchwith
different research professionals.The type of research ref1ectsthe environment and the
objectives. In addition, many research words have entered the general language.

Types of Research

Research Professionals

General Terms

Linking & Connecting Words

It is essential to understand how Linking Words, as a part of speech, can be used to

combine ideas in writing - and thus ensure that ideas within sentences and paragraphs
are elegantly connected - for the benefit of the reader. This will help to improve your
writing (e.g. essay, comment, summary (scientific) review, (research) paper, letter,
abstract, report, thesis, etc.).

It is also fundamental to be aware of the sometimes subtle meaning of these "small"

words within the English language.

"Linking Words" is used as a term to denote a class of English words which are employed
to link or connect parts of speech or even whole sentences. They are also called
connecting words.


1. We stayed up late, ____________ we were tired. (although, despite)

2. They went swimming, ____________ the coldness of the water. (although, despite)

3. I enjoy the course, ____________ the professor is a good teacher. (because, because

4. She looks ___________ your sister. (as if, like)

5. Please wait ___________ I make a phone call. (during, while)

6. Did you hear any noises ____________ the night? (during, while)

7. It looked ____________ we would not be able to leave until the next day. (as if, like)
8. We all felt tired ____________ the hot weather. (because, because of)

9. I read a book ___________ I was waiting. (during, while)

10. Her eyes shone _____________ stars. (as if, like)

11. They managed to work together, ___________ their differences of opinion. (although,

12. I left home early, ____________ I had to do several errands. (because, because of)

13. He speaks about the subject ____________ he were an expert. (as if, like)

14. We rested ____________ the hottest part of the day. (during, while)

15. ____________ she lost her way twice, she arrived safely. (Although, Despite)

16. ____________ their interest in comets, they decided to study astronomy. (Because,
Because of)


2) Listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

just, describe, seemed, waste, spite , but, distance, keep, over, before

Do You Remember? - Phil Collins

We never talked about it

__________ I hear the blame was mine
I'd call you up to say I'm sorry
But I wouldn't want to _________ your time

'Cause I love you, but I can't take any more

There's a look I can't __________ in your eyes
If we could try, like we tried _________
Would you __________ on telling me those lies?
(Telling me lies)

Do you remember?
There seemed no way to make up
'Cause it ___________ your mind was set
And the way you looked it told me
It's a look I know I'll never forget

You could've come __________ to my side

You could've let me know
You could've tried to see the ___________ between us
But it seemed too far for you to go.
(So far to go)

Do you remember?

Through all of my life

In ___________ of all the pain
You know people are funny sometimes
'Cause they ___________ can't wait
To get hurt…

2) Find in the song

a conjunction that expresses:

a) adition: ___________

b) condition: ____________

c) explanation: _____________

d) two regular verbs: __________________________

e) two irregular verbs: _________________________

e) one phrasal verb: _______________________

f) a sentence in the future: _____________________

g) an adverb of frequency: _______________________


1) Decide whether the relative pronoun is correct or not.

a- The postman which works in this village is very old.

Correct not correct

b- The egg which is in the nest is brown.

Correct not correct

c- Where is the bed who was in the attic?

Correct not correct

d- The bottles that are lying on the floor are green.

Correct not correct

The cowboy who is wearing the red shirt is very funny.

Correct not correct

2) Choose the correct relative pronoun beside THAT.

a- This is the man ________ built our house.

b- There is the bridge ________ we have to cross.

c- The girl __________ lives next door is very nice.

d- The bus __________ takes you to the station should be here any minute.

e- This is the dog ________ barks every night.

3) Decide whether the relative pronoun is necessary or not.

a- This is the ring that I found yesterday.

( ) relative pronoun is necessary ( ) relative pronoun is not necessary

b- Do you know the man that is speaking with Anne?

( ) relative pronoun is necessary ( ) relative pronoun is not necessary

c- I still have the book that you gave me.

( ) relative pronoun is necessary ( ) relative pronoun is not necessary

d- Is this the woman that lost her purse?

( ) relative pronoun is necessary ( ) relative pronoun is not necessary

e- Is this the key that we were looking for?

( ) relative pronoun is necessary ( ) relative pronoun is not necessary

4) Choose the best conjunction for each sentence.

a- ________ my wife likes to travel abroad, I prefer to stay at home for my vacations.

( ) Since ( ) Whereas

b- ________ it was raining, I didn't get wet.

( ) Although ( ) Because

c- Jerry passed the exam first time ________ I had to retake it three times.

( ) while ( ) as

d- Jun couldn't buy any Christmas presents ________ he didn't have any money.

( ) because ( ) even though

e- I don't drink coffee ________ it makes me nervous.

( ) as ( ) although

f- ________ Mei Li doesn't speak English, she can't go to university in Canada.

( ) Whereas ( ) Since

g- I will be late today ________ my car has broken down.

( ) though ( ) because

h- Paula got the job ________ she had no experience.

( ) even though ( ) as

5) Make the positive or negative past perfect simple

1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film ___________________________ ( start )

2) She _____________________ (live) in China before she went to Thailand.

3) After they _____________________ (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.

4) If you _______________________ (listen) to me, you would have got the job.

5) Julie didn't arrive until after I _________________________ (leave).

6) When we _____________________ (finish) dinner, we went out.

7) The garden was dead because it _________________________ (be) dry all summer.

8) He ________________________ (meet) her somewhere before.

9) We were late for the plane because we __________________________ (forget) our


10) She told me she _________________________ (study) a lot before the exam.




The first hamburgers ________________________ (make) in 1895. Louis Lassen

__________________________ (call) them hamburgers because he
___________________________ (give) the recipe by sailors. Hamburgers
____________________________ (become) his favourite meal. Their popularity
___________________________ (grow) even more when they
_________________________ (buy) in large quantities by teenagers who
_________________________ (prefer) fast food. Dick and Mac MacDonald
_______________________(open) a drive-in hamburger restaurant. 25,000 McDonald's
restaurants ______________________(open) worldwide. More than 35 million
hamburgers ________________________________(eat) every day.

1) Listen to the video-conversation an complete it with the words from the box.

tidy, learned, mountains, decorated, outside, great, used, been, fingers, loads, even

Sophie: Hello? Hi? Can you hear me? I’m ___________ the hotel. My room is being
cleaned. It’s a bit noisy.

Oliver: Yeah, I can hear you, Mum. How’s China?

Sophie: Amazing. I’m in Zhangjiajie.

Oliver: Where?

Sophie: Zhangjiajie National Park. It’s been ___________ in a lot of films. I was told the
scenery in Avatar was based on the landscape here.

Oliver: Really? Wow! Has it got mountains a bit like ____________?

Sophie: Yeah, that’s the place.

Oliver: So, how do you get up the _____________? Can you?

Sophie: One mountain has an enormous lift, the biggest outdoor elevator in the world, so
I’ve _____________ informed. It takes you right to the top. It was fantastic!

Oliver: What else have you seen?

Sophie: Well, I met some local girls wearing regional costume. They were absolutely
gorgeous. They’re _____________ with bands of flowers and there’s a lot of red.

Oliver: Ah, nice, but don’t ___________ think about it as a Christmas present!

Sophie: OK, got the message!

Oliver: Good! What are you up to tomorrow?

Sophie: Well, we’re going to Baofeng Lake. I think __________ of films have been made
there too. It’s going to be fascinating.

Oliver: Cool. What about the language? Have you ___________ any Mandarin?

Sophie: Not much, to be honest. My guide translates for us. She’s the best! Anyway! I’ll
call tomorrow and I’m back on Saturday. I hope to find everything clean and __________
… you’ve been warned!!

Oliver: Yeah, Mum. Have a ____________ day tomorrow – look forward to seeing the
photos. Bye.

Sophie: Love you.


This Conditional is used to express actions or situations that are likely to happen in the
future. When we use it we are thinking about a situation or condition in the future that will
be responsible for a result. In the First Conditional there is a real possibility that the
condition, action or situation in matter will happen. / A Primeira Condicional é usada para
expressar ações ou situações que são prováveis de acontecer no futuro. Quando a
usamos, estamos pensando sobre alguma situação ou condição no futuro que será
responsável por um resultado. Na Primeira Condicional, há uma real possibilidade de que
a condição, ação ou situação em questão acontecerá.

Look at the example: / Veja o exemplo:

If I have enough happiness, I will be happy ever after!

Se eu tiver felicidade suficiente, serei feliz para sempre!

The First Conditional Form: / A forma da primeira condicional:

If + Simple Present + Simple Future

Se + Presente Simples + Futuro Simples

Look at more examples using the First Conditional: / Veja mais exemplos de uso da
Primeira Condicional:

If I call Daniel, he will be really happy.

Se eu ligar para o Daniel, ele ficará realmente feliz.

If you give her some love, she will love you back.

Se você der a ela um pouco de amor, ela o amará também.

If we tell our parents we want it, they will give it to us.

Se nós dissermos aos nossos pais que queremos isso, eles nos darão.

If they don’t hurry, they will miss the bus.

Se eles não se apressarem, perderão o ônibus.

Notice that, in all the above situations we are thinking about a future condition. None of
the situations is happening yet, but there is the possibility of all of them to conclude. The
Present Simple is used to show a possible future condition and the Simple Future to show
a possible future result. Remember that the possibility of the condition will happen is real,
this is really important in the first conditional. / Repare que, em todas as situações acima,
estamos pensando sobre uma condição no futuro. Nenhuma das situações está
acontecendo, mas há a possibilidade de todas elas serem concluídas. O Presente
Simples é usado para mostrar uma possível futura condição, enquanto o Futuro Simples
é usado para mostrar um possível resultado futuro. Lembre-se de que a possibilidade de
que a condição acontecerá é real. Isso é realmente importante na Primeira Condicional.

The first conditional structure isn’t rigid because it can vary depending on the sentence.
The “if” clause can appear or not in the beginning of the sentence. Look the examples
bellow: / A estrutura da primeira condicional não é rígida, pois ela pode variar
dependendo da sentença. O “if” (se) pode ou não aparecer no início da frase. Veja os
exemplos abaixo:

If Clause + Main Clause

If I see Park, I will hug him!

Se eu ver Park, eu irei abraçá-lo!

If you are free tonight, he will invite you to dinner.

Se você está livre essa noite, ele irá convidá-la para jantar.

If we don’t study to the Finals, we won’t pass the exams.

Se nós não estudamos para as provas finais, nós não passaremos nos testes.
Main Clause + If Clause

I will hug Park, if I see him.

Eu abraçarei Park, se eu vê-lo.

He will invite you to dinner, if you are free tonight.

Ele convidará você para jantar, se você está livre hoje à noite.

We won’t pass the exams, if we don’t study to the finals.

Nós não passaremos nos testes, se não estudamos para as provas finais.

Considerations about the First Conditional / Considerações sobre a Primeira Condicional:

When we use the Simple Future to form the First Conditional it doesn’t mean that we will
just use the “will” to represent the future. We can use the “going to” as well as “will”, and
also some modal verbs such as “can”, “may” and “must”. Look at the examples bellow and
check it out! / Quando usamos o Futuro Simples para formar a Primeira Condicional, não
significa que utilizaremos apenas o “will” para representar o futuro. Podemos usar o
“going to”, assim como usamos o “will”, e também alguns verbos modais, como “can”,
“may” e “must”. Veja os exemplos abaixo:

If I see her, I'm going to tell her exactly how I feel.

Se eu vê-la, eu direi a ela exatamente como eu sinto.

If you go to Paris, you must see the Eiffel Tower.

Se você vai a Paris, você deverá ver a Torre Eiffel.

If she comes, we can talk about it with her.

Se ela vem, poderemos falar sobre isso com ela.

If we ask you about the exercise, you may be able to help us.

Se nós lhe perguntamos sobre o exercício, você poderá ser capaz de nos ajudar.


1) Choose the correct response for each of the sentences:

1. If you _________ greasy food, you will become fat.

a- Eat b- will eat

2. If your sister goes to Paris, she _________ a good time.

a- Has b- will have

3. If he _________ that, he will be sorry.

a- will do b- does

4. If I leave now, I ________ in New York by 8:00 PM.

a- will arrive b- arrive

5. You ________ on your test if you don't study.

a- won't do well b- don't do well

6. They won't know the truth if you ________ them.

a- won't tell b- don't tell

7. If I bake a cake, ________ have some?

a- will you b- do you

8. If he ________ you, will you answer the phone?

will call b- calls

9. If you don't go to the party, I ________ very upset.

a- Am b- will be

10. If you get a haircut, you ________ much better.

a- will look b- look
GERUND: -ing forms

O Gerúndio é uma das formas nominais do verbo, bem como o particípio e o infinitivo.
Uma vez que ele não faz parte de nenhum tempo ou modo verbal, ele transmite ao verbo
a ideia de ações prolongadas ou que ainda estão em desenvolvimento.

É importante lembrar que a utilização do gerúndio em inglês se difere do uso em

português. Na língua inglesa, sua utilização é marcada pelo acréscimo de –ing ao verbo

Utilizações possíveis

Pode-se usar o gerúndio em diferentes situações na língua inglesa. As três principais são
atuar como um substantivo, um sujeito, complemento ou predicado de uma oração ou
mesmo complementar outros verbos.


Nesse caso, o verbo com –ing no final passa a ter o significado de substantivo.


Swimming helps me focus on what really matters. (Nadar me faz focar no que realmente

Painting was the most important thing to her. But now she is going to college and forgot
about it. (Pintar era a coisa mais importante para ela. Mas agora ela irá para a faculdade
e esqueceu isso)

One of the most exciting and relaxing things to do on vacation is traveling. (Uma das
coisas mais animadoras e relaxantes para fazer nas férias é viajar)


Com preposições, existem algumas fórmulas para facilitar o uso de gerúndio na língua

Adjetivo + preposição
I am not afraid of going out late because I live in a safe neighborhood. (Eu não tenho
medo de sair tarde pois moro em um bairro seguro)

My mother was worried about paying the bills but I told her I will help her this month.
(Minha mãe estava preocupada com o pagamento das contas mas eu disse a ela que a
ajudaria esse mês)

John was tired of working on weekends so he got another job. (John estava cansado de
trabalhar aos finais de semana então arrumou outro emprego)

Substantivo + preposição

I have chances of being promoted this week. I am very happy about it! (Eu tenho chances
de ser promovido essa semana. Estou muito feliz com isso!)

Suzan has her reasons for behaving like that. I don’t blame her. (Susan tem seus
motivos para agir assim. Eu não a culpo)

I thought of giving up football but I can’t. (Eu pensei em desistir de futebol mas não

Depois de verbo + preposição

I think about going back to college all the time. (Eu penso em voltar para a faculdade o
tempo todo)

You must apologize for being so rude. (Você precisa pedir desculpas por ser tão rude)

I thank my father for being so participative in my life. (Eu agradeço meu pai por ser tão
participativo em minha vida)

Depois de algumas expressões e verbos

I am used to going to school by bus. (Estou acostumado a ir a escola de onibus)

He objects to traveling to Europe during the winter. (Ele faz objeções a viajar para a
Europa durante o inverno)

They imagine living their lives in Miami in a big house. (Eles imaginam viver a vida deles
em Miami em uma casa grande)

1) Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.

a- She is good at _______________(dance)

b- He is crazy about _____________ (sing)

c- I don't like ___________ (play) cards.

d- They are afraid of ______________(swim) in the sea.

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