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ISSUANCE DATE: 10/09/2023


SUBJECT: Solicitation for a Cooperating Country National or Third Country National

Personal Service Contractor (CCN/TCN PSC – Local Compensation Plan)

Dear Prospective Offerors:

The United States Government, represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID), is seeking offers from qualified persons to provide personal services under contract as
described in this solicitation.

Offers must be in accordance with Attachment 1 of this solicitation. Incomplete or unsigned

offers will not be considered. Offerors should retain copies of all offer materials for their records.

USAID will evaluate all offerors based on the stated evaluation criteria. USAID encourages all
individuals, including those from disadvantaged and under-represented groups, to respond to the

This solicitation in no way obligates USAID to award a PSC contract, nor does it commit USAID
to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the offers.

Any questions must be directed in writing to the Point of Contact specified in attachment I.


Gezim Hysenagolli
Executive Officer



2. ISSUANCE DATE: 10/9/2023


Cairo time.

4. POINT OF CONTACT: USAID Human Resources Office, e-mail at

5. POSITION TITLE: Supervisory Human Resources Specialist – Executive Office

6. MARKET VALUE: USD36,161.00 – USD57,857.00. This is the Gross Annual salary

before deducting taxes equivalent to FSN 12. Per a special and temporary authorization, the
salary is currently denominated in US dollars and paid in EGP at the applicable rate of
exchange according to the State Department Payroll Office’s official international currency
exchange rate. When the conditions are met that the special and temporary authorization
should be removed, the salary scale should be removed, the salary scale will revert to
denomination and payment in EGP, as previously authorized."

In accordance with AIDAR Appendix J and the Local Compensation Plan of USAID/Egypt.
Final compensation will be negotiated within the listed market value. Please check in AIDAR
and ADS.

7. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: One year with option to renew estimated to start on

March 2024. “The base period will be from the estimated start date till December 31, 2024”.
Based on Agency need, the Contracting Officer may exercise (an) additional option
period(s) for 4 additional years for the date(s) estimated as follows:”

Base Period March 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024

Option Period 1: January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025
Option Period 2: January 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026
Option Period 3: January 1, 2027 – December 31, 2027
Option Period 4: January 1, 2028 – December 31, 2028

8. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Cairo, Egypt with possible travel as stated in the Statement of

9. ELIGIBLE OFFERORS: Egyptian Citizens or non-Egyptians lawfully admitted for

permanent residence in Egypt.

10. SECURITY LEVEL REQUIRED: Employment Authorization


1. General statement of purpose of the contract

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) mission to Egypt
(USAID/Egypt) is one of the Agency’s largest and most complex missions outside of USAID
Washington. The Human Resources (HR) office provides a wide array of specialized HR services
to Mission offices. The Human Resources Specialist is responsible for planning, designing,
developing, coordinating and implementing a full range of American (US), Third Country National
(TCN) and Cooperating Country National (CCN) personnel services. The jobholder of this position
is one of the Mission’s principal technical advisors on personnel policies and issues; s/he
coordinates with the Embassy’s Human Resource Office on matters pertaining to post-specific
regulations and guidelines affecting all employees.

The job holder serves as the Supervisory Human Resources (HR) Specialist for USAID Egypt,
reports to the Deputy Executive Officer (D/EXO), directly supervises seven (7) employees, and
manages the fourteen-person (14) HR Division of the Executive Office. S/he is responsible for all
phases of personnel management and administration for the Mission, including: U.S. Direct Hire
(USDH), Cooperating Country National Personal Services Contractor (CCNPSC), Third Country
National Personal Services Contractor (TCNPSC) and U.S. Personal Services Contractor (USPSC)
performance evaluations, employee allowances and benefits; personnel administration and records
management; and files organization and security. For CCNPSC employment, the jobholder is a
recognized expert on prevailing wage practice, labor legislation, pension plans and the Local
Compensation Plan (LCP). The jobholder provides high-level technical expertise in overall
personnel systems for USDH, CCNPSC, USPSC and TCNPSC employees and provides personnel
management support to all employees in USAID/Egypt.


A. Human Resources Management, Reporting, and Advisory Services (30%):

The Specialist serves as the principal USAID SME on personnel management systems, such
as MClass and OPS, and advisor on human resources management issues and reporting
requirements for USAID/Egypt, ensuring that the services provided meet all legal, regulatory,
procedural, and policy requirements. Coordinates with the Department of State Personnel at
the Embassy and USAID Washington staff on the preparation of reports, such as the Mission
Workforce Planning for the Annual Review Process, the Rightsizing Exercise for Mission
Staffing levels, the annual CCN Local Compensation Questionnaire, annual data revision and
validations of Post personnel, annual Fair Act Inventory Reports, etc. Oversees preparation
and issuance of other periodic staffing reports requested by the Mission Front Office, USAID
Representatives, or Embassies’ management. Ensures timely and accurate updates to USAID
staffing patterns. Identifies the need for streamlined reporting, modifying database systems to
increase operational efficiency, and development of systems to ensure continuous
improvement and responsiveness to requests.

Performs analyses of unique personnel issues, researches regulations to support conclusions,
explores alternatives to meet complex situations and presents findings and opinions to the
Executive Officers (EXOs) and affected Mission management to support final recommended
actions. Assists in implementing organizational changes as needed to reflect the Mission’s
objectives and priorities. Develops and updates tables on staffing levels for reporting purposes,
as needed, develops various ad hoc reports for Mission management, U.S. Embassy and
USAID/Washington. Participates in the preparation of the annual budget estimates to assure
that personnel requirements and wage adjustments are adequately covered.

Work requires responsibility for position classification, including analysis and evaluation
reports; conducting desk, supervisory and paper audits; management of salary negotiations;
monitoring salary and benefit computations; preparing negotiation memoranda; oversight of
and/or drafting of US and CCNPSC contracts and contracts and contract modifications; serving
as advisor to CCN employees on matters related to career development, promotion, etc.; and
ensuring timely preparation and submission of reports within the Mission and to

B. Travel and Transportation Management Support (30%)

Provides high-level travel policy advice, drafting and distributing travel information, and
providing overall travel and transportation services specific to clients from a variety of hiring
mechanisms: U.S. Direct Hire (USDH), U.S Personal Services Contractor (USPSC), Third
Country National (TCN), and Cooperating Country National (CCN) personnel. The jobholder
liaises with the Human Resources Unit, the Travel and Transportation Division in
USAID/Management Services, the Travel Management Center (TMC) at post, other operating
units (e.g., U.S. Embassy GSO Motor pool, shipping), and Foreign Embassies/Consulates to
ensure that necessary travel arrangements, transportation logistics and plans for all Mission staff
and TDY (including high-level VIP) visitors are in place for smooth movement and operations.
The position serves as one of USAID/Egypt’s subject matter experts on USG travel and
transportation policies and practices, ensuring that personnel comply with Mission and Agency
regulations, procedures, and guidelines.
C. American and Third-Country National Personnel Program (20%):

Serves as a principal CCN advisor on American Personnel issues. S/he interprets regulations
and policies and keeps employees informed of all matters affecting assignments, leave and
retirement policies, and allowances. Administers the annual position validation process,
ensures timely submission of data to USAID/Washington and provides guidance and
recommendations to Mission management on options to assist the Mission in taking decisions
on various issues. As one of the Mission’s two primary experts on USPSC and TCNPSC issues,
the jobholder manages the employment program for USPSCs, both long and short term,
resident-hire and offshore-hire, OE and project-funded.

Supervises the preparation of all types of contracts and ensures that benefits are extended to
employees in accordance with the type of the contract awarded. Negotiates and issues USPSC
contracts, contract modifications and extensions, valued annually at approximately US$ 2
million. Analyzes new or revised requirements in USAID PSC contracting policies and

regulations and evaluates impact on procedures. Discusses needed changes or revisions with
the supervisor to coordinate and develop revisions in procedures and/or contract documents.
Provides guidance to subordinates to implement changes or revisions. Reviews proposed
USPSC and TCNPSC Scopes of Work and provides guidance to Office Directors on
establishment of new positions, exercising options, and termination of contracts. Serves as a
lead negotiator on USAID PSC contracts, and intervenes, when necessary, to finalize
negotiations and conclude agreements. Initiating and coordinating security and medical
clearance documentation, liaising with USAID Washington Office of Security, Middle East
Bureau and candidates throughout the process.

Works closely with HR Specialists and EXOs to address audit recommendations for PSC
contracts and adjusts Mission procedures to adhere to changes in PSC rules and regulations.
Updates supervisory relationships in USAID LaunchPad. Advises Personnel on documentation
needed for changes in assignment, such as extensions, curtailments, resignations, retirements,
safe havening of family members, etc. Advises Mission management on NSDD-38 and
Agency-specific documentation for creating, repurposing and terminating positions. Advises
on USAID and interagency awards programs. Administratively approves vouchers on all
matters pertaining to American and TCN personnel benefits, such as health and MEDEVAC
insurance, personal liability insurance, etc. Ensures official electronic personnel and contract
files are complete and kept up to date in ASIST. Coordinates USDH evaluation and USDH
assignment cycles in consultation with EXOs. Prepares documentation for establishment,
revision, conversion or deletion of USDH positions. Ensures that completed paperwork is
forwarded to USAID Washington for action. Coordinates with the Embassy on matters relating
to notification of arrival and/or departure, request for residence visas, DIRCO identity cards
and passport renewals, and documentation related to changes of assignment and housing.
Oversees the USAID American seasonal hire program.

D. Cooperating Country National Personnel Program (20%):

Collaborates with the Embassy and USAID/Washington on development and implementation

of personnel policies and procedures for local personnel, including the FSN Handbook and the
Local Compensation Plan. Seeks clarification on new guidance to provide thorough
information to supervisors and to recommend appropriate actions to be taken by the Mission.
Develops recruitment sources for new, or newly vacated, positions for both permanent and
short-term employment. Oversees the interviewing, testing and selection of applicants,
including salary negotiations and employment briefings. Develops or modifies related
guidelines and procedures to systemize and facilitate the recruitment process. Reviews position
descriptions and provides technical guidance and assistance to employees and supervisors on
employee performance and position evaluation. Ensures that qualification requirements are
clear and adequate to facilitate the evaluation and selection of candidates. Conducts MClass
position classification reviews as needed. Assists in planning career development opportunities
for local personnel, including identification of training opportunities for HR staff and HR-
related brown bags and workshops for the broader Mission.

Provides counseling services and guidance to employees and supervisors on the implications
of personnel policies, regulations and procedures to ensure proper implementation. This

includes local social security benefits, retirement, recruitment, hiring, performance
management, termination, leave, etc. Determines the appropriate policy to evaluate and
recommends approval/disapproval to supervisors on various personnel actions and services.
This includes solutions to difficult or sensitive problems and disciplinary actions. Analyzes
and interprets complex policies and regulations and articulates them to Mission operations.
Negotiates and issues CCN contracts, contract modifications and extensions valued annually
at approximately US$ 7 million.

Oversees the issuance of all personnel actions and maintains permanent personnel records in
electronic format in ASIST. Reviews new or modifies scopes of work for services provided to
CCN employees, recommends revisions to satisfy USAID requirements and other revisions,
as appropriate, to maximize benefits to both post and employees, identifies the need for
obtaining Mission-specific services through contract or agreement and develops scopes of
work and agreement terms to satisfy Mission needs and facilitate personnel operations.
Examples of services include, the Mission Health and Life insurance contract and pre-travel
medical check-up contracts. Jobholder coordinates with the Embassy to ensure staff receive
terms and provisions of the contracts and agreements to the satisfaction of Mission employees.
Oversees the processing of claims and enrollment or discontinuation of employees. Identifies
and solves problems as quickly as possible to ensure effectiveness. Develops new ways to
resolve major administrative problems and measures performance. Provides guidance to staff
members on authorized/unauthorized services.

Works with the CCN Committee to resolve problems related to CCN issues, providing sound
judgment and discretion in interpreting policy and regulatory guidance. Reviews and approves
payment to Contractors on monthly, semi-annual basis or when services are rendered.

Monitors changes in the retirement systems, labor laws, benefits and prevailing practices,
identifying which potentially impacts Mission personnel policies, procedures and operations.
Oversees the management of the Mission’s awards program, including Interagency Awards
(IMAP), Agency Awards, On-The-Spot-Cash Awards, Safe Driving Awards, and Length of
Service Awards.


a. Education: A Bachelor’s degree in Personnel/Business Administration, Human Resources,

Liberal Arts/Humanities/Sciences or a related field is required.
b. Prior Work Experience: A minimum of seven years of progressively responsible,
professional-level experience in the field of human resources is required. Experience should
include the analysis and interpretation of policies and the ability to present in a written and
oral format.
c. Post Entry Training: Familiarization training in USG and USAID-specific Human
Resources procedures, Travel regulations, and methods, and orientation to working from a
donor-Agency perspective, etc., will be provided. Human resources management courses,
Personal Services Contract training, Travel and Transportation training, CCN compensation,
payroll and benefits courses, pension fund training, MClass training, Supervision

Certification, Global Acquisition and Assistance System training, and COR/AOR certification
CCN PSCs may participate in temporary duty (TDY) travel to USAID/Washington and other Missions in
order to participate in the Foreign Service National Fellowship Program described in ADS 495maa.
d. Language Proficiency: Level IV (fluency in reading, writing and speaking) in English and
Arabic is required.
e. Job Knowledge: Advanced knowledge of personal management and understanding the
fundamental relationships of its functions, theories and concepts is required to plan and
implement an effective and equitable personnel program and to identify causes of problems
and recommend sound solutions. A broad and thorough understanding and knowledge of U.S.
government regulations and procedures, and host-country labor law, prevailing practice,
pension plans, social insurance, and employee rights are desirable. A sound knowledge of
good program management practices. Thorough knowledge of Automated Directive System
(ADS), interagency Foreign Affairs Manuals (FAM), Department of State Standardized
Regulations (DSSR), Federal and USAID Personnel and Acquisition regulations (AIDAR,
AAPD, etc.) and Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) is required. A good knowledge of USG
development and strategic objectives, program and projects, organizational structure to easily
and effectively plan and implement a personnel program that supports USAID operations.
This position requires broad analytical skills. Jobholder is considered a key person in
providing recommendations, technical advice and analysis to Mission personnel.
f. Skills and Abilities: The position requires good organizational and strong interpersonal skills,
tact, good judgment and discretion, compassion, understanding, and an interest in servicing
people to maintain smooth and effective working relationships with all Mission personnel, at
all levels. Must be able to develop and maintain cordial and effective working contacts with
Mission staff at all hierarchical levels as well as staff in USAID Washington Human Capital
and Talent Management (HCTM) and the Middle East Bureau, and US Embassy personnel at
all levels in management, finance and human resources. Must be adept at supervision and
customer service. Must demonstrate the ability to analyze and interpret complex data and
complicated policies, to articulate these policies and their application to Mission operations,
and to put into effective practice USAID regulations and directions. Must have good
negotiation skills and techniques for salary administration and to achieve consensus on policy
and administrative matters. Must be able to provide training and guidance to all levels of
personnel on personnel administration policies and procedures. Must have sound and mature
judgment to counsel and advise employees and supervisors on various sensitive issues
including disciplinary actions and performance management. Excellent managerial skills,
ability to lead, train, supervise and work independently with minimal supervision or guidance
is required. Ability to work within the framework of a team is essential, to identify problems,
generate ideas and develop creative solutions to increase efficiency, improve customer service
and to meet change work demands is required. Clarity of thought and excellent
communication skills to present information to managers and others in a concise and
professional manner are necessary. Must possess the ability to work under high pressure with
tight deadlines. Good computer skills in the use of MS Office applications are needed.


a. Supervision Received: The Job holder works under the general supervision of the Deputy
Executive Officer, who provides broad policy guidance and direction. S/he operates with a
great deal of latitude in carrying out her/his responsibilities. Jobholder is expected to perform
with a high degree of independence and initiative in planning, organizing and implementing
all phases of the Human Resources program.
b. Supervision Exercised: The Job holder manages the Human Resources Division of the
Executive Office with an overall workforce of 14 employees. S/he directly supervises six (6)
employees, the Human Resources Specialist (Personnel Services), the Human Resources
Specialist (Travel and Training Coordination), and four (4) Administrative Assistants
(Roving) providing technical advice and guidance, assigning work, reviewing and approving
results, and monitoring and evaluating performance.
c. Available Guidelines: USAID policies and procedures contained in various documents such
as Automated Directive System (ADS), Foreign Affairs Manuals (FAM), AID Acquisition
Regulation (AIDAR), Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directives (AAPD), US Department
of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR), Federal Travel Regulations (FTR), Mission
Orders, USAID/Washington General Notices, and Embassy regulations. Guidelines may also
be provided orally by the supervisor. Jobholder is required to be creative, resourceful and
innovative in developing her/his own effective means of implementing these guidelines in
accomplishing her/his work responsibilities.
d. Exercise of Judgment: A high level of professional judgment is required in interpreting
policy and regulatory guidance for each situation, to devise new approaches to solve problems
in the absence of applicable policies and regulations. Jobholder has extensive contact with
employees on confidential issues which requires tact, patience and discretion. Must be able to
recognize situations of political sensitivity, or which may cause embarrassment to the Mission,
Agency, or U.S. Government. Jobholder makes independent judgment in resolving the day-
to-day Human Resources issues, timely processing of actions as well as providing input for
various reports sent to the Embassy and to Washington. Judgment is required to make
independent, unbiased decisions based on careful analysis of facts and variables, possible
alternatives, and potential implications or impact; exercises sound judgment on a continuing
basis and completes work independently. The Job holder’s human resources recommendations
and analysis will lay the basis for decision on the part of the senior management.
e. Authority to Make Commitments: The Job holder has no independent authority over USG
funds, but subject to USAID policy guidance, regulations and personal judgment,
administratively approves travel commitments, health and life insurance payments, lodging
for short-term contractors, utilities payments for offshore personnel. Determines priorities and
training needs for the HR staff; implements Mission reorganization in various Human
Resources systems and answers all related inquiries. Evaluates and determines staff needs and
possible services and help from within the Mission, locally and overseas. Determines and
applies the appropriate policies and regulations to all personnel services provided without
prior approval. Conducts all the necessary analyses and research for the evaluation and
formulation of Mission Personnel policies until the point of approval and signature by
supervisors. On other personnel issues, the jobholder's recommendations for the basis for
decisions made by supervisors. The job holder is relied upon to advise managers at the
Mission, Agency and interagency levels on the implications of their actions, and may make

such arrangements as necessary, consistent with USAID, USG and ADS guidance, and
Mission policy
f. Nature, Level, and Purpose of Contacts: The Specialist has daily contact with senior
Mission officials and with staff at all levels to interpret USAID policies and regulations to
provide information, guidance, counseling and to discuss issues and problems regarding
implementation of personnel services and functions. Frequent contact with HCTM and Middle
East Bureau officials in USAID Washington and at all levels within the US Embassy, from
Deputy Chiefs of Mission, to Management Counselors, Financial Management Officers,
Human Resources Officer, Human Resources Specialists, Regional Security Officers, to
discuss personnel issues and exchange information on personnel actions. Has frequent contact
with local vendors providing personnel-related services to the Mission, such as Health and
Life insurance providers, medical examinations, tax consultant, pension fund administrators.
g. Time Expected to Reach Full Performance Level: One year.

Selection Factors Scoring Percentage

Education/academic requirement 10
Experience 25
Language Proficiency 20
Knowledge 20
Skills & Abilities 25
TOTAL 100%
* As per details reflected under Qualifications above.


1. Eligible Offerors are required to:

Submit the following to USAID Human Resources Office, no later

than COB of the vacancy deadline noted above:

a. Submit an up-to-date Resume/CV that includes the month, year,

and company name of employment for all experience.
If company name and work dates are not stated clearly, the experience
cannot be considered.
b. Names of family members working in the Mission must be included in the application.
c. Submit and attach a cover letter detailing how they are qualified for the position.
d. Quoting the vacancy number in the email subject line.

Please note that:

• The CV and cover letter attachment must not exceed five pages.
• The USAID HR Office will disregard any submissions not quoting
the vacancy number in the email subject line and/or exceeding five

pages and/or those received after the deadline.
• Submissions made in any way other than the indicated clearly in the
solicitation will be disregarded.

2. Offers must be received by the closing date and time specified in Section I,
item 3, and submitted to the Point of Contact in Section I.

3. Offeror submissions must clearly reference the Solicitation number on all

offeror submitted documents.

Employees new to a position must serve in the new position for a minimum of 6
(six) months before they can be considered eligible for another position within the
mission, this includes moves between agencies. The Mission mandatory
retirement age is 60 years.

The evaluation and selection process usually takes two to three months after the
deadline. Shortlisted applicants are invited for tests and/or interviews during this time
frame. Due to the high volume of resumes, only candidates who are seriously being
considered for a position are contacted for an interview. Please do not contact HR for
a status report on your resume once you receive an automatic acknowledgment of
receipt from the system. Interviewed candidates will normally be advised of the
outcome of the selection process after a period of about four weeks.

In determining the appropriate salary, no salary adjustments will be made for fringe
benefits such as uniforms, free airline tickets, free medicine or company products,
life/medical/accident insurance policies, transportation, meal allowance, or other
similar company benefits provided by former employers. Applicants with prior U.S.
Government service may receive salary adjustments at the grade level of the
position, to match the highest previous USG salary levels in a relevant field. The
USAID Human Resources and Contracting Officers determine the appropriate salary

It is the U.S. Government policy to prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion,
national origin, handicap, or gender.


The CO will provide instructions about how to complete and submit the hiring
forms after an offeror is selected for the contract award.


As a matter of policy, and as appropriate, a PSC is normally authorized the

following benefits and allowances:

The Mission currently provides:
1) Health Insurance Services.
2) Life/accident/disability insurance.
3) Semi-annual bonus.
b. ALLOWANCES (as applicable): N/A


LES employees of the mission became liable for payment of income taxes on
their salaries with the implementation of the new tax law effective July 1st,
2005. Payment of taxes is on biweekly basis.



USAID regulations and policies governing CCN and TCN PSC awards are
available at these sources:

1. USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR), Appendix J, “Direct USAID

Contracts With a Cooperating Country National and with a Third Country
National for Personal Services Abroad,” including contract clause “General
Provisions,” available at

2. Contract Cover Page form AID 309-1 available at Pricing by line item is to be determined upon
contract award as described below:
(A) (B) Y (D) PRICE (F)
(C) (E)

0001 Base Period - Compensation, Fringe Benefits 1 LOT $ _TBD $_TBD at

and Other Direct Costs (ODCs) Award after
- Award Type: Cost negotiations
- Product Service Code: [e.g. R497] with
- Accounting Info: [insert one or more citation(s) Contractor_
from Phoenix/GLAAS]

1001 Option Period 1 – Compensation, Fringe 1 LOT $ _TBD $_TBD at

Benefits and Other Direct Costs (ODCs) Award
- Award Type: Cost
- Product Service Code: [e.g. R497]
- Accounting Info: [insert from Phoenix/GLAAS]
2001 Option Period 2 – Compensation, Fringe 1 LOT $ _TBD $_TBD at
Benefits and Other Direct Costs (ODCs) Award

- Award Type: Cost
- Product Service Code: [e.g. R497]
- Accounting Info: [insert from Phoenix/GLAAS]

3001 Option Period 3 – Compensation, Fringe 1 LOT $ _TBD $_TBD at

Benefits and Other Direct Costs (ODCs) Award
- Award Type: Cost
- Product Service Code: [e.g. R497]
- Accounting Info: [insert from Phoenix/GLAAS]

4001 Option Period 4 – Compensation, Fringe 1 LOT $ _TBD $_TBD

Benefits and Other Direct Costs (ODCs)
- Award Type: Cost
- Product Service Code: [e.g. R497]
- Accounting Info: [insert from Phoenix/GLAAS]

3. Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives/Contract Information Bulletins

(AAPDs/CIBs) for Personal Services Contracts with Individuals available at usaid/aapds-cibs

4. Ethical Conduct. By the acceptance of a USAID personal services contract as

an individual, the contractor will be acknowledging receipt of the “Standards of
Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch,” available from the
U.S. Office of Government Ethics, in accordance with General Provision 2 and
5 CFR 2635. See

5. PSC Ombudsman
The PSC Ombudsman serves as a resource for any Personal Services Contractor
who has entered into a contract with the United States Agency for International
Development and is available to provide clarity on their specific contract with
the agency. Please visit our page for additional information: ombudsman.
The PSC Ombudsman may be contacted via:

6. FAR Provisions Incorporated by Reference




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