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yí ge rén one/a person ⼀个⼈

liǎng ge rén two people 两个⼈
yì tiáo gǒu one/a dog ⼀条狗
sān tiáo gǒu three dogs 三条狗
yì zhī bǐ one/a pen ⼀只笔
sì zhī bǐ four pens 四只笔
yì zhāng zhǐ one/a sheet of paper ⼀张纸
yì běn shū one/a book ⼀本书
yí ge jiějie one/an older sister ⼀个姐姐
yí ge gēge one/an older brother ⼀个哥哥
yì tiáo lù one/a road ⼀条路
yì zhī bēizi one/a cup; one/a glass ⼀只杯⼦
yì zhāng chuáng one/a bed ⼀张床
yì běn zìdiǎn one/a (character) dictionary ⼀本 字典
yí ge rén
one/a person
yì tiáo gǒu
one/a dog
Ge 个 is in the fourth tone (gè), but it is most often written without any tone at all.
ge 个 people
yí ge rén ⼀个⼈ (one person) sān ge nǚrén 三个⼥⼈ (three

条 objects that are long and thin, also some ⼀条线 (one/a string) wǔ tiáo yú 五条⻥ (five fish)
yì tiáo xiàn
animals sì tiáo gǒu四条狗 (four dogs)
zhī 只 objects that are pointed and thin, utensils,
and some animals
yì zhī wǎn ⼀只碗 (one/a bowl) liǎng zhī jī 两只鸡 (two chickens)

qī zhāng zhuōzi 七张桌⼦ (seven tables) jiǔ zhāng zhǐ 九张纸

zhāng 张 objects that have a flat surface
(nine pieces of paper)
běn 本 books sān běn shū 三本书 (three books)

Pinyin Chinese English

yí gè rén ⼀个⼈ one/a person

liǎng gè rén 两个⼈ two people

yì tiáo gǒu ⼀条狗 one/a dog

sān tiáo gǒu 三条狗 three dogs

yì zhī bǐ ⼀只笔 one/a pen

sì zhī bǐ 四只笔 four pens

yì zhāng zhǐ ⼀张纸 one/a sheet of paper

yì běn shū ⼀本书 one/a book

yí ge jiějie ⼀个姐姐 one/an older sister

yí ge gēge ⼀个哥哥 one/an older brother

yì tiáo lù ⼀条路 one/a road

yì zhī bēizi ⼀只杯⼦ one/a cup; one/a glass

yì zhāng chuáng ⼀张床 one/a bed

yì běn zìdiǎn ⼀本字典 one/a (character) dictionary

Pinyin Chinese English

zhège gōngyù 这个公寓 this apartment

zhège fángzi 这个房⼦ this house

piàoliàng de fángzi 漂亮 的房⼦ a beautiful house

nàge fángjiān 那个房间 that room

nàge dà fángjiān 那个⼤房间 that big room

nàge wòfáng 那个卧房 that bedroom

nàge xiǎo wòfáng 那个⼩卧房 that small bedroom

zhège chúfáng 这个厨房 this kitchen

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gānjìng de chúfáng ⼲净的厨房 a clean kitchen

nàge wèishēngjiān 那个卫⽣间 that bathroom

hěn zāng de wèishēngjiān 很脏的卫⽣间 a very dirty bathroom

zhè zhāng shāfā 这张沙发 this sofa

zhè zhāng zhuōzi 这张桌⼦ this table

zhè bǎ yǐzi 这把椅⼦ this chair

zhè zhāng chuáng 这张床 this bed

zhè zhāng zhàopiàn 这张照⽚ this photograph

nà tái diànnǎo 那台电脑 that computer

zhè tái diànshì 这台电视 this television

Zhè 这(this) and nà 那 (that) are demonstratives in Chinese. When they are followed by a noun, a measure word is needed in
between zhè /nà 这 那 and the noun.

zhège rén 这个⼈ this person

nàge rén 那个⼈ that person

zhè tiáo gǒu 这条狗 this dog

nà zhī bǐ 那只笔 that pen

Nàge rén hěn piàoliàng.

That person (is) very beautiful.
Nà tiáo gǒu hěn dà.
That dog (is) very big.
Zhège wèishēngjiān hěn zāng!
This bathroom (is) very dirty!
Zhège wòfáng hěn xiǎo!
This bedroom (is) very small!

For the plural forms of zhè 这 and nà 那, a collective measure word xiē 些 can be added after zhè 这 and nà 那: zhèxiē 这些 (these)
and nàxiē 那些(those). Xiē 些 is invariable – it can be used with any noun.

zhèxiē rén 这些⼈ these people

nàxiē bēizi 那些杯⼦ those cups

Zhèxiē nǚhái hěn kě'ài.

These girls (are) very adorable.
Nàxiē chē hěn kuài.
Those cars (are) very fast.
Nàxiē fángzi hěn dà.
Those houses (are) very big.

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