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Assignment 5 / Lab#5

Date of submission: 11-07-2023 Due date : 11-07-2023

Group members:
Alvaro Reyes Chavez
Manisha Hamal
Amena Maududi
Steven Gill
List of instruments:

Pencil 2B, Field Books, Ruler, Calculator, Lab Manual, Total station#2, prism#2, Yellow Tripod#2,
Battery#2, Range pole#2, Work boots, Work vest

Procedure Week#1:

1. Listened to the instructor guidelines for the Lab#5.

2. Set up the field book pages for Lab #5, put the page titles corresponding to each page,
prepare the known data and table of results chart.
3. Prepared instruments for use, took the total station #2, pole and prism#2, tripod for
total station#2, small battery#2.
4. Installed the battery#2 in the battery holder on the side of total station#2.
5. The team went out to the field where all the control points were set.
6. Set the total station up at the reference point CP ‘B’.
Total station setup
7.1. Extended the tripod's legs approximating it to the nail in the ground at point CP
7.2. Once the tripods legs were set to a height below our chin, the legs were firmly
pushed into the ground, also we made sure the screws on each leg were tight.
7.3. After the tripod was firmly set, the total station was safely installed at the top of
the tripod.
7.4. The leveling screws were leveled by aligning them with the thick line.
7.5. The total station#2 was turned on using the red power button on the side.
7.6. In the next step, the bubble located on the tribranch is aligned in the center of
the circle by adjusting two legs of the tripod.
7.7. The bubble was perfectly centered in the black circle using two tribrach screws at
the same time and one screw individually.
7.8. Once the bubble was aligned, the button [2] was selected, a laser right beneath
the total station popped up when selected.
7.9. The bottom screw on the total station#2 was loosened to align the laser to the
center of the nail on the ground.
7.10. The quick survey was selected as mode in the screen and then the leveling on the
screen was adjusted by utilizing two knobs on the tribrach.
8. We measured the height of the instrument using tape measure starting from the nail on
the ground at point CP ‘B’ up to the small “T” sign on the side of the total station#2.
9. Extended the metallic pole#2 and placed prism #2 on top of it.
10. After that, we measured the height of the pole#2 and recorded it in the fieldbook.
11. Metallic pole#2 was placed on top of point CP ‘K’, held vertically and aligned with our
setup point.
12. Took the ‘reading direct’ of the point CP ‘K’ by adjusting the crosshair into the prism
using objective focus knob and eyepiece focus.
13. Recorded horizontal distance, Slope distance and Vertical angle in our field books.
14. Moved and rotated the total station#2 a little bit to get our second ‘reading direct’.
15. Steps 11-14 were repeated again for two consecutive times.
16. Calculated the averages for the HD, SD and vertical angle.
17. Calculated the zenith angles using the (180 degrees - vertical angle) formula.
18. Calculated the α angles using the ( 90 degrees - vertical angle) formula.

Procedure Week#2:

19. Repeated steps 1-5.

20. Set the total station up at the reference point CP ‘K’.
21. Repeated steps 7.1 - 7.10 for the total station setup.
22. Repeated steps 8-10 on point CP ‘K’.
23. Took the ‘reading direct’ of the point CP ‘BB’ by adjusting the crosshair into the CP ‘BB’
sign using objective focus knob and eyepiece focus.
24. Repeated steps 13-15.
25. Repeated steps 23-24 for point CP ‘CC’.
26. Placed metallic pole#2 on top of point CP ‘1’, held vertically and aligned with our setup
27. Took the ‘reading direct’ of the point CP ‘1’ by adjusting the crosshair into the prism
using objective focus knob and eyepiece focus.
28. Repeated steps 13-15 for point CP ‘1’.
29. Repeated steps 26-28 for point TBM101.
30. Repeated steps 26-28 for point CP ‘B’.
31. Repeated steps 16-18 for all the sets of observation.
32. Calculated the Elevation for all the observation points (CP ‘BB’, CP ‘CC’, CP ‘1’, TBM101,
CP ‘B’).
Table of results:

Station HI(m) Rod(m) Known Setup 1

Setup Elevation

B 1.398 1.500 96.121

Observation HD(m) SD(m) Vertical Zenith 𝛼 Angle

towards Angle Angle

K 10.001 10.010 88°10’05” 91°49’55” 1°49’55”

K 10.005 10.007 88°09’56” 91°50’04” 1°50’04”

K 10.002 9.998 88°10’01” 91°49’58” 1°49’58”

AVERAGE 10.003 10.005 88°10’01” 91°49’59” 1°49’59”

Station HI(m) Rod(m) Known Setup 2

Setup Elevation

K 1.428 1.500 96.339

Observation HD(m) SD(m) Vertical Zenith 𝛼 Angle

towards Angle Angle

CPBB 25.809 25.833 92°26’43” 87°33’17” -02°26’43”

CPBB 25.809 25.833 92°26’51” 87°33’09” -02°26’51”

CPBB 25.809 25.833 92°26’52” 87°33’08” -02°26’52”

AVERAGE 25.809 25.833 92°26’49” 87°33’11” -02°26’49”

Observation HD(m) SD(m) Vertical Zenith 𝛼 Angle

towards Angle Angle
CPCC 28.434 28.455 92°12’58” 87°47’02” -02°12’58”

CPCC 28.434 28.455 92°13’05” 87°46’55” -02°13’05”

CPCC 28.434 28.455 92°13’12” 87°46’48” -02°13’12”

AVERAGE 28.434 28.455 92°13’05” 87°46’55” -02°13’05”

Observation HD(m) SD(m) Vertical Zenith 𝛼 Angle

towards Angle Angle

CP1 23.169 23.169 89°53’50” 90°06’10” 00°06’10”

CP1 23.149 23.149 89°54’37” 90°05’23” 00°05’23”

CP1 23.154 23.154 89°54’40” 90°05’20” 00°05’20”

AVERAGE 23.157 23.157 89°54’22” 90°05’38” 00°05’38”

Observation HD(m) SD(m) Vertical Zenith 𝛼 Angle

towards Angle Angle

TBM 101 31.773 31.779 88°57’27” 91°02’33” 01°02’33”

TBM 101 31.774 31.779 88°57’33” 91°02’27” 01°02’27”

TBM 101 31.779 31.785 88°57’42” 91°02’18” 01°02’18”

AVERAGE 31.775 31.781 88°57’34” 91°02’26” 01°02’26”

Observation HD(m) SD(m) Vertical Zenith 𝛼 Angle

towards Angle Angle

B 9.994 9.995 90°48’10” 89°11’50” -0°48’10”

B 9.993 9.994 90°48’10” 89°11’50” -0°48’10”

B 9.987 9.988 90°48’07” 89°11’53” -0°48’07”

Average 9.991 9.992 90°48’09” 89°11’51” -0°48’09”


a) Average of HD, SD, Vertical angle, Zenith angle and α angle values :

∑ 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠
1. 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = #𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠

Observation Towards CP ‘K’

10.001𝑚 + 10.005𝑚 + 10.002𝑚
Average of Horizontal distance =
= 10.003 m
10.010𝑚 + 10.007𝑚 + 9.998𝑚
Average of Slope distance =
= 10.005 m

88°10’05” + 88°09’56”+88°10’01”
Average of Vertical angle ∠ = = 88°10’01”

91°49’55”” + 91°50’04”+91°49’58”
Average of Zenith Angle ∠ = = 91°49’59”

1°49’55” + 1°50’04” + 1°49’58”

Average of 𝛼 Angle ∠ = = 1°49’59”

Observation Towards CP ‘BB’

25.809𝑚 + 25.809𝑚 + 25.809𝑚
Average of Horizontal distance =
= 25.809 m
25.833𝑚 + 25.833𝑚 + 25.833𝑚
Average of Slope distance =
= 25.833 m

92°26’43” + 92°26’51”+92°26’52”
Average of Vertical angle ∠ = = 92°26’49”

87°33’17”” + 87°33’09”+87°33’08”
Average of Zenith Angle ∠ = = 87°33’11”

−02°26’43” − 02°26’51” − 02°26’52”

Average of 𝛼 Angle ∠ = = -02°26’49”
Observation Towards CP ‘CC’
28.434𝑚 + 28.434𝑚 + 28.434𝑚
Average of Horizontal distance =
= 28.434 m
10.010𝑚 + 10.007𝑚 + 9.998𝑚
Average of Slope distance =
= 10.005 m

92°12’58” + 92°13’05”+ 92°13’12”

Average of Vertical angle ∠ = = 92°13’05”

87°47’02”” + 87°46’55”+ 87°46’48”

Average of Zenith Angle ∠ = = 87°46’55”

−02°12’58” − 02°13’05” − 02°13’12”

Average of 𝛼 Angle ∠ = = -02°13’05”

Observation Towards CP ‘1’

23.169𝑚 + 23.149𝑚 + 23.154𝑚
Average of Horizontal distance =
= 23.157 m
23.169𝑚 + 23.149𝑚 + 23.154𝑚
Average of Slope distance =
= 23.157 m

89°53’50” + 89°54’37”+89°54’40”
Average of Vertical angle ∠ = = 89°54’2”

90°06’10”” + 90°05’23”+90°05’20”
Average of Zenith Angle ∠ = = 90°05’38”

00°06’10” + 00°05’23” + 00°05’20”

Average of 𝛼 Angle ∠ = = 00°05’38”

Observation Towards TBM’101’

31.773𝑚 + 31.774𝑚 + 31.779𝑚
Average of Horizontal distance =
= 31.775 m
31.779𝑚 + 31.779𝑚 + 31.785𝑚
Average of Slope distance =
= 31.781 m

88°57’27” + 88°57’33”+88°57’42”
Average of Vertical angle ∠ = = 88°57’34”
91°02’33”” + 91°02’27”+91°02’18”
Average of Zenith Angle ∠ = = 91°02’26”

1°02’33” + 1°02’27” + 1°02’18”

Average of 𝛼 Angle ∠ = = 1°02’26”

Observation Towards CP’B’

9.994𝑚 + 9.993𝑚 + 9.987𝑚
Average of Horizontal distance =
= 9.991 m
9.995𝑚 + 9.994𝑚 + 9.988𝑚
Average of Slope distance =
= 9.992 m

90°48’10” + 90°48'10”+90°48’07”
Average of Vertical angle ∠ = = 90°48’09”

89°11’50”” + 89°11’50”+89°11’53”
Average of Zenith Angle ∠ = = 89°11’51”

−00°48’10” − 00°48’10” − 00°48’07”

Average of 𝛼 Angle ∠ = = -00°48’09”
b) Zenith Angle:

1. 𝑍𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 = 180° − 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒

Observation Towards CP ‘K’

Zenith Angle (1) = 180°00’00” - 88°10’05” = 91°49’55”
Zenith Angle (2) = 180°00’00” - 88°09’56” = 91°50’04”
Zenith Angle (3) = 180°00’00” - 88°10’01” = 91°49’58”
Observation Towards CP ‘BB’
Zenith Angle (1) = 180°00’00” - 92°26’43” = 87°33’17”
Zenith Angle (2) = 180°00’00” - 92°26’51” = 87°33’09”
Zenith Angle (3) = 180°00’00” - 92°26’52” = 87°33’08”
Observation Towards CP ‘CC’
Zenith Angle (1) = 180°00’00” - 92°12’58” = 87°47’02”
Zenith Angle (2) = 180°00’00” - 92°13’05” = 87°46’55”
Zenith Angle (3) = 180°00’00” - 92°13’12” = 87°46’48”
Observation Towards CP ‘1’
Zenith Angle (1) = 180°00’00” - 89°53’50” = 90°06’10”
Zenith Angle (2) = 180°00’00” - 89°54’37” = 90°05’23”
Zenith Angle (3) = 180°00’00” - 89°54’40” = 90°05’20”
Observation Towards TBM ‘101’
Zenith Angle (1) = 180°00’00” - 88°57’27” = 91°02’33”
Zenith Angle (2) = 180°00’00” - 88°57’33” = 91°02’27”
Zenith Angle (3) = 180°00’00” - 88°57’42” = 91°02’18”
Observation Towards CP ‘B’
Zenith Angle (1) = 180°00’00” - 90°48’10” = 89°11’50”
Zenith Angle (2) = 180°00’00” - 90°48’10” = 89°11’50”
Zenith Angle (3) = 180°00’00” - 90°48’07” = 89°11’53”
c) Alpha Angle:

1. 𝐴𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑎 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 = 90° − 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒

Observation Towards CP ‘K’

Alpha Angle (1) = 90°00’00” - 88°10’05” = 1°49’55”
Alpha Angle (2) = 90°00’00” - 88°09’56” = 1°50’04”
Alpha Angle (3) = 90°00’00” - 88°10’01” = 1°49’58”
Observation Towards CP ‘BB’
Alpha Angle (1) = 90°00’00” - 92°26’43” = -02°26’43”
Alpha Angle (2) = 90°00’00” - 92°26’51” = -02°26’51”
Alpha Angle (3) = 90°00’00” - 92°26’52” = -02°26’52”
Observation Towards CP ‘CC’
Alpha Angle (1) = 90°00’00” - 92°12’58” = -02°12’58”
Alpha Angle (2) = 90°00’00” - 92°13’05” = -02°13’05”
Alpha Angle (3) = 90°00’00” - 92°13’12” = -02°13’12”
Observation Towards CP ‘1’
Alpha Angle (1) = 90°00’00” - 89°53’50” = 00°06’10”
Alpha Angle (2) = 90°00’00” - 89°54’37” = 00°05’23”
Alpha Angle (3) = 90°00’00” - 89°54’40” = 00°05’20”
Observation Towards TBM ‘101’
Alpha Angle (1) = 90°00’00” - 88°57’27” = 01°02’33”
Alpha Angle (2) = 90°00’00” - 88°57’33” = 01°02’27”
Alpha Angle (3) = 90°00’00” - 88°57’42” = 01°02’18”
Observation Towards CP ‘B’
Alpha Angle (1) = 90°00’00” - 90°48’10” = -0°48’10”
Alpha Angle (2) = 90°00’00” - 90°48’10” = -0°48’10”
Alpha Angle (3) = 90°00’00” - 90°48’07” = -0°48’07”
Summary of contributions:


Manisha Hamal - Set instruments up, took measurements, made calculations

- Submit pictures of fieldbook

Alvaro Reyes - Set instruments up, took measurements, made calculations

- Review and compose lab report

Amena Maududi - Set instruments up, took measurements, made calculations

- Review and compose lab report


We started this lab by setting up our total station on point CP ‘B’ and did observation towards
point CP ’K’. We noted down HD, SD, Vertical angle, Zenith angle and alpha angle values of the
observation towards CP ‘K’. We calculated the elevation of point CP ‘K’ based on these values.
Then we moved our total station and set it up on point CP ‘K’. We did observations towards
points CP ‘BB’, CP ‘CC’, CP ‘1’, TBM#101 and CP ‘B’. We noted down all the values mentioned
before and calculated the elevations for all the points. At last we calculated our misclosure of
point CP ‘B’.
Field book submission
Title Page
Measurement results
Discussion Questions:

1. Showing all calculations (do your averages in your Fieldbook) please provide the
calculated elevations of: /18 Total.

a. Setup Point #2 /3

● V = (10.003m) (tan 1°49’59”)

V = 0.320m

● ∆ ELEV = 1.398m + (0.320m) - 1.500m

∆ ELEV = 0.218m

● Elevation of CP ‘K’ = 96.121m + (0.218)

● Elevation of CP ‘K’ = 96.339m

b. CP BB /3

● V = (25.809m) (tan -02°26’49”)

V = -1.103m

● ∆ ELEV = 1.428m + ( -1.103m) - 0m

∆ ELEV = 0.325m

● Elevation of CP ‘BB’ = 96.339m + 0.325m

● Elevation of CP ‘BB’ = 96.664m

c. CP CC /3
● V = (28.434m) (tan -02°13’05”)
V = -1.101m

● ∆ ELEV = 1.428m + ( -1.101m) - 0m

∆ ELEV = 0.327m

● Elevation of CP ‘CC’ = 96.339m + 0.327m

● Elevation of CP ‘CC’ = 96.666m
d. CP #1 /3

● V = (23.157m) (tan 00°05’38”)

V = 0.038m

● ∆ ELEV = 1.428m + 0.038m - 1.500m

∆ ELEV = -0.034m

● Elevation of CP ‘1’ = 96.339m + (-0.034m)

● Elevation of CP ‘1’ = 96.305m

e. TBM 100, or TBM 101 /3

● V = (31.775m) (tan 01°02’26”)

V = 0.577m

● ∆ ELEV = 1.428m + 0.577m - 1.500m

∆ ELEV = 0.505m

● Elevation of TBM 101 = 96.339m + 0.505m

● Elevation of TBM 101 = 96.844m

f. Setup Point #1 /3

● V = (9.991m) (tan -0°48’09”)

V = -0.140m

● ∆ ELEV = 1.428m + (-0.140m) - 1.500m

∆ ELEV = -0.212m

● Elevation of CP ‘B’ = 96.339m + ( -0.212m)

Elevation of CP ‘B’ = 96.127m

2. What is your misclosure between your known elevation, and measured elevation from
Setup Point #2? Show your work. /2

● Misclosure = Measured Elevation of CP ‘B’ - Known Elevation of CP ‘B’

● Misclosure = 96.127m - 96.121m = 0.006 m or 6 mm
3. Why is it important to measure the height of the instrument during every setup? /1
● Measuring the height of the instrument is needed to accurately determine the
vertical distance between the instrument and the point being measured. This
information is then needed to calculate the slope distance. It also allows for the
correction of any errors that may be caused by uneven ground or other factors.

4. Report the elevation of CP 1 from this lab, Lab #2 & Lab #3. What one is the most
accurate and why? /3
● Elevation of CP ‘1’ from lab #2 = 96.301m
● Elevation of CP ‘1’ from lab #3 = 96.295m
● Elevation of CP ‘1’ form this lab = 96.305m
The elevation which is obtained using a total station in this lab is more accurate than the
ones obtained using an automatic level in Lab #2 and Lab #3. This is because total stations use
self leveling bubble vials and lasers to take measurements which include angles, distances and
elevations. Some total stations are also able to correct for personal errors, such as imperfect
leveling of the instrument. Total stations are also more accurate than automatic levels for long
distance measurements.

5. Is it reasonable to assume we can use a total station for a benchmark loop? Would you
consider it more convenient than a level? /2
● Total stations offer precise elevation measurements, but for benchmark loops,
automatic levels prove more practical. Automatic levels are easier to set up,
requiring less effort and time compared to total stations. Moreover, their
portability is superior due to their reduced weight and size, facilitating swift
movement between multiple benchmark setup points. This ease of use and
enhanced portability make automatic levels the preferred choice for efficient
benchmark loop operations, particularly in scenarios involving numerous setup
CIVL 1114

Marking Sheet: Lab #4 Using a Total Station

1. Lab Report Contents (10 Marks)

a. Title Page /1
b. Instruments /1
c. Procedure /1
d. Summarized Table of Results (Show only the averages towards each point) /1
e. Summary /1
f. List of group member contributions /1

2. Fieldbook Submission (16 Marks)

a. Title page /1
b. Diary (Project Name, Crew, Details) /1
c. Measurement Results /12
e. Sketch of Area /2

3. Discussion Questions (26 Marks)

a. Q1 - /18
b. Q2 - /2
c. Q3 - /1
d. Q4 - /3
e. Q5 - /2

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